As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 141 The Grand Master of the Furnace will go up to the building to kill you. I, the Bull Demo

Jiulong River, the river water is rushing and roaring.

It roars and hits the reef, exploding white waves like thousands of snow piles.

Although it is snowing heavily and the world is cold, the surface of Jiulong River shows no signs of freezing.

The water is extremely warm.

It seems that someone is burning a fire at the bottom of the river, which keeps boiling the whole river.

On the river bank.

Several figures stand there, some big and some small.

The leader, wearing a black and white robe, has a slender figure and a long beard. He squats on the river bank and plunges his palm into the rushing river water.

Feeling the terrifying and roaring divinity in the river water...

The figure opens his eyes, and a vertical line flashes between his eyebrows, revealing a look of surprise.

"What a weird temple of the eight-armed angry third prince, it is worthy of being the top four imperial weird temple..."

The Taoist praised softly.

Behind him, in addition to several young men and women, there were several small children who looked no more than six or seven years old.

"Master, let's quickly enter the Jinguang City. We have been traveling for a long time and are a little tired. We want to eat something hot."

A chubby little boy wearing a felt hat kept breathing out to dispel the chilly current and shouted to the Taoist who was playing in the water.

The Taoist stood up and shook off the water stains in his hands: "Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat, your master shouldn't have brought you a foodie!"

"This time, the resonance of the temple god is no more than 70%. Let's see if your master will fast you!"

The Taoist had a vertical divine pattern on his forehead, flashing with light, and glared at the fat boy angrily.

"We came all the way from Daocheng just for the resonance of the temple god. The opening of the strange gate of the Four Imperials Weird Temple will give us a chance to obtain the Four Imperials' magical weapons!"

"It is said that the many magical weapons of the Third Prince's temple god are a set! A set!"

"In the face of such an opportunity... you all should cheer up!"

"Jinguan City has accepted a child prodigy this year, who is not inferior to you!"

The Taoist stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly.

The little fat man magically took out a boiled corn and put it in his mouth to chew it, humming while chewing: "How can the child prodigy of Jinguan City compare with us?"

"We are the authentic child prodigies of Daocheng!"

"Heaven favors me, God favors me, a child prodigy of a small city, what's the point... Master, do you want to have a bite?"

The little fat man felt the sharp gaze of the Taoist that seemed to want to cut off his fat.

I shuddered suddenly and hurriedly handed over the boiled corn that he had chewed most of.

"Not coming!"

"Don't be too confident. This Jinguanfu Li Nuanxi is ranked 21st on the Lingnan Daocheng Prodigy List!"

The Taoist said.

"Master, I'm 18th!"

The little fat man said indifferently, waving his chubby hands: "Besides, according to the introduction, the little girl mainly relied on her young age to squeeze into the 21st place."

"Don't be afraid of her. She's not a competitor at all."

"I've got the inheritance of the Third Prince."

The little fat man finished eating the corn, cleaned up the garbage attentively, took out a bowl of strawberries, and started stuffing them into his mouth one by one.

The Taoist shook his head helplessly.

Looking at the other spirit children and prodigies he brought from Daocheng, they all looked the same.

They were all confident in their own talents, and with the prejudice of Daocheng monks against local prefectures, they didn't take the spirit children and prodigies of Jinguanfucheng seriously at all.

This is going to be a big loss.

He looked at the magnificent temple standing in the center of the river.

Just by looking at it, he couldn't help but feel a sense of depression and horror in his heart, as if there was a child tied up by countless chains, with black flames wrapped around his body, roaring angrily under the river!

The Taoist's eyes condensed.

Compared with the top-level Four Imperial Weird Temple suppressed by the Qianyuan Orthodox Sect, this Four Imperial Three Prince Weird Temple located in Jinguang City is indeed restless and on the verge of an explosion.

In addition to bringing the disciples of the Orthodox Sect here this time, he also monitored the degree of unrest in this Four Imperial Eight-Armed Angry Three Prince Weird Temple.

Once it exceeds the scope that the power of Jinguang City can suppress, it is necessary to report to the Orthodox Sect and send Shenyuan Zhenren to take charge.

"Let's go, enter Jinguang City."

"The branches of other states should also send monks with spiritual children... Perform well, you are disciples of the Orthodox Sect of Daocheng, don't be outdone by the disciples of the branch sect."

After the Taoist said this, he took the children into the carriage.

The wheel hub turned, crushing the snow and wind, and slowly drove towards the Jinguangfu City.

"Master, I have roast chicken here, do you want to eat it?"

"Shut up! Don't eat it! Are you a pig?!"

A child's earnest voice sounded in the shaking carriage.

Then the Taoist cursed angrily.



The whole snowy plain shook violently, and countless flying snow was agitated and flying continuously.

It seemed to sink and collapse in an instant, and the agitated air flow roared and violently pulled the flying snow.

The black robe fluttered, and the cute cow mask was dim.

Staring at the dense death and corpse gas bursting out from the mountain in front.

That was the perception transmitted to each other after the Seven Yuan Corpse Curse Seal echoed each other!

In the chessboard of heaven and earth.

The suppressed Seven Yuan Corpse Curse Seal was trembling constantly.

Li Che's spiritual consciousness figure was suspended, and he kept flicking his fingers, shaking out the chess pieces of the Immaculate Heart Spirit.

The divine chess piece exploded like an avalanche, and the divine power burst out, impacting the Seal of the Seven Element Corpse Curse.

It caused circles of black air waves to hit the mountain peak.

The black fireworks that ignited like beacons in the mountain peaks were so conspicuous and dazzling in the white flying snow in the sky and in Li Che's pupils!

"It's you..."

Li Che held down his bamboo hat, his black robe billowing endlessly, and under the cute cow mask, his eyes showed surprise and surprise.

Because, he did not expect that this person was hiding in the dark, bewitching Shangguan Qinglei, and even using the Seven-Yuan Divine Weapon to let Shangguan Qinglei try to trap Xixi...

It could be him!

The mountain peak rises from the ground, like a sword endowed with flowing light, with a raging sword intent that is sharp and domineering!

Standing in front of Li Che was one of the four elder peaks... Flowing Sword Peak!

Flowing Sword Peak!

The location of the Shenzong Jinguang Branch Law Enforcement Hall!

Li Che took a deep breath, and the airflow around him was raging. It was obvious that he was also a little shocked.

Xu Jiuqing...

It's him!

Reflected on the chessboard of heaven and earth, Li Che's standing position was instantly used as the star position, and it continued to expand, slowly enveloping Liujian Peak.

In Liujian Peak, Li Che saw Xu Jiuqing sitting cross-legged.

Black corpse energy fireworks surged out from Xu Jiuqing's body.

Li Che originally thought that there might be someone else on Liujian Peak.


After several explorations, it was finally determined...

It’s Xu Jiuqing.

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Jinguang branch turned out to be... an evil person from the Corpse God Sect!

What this undercover did... He actually sat in such a high position!

It simply surprised Li Che.

Originally, Li Che guessed that those who possess the seal of the Seven-Yuan Corpse Curse must have reached the realm of gods.

The only masters of Shenzong's telescope are the four elders and the sect leader Nan Lihuo.

Now that the sect leader Nan Lihuo has been eliminated as a suspect, the four elders are still suspected.

Zhang Qingzheng from Liangxiu Peak, Zhu Hongdou from Hongyun Peak, Xu Jiuqing from Liujian Peak and Weng Wuyu from Nanfeng Peak!

Li Che initially targeted Elder Weng Wuyu on the southern mountain peak.

But guesses are guesses, and the other three peaks cannot be let go.

Therefore, Li Che expanded the chessboard of heaven and earth, and continuously struck the seal of the corpse curse with the divine explosion of Wu Guan's heart.

It's like a god patrolling the mountains to explore.

Liang Xiufeng investigated, and Zhang Qingzheng was the least likely suspect, but he did not let him go.

Sure enough, there was no response from the Corpse Curse Seal aura on the two sleeve peaks.

Then there is Hongyun Peak, Liujian Peak, and finally Nanfeng Peak.

But Li Che never thought...

After checking Liujian Peak, they found the hidden rat of the Corpse God Cult.

The world suddenly became silent.

Li Che wore a cute cow mask and laughed softly.

He couldn't help but think of the scene that day when Xu Jiuqing came escorting the inner sect deacon Zhao Jianmian.

Now that I think about it...

The other party was simply testing to see if he was exposed because he lost the Seal of the Corpse Curse.

And an upright swordsman, who was supposed to be just like Li Qingshan, an upright and indomitable person, turned out to be an evil person from the Corpse God Cult.

No wonder it could be hidden within Shenzong for so long.

In the past year, the thief has shouted "Catch the thief", it's just...

So cool!

You are so naughty!

Li Che's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Thinking of Xu Jiuqing, the real culprit who wanted to murder his daughter, he kept wandering around in front of him with a hypocritical attitude.

With an awe-inspiring look, he vowed to find out the evildoers of the Corpse God Cult...

Li Che's murderous intention became stronger than ever before!

"A swordsman who is full of uprightness cannot be an evil person from the Corpse God Cult... When he said this, Xu Jiuqing must have been filled with joy."

"The feeling of pleasure of having everyone under your control?"

The murderous intent in Li Che's eyes could not be concealed.

He wants to kill Xu Jiuqing now!

The murderous intention was so strong that it was impossible to hide it, and he... didn't need to hide it!

What is the overall situation?

Don't be alarmed...

Does he care?

Want to harm his daughter...

I'll kill you!

Li Che's eyes were filled with coldness.

The snowflakes on the entire terrace instantly began to rise. His toes suddenly landed, and his body ejected and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already on the branch of an old tree.

He raised his hand, brought his sword fingers together, tore open the air in front of him, and then took out "Namo Senko Barrett"!

And the bull demon mask was replaced by a horse mask.

The whole person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant.

If the previous bull demon's murderous intention could not be concealed, violent, ferocious and various crazy emotions circulated, causing many flying snowflakes to explode into snow powder.

At that moment, all that was left in Ma Mian's face was calmness, an extremely cold composure.

An excellent sniper needs to be calm and extremely calm!

"Xu Jiuqing...can he be killed in the middle state of divine appearance?"

"You may not be able to kill him, but..."

"Killing you doesn't necessarily require my own hands."

"Within Shenzong... if you are exposed, how can you survive?"

The eyes of Ma Mian were faint and extremely dark, like two black holes hanging in the sky, attracting all the light and heat around them.

Li Che closed his eyes and thought about the next battle plan.

Xu Jiuqing...

Not weak, in fact very powerful.

In the middle realm of divine appearance, he is a sword cultivator with extremely terrifying combat power. In addition, he is also a master of the Corpse God Cult. He possesses the seal of the Seven-Yuan Corpse Curse, so he must have cultivated the Cursed Bronze Corpse...

This is the most powerful opponent Li Che has encountered so far.

It is very difficult to kill such an existence.

But, you can't stop trying just because it is difficult.

Li Che first deduced the way forward and backward in his mind, and sensed the flying thunder chess piece. If the assassination failed, he would escape immediately!

He did not notify Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan just left in a hurry, looking like he couldn't hold it back. He would break through the divine phase in three days. If he took action at this critical moment, something unexpected would happen.

Then this divine phase could not be broken through.

In addition...

Li Che inexplicably felt that if Li Qingshan came...

to deal with Xu Jiuqing, not only would he not be able to give any help, but he would also be a bit... a drag.

After all, Li Qingshan couldn't be like him, Li Che, who could use the flying thunder chess piece to move freely, kill when he wanted to, and leave when he wanted to.

Free and easy!


There is no need for Li Qingshan!

He raised his hand and tapped the Niwan between his eyebrows. Instantly, the divine nature was drawn out, and the blood and qi burst out, interweaving into divine ink in front of him.

He flicked his fingers again, and the divine nature of the Immortal Heart turned into flawless white paper.

He opened his five fingers and swiped them in front of him. Instantly, five pieces of Immortal Heart drawing paper appeared.

Dao Fruit [Fairy in Painting]!

The ink color was smudged, and it exploded on the flawless drawing paper like fireworks!

Instantly, a "Dragon Tooth Bodhi" appeared on each of the five drawing papers.

Five Dragon Tooth Bodhi floated out of the drawing paper and hovered in front of the horse-faced man.

He pinched a Dragon Tooth Bodhi and put it into the "Immortal Work Barrett".

The other four were suspended in front of the horse-faced man.

He slowly raised the Immortal Work Barrett.

His eyes suddenly changed, and in an instant, a chessboard spread out from the whites of his eyes...

The chessboard of heaven and earth, I am a star!



The entire Liujian Peak was covered by Li Che's chessboard of heaven and earth.

Li Che's spirit and energy condensed to the extreme in an instant, locking onto the sitting Xu Jiuqing!

"It's time..."

"Let's get going."


A brilliant golden light exploded like a dragon's roar.

The golden dragon stretched across, tearing the air, twisting the space, and the air waves shot out, and all the flying snow on the path exploded and evaporated in an instant!

This sniper!

Sniper God!




When the sound exploded, the entire Shenzong Mountain Gate seemed to hear an echo.

Liujian Peak.

Sitting cross-legged in the palace, Xu Jiuqing, who was carrying a sword that suppressed the flowing sword energy, closed his eyes and cultivated the sword.

Suddenly, a throbbing came from his heart!

It was a kind of... throbbing of death!

He suddenly opened his eyes, and countless sword qi flowed from his pupils, as if roaring and ferociously drilling out!

Then, Xu Jiuqing saw it!

He saw an extremely obscure stream of light, which seemed to be bloody, like an angry dragon opening its mouth full of fine and sharp fangs!

It came silently!

The straight light that penetrated the east and west came at a terrifying speed, and then there were bursts of explosions one after another!

"This is..."


It was very dangerous and scary, which made Xu Jiuqing feel terrified!

You know, he is a strong man in the middle realm of the Godly Phase. Looking at the entire Jinguang City, he is an extremely good strong man.

"A sneak attack!"

"Someone wants to sneak attack and assassinate me?!"

"Who is it?"

Xu Jiuqing's mind turned a lot of thoughts in an instant.

However, in the end, all his thoughts turned into a palm in front of him. He slapped his palm fiercely, and countless sword qi raged out from the treasured sword on his back.

The sword qi was endowed with flowing light, constantly gathering in front of him, interweaving and entangling, and only had time to form a vague sword qi shield.

The flowing light that shot in came silently!

Because the speed was too fast, the mighty sound waves that tore the air did not even catch up.


It was like a boulder thrown into the lake, setting off extremely terrifying wind and waves and ripples!

The extremely terrifying sound waves suddenly exploded at this moment!

The air wave ripples that spread in concentric rings, surging and shooting, and the entire floor of the room was instantly covered with intertwined and torn cracks!

Xu Jiuqing sat cross-legged on the ground. He had no time to get up, so he could only stack the sword qi in front of him!

He pushed forward with a palm, his eyes were bright, and the surging airflow messed up his neat and meticulous hair!

However, his eyes suddenly shrank.

But he saw...

The center of the sword energy shield seemed to be accompanied by countless clanging and exploding sounds!

The extremely terrifying penetrating power was released from the stream of light shooting from afar!

Countless sword energies clanged and broke!

Then, there was a blood-red, hideous-looking mechanism that looked like a dragon tooth!


Xu Jiuqing only had time to think of this.

The next moment, the sword energy shield was twisted, revealing a hole!

The dragon tooth bullet tore open his sword energy shield!

The speed was too fast!

Xu Jiuqing only saw that his palm, which was raised in front of him and activated the sword energy shield, suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist, and the palm of his hand was pierced and torn into a hole!

However, the power of the dragon tooth was also weakened a lot, and it shot into his shoulder, bringing up a puff of blood mist.

But the really scary...

was the power that exploded after the dragon tooth shot into his shoulder!

The dragon's teeth instantly disintegrated and seemed to turn into thousands of rays of light, flowing along the rapid flow of meridians in the body to the limbs and bones.


The disintegrated Dragon Tooth Bodhisattva suddenly curled up and tried to carve out his flesh and blood, tearing out a teardrop of flesh and blood that looked like tears!

"How vicious!"

"So cruel!"

"Horse face!"

Xu Jiuqing suddenly thought of it.

The secret archer who once shot and killed Shangguan Zhengheng, the head of the Shangguan family!

Horse face!

A bull demon, a horse face...

Now there are two mysterious existences in Jinguang Fucheng!

It's very scary.

The Bull Demon picked a fishing gang.

And Ma Mian almost killed Shangguan Zhengheng, the head of an aristocratic family who had taken refuge in the Corpse God Cult!

But now...

Ma Mian actually wanted to kill him!

Xu Jiuqing felt the Bodhisattva thread that penetrated his limbs and bones, trying to tear out all his flesh and blood.

The eyes flashed coldly.

Powerful spiritual consciousness instantly covered his whole body, and his physical body... vaguely emitted a rich bronze luster!

Dacheng...curse the bronze corpse!


The Bodhisattva threads that had penetrated his body one by one were unable to curl up at this moment. They were forcibly fixed in the flesh and blood by Xu Jiuqing's extremely powerful flesh and blood!

Xu Jiuqing stood up. His pierced palm, with its bronze flesh and blood squirming, recovered as before amid the growth of countless flesh buds!

"That's all?"

"You dare to come and assassinate a godly figure in the middle realm?"

Xu Jiuqing's face was extremely cold and stern.

However, at this moment, his heart was beating loudly, and he felt an inexplicable chilly hair on his back!


Why did Ma Mian come to kill him?

Why him and not someone else?


Exposed? !

Ma Mian was the one who acted together with Li Qingshan and Lin Xiu, and now Ma Mian takes action...

Does it mean that Li Qingshan also knows about it?

He hid his identity so well...

Has it been exposed? !

Just when Xu Jiuqing's mind was spinning rapidly and thinking...

He originally thought that he would give up and leave after failing to succeed in the attack on the horse's face. He planned to hide the power of the curse on the bronze corpse, but...

The second extremely fast stream of light came out again silently.

With a pop, the chisel hit his chest, and then a roaring sound came rolling in!

An overwhelming wave of terrifying energy hit his body hard!

"There's a second shot?!"


The sound of explosion, the extremely powerful impact, and the terrifying penetrating power!

It was deeply embedded into Xu Jiuqing's cursed bronze corpse body.

The chest was sunken, as if a whole piece of flesh and blood had been gouged out, revealing a huge bloody hole!

He staggered, took a step back, and stomped down hard.

The ground of the entire room shook violently, and countless bricks and stones exploded in an instant, flying up and down, and countless hot air seemed to spray out from the cracks that spread densely like a spider web!

Her hair was dancing wildly, and Xu Jiuqing's eyes gradually turned violent!

It’s frustrating, it’s so frustrating!

No one saw him, but he was hit twice by hidden weapons across an unknown distance!

Hard to guard against!

He was a master in the realm of Divine Appearance, and he couldn't even react to defend against it!

Thick corpse energy and death energy spurted out from the flesh and blood in the depression.

That dragon's tooth was embedded in the body of his cursed bronze corpse!

It has never penetrated his flesh and blood!

Bang bang—bang—! ! ! !


Before he could help himself to stabilize his body, there were three more wave-like sonic booms, and terrifying overlapping explosions resounded!

But Xu Jiuqing's sunken chest had already been penetrated by three spiral-like high-speed dragon tooth bullets!

Xu Jiuqing thump thump thump…

He kept retreating, and with every step he took, the ground was shattered!

The cultivation of the master's back realm has tempered the internal organs to become extremely tough.

Coupled with the incomparable power brought by the Cursed Bronze Corpse.

But I can't hold it...

Ma Mian is locked with a chessboard of heaven and earth, a sniper with unparalleled accuracy!

Continuous sniping at one point can penetrate even a thick house!

The powerful body blessed by the cursed bronze corpse was actually pierced at this moment!

The explosive spray of blood mist instantly spread throughout the entire house where the air flow was flying.

Xu Jiuqing grasped Yunyang's sword, his eyes filled with murderous intent, his chest was shot through and blood was flowing.

But suddenly, the four Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullets that had penetrated his body began to vibrate violently.

His spiritual consciousness swept over and discovered that the Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullets had turned into thousands of Bodhi threads and spread out, and then what emerged were the five chess pieces hidden in them that released strong divinity.

Four black and one white!

Five chess pieces!

That divinity…

Virtual Realm!

"Shangguan Zhengheng?!"

Xu Jiuqing was dumbfounded, but the next moment, the chess pieces seemed to be hidden bombs, exploding in his body at the same time!

Four blasts in a row!

Xu Jiuqing felt that the internal organs that had been exercised in her body were about to burst!

The body of the Dacheng Curse Bronze Corpse is strong and invincible on the outside, but on the inside... it's just the internal organs of the master's rear realm that are tempered!

Unless his cursed copper corpse reaches the master level, his internal organs can become tough.

If you reach the state of transformation, your whole body will be perfect both inside and outside!

The party is indestructible!

But now, he has not reached such a level.

The terrifying power like an avalanche, vented and exploded from his body, making Xu Jiuqing unable to help but bleed from the corner of his mouth!

His eyes were bloodshot, full of madness!

The powerful pressure of the Godly Phase level swept and spread around, trying to suppress everything.

Countless dusts were all stuck to the ground, and the broken bricks and stones on the ground were shaking!

Horse Face!

Xu Jiuqing was furious, but he had no chance to find Horse Face and kill this archer hidden in the dark!

He didn't even dare to remove the power of the Curse Bronze Corpse.

He was afraid that in the dark, another dragon tooth bullet would be shot at him!

However, he couldn't keep the power of the Curse Bronze Corpse...

For a long time...

It would be exposed!

He had to hide his identity, and the breath he leaked...was a bit long!

Xu Jiuqing's face changed!

He couldn't be sure whether Li Qingshan had discovered his identity.

But since the horse-faced demon had discovered it, it meant that Li Qingshan was not far from being discovered!

He could no longer hide.

Damn it...

Xu Jiuqing was furious: "Why was I exposed? Why did the horse-faced demon come looking for me?"

"Why? Why?!"

Suddenly, a current shot through Xu Jiuqing's brain.

"Could it be that... Seven Yuan Corpse Curse Seal!"


"We have to go!"

Xu Jiuqing grabbed the sword without hesitation and was about to flee!

However, just when he made a move...

I don't know when.

The white divine chess piece that came with the dragon tooth bullet disappeared.


In the countless raging smoke and dust, a figure appeared silently in the torn hurricane, appearing behind him like a ghost!


Hot, boiling!

Dragon roar, elephant hiss!

The terrible blood and qi, like a furnace, accompanied by the sound of muscle and bone friction, many organs and internal organs are wriggling and shaking!

A low and suppressed voice...

resonated faintly behind him.

"Climb up the stairs..."

Xu Jiuqing's hair stood on end, what the hell is this? !


With a glance, he only caught a glimpse of a very cute...

cute cow mask in the raging airflow.



On Liujian Peak.

The terrifying explosion, the momentum that was instantly raised was earth-shaking!

The terrifying momentum like an avalanche shook people's minds!

The disciples in Liujian Peak heard the explosion one after another, everyone changed color, ran out of their houses, and saw the Elder Hall shaking violently, and the terrifying dust and smoke rolled up!

At the same time.

Jinguang Peak, the temple.

Nan Lihuo, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to have two golden flames spinning!

He frowned suddenly.

A look of anger emerged!


How dared to attack the gate of the Divine Sect so brazenly!

The City Lord's Mansion? !

Finally, Su Huaili had to confess!

Nan Lihuo stood up, and the wind blew violently around him, blowing his clothes tightly against his body. His long sleeves of wide robes rolled up violently, and he put his hands behind his back.

He took a step and rushed out of the temple like a golden light.

He appeared above the temple.

Whoosh whoosh——

Two streams of light shot out at a rapid speed, they were Liu Yangyuan and Sang Guanyin!


The two looked extremely solemn.

Nan Lihuo raised his hand and pressed it slightly to stop them from continuing to talk.

He rose from the ground, soared straight up, and floated above the Golden Light Peak a hundred feet high, as if he was riding the wind and standing in the air.

Looking up, he saw the direction of the explosion...

It was Liujian Peak.

Liujian Peak... Xu Jiuqing? !

Nan Lihuo's eyes ignited with monstrous golden flames.

Xu Jiuqing...

There is! Corpse! Qi!

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