As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 148 The sniper fight between Longshan and Mamian is nothing but a magic arrow like a dog&#03

You aim to shoot Li Qingshan!

Then I'll snipe you!

It's that simple!

Li Che's idea is simple and pure.

He wanted to see whether Wenlongshan's arrow or his immortal Barrett's sniper... came faster!

The dragon tooth bodhi bullet whizzed out, like a stream of light, piercing the night sky in an instant. The light slowly receded, as if it was hidden in the darkness.

The dragon's teeth go first, and the sound follows!

The high-speed rotating Dragon Tooth Bodhi shattered the raindrops falling from the sky one after another across a distance of more than ten miles, and exploded into pieces of misty mist.

It's so fast!

The thunder roared, but it had not yet reached the ears of Wen Longshan, who was drawing his bow...

The bullet, which looked like a dragon opening its bloody mouth and revealing its fangs, had already reached a hundred feet around him!

So fast!

Wen Longshan was shocked!

It clearly shot out from an extremely far away place...

But compared to his arrows...



Wen Longshan's eyes flashed with light, distorting the airflow in front of him, as if he had turned into an eagle's eye overlooking everything from a high altitude.

This is a divine secret technique, and he has practiced it to the level of a master.

It is a divine and secret art of vision that must be practiced by magic archers.

It can greatly enhance the accuracy and precision of the archer.

Feeling the sense of crisis coming from his scalp, the hairs on his neck stood up.

Wen Longshan did not hesitate, turned the direction of the fully drawn bow, and loosened the bowstring in a silent direction.

The arrow, covered with a layer of red light, roared and shot out!



The sharp sound waves suddenly exploded!

The arrow shrouded in red light tore through the night and rain like a meteor, splitting through the sky!

The terrifying sound waves were like roaring sounds, rolling and exploding!

This arrow is reaching its peak!

It’s the archery skills of a master archer!


The arrow is fast, the sniper Aralia Bodhi is faster!

The arrow shot out almost a hundred meters before exploding with a bang!

Official collision with Dragon Ya Bodhi bullet!

Arrows and Dragon Teeth Bodhi Bullets...


Like two sharp archers, they opened up the formation and faced each other in the middle!

The powerful divine power and blood were torn apart in an instant, the tough material of the arrow was torn apart, and the arrowhead collapsed.

There seemed to be gorgeous golden fireworks exploding suddenly in the night sky.

far away.

Su Huaili sat quietly under the eaves, the fire burning beside him, boiling the melted snow water in the pot, and it kept rolling.

He looked at the exploding fireworks with sparkling eyes.

He picked up the cup and took a sip of hot tea.

call out--!

The golden fireworks were suddenly twisted and torn apart!

Another dragon tooth bullet, before the sound wave arrives, the killing attack comes first!

He tore open the fireworks that had just exploded and shot towards Wen Longshan's eyebrows very quickly!

Wanting to dig through his eyebrows.

One blow to the head, a powerful kill!


There was a thunderous explosion, lightning and thunder, like countless hideous lightning spider webs spread across the sky, suddenly appeared!

Light up the night like day!


Halfway up the mountain, the courtyard where Li Che's family lived was closed tightly, and huge raindrops continued to fall from the sky.

It hit the ground, exploded and split, and exploded into pieces.

Xixi stayed at Jinguang Peak tonight and did not send him back because Nan Lihuo also knew that Zhenglei Peak would be more dangerous tonight.

He and Li Che tacitly arranged for Xixi to be placed on Jinguang Peak.

Senior sister Sang Guanyin accompanied her and protected her.

In the yard.

Zhang Ya and Lu Chi stayed in the room where Granny Mu was sleeping.

Lu Chi stood at the window with his hands behind his back. He had a maturity that belied his age, and his eyes were solemn and deep.

Zhang Ya looked at Lu Chi curiously, as if meeting this big-headed boy who often came to the house for dinner for the first time.

"Xiao Chi, are you worried about Master?"

Zhang Ya smiled gently.

Lu Chi turned around and smoothed his frown, revealing a hint of joy and anger that was inappropriate for his age.

"Aunt Ya, Master's attack on the divine form extremely dangerous."

"Although he is within the sect's mountain gate,... the master was ignorant when he was young, and his actions were neither gentle nor severe. He hurt too many people and offended too many people..."

"Many people don't like that he can step into the divine realm. They are all waiting for this opportunity to make him fail to break through."

Lu Chi said helplessly.

Zhang Ya looked at Lu Chi, who was like a little adult, and shook her head: "Don't husband should go and help. If you don't believe in your master, how can it be that you still don't trust me?"

Lu Chi hesitated.

This is a love brain.

However, having the Bull Demon take action is indeed very reassuring.

Zhang Ya also looked out the window, worry naturally appearing in her eyes.

Belief is one thing, but worry... is also real.

When the wife is at home, she will always unconsciously worry about her husband who is working hard outside.

Right above Leifeng.

The electric snake swam away, and was evaporated and melted by the hot current, condensed into raindrops, and poured into the world.

Countless thick thunderclouds rolled over it, and the momentum was really too huge.

Many people have already felt the difference.

He realized that Li Qingshan was not trying to form the Seven-Yuan Divine Appearance at all.

This is the plan to condense the six divisions' divine appearance!

"Li Qingshan... is so arrogant! He still wants to condense the appearance of the Sixth Division? What a beautiful idea!"

"Does this allow him to succeed? If this allows him to succeed, then Jinguang Fucheng and I will have to be on tenterhooks in the future, be careful of a claw hammer hitting our heads at any time!"

"He must be stopped! We must not let Li Qingshan succeed in breaking through!"

The sounds intertwined in the night were endless.

The tyrannical consciousness communicated with each other, and even the roaring rainstorm could not isolate their clear voice transmission.


Electric snakes swam around and lit up the sky.

Suddenly, one could vaguely see the monks one after another wearing black night clothes and various masks, controlling the air current, floating in the mid-air night.

Divine phase monks can achieve sky control, which is a unique sign of the divine phase realm.

The virtual phase monks can only fly into the air for a short period of time, which is completely different from the divine phase monks who stay in the air for a long time and treat the sky as land.

They stared at Zhenglei Peak from a long distance away, looking at the temple on the top of the mountain, as if they were absorbing the thunder of heaven and earth!

Loud and terrifying!

Thunder to kill evil!

Thunder is the most righteous, and once the demons and monsters get close, they will disappear into thin air.

And the thunder of heaven and earth is even more brilliant and mighty!

When observing the divine form, the first thing to do is to match the temperament of the divine form.

Although thunder and evil are the divine nature of thinking among the seven emotions, thunder and evil are the temperaments of the gods.

If the temperament is not compatible, the failure rate of trying to condense the spirit will be very high.

In order to fit in with his divine appearance, Li Qingshan has always followed the path of hating evil as much as he hates it, and being upright.

With a ram-horned sky-breaking hammer, how many evildoers have been killed by the hammer, and how many evils have been destroyed?

This is Li Qingshan's way of practice.

The look and temperament he wants to match!


Many masters wearing masks did not take action immediately. Their powerful spiritual consciousness swept away, and their bodies floated towards the top of the mountain.

If Li Qingshan chooses to condense the Seven-Yuan Divine Aspect, then they will take action as soon as Li Qingshan chooses to condense it.

Because, Li Qingshan will never fail in the condensation of the Seven Yuan Divine Aspects and needs their interference.

But it was different when Li Qingshan chose to condense the Divine Appearance of the Sixth Division.

It may seem that Mo Yao is only one level higher, but the gap is extremely terrifying.

In the entire Jinguang City, the only ones who truly embody the divine appearance of the Six Divisions are probably those who stand in the realm of Yuan Xiang.

And those few people all have good backgrounds.

For example, Nan Lihuo had an authentic teacher from the Qianyuan Dynasty.

Xie Jing, the governor-general of the Temple Control Bureau, was backed by the imperial court and had countless resources, not to mention the supervision of the Qintian Prison.

Even the one from Shendiao Ridge was from a good background and had precious divine items that could enhance his physical body.

Therefore, the Sixth Divine Appearance can be created.

What do you, Li Qingshan, have?

Full of righteousness to punish evil?

This thing can't help you strengthen your physical body and resist the terrifying power impact of the six gods entering your body!

Li Qingshan's qi-blood martial arts cultivation is at the post-grandmaster level, which is far from perfect. In the eyes of these divine monks, the failure rate is probably extremely high.

If Li Qingshan himself fails to attack the Sixth Divine Appearance, it will save them the trouble.

Right on Leifeng.

The thunder continued to crash down, raging around, exploding into groups of fireworks with lightning and thunder.

Countless roaring air waves rolled and surged, and the rainwater was swept away.

Only Li Qingshan's green clothes, sitting on the futon, were fluttering wildly and huntingly.

Sitting cross-legged, his hands formed the pagoda seal.

The mud ball between the eyebrows is slightly shiny.

The thunder between heaven and earth was intertwined to the extreme. Li Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes, stood up on the spot, and faced the [Suspense Thunder Zhen Evil Killing Vajra Statue] in the temple built!

The armor of the statue is clanging, and the eagle-like feathers on its back suddenly spread out, creating a sense of oppression coming towards the face!


Terrifying thunder rolls.

In an instant.

Countless thunderbolts gathered and intertwined above the temple, as if there was a lightning rod, absorbing all the lightning between heaven and earth.

The thunder and lightning are intertwined and condensed into the shape of a god!


The god with flashes of thunder descended from the sky, bursting out with extremely brilliant brilliance, attracting the attention of countless people.

It was like a god slowly tearing open the barrier of the sky and walking out of the palace in the sky.

A face that was bigger than a house, with thunder and whiskers moving, slowly descended from behind the clouds.

The hurricane roared and the raindrops flew.

The momentum was extremely huge.

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged and kept holding the pagoda seal. The green clothes on his body quickly fell back and clung to his body.

His hair was fluttering and dancing wildly, and he placed aside the ram-horned sky-breaking hammer that had accompanied him in countless battles and had been stained with countless blood.

He can't help but attract Thunder, and is tempered and baptized by Thunder.

From the divine base to the divine form, it is a great leap, and the improvement is very obvious.

It is a kind of qualitative change, as if the gods are really being introduced to one's body.

Completely transform the divinity of the gods into one's own possession.

The realm of divine appearance is somewhat similar to sculpture.

The divine foundation is like the wood of a wood carver, and the transformed spiritual consciousness is used as a carving knife to slowly carve out the image of the imagined god.

Through the characteristics of same-sex attraction, it absorbs and absorbs the divinity that belongs to God alone.

The virtual form is a rough embryo carved out, which only temporarily gives the appearance of a god, but it is not clear and does not count as a real wood carving.

The true divine appearance is the completed carving.

The subsequent divine appearance practice is the process of slowly polishing the completed divine wood carving.

In the process of polishing, it is also a process of cultivating one's nature.

In fact, the cultivation of divinity cannot be separated from the word "cultivating nature" from beginning to end.


When Li Qingshan pulled it down, it was as if the true body of the thunder god descended, and countless lightning arcs exploded on the entire Zhenglei Peak.

Li Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground.

Under the terrifying pressure of the god's rank, his waist was pressed by the pressure of the rank and could not stand up straight.

However, he opened his mouth and let out a long roar, and took on the pressure bit by bit, and straightened his waist!

The pressure of the six gods is also the real six-level, as terrifying as the six temple gods.

Li Qingshan straightened his waist with difficulty, and thunder burst out of his eyes.

The muscles and bones all over his body crackled together.

His spiritual consciousness was growing stronger, and it was flashing like a carving knife.

He looked up at the [Xuan Si Lei Zhen Zhu Xie Jin Gang], and the pressure of the six officials was overwhelming, like waves in the vast sea!

Li Qingshan was extremely excited, and laughed "Hahaha".

"Seven Yuan Shen Xiang?"

"I, Li Qingshan, gave up the virtual phase and cultivated the divine base for many years, just for the Seven Yuan Shen Xiang?"

"If that's the case, how is I, Li Qingshan, different from an ordinary person?"

"I have devoted all my efforts in my life, but I have only condensed a Seven Yuan Shen Xiang, isn't it..."



Li Qingshan's voice was accompanied by anger, and the next moment his arms suddenly opened, and the inner scene of the mud pill between his eyebrows seemed to reflect reality.

In an instant, a brilliant and incomparable divine base interwoven with countless thunders, like a divine wheel, appeared behind him.

The light was brilliant, and the lightning arc was like a dragon snake!

Li Qingshan opened and closed his five fingers, and the Goat Horn Sky Breaking Hammer vibrated, and with a whoosh, it shot out and was grasped in his hand.

With a snap, the lightning snake moved, spreading from the hammer to his whole body in an instant.

He raised his head and let out a long roar!

The Thunder God was furious, and swung a hammer composed of countless lightning arcs above the sky.

Li Qingshan also raised the hammer synchronously!


A hammer fell.

The God Base vibrated, and quickly shook off the fragments, as if the original tissue of the wood was torn apart by a carving knife, shedding wood fragments and flying debris.

God's appearance——


"It's started."

On the Golden Light Peak.

Nan Lihuo rolled up his sleeves, put them behind his back, walked to the steps of the temple, felt the sudden turmoil in the entire Shenzong Mountain Gate, his white hair flying,

he looked in the direction of the True Thunder Peak.

It can be seen that the huge thunder god, like a real god, descended and showed his grace to the mortal who wanted to guide him.

"Six Gods... It's really difficult, but I'm really unwilling to give up if I don't try."

"Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan, he is really not a man who stays content."

"Old man, I support you."

Nan Lihuo smiled.

His toes touched the temple, and his figure suddenly soared into the air, floating in the air.

It was like flying in the wind, soaring into the sky.

With his five fingers clenched, a sword flowing with golden light fell into his hand. The sword seemed to be completely cast in gold, and it was engraved with ancient and mysterious divine texts.

Zizizizi, the golden thunder, wrapped in a faint evil spirit, intertwined on it.

It is the top-grade unique skill "Xuanlei Jinguang Shajian"!

Moreover, compared to the Xuanlei Jinguang Shajian that Xixi had just learned, Nanlihuo's swordsmanship had already reached the master level, condensed the true meaning, and was almost touching the level of the ultimate realm of the ultimate realm!

"Don't spy, you scoundrels, if you have the guts... just attack."

Nanlihuo smiled.

His body trembled, and golden flames burned from all over his body!

Golden Hellfire Glazed Body!

It was the ultimate divine secret technique he taught Xixi!


In an instant, Nanlihuo was like a ball of golden fire, and it quickly swept out!

Those many divine monks wearing night clothes and masks hiding in the dark changed their faces.

However, they were not too worried.

As expected, as soon as Nanlihuo started, there was an extremely dense death and corpse qi rolling!

A figure covered in silver-copper light quickly appeared.

Collided with Nanlihuo!

"Seven Yuan Corpse God Envoy, I don't know... which faction in the city you are joining?"

Nan Lihuo stared at the Corpse God Envoy who appeared by performing the Time and Space Corpse Comparison Technique.

Nan Lihuo was not surprised by the appearance of the Corpse God Envoy.

Because how many masters of the Corpse God Cult were killed by Li Qingshan's sheep-horn sky-breaking hammer?

He even joined forces with the Bull Demon Horse Face from the mysterious organization to almost destroy the Corpse God Cult's layout in the Jinguang City.

How could the Corpse God Cult not hate it?

If Li Qingshan was allowed to condense the Six Gods and possess the combat power of the latter stage of the Gods...

The Corpse God Cult would be extremely troubled.

It is understandable that the Seven Yuan Corpse God Envoy was dispatched to destroy Li Qingshan's breakthrough.

"Nan Lihuo... guess?"

The Seven Yuan Corpse God Envoy was wrapped in a white robe and said faintly.

The voice was obviously changed and the real voice could not be heard.

Nan Lihuo narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the Seven Yuan Corpse God Envoy who walked out of the black vortex, the powerful figure was almost about to refine the Cursed Silver Corpse.

Behind this figure, there were two whirlpools sweeping across, and slowly, two more Seven-Yuan Corpse God Envoys came out!

Three Seven-Yuan Corpse God Envoys!

It can be said that the attention and respect given to Li Qingshan are completely overwhelming!

Nanlihuo's golden hellfire glazed body blazed brightly.

The golden flames in his eyes rolled.

far away.

The sound of erhu playing sounded faintly.

Jian Zheng, a performer, came to join in the fun.

Two sleeve peaks.

Zhang Qingzheng's Confucian shirt fluttered, and he suddenly grabbed the air with his open hands. A god shrouded in countless awe-inspiring white lights and with a majestic aura descended.

Observing the divine appearance is a literary act!

Taking a step forward, Zhang Qingzheng seemed to have sneaked into the inner sanctum of the gods.

A ruler about three feet long fell into his hand and he waved it.


It exploded like thunder!

"Why don't you Xiaoxiao, get out!"

Zhang Qingzheng's beard and hair were flying, anger burst out on his stinky face, and the ruler struck down hard towards the dark place in the void.

Suddenly, those divine monks hiding in the darkness appeared one after another!

They also plan to wait for the opportunity to see if Li Qingshan can complete the breakthrough.

As a result, Zhang Qingzheng didn't give them a chance to peep at all!


"court death!"

A spear was thrown like a red iron, like a giant flame dragon, winding and lashing into the sky!

Domineering and fierce, the rhythm of who comes and who dies!

Countless red flames swept across, and the true form of a burning flame wearing red armor of flames stood across the sky!


The Flame God of the Fire Red Emperor!

"You guys are looking for death!"

The red hair hangs upside down, like a blazing flame.

I wish Hongdou’s eyes widen with anger, like the god of fire coming to this world, with high fighting spirit! The murderous intent is rolling!

It's not just that.

A young man wearing a half-peacock mask stands in the void with his slender hands behind his back.

Although he is wearing a mask, everyone knows that this person is Lin Xiu, the deputy supervisor of Qintian Prison!

Lin Xiu not only came by himself, but also brought another deputy from Qintian Prison.

The slender figure wearing a goat mask wrapped himself tightly without revealing his identity at all.

But following Lin Xiu, everyone already knew his origin.

This night...

Almost all the gods of Jinguang Fucheng met around Zhenglei Peak.

"How brave!"

Wen Longshan was filled with rage!

A roar!

Wen Longshan's eyes distorted the air. In his eyes, the tearing firework followed by the roaring Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullet seemed like countless shrinking snakes twisting and twisting.

Once it is dug into the body, countless dragon snakes will scatter and bite countless pieces of his flesh and blood!

Wen Longshan's toe hit the roof hard, and the black tiles on the top of the pavilion exploded, shooting continuously.

As his figure was ejected and retreated, powerful energy and blood burst out!

Bend the bow and draw the full moon, shoot the arrow!

It only takes one breath to complete the action from drawing the bow to shooting the arrow!

Eighty meters away!

The arrows covering divinity and blood collided with the Dragon Tooth Bodhi again. Before the first firework disappeared, the second extremely gorgeous firework exploded in the night!

After Wen Longshan shot an arrow, his strong body moved into the air, and he moved quickly from the top of the Xianting.

He jumped to the roof of the row of black tiles, running quickly on tiptoes on the beams.

Run and shoot at the same time!



Each of his arrows is powerful!

But the Dragon Tooth Bodhi Bullet is silent, like a poisonous snake hiding in the darkness, swooping out from time to time with its fangs filled with venom!

Bang bang bang!

Arrow after arrow, Wen Longshan felt unprecedented pressure!

The spirit is extremely tense, and the consciousness is stimulated to the extreme.

The divine and mysterious eagle eye stares at all directions, locking on any movement in the dark night!

Even if there is a slight fluctuation in the air flow, he will have to worry about whether bullets are coming!

He became serious, kept running, changing his body shape, never standing still, like a dead target for the opponent to shoot at.

However, those Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullets are extremely accurate. No matter where he is, the opponent can lock his position!

Beads of sweat secreted on Wen Longshan's forehead unknowingly.

Draw the bow and shoot the arrow, draw the bow and shoot the arrow...

He didn't care at all about the soreness and numbness in his arms!

The opponent was like a chess player sitting outside the chessboard, looking down at him from a height of ten thousand feet.

Each piece of Dragon Tooth Bodhi is like a chess piece held by the opponent at his fingertips.

Falling hard from high in the sky!

With a snap, it landed on the chessboard!

It’s time to take his life!

His eagle eye technique...

Totally suppressed!

It seems that he is not on the same level as the other party at all.

He is on the first level, and the other party... has already reached the sky level!

"Horse face!"

"Horse face——!!!"

Wen Longshan's heart beat violently, as a seven-dimensional divine archer of the state city's divine guard.

This was the first time he felt such pressure!

The pressure in a simple archery duel!


Another group of fireworks exploded!

But this time, under the eyes of Wen Longshan's twisted air flow.

That Dragon Tooth Bodhi is far away from him...

Only ten meters!

Wen Longshan roared, and the last three feather arrows in the quiver fell into his hands.

He bent his bow to draw the full moon, and a blood-red color appeared in his eyes.

"I'm... a sharp archer!"

"Found your place!"

On his neck, the veins bulged and trembled like a python, and all the terrifying energy and blood burst out from his body!

Three arrows roared out, and three red streams of light broke through the sound wave, and roared away with a crackling sound like thunder!


Another group of fireworks exploded, boiling and blazing, accompanied by the explosion of gold, iron and blood, and the sound of violent collision and friction between the dragon tooth bodhi and the metal arrowhead of the arrow!

This group of fireworks.

It’s only three meters away from Wenlong Mountain!

Red flames hit his face, burning his flesh and skin!

It can be heard that Longshan didn't care at all.

The next moment.

His eyes narrowed.

His body suddenly shifted with each breath.

But it’s still slow!

The silent Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullet pierced through the twisting and twisting hole in the fireworks three meters away from him, and burst into his left chest!


The harsh and extreme friction sound resounded!

That was the sound of the Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullet rubbing against the Eight-pole Defense Divine Weapon Armor on his body!

The terrifying and sharp piercing power made Wen Longshan shrink his eyes.


Another dragon tooth bullet pierced through the fireworks and exploded!

It was chiseled into his dragon tooth ordinary bullet.

Two bullets collided with each other!

The weak points of the armor were suddenly torn open viciously!

A cloud of blood mist exploded in Wen Longshan's chest.

The first Dragon Tooth Bodhi directly penetrated his chest and came out, while the second Dragon Tooth Bodhi instantly exploded inside his body, and countless Bodhi threads spread crazily.

I want to cut out his flesh and blood!

Wen Longshan held the divine bow in one hand and stood on the roof.

Dragon Teeth Bodhi failed to cut out his flesh and blood.

Because Wenlongshan's powerful flesh and blood was like steel, blocking the bodhisattva threads that were twisting and trying to curl up and gouge out the flesh and blood.

As a magic archer, he pays great attention to physical training. Not only is he powerful in divinity, but he is also not weak in martial arts.

He just doesn't want to give up on his shooting skills.

But now it seems...

He lost.

The exploding fireworks still have a lingering aftertaste.

Wenlong Mountain stood there, soaked by the heavy rain.

He felt the hole in his chest and looked at the magic weapon longbow in his hand.

The face is full of ferocity!

How could he lose? !

Outside Jinguang Mansion City.

The rain fell on the dense and towering branches, lashing the trunks and making a pattering sound.

Ma Mian half-crouched on the branch, his bamboo hat slightly pressed down.

The immortal Barrett in his hand had billowing hot smoke overflowing from the barrel.

Around Ma Mian, one after another [Fairy in Painting] Dragon Tooth Bodhi bullets were suspended.

There was a roaring sound.

Wen Longshan shot arrows from the city, pulling through the flowing light and breaking through the rain.

It spans over ten miles of land.

In the end, the power was exhausted, and it formed a parabolic arc and stuck to the ground five hundred meters away from the horse's face.

The arrow dug into the ground.

Li Che took Xiangong Barrett and took a step forward.

Cloud harriers fly across the clouds.

It appeared silently on the feather arrow stuck on the ground.

With a flick of a finger.

The feather arrow's tail feathers suddenly trembled and swayed like a loyal dog's tail.

On Leifeng!

Li Qingshan's black hair was wildly curly, and his age disappeared. He instantly became dozens of years younger and transformed into a young man.

behind him...

That huge divine foundation seems to be exploding!

The divine form previously sketched on the divine base.

Accompanied by pieces of fallen god base debris.

A true suspenseful, thunderous and evil-killing Vajra form!

In the midst of lightning arcs moving like intertwining snakes,

Completely formed!

It’s the end of the month, please support me by giving me a monthly pass for reading books, recommending a vote, and supporting my reading! Recommendations are always short-lived, start your streaking career, don’t stop reading, thank you, Lao Li!

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