As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Seeking guaranteed monthly tickets and updated summary for August

July is over. Lao Li rarely summarized before. It’s a rare occasion for me to do so. This month, I updated 399,919 words. Yes, the total in the background is this number! Rounding it off means that it is 400,000 words!

There should be few people who can have more words than Lao Li!

This month, I successfully PKed the recommended list, and the average subscription increased to 5,000. Everyone is still very powerful. Lao Li thanks everyone!

Let’s continue next month. Lao Li will strive to update every day, at least not less than this month’s update!

Strive to PK a better recommendation next month, which all depends on everyone’s pursuit! What does Lao Li know? Lao Li only knows how to update!

Recently, my baby was infected with bronchitis, and Lao Li also successfully contracted it. He coughed while typing, and his head was about to fly out.

However, the update will not stop!

A new month, go!

Try to update, don’t be a water text, enter the realm of the key!

Lao Li is here to ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket for August!

Next month, we will strive to reach our target word count of 450,000 words!

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