As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 176: Burning the Mountain and Boiling the Sea, Guanyin Lotus, the Golden Light Mansion No Lo


Heavy rain poured down, covering the sky for thousands of miles.

The darkness is cramped, oppressive and breathless, just like the night!

The black clouds in winter bring more terrifying power than Xia Yu, bringing a strong sense of oppression to the entire Jinguang City.

It's like the heaven and the earth are tilted, and the mountains and rivers are broken!

Guanchao Pavilion.

The carriage galloped rapidly, and the wheel hub rotated, causing splashes of water to be thrown up, constantly breaking up the accumulated water.

The carriage, which took many detours in the city, finally drove smoothly back to the Guanchao Pavilion.

Arriving at the inconspicuous attic.

The man in black robe wearing a black iron mask slowly got out of the carriage, wearing a bamboo hat to hold up the torrential winter rain. The rainwater slapped on the bamboo hat and caused hazy mist.

He knocked on the door, and the door opened a crack, and a figure in black robe looked at him up and down.

Then the door was opened and he was allowed into the house.

inside the house.

The man in the black iron mask walked quickly. As he walked, his energy and blood circulated, evaporating all the water vapor on his body.

When he came to the house, the figure wearing a golden mask was processing paperwork.


The golden masked figure stopped what he was doing, raised his head and stared at the black iron masked figure, frowning slightly.

"Are you followed by Tails?"

The black iron mask was startled: "Why do you say that, sir?"

"My [Shen Jing Wen Xian] divinity is trembling and beating... It means that something is wrong with you, or that you have brought back a huge threat."

The golden masked figure stood up from behind the desk.

His eyes became extremely sharp.

"However... it can make my [Shen Jing Wen Xian] divinity tremble slightly, which shows that the strength of the person who comes is definitely impressive."

The golden masked figure's sleeves were rolled wildly behind him, and his body exuded powerful and twisted power.

"It's such a troublesome business in such a small city."

"First, the mission failed, two Jiuyao killers died, and then there are tails following you..."

"It's so annoying!"

The golden masked figure sighed.

The business of Hunting God Pavilion is spreading, and the headquarters has business requirements for him.

If this monthly report is sent back to the headquarters, he is afraid that he will be laughed out of his wits.

The Hunting God Pavilion has just settled in Jinguang Fucheng. The Guanchao Pavilion is their operation, and the master of the Guanchao Pavilion is someone from their Hunting God Pavilion who has trained them for a long time.

Now, taking over Guanchao Pavilion directly is a matter of course.


The golden mask narrowed its eyes, twisted its head, and appeared outside the portal.

Blah blah blah!

The wind is strong and the raindrops are like bullets!

The rain slapped on the golden mask and slowly slid down.

He stared at the sky in the distance. Where the wind was raging, it seemed like a great sun set over the sea, gradually sinking and dying.

There seemed to be hot breath billowing out between heaven and earth.

"The will of martial arts is gone, and the world is roaring with unwillingness..."

"A great master has fallen."

"In Jinguang Mansion City, there is only one great master on the surface...Xue Dufu!"

The golden mask said in a deep voice.

The black iron mask following him was trembling all over.

"How come?"

"How could Xue Dufu do this?"

"I just discussed cooperation with him, and he is willing to pay and continue to assassinate Li Che and Zhang Ya!"

The black-faced man said in shock.

As soon as he left, the great master Xue Dufu...

Was he actually killed in the city?

"This is the fact...a great master has fallen."

Golden Mask shook his head, trusting his own perception.

"The strange temple of the Wrathful Third Prince of the Four Royal and Eight-Armed Hell Lotus... Before the resonance of the temple gods has been activated, the great master has fallen... Chaos is gradually emerging."

“When great opportunities arise, chaos ensues.”

"This Temple God Resonance Conference far beyond previous expectations!"

The golden masked figure is not surprising.

Around major cities such as Shendu and Daocheng, if there are four strange temples that open strange palaces, the opportunity will appear, which will also be accompanied by fierce fighting.

In order to compete for the opportunity of the four emperors, it is not a strange thing for Shenyuan Zhenren to fall.

"However, we have to clarify that this matter has nothing to do with our Hunting God Pavilion, otherwise... Xue Dufu, as the grand master under Ji Moli, although he is only a grand master of Shengang, he will still cause trouble."

"Don't take the blame for others."

A faint voice came from the mouth of the golden mask.

The black iron mask clasped his fists, his body trembling slightly.

The golden mask shook his head, turned around and was about to walk towards the desk, continuing to finish the documents he had not finished reading.


His steps suddenly stopped, the moment he stepped on the wooden floor.

The sound waves, like a heavy blow from a big drum, spread in all directions.

The eyes of the golden mask tightened, and the pupils under the mask shrank.

From his body, divinity burst out uncontrollably, swirling wildly.

He slowly turned around and looked at the yard in the distance.


There was a wooden sculpture that fell silently with the rain.

It was a statue of Guanyin sitting on a lotus platform.

Kind eyebrows and kind eyes, hands holding the secrets.

Falling with the raindrops.

The eyes of the golden mask tightened.

The hairs all over his body stood up in an instant, and the pores spurted out scalding heat.

A sense of horror that almost suffocated him, from the moment he looked at the Guanyin wooden sculpture, it burst out uncontrollably from his heart!

This is……

What? !


It looks like just a wooden sculpture, but it gives him such a creepy feeling!

It's like burning the mountains and boiling the sea!

It's like exterminating life!


It's just a wooden sculpture!

The next moment.

The golden mask was full of blood and qi, and the divinity was rolling wildly. A Shenyuan Jindan wrapped in the majestic divinity emerged in an instant!

Countless divinities, like thousands of feet of light, bloomed from his back.

The black-faced man was almost instantly pressed to the ground by the irresistible pressure of the rank of Shenyuan Zhenren.

He clenched his five fingers, and the air solidified in an instant.

The Guanyin wooden sculpture that was about to fall to the ground was blocked and frozen by his powerful divinity.

Countless raindrops turned into palms, trying to hold up the Guanyin wooden statue!



Incomparably heavy!

This statue of Guanyin was so heavy that it looked like a mountain collapsing.


could not hold up this Guanyin!

The palm formed by the raindrops exploded, like a broken mirror, and exploded into pieces.

Then, the Guanyin statue fell to the ground.

In the pupils of the golden mask...

The Guanyin statue began to swell, twist, swell, and explode...

The kind and gentle face of Guanyin instantly twisted and became hideous, and then exploded into pieces!


The extremely brilliant light!

Bursting out from the Guanyin statue!

One chess piece after another, which was made of divine nature, contained unparalleled irritability and noise. When they collided with each other, they exploded with extremely brilliant light and heat!

The terrifying power contained in it...

The golden mask felt as if his soul was frozen!


With a roar.

The golden mask's toes fell fiercely.

The body had not yet ejected.


It happened!

Bang——! ! ! !

When endless light, shock waves, and destructive hot air waves, wrapped in the restless and boiling divine power, were released!

The piercing explosion sound of the film bursting was heard long and long.

It was like the collision of thunder in the clouds, and the thunder burst in the world!

Endless light and heat, bursting in an instant!

A huge ball of light continued to expand and expand, and the ground was instantly broken. Under this seemingly slow but rapidly expanding ball of light, it was like paper paste.

Countless pieces of rubble flew up, and then were shattered into dust by the terrible light and heat!

In the whistling wind, it kept disappearing!

At this moment, the earth seemed to be hit by a meteorite-like hammer that fell from the sky.

It bulged and then flattened, like a wave raising a big wave!

The ground turned into water, fragile!

The world turned upside down!

Burning the sky and boiling the sea!

Boom——! ! ! !

The extremely brilliant flames raged out!

The black-faced man only had time to turn around, and it seemed that he saw an extremely brilliant sun, blooming in his vision, filling his endless eyes!

A grandmaster died!

His indestructible martial arts will permeated between heaven and earth, making many strong men in Jinguang City stand on end.

Even the violent and roaring rain that washed the sky and the earth.

It seemed that it could not wash away the strong resentment of the martial arts grandmaster after his death.

This is a grandmaster!

The martial arts will is almost condensed into substance, and it can crush any martial artist below the grandmaster like a mountain, making their blood stagnant and difficult to circulate!

Achieve a high-level oppression like the divine level!

However, such a person was killed!

Killed on the long street!

Even... it was only after he was killed that the world could sense it.

No one even witnessed this grand scene of a grand master being violently killed, which was enough to be remembered in the history of Jinguang Mansion!

Swish, swish, swish——

The sound of breaking through the air resounded in the ruins.

One after another, figures rushed over quickly, and their eyes were extremely solemn.

The ancestors of the four major families, as well as many virtual phases and grand masters, stood on the edge of the terrible pit ruins.

Looking at the blood in the deep pit, which was as hot as magma and still corroding the ground.

Dumbfounded, dumbfounded.

"Really... a grand master died."

Qin Dikun's eyes flickered, and there was also a shock in his eyes.

"Who did it?"

The ancestor of the Hai family had an extremely solemn expression, and a trace of horror appeared in his eyes.

If he could kill a grand master, then killing them, the gods, would be quite easy.

Qin Dikun walked into the ruins.

Chi Chi Chi——

The burning heat had not yet dissipated, and the extremely powerful martial arts will of the Grandmaster continued to steam!

He walked to a part of the ruins, slowly squatted down, and grabbed an extremely hot arrow.

"Red Flame Flowing Fire Shattering Star Arrow..."

"This is the unique archery of Wen Longshan, the archer..."

Qin Dikun just grabbed the arrowhead, and felt the terrifying true energy and chaotic divinity on the dying arrow, like a venomous snake, trying to drill into his body.

His face trembled continuously.

Who is it?

Such a vicious divinity, such a domineering true energy!

But the most important point...

The one who killed the Grandmaster Xue Dufu was a Grandmaster!

The lingering true energy in the arrow proved this point!

"Grandmaster kills Grandmaster..."

Qin Dikun's face was solemn, his eyes flickering and faintly moving.

"Such a body...such a body..."

It is not unheard of for a grandmaster to kill a great master. It is easier than killing a divine element with a divine phase.

Because the suppression between Qi and blood warriors is not as absolute as that between the divine ranks.

However, it is also extremely rare.

Grandmaster... what a terrifying grandmaster he must be to train himself into, in order to defeat the great grandmaster whose physical body is flawless and give birth to the tyrannical divine power!

The energy reaches three feet, and the strength breaks three feet!

This is enough to illustrate the gap between a grandmaster and a great grandmaster!

"Who is it?"

"I don't know...but I should be able to guess it, right?"

"Do you still remember the battle between the underworld monkey and the great master Xue Dufu a few days ago?"

Many experts looked at each other and talked.


A few masters were still staring at the ruins on the ground, with shock in their hearts.

I just felt that the ground began to shake violently!

The heavy rain falling between heaven and earth stopped in an instant!

Everyone seemed to be stepping on the boat, letting the boat rock!

Qin Dikun's hair stood on end and he turned his head sharply.

Several gods and ancestors all rose into the sky.


Then they saw it...

Darkness covered by black clouds...

Turn into brilliant day!


Endless light rose from an area of ​​Fucheng in an instant!

The light and sound in everyone's eyes were all taken away by the brilliant brilliance like the rising sun!

There is only endless nothingness and confusion left!


The extremely strong aura of destruction exploded and vented in Jinguang Mansion City!

Earth cracks and landslides!

Countless houses throughout the city were shaking, as if they had suffered a natural disaster such as an earth dragon turning over.

And this...

Just the beginning.

City Lord's Mansion.

Blah blah blah!

Heavy rain mixed with strong wind, howling wind, ghosts crying and wolves howling!

The heavy rain was like sharp arrows, and thousands of arrows fell from the sky, but they were all cut and twisted away by the figure who was sitting on the blood cloud, picking up a headless corpse with a spear on his shoulder.

The figure wearing the monkey mask had golden flames flowing from his eyes.

A bohemian laughter of "Jie Jie Jie" came from his mouth.

The entire City Lord's Mansion seemed to fall into a deathly silence for an instant.

In the city lord's palace.

The young prince Ji Haihui was carefully cultivating his divinity in the house, but he felt restless and bored like never before.

He opened his eyes, and the Dragon God's purple pupils shone slightly, reflecting the light like a mirror.

A black shadow quietly emerged, floating behind Ji Haihui.

"Little prince... something happened."

"Xue dead."

The words spoken by the black shadow in a deep voice made Ji Haihui's complexion turn pale in an instant.

" could it be?"

Didn't Xue Dufu go to the Hunting God Pavilion to issue a mission?

How could he die?

The real Shenyuan from the black-armored shadow guard seemed to be melting into the darkness, and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

Eyes twinkling.

"Outside the house."

"The monkey carried Xue Dufu's corpse..."

"The monkey of the underworld, kill Xue Dufu."

The Shenyuan Master spoke slowly.

Ji Haihui's body was swaying. He was a great master, even though he was just a new Shengang Grand Master.

But once you enter the realm of a great master, things are completely different!

By condensing his own martial arts will, his combat power is terrifyingly strong.

Even if they are fighting in the battlefield, a great master can defeat a thousand elites with one person!

"This is provocation."

The shadow guard sighed softly.

The young prince must have provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked, but that's not necessarily the case...

Maybe he is the prince’s enemy?

Ji Moli, the king of peace and chaos, has enemies all over the world, so he vents his anger on Ji Haihui. This situation is not unheard of.

"My young prince, I will go out and take a look."

A faint voice came from the black shadow's mouth.

"With the black-armored blood guards protecting you, you'll be fine."

Ji Haihui opened his mouth.

My heart felt slightly depressed.

The death of a great master, Xue Dufu, finally made him feel a hint of panic in his heart.

The real Shadow Guard has disappeared.

The portal opens.

Six black-armored blood guards filed in, guarding the young prince in the center.

They each grasped the long and narrow handles of the Zhanma swords they carried on their backs.


The moment the door opens!

The earth shook and the mountains shook!

The young prince Ji Haihui saw an extremely gorgeous and slowly rising mushroom cloud in his house!

Like extremely brilliant fireworks...

Reflecting the darkness.

The entrance to the city lord's mansion.

Su Huaili, dressed in Confucian attire and accompanied by experts from the Divine Guard Army, appeared in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, staring at the divine monkey sitting on the blood cloud.

The monkey god throws.

Xue Dufu's headless body was thrown high into the sky and crossed the parabola.

It fell to the ground.

The water splashed up to a height of more than three feet, and the strong and exciting smell of blood filled the air!

Su Huaili's pupils tightened, staring at Xue Dufu's body lying on the ground, his chest heaved violently several times.

The masters of the Divine Guard Army also looked at each other in confusion.

The monkey god smiled softly: "Let the young prince wait..."

"Come one by one."

boom--! ! !

Suddenly, an extremely powerful divinity gathered rainwater, intertwined into an extremely terrifying big palm, and slapped it down brazenly!

The terrifying pressure of the divine rank seemed to freeze time and space.

Countless raindrops exploded into rain powder!


However, the divine monkey sat on the Qi Xue Xia Wei and swept away in an instant, ignoring the oppression of the divine rank of Master Shenyuan and galloping directly to the distance.

The real shadow guard stood in the air, his whole body shrouded in darkness.

His indifferent eyes looked past the shrill raindrops all over the sky and looked at the wanton monkey.

The true shadow guard had mixed emotions.

Xue Dufu is also his colleague...

Let’s protect the young prince Ji Haihui together.

However, now that Xue Dufu died, he also felt as sad as a rabbit dying and a fox dying.

"Monkey God... come one by one as you say."

"Including me?"

"A divine essence?!"

An extremely splendid divine essence golden elixir slowly rose from his back, like a moon rising from the sea.

Under the mask of the divine monkey, his eyes were golden and extremely shining. He smiled without fear and said, "That's natural."

The words fell.

The monkey god clenched his fingers, and a gentle laugh came from under the mask.


The five fingers of the monkey were pressed against the side of the mask like flower buds, then spread out, and simulated an explosion sound from its mouth.

The real Shadow Guard was startled, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

But then, it ended with the detonating action of the divine monkey!

The divine monkey disappeared directly on the spot.

And the end of the horizon...

A brilliant golden mushroom cloud fireworks.

Rise up from the ground!

Thunder on the ground!


What? !




The darkness was dispelled, illuminated like day, and a huge mushroom cloud rose slowly, reaching a height of over a hundred meters, and then sank with thick smoke.

The entire earth was like a carpet being shaken, and countless bluestones exploded and were annihilated.

Ups and downs, violent ups and downs...

The land is making waves!

The entire earth sank in an instant, and then the shock wave pushed away thousands of dust, violently spraying in all directions!

The terrible strong wind surges and stirs, and the heat spreads!

Sweeping a lot of sand, dust and gravel!

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet!

The shock wave appeared in a ring shape, stirring up white waves, enveloping dust and sand, and spreading in all directions!

Countless houses were shaken, and the houses that were close to each other were instantly collapsed by the impact!

A horrific explosion with the equivalent of one hundred and fifteen divine chess pieces!

It's absolutely terrifying!

The entire Guanchao Pavilion seemed to collapse in an instant. Countless pavilions were annihilated and collapsed, and countless houses were destroyed!

The terrifying shock wave spread crazily and tore everything apart in a destructive manner!

"Damn it——!!!"

There was a roar and a roar, but it couldn't cover up the sound of the explosion!

The golden mask in the center immediately chose to escape, and the divine golden elixir was activated by him to the extreme.

The powerful divine nature was inspired by him, forming a protective shield around his body to resist the fiery and terrifying shock wave.

However, the divinity of the Guanyin Lotus Bomb explosion is not only the destructive power of the explosion, but also the erosion and destruction caused by the violent divinity radiation!

The protective shield held up by the golden mask could only last for less than three breaths before it was filled with cracks and shattered into pieces. He had to flee quickly.

He rushed out of the pavilion, carrying his burned clothes, amid the spreading explosion fire.

Like a cannonball, it burst out fiercely and penetrated into the Jiulong River, which was shaken by shock waves and caused tidal waves tens of meters high.

Countless river waters rolled up and down, the waves hit the shore, and rocks pierced the sky!

The golden-masked figure emerged from the river, squatting on the river in a state of embarrassment.

His golden mask was melted a lot by the blazing heat.

Under the mask.

His eyes stared blankly at the destructive scene in front of him with golden light flashing.

Even if it is Shenyuan Zhenren...

At this moment, I felt cold all over my body.

"It's almost as good as the Six Division-level large-scale destructive divine spells unleashed by Shen Yuan Zhenren with all his strength..."

"Under the divine energy... you will either die or be injured."

He looked ugly.

The destructive power is too powerful.

Moreover, it is impossible to be on guard...

That is to say, he is the real person of Shenyuan. His divinity is extremely powerful. Only by resisting for a moment can he escape.


The background of Hunting God Pavilion in Jinguang Mansion.

I'm afraid it will be completely destroyed!

Guanchao Pavilion...


Who is it? !

Who is it? !

Anger swept out of his body without concealment. The master of the Hunting God Pavilion, who was wearing a golden mask, never thought that he would suffer such a heavy blow!

Soon, Golden Mask thought of something.

Among many pieces of information, he had heard reports about mushroom fireworks.

This isn't the first time mushroom fireworks have exploded.


The golden-masked Master of the Hunting God Pavilion thought of a name.

Desolate, cold, and filled with rage and murderous intent.

The shock of the underworld? !

The billowing smoke has not yet dissipated.

The mushroom cloud rising over 100 meters is still churning!

It's like a huge umbrella is about to expand and cover half of Jinguang Mansion City!

This momentum can even be seen dozens of miles away.

Shendiao Ridge.

A faint vibration came.

Lu Yao, who was sitting cross-legged in the Divine Eagle Ridge, suddenly felt something.

As a Divine Yuan Zhenren, he condensed the Divine Yuan Jindan, and his Yuanshen was greatly enhanced, and his perception was extremely sharp.

The slight vibration aroused his vigilance.

He soared into the sky.

At the same time, the master of machinery Tang Sanjia also broke through the air in the Divine Eagle Ridge.

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Then they looked towards the direction of the city.

They saw a gorgeous mushroom cloud reflecting the light under the thick dark clouds!

Lu Yao's expression changed slightly.

City Lord's Mansion...

Something big happened!

Tang Sanjia stroked his beard, his cloth clothes fluttered, but his eyes were shining.

Looking at this gorgeous mushroom fireworks.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"What a beautiful fireworks."

"Under the fireworks, the whole world is clean and blue."

"It's so beautiful."

Tang Sanjia vaguely felt familiar with the mushroom cloud fireworks blooming in the City Lord's Mansion.

In his mind, the kind-looking Guanyin Blood Lotus wood carving emerged.

Then, the Guanyin's face gradually changed...

It turned into Li Che's face with a gentle smile on his lips.

Tang Sanjia couldn't help but feel dazed.

Burning the mountain and boiling the sea Guanyin Lotus...

Did he succeed?



On the Golden Light Peak.

The explosion was not far from the Golden Light Peak. The shock wave hit the peak fiercely, and the whole peak also shook.

Xixi was practicing martial arts on the Golden Light Peak.

When the explosion rose, Xixi's ears moved, and she rushed to the edge of the pavilion, looking through the heavy rain curtains towards the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Then she saw huge fireworks blooming on the bank of the Jiulong River.

Xixi's eyes were immediately dyed by the water.


"What beautiful mushroom fireworks!"

The fat boy Zhou Peng and the extremely beautiful girl Yun'e also followed.

The two of them also stared at the blooming mushroom cloud in a daze.


What happened again?

They really didn't know what happened, even Xixi didn't know.

Why did Master Niu Niu suddenly set off fireworks?

In Xixi's cognition, only Master Niu Niu could set off such big and beautiful fireworks!

Anyway, there must be bad guys bullying Master Niu Niu!

Master Niu Niu can't be wrong!



Zheng Leifeng.

Li Qingshan stared at the terrible mushroom fireworks that exploded like a wooden chicken.

The extreme light illuminated the entire Fucheng!

Even the raindrops falling from the sky were swept into the sky by the upside-down wind, exploding into a hazy mist, and the steaming water vapor rolled endlessly!


After a long time, Li Qingshan finally choked out a curse.

Such a fun thing...

He didn't catch up again!

This explosion, no need to think, must have been caused by Li Che.

He didn't know how Li Che did it, but it was not a big problem. He only knew that since Li Che had detonated such a terrifying method, he must have a purpose.

"Hunting God Pavilion..."

Li Qingshan stood with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly he laughed softly.

He took out a cat-faced mask and covered his face to increase his sense of participation.

"Why don't you provoke anyone else..."

"Why do you have to provoke my underworld?"



The explosion lasted for a long time.

The aftermath was finally completely annihilated, and the power of the explosion was gone.

The mushroom cloud fireworks slowly dissipated, but there was still extremely thick smoke and divine radiation stirring.

The edge of the Guanyin Lotus bomb explosion.

One after another, figures fell quickly.

Xie Jing of the Temple Town, the Supervisor of the Imperial Observatory, as well as Nanlihuo, Wang Kuyu and others.

They stood on the edge one by one.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

They saw the violent divine power intertwined in the ruins.


They passed through the smoke and dust of the ruins and saw the figure standing on the roaring Jiulong River.

That figure...

Standing on the river.

His clothes were torn and there were many burnt cracks. The golden mask on his face also melted and twisted and solidified again, looking weird.

"Hunting God Pavilion! Golden-faced Pavilion Master!"

Xie Jing's heart was shocked. Nan Lihuo, Wang Kuyu and others also recognized the identity of this person.

Hunting God Pavilion is the world's number one assassin organization.

They also know some intelligence.

Hunting God Pavilion has branches in every Taoist city. The pavilion masters of the branches will wear golden masks to distinguish their identities.

And at this moment.

Nan Lihuo's heart was shocked.

Because he hired the Bull Demon Horse Face of the Underworld to attack Wen Longshan.

In other words, the Underworld also took on assassination missions.

At this point, there is a business conflict with the Hunting God Pavilion.

Good guy...

Is the competition between peers... so fierce? !

The underworld...

Could it be a bit of an assassination business?

They actually directly wiped out the branch of the Hunting God Pavilion in Jinguang Mansion? !

Not only Nan Lihuo, everyone was slightly shocked when they saw the master of the Hunting God Pavilion, a real person of Shenyuan, in such an embarrassing situation.

They all vaguely guessed something.

The underworld and the Hunting God Pavilion...

They really have a complete falling out!

Directly destroyed the foundation of the God Hunter Pavilion in Jin Guang Mansion. Under this explosion, the God Hunter Pavilion was probably killed or injured, and only one Pavilion Master was left, right?

Jin Guang Mansion... No more God Hunter Pavilion!

Fireworks exploded at the slightest disagreement...

Such an arrogant underworld.

Such an overbearing underworld!

Seven thousand words, I was dragged to get an IV drip this morning, mycoplasma pneumonia, coughing non-stop, the update time may fluctuate, but two updates a day is fixed, and the burst will not stop! Don't stop reading, please give me a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket! Lao Li thanks!

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