As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 185 Is this girl the reincarnation of the Third Prince? Come on, Xixi, remove the bones and

The Jiulong River outside the city and the Jiulong River dug inside the city are two rivers.

One is always turbulent, with waves constantly blasting, roaring, ups and downs, and undercurrents. Even a master warrior is unwilling to fall into the bottom of the river.

The other is extremely calm, like a docile colt, without temper, and let it do whatever it wants.

But in fact, both are Jiulong River.

Many carriages approached the riverside, and there was a specific place, which was a huge cliff stone, which was beaten by the river and was rugged and ferocious, with sharp edges and corners, like a steel knife.

This huge stone is a stone of the strange temple of [Eight-armed Hell Lotus Wrathful Prince] closest to the center of the river.

Standing here, you can clearly feel the surging and violent divinity.

The people in Jinguang Mansion named this stone "Listening to the Wrath Cliff Stone".

Standing on this huge cliff that looks like a large square, you can hear the roar of the Third Prince's extreme anger.

It makes people feel heartbroken and broken!

So it is called "Listening to the Angry Cliff Stone".

Carriages crashed into the wind and rain one after another, and the rain hit the cliff, and the rushing water flowed like a waterfall and quickly poured into the river.

Nan Lihuo took the lead and walked away, separating the rain curtain between heaven and earth.

Behind him, followed Elder Jiao Shaoqiu who suppressed and sealed the Prison Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Light Wheel.

The driver calmed the dragon horse and actually carried a big gun. He followed the old man silently, his muscles trembling, his blood bursting, and there was a whimper of Qi!

This driver is actually a great master!

Silently guarding Jiao Shaoqiu.

After Nan Lihuo, it was Wang Kuyu and the other elders of the Divine Sect.

Wang Kuyu did not compete for the glory of Nanlihuo. Although he was a real person of Shenyuan, he was very low-key and stood with Li Qingshan, Zhu Hongdou, Zhang Qingzheng and Weng Wuyu, four elders of the Shenzong.

It can be said that all the high-level forces of the Jinguang branch sect gathered here.

Afterwards, Zhu Chaoyang, the Grand Master of the Daocheng Supervisory Department, led Xie Jing to stand on the side. Tie Shancai stood in the crowd with his hands on his chest and his mouth curled up with disdain.

The Qintianjian was led by Hu Yingyue, the Supervisor, while Lu Yao, Lin Xiu and others stood quietly on the side. Although Lu Yao was a real person of Shenyuan, he did not steal the show like Zhu Chaoyang. He led Tang Ren and quietly retreated to the back.

And in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Su Huaili and the little prince Ji Haihui also got off the carriage and stood in the front.


The rain roared and washed.


A bell wave exploded!

Zhang Qingzheng, dressed in a Confucian robe, walked out of the Shenzong camp.

His face, as bitter and smelly as coptis, was expressionless and cold.

He was reciting something loudly, his voice was up and down, wrapped in the vast divinity, echoing between heaven and earth, and ringing in everyone's ears.

After the carriage stopped, the adults took their own spiritual children out of the carriage.

Li Che held Xixi and got off the carriage. Zhang Ya and Shangguan Qinghong did not get off the carriage, but they also held oil-paper umbrellas and squatted on the shaft to look out.

Crack, crack!

Thunder and lightning, wind and rain roared!

The flashing lightning seemed like a blue dragon moving in the dark clouds.

The Shenwei Army held swords and spears and deployed around, with full defense force. While maintaining order, it also showed the majesty of the City Lord's Mansion.

As an elder in charge of rituals in the Shenzong, Zhang Qingzheng was experienced in etiquette.

A long sandalwood table was set up in the wind and rain, arranged at the edge of the Tingnu Cliff Stone, facing the Jiulong River, and facing the terrifying and strange temple that seemed to tear the heaven and earth apart, looming in the wind and rain, suppressing the extremely terrifying divinity.

Burning incense, praying, Zhang Qingzheng's face was solemn.

Nanlihuo, as the master of the sect, also joined in, burning a stick of incense and inserting it into the incense burner.

The wind and rain roared, and the bean-sized raindrops fell, but they could not extinguish the three incense sticks inserted in the incense burner!

Those were incense sticks made of special materials, and what burned was not incense ash, but divinity!

The curling smoke rose to the sky, slowly, isolating the wind and rain around the Tingnu Cliff Stone!

The roaring Jiulong River seemed to have calmed down.

The surging waves returned to calm.

It was as if the terrifying existence that was locked at the bottom of the river by chains gradually quieted down, began to listen to the sacrificial words, and calmed down.

When all the procedures were completed.

There was already silence in front of the Tingnu Cliff Stone.

The voices of many people were commotion, and they looked strangely at the strange power that blocked the angry and roaring rain.

Li Che looked up, and his heart was also very surprised.

Is this really communicating with the Weird Temple?

Communicating with the temple gods in the Four Imperial Weird Temple?

Doesn't it say that the Weird Temple needs to be conquered before normal communication can take place, just like the temple on the Jinguang Peak.

This Weird Temple of the Third Prince has not been conquered yet, but can also produce normal communication?

The atmosphere was very quiet, and no one spoke.

Even the Qin family, the Hai family, and other big families in the Jinguang City were calm and did not dare to speak loudly.

Finally, everyone's eyes fluctuated.

Because, the old man who was holding the golden wheel in his palm moved. The old man, with white hair and wearing a simple long gown, walked out in the wind.

In the city lord's mansion, Su Huaili took the young prince Ji Haihui, with a gentle smile on his face, and bowed slightly to Jiao Shaoqiu.

The young prince Ji Haihui's purple eyes flickered like a mirror, and he followed suit and bowed.

On the other side.

In the camp of the Zhenmiao Division, Zhu Chaoyang, Xie Jing and others also grasped their swords and bowed.

The same was true for the Imperial Observatory.

At the same time, as if it was contagious, everyone who got off the carriage subconsciously clasped their fists and bowed, politely and respectfully.

Li Che pulled Xixi and bowed in the same way.

Xixi looked up curiously, then lowered her voice and whispered to Li Che: "Daddy, Xiaolunza is seducing Xixi again!"

"Xixi, can you play with it?"

Xixi lowered her voice, her voice was childish and cautious.

However, many masters present had strong cultivation, and Xixi's voice was like thunder.

Many eyes were cast over.

Li Che shook his head and lowered his voice, saying softly: "No, Xiao Lunza has something important to do!"

Xixi was a little disappointed: "Oh..."

Listening to the funny conversation between the father and daughter.

Many people couldn't help but twitch their lips.

The ancestors of the family, the virtual and divine masters of the Temple Guarding Department and the Imperial Observatory, as well as the city lord Su Huaili and others in the city lord's mansion...

Everyone was speechless.

They heard that the "lunza" in the mouths of the father and daughter should be the Prison Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Light Wheel that Jiao Shaoqiu suppressed and sealed in his palm.

Just think that the father and daughter are bragging.

Although Xixi has a good talent and is a Jiazi prodigy, it is not easy to activate the Prison Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Light Wheel.

Although there are vague words on the Golden Light Peak, no one takes it seriously.

Just think that the Divine Sect is building momentum for Xixi, wanting to scare other competitors who participate in the resonance of the temple gods and retreat.

Jiao Shaoqiu smiled, but the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

That's right...

I...sweated profusely!

This golden wheel is really struggling!

Constantly trying to break free from the seal, Jiao Shaoqiu almost used all his strength to suppress the golden wheel.

Otherwise, the golden wheel would have burst out with sparks and shot towards Xixi!

At this moment, Jiao Shaoqiu couldn't help but look forward to the situation after the temple god resonance was opened.

I wonder if this girl can really put together the magic weapon set of the third prince?

However, even Jiao Shaoqiu didn't know what the magic weapon set of the angry third prince of the eight-armed prison lotus was.

There are only three famous ones, namely [Purple Flame Snake Spear Fire Spear], [Prison Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Wheel], [Immortal Prison Lotus Chaos Sky Ribbon]...

This is the news obtained from other weird temples.

We need to explore what other magic weapon sets there are.

Of course, it would be great if the temple god resonated this time and could produce a Four Imperial Magic Weapon.

Jiao Shaoqiu felt the struggling golden wheel, exhaled, and was too lazy to talk nonsense. He turned around and walked to the edge of the Tingnu Cliff Stone, looking at the temple located in the heart of the river from afar!

The next moment, the seal was released. According to the magic spell developed by the Divine Sect, the powerful Yuanshen ignited the divine light, sprinkled the divine consciousness, and pinched the seal.

Chi Chi Chi——

Under the attention of the crowd!

The wheel of the Hell Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Light Wheel began to rotate at a high speed, and the jumping sparks kept splashing up.

Slowly more and more, with a bang, the flames burned and soared into the sky!

It was like a phoenix with wings spread!

Extremely gorgeous, extremely dazzling!

The terrifying level of oppression possessed by the Four Imperial Magic Weapons was like a tidal wave pouring down, the wind whistled and rolled wildly, and the river flowed with waves!


The golden wheel shot up into the sky, as if there was a sound of metal rings rubbing against each other, and the sound of ding-ding-ding-ding continued.

Then, it turned into a falling meteorite of fire, circling over the river.

With a crash...

It actually shot towards the Tingnu Cliff.

It crashed over everyone's head, raising hot and scorching wind and waves!

The sound of uproar continued.

Su Huaili's eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward to protect the young prince Ji Haihui.

On the other side, Zhu Chaoyang's blood and qi burst out, and the divine power shot up, and the powerful grandmaster's qi raged endlessly!

However, the golden wheel ignored them at all.

In the sky, it pulled a trail that burned the air and appeared above Xixi and Li Che!

Xixi looked up, and a bright and happy smile bloomed on her baby fat face full of collagen.

"Daddy, the wheel is coming to find Xixi!"

Li Che held Xixi, feeling helpless.

This girl...

She is really in the limelight.

How can he, Li Che, be such a low-key person, have such a high-profile daughter?

The golden wheel floated above Xixi, sparks kept splashing.

The faces of many people around changed completely!

The Prison Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Wheel...

It actually made such a fuss?

It really favors this girl so much!

Could this the reincarnation of the temple god of the Third Prince? !

If this is true, then this temple god resonance is meaningless.

"She is definitely not the reincarnation of the temple god."

"The reincarnation of the temple god can't look like this...and her temper can't be like this."

The Shadow Guard Master landed beside the little prince Ji Haihui, whose purple eyes of the Dragon God flickered, and said in a deep voice.

"The first thing every reincarnated temple god does is...kill his father and mother, and cut off all causal connections in the world."

Shadow Guard said.

Ji Haihui was relieved when he heard this.

"As long as I'm not reincarnated, I still have a chance."

"My father has prepared a wonderful hand for me. I will definitely not betray my father's trust!"

Ji Haihui has been preparing for this resonance with the temple gods for a long time.

This scene made many people's eyes flicker, and many hearts were surprised.

other side.

Jiao Shaoqiu finally completed the sealing, his divinity burst out, and a brilliant golden elixir floated up from the inner scene of the Niwan!

All of a sudden...

The pressure that almost suffocated the whole audience swept away the crazy volume!

Even the real Shadow Guard felt depressed!

Divine Origin Golden Body!

Golden body shed!

Although he fell back to the Yuan Shen Slaughter, this coercion still has the power and power of the Golden Body Slough!

Ding ding ding——

The sparks are flying like a phoenix phoenix!

The golden light wheel was controlled and shot out, heading towards the river!

Blah blah blah!

The river rolled and roared.

The golden light wheel is like a scorching sun, continuously impacting towards the direction of the weird temple, getting faster and faster.

Beads of sweat broke out on Jiao Shaoqiu's forehead, and his expression was extremely solemn.

At this time...

It's an extremely dangerous time.

If someone tried to kill him at this moment, Jiao Shaoqiu would have no power to resist and would be killed!

The great coach driver's body was slightly bent, like a hunting tiger, his tyrannical energy and blood surged like waves, and his sharp eyes were full of violence.

It seems that whoever dares to get close at this moment will burst out with all his strength and beat the opponent to death.


Jiao Shaoqiu trembled all over and staggered back in half.

Then Ga sat on the ground.

Close your eyes.

Why does Shenzong need to activate this temple-god resonance?

It is because only Shenzong has mastered the secret of how to control the golden light wheel.

This was one of the reasons why Ji Hai took Xue Dufu to worship the mountain before the meeting and did not dare to be too presumptuous.

The golden light wheel burst towards the strange temple, as if it was distorted by invisible force.

Although it was only a short distance, it flew for a long time.


There was a thick fog rising above the river, spreading from both sides, like a curtain on a stage, covering the entire river.


In the strange cave, there seemed to be extremely terrifying black shadows flashing past one after another. The powerful and terrifying aura spread a little, making people's hair stand on end and their minds desolate!

The strange palace of the four strange temples!

At this moment, everyone became nervous!

In a strange temple, the most terrifying thing is the strange tower. Once the spread of the strange tower cannot be controlled, extremely terrible dangers will arise.

"Attention kids."

When everyone's minds are attracted by Wei Que.

When you are frightened by the terrifying existence in the treacherous place.

Jiao Shaoqiu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were cloudy.

Raise your hand and make a move.

Hell Lotus Wind Fire Golden Nimbus, the path it had previously passed through suddenly slowly appeared.

Like a knife, it cut a narrow path through Gui Que.

At the end of the road, there is a floating golden light wheel that rotates rapidly and splashes sparks.

This four-armed divine weapon is shaking endlessly!

It's buzzing and turning!

It seems that they have tried their best to carve out a path!

"For those who want to form a team and want to resonate with the temple gods, follow me..."

Jiao Shaoqiu spoke in a deep voice.

All the procedures are no different from the "Temple God Resonance" in previous years.

However, Jiao Shaoqiu did not dare to be careless and was very serious.

Although people in the world can obtain divine Dharma and great opportunities from the strange temple.

But at the same time, it also comes with danger!

Temple God Resonance is the least dangerous way to detect it.

But that doesn't mean there's no danger.

The words fell.

A commotion suddenly resounded from the Nuya Rock.

Many soul boys began to feel fear and shrinkage, mainly because the strange tower was too scary. Just one look at it made people feel boundless oppression.

But the elders in the clan don't want their children to shrink back.

"The resonance of the temple god is an opportunity to change your life. If you have the opportunity to get the opportunity of the temple god, even if it is just a small chance, it can increase the upper limit of your original practice!"

Parents hope that their sons and daughters will succeed.

Nature does not allow children to shrink back!

Qin Fenghuo, Hai Chaosheng, Gong Yuanliang, Gong Yangxiu and other top soul boys from Jinguang Fucheng were the first to come out.

Little fat boy Zhou Peng, Yun'e, Zhong Liuxiu and other prodigies and spiritual children who came from the Qianyuan Shen Sect also appeared one after another.

They are all confident and confident in their talents.

At the same time, there are also prodigies and soul boys coming from other prefectures and cities...

The number is quite a lot.

The large square was soon crowded with children.

Lu Chi clasped his fists towards Granny Mu on the carriage, his face solemn and awe-inspiring.

"Grandma Mu, Chi'er has gone."

Lu Chi said.

Granny Mu glanced at Lu Chi, her eyes soft.

"Go ahead and don't put too much burden on yourself."

Lu Chi was startled, Granny Mu...did she already know something?

He pursed his lips, nodded solemnly, and walked towards Daping.

Tie Shancai, the temple administrator, a child prodigy from the capital city, walked towards Daping with an attitude of contempt for other prodigies.

Tang Ren was also thrown out by Lu Yao.

One after another, the children gradually gathered on the terrace, attracting everyone's attention at once.

The terrace suddenly became lively.

Li Che hugged Xixi: "Does Xixi want to go?"

"If you don't want to go, we won't go."

Li Che asked.

Hearing this, Xixi hugged Li Che's neck: "Don't worry, Dad, Xixi is also very powerful!"

Xixi kissed Li Che on the cheek!

"Dad, take a good look at Emperor Xixi's performance!"

Xixi broke away from Li Che's arms and jumped down.

Wearing a red bellyband and two buns, she ran towards the center of the flat!

"Xixi! Come!"

When Gong Yuanliang and Gong Yangxiu saw Xixi, they immediately waved excitedly.

Xixi came close to them, with her hands on her hips and her belly stretched out, like a big sister.

Li Che looked helplessly at the excited girl.


How does this girl know what it means to be afraid?

The temple gods resonate...

Li Che's eyes flickered as he looked at the rich mystery. Every Dao Fruit in his chest was trembling, indicating a terrifying threat!

There is no doubt that the temple-protecting cursed corpses in the strange palace are extremely terrifying and powerful!

Fortunately, this strange temple of four emperors is not out of control now.

The strange buildings are all shrunk into one area.

If this strange palace is restless...

Jinguang Fucheng is probably going to be in extremely terrible danger.

"Quiet... what exactly is it?"

"Why does this strange temple of four emperors appear here?"

Many doubts keep coming like a tide.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Che no longer felt or thought about Wei Que, and his eyes fell on Xi Xi in the crowd.

Only her precious daughter was left in her eyes.

Him at this moment.

Just like the parents around me.

Just like ordinary parents.

We are looking forward to the children who will take part in the assessment.

Jiao Shaoqiu stood up and glanced at the bustling children behind him, who seemed to be queuing up for an outing.

There was a solemn look on his face.

The simple gown is flying, and then steps forward.

Start walking forward.

"Kids, follow up."

The next moment, Jiao Shaoqiu took a step towards the empty space of Tingnu Cliff and stepped into the treacherous path torn apart by the golden light wheel.

A group of children all wearing red bellybands stepped forward to follow.

For a moment, there was a feeling of weightlessness, and many soul boys screamed.

They looked down and saw that they were floating in the air, with the river rushing underneath and howling in terror!

How terrible!

One soul boy closed his eyes in fear and his legs trembled.

However, the soul boy had not gone far when he was hit by a terrifying repulsive force, and then ejected, flew out of the treacherous road, and landed on the cliff, stunned.

Then he sat on the ground, kicked his feet and cried sadly.

There is no doubt that this soul boy's path to temple resonance has come to an end.

As the children walked through the strange road one after another.

There are soul children who are constantly being kicked out.

Most of them are soul boys with average divine talents, low-grade and middle-grade soul boys who have mixed in and want to give it a try.

It was as if he was kicked out by the temple god in disgust.

The short distance of ten feet has actually determined the future height of the children.

Cruel and realistic.

Sometimes, your limit is just someone else's starting point.

The world is so cruel.

Many parents sighed and accepted their fate to pick up their crying children.

After clearing out the low-grade and middle-grade soul boys.

Most of the remaining people on the road to the strange place are top-grade, top-notch soul boys and prodigies.

Jiao Shaoqiu walked at the front, clearing the way for the children. He held the seal in his hand and remained still. He had to maintain this seal at all times.

Behind him, Ji Hai will follow, his purple eyes flashing, followed by Tie Shancai, Little Fatty Zhou Peng, Yun'e and other prodigies.

Xixi followed Yun'e.

Lu Chi, the big head, stayed close to Xi Xi silently.

Hai Chaosheng, Gong Yuanliang, Gong Yangxiu, Huang Sixiang and other Shenzong's top soul boys all followed behind Emperor Xixi with their heads held high.

The mental outlook of these children is impressive.

Jiao Shaoqiu was quite satisfied.

The road to Guique is very long, and the river is rolling underneath.

After the children walked for a while, there was no sound. They became quiet one by one and followed the old man silently.

In the distance, the golden halo is like a lighthouse, reflecting the children's path in the treacherous valley.

Ho ho ho——

In the mysterious mist, roaring sounds kept resounding, as if a terrifying black shadow suddenly came over, and a hazy face emerged from the mist!

Many soul boys were so frightened that they screamed.

"Don't look at them, don't be afraid, don't care, don't care..."

"Look at the road ahead, look at the golden halo..."

Jiao Shaoqiu's voice floated over.

Calm down the children who are frightened by the vague monster appearing in the strange mist.

In the distance, the Weird Temple is already lifelike. You can even vaguely see the moss-covered walls and old black tiles of the Weird Temple.

I saw the dark temple door of the strange temple.

Three hundred feet in front of the weird temple!

The wind is strong and the fog is swaying!

Jiao Shaoqiu stopped, breathing heavily and panting slightly.

The golden light wheel kept turning.

Vaguely, it seemed as if one terrifying existence after another was casting its gaze from the strange barrier!

If it weren't for the golden light wheel that held up the path of the treacherous road.

Perhaps the monsters in the strange temple couldn't help but attack.

"The temple god resonates... The temple god will give you a test. If you can pass the test, you will get the gift from the temple god."

Jiao Shaoqiu's voice was a little tired and heavy.

"Children, go and accept the test of the temple god."

"Go and fight for your chance."

The old man's voice became a little ethereal.

Then, the children who were crowded on the road of the strange temple, three hundred feet away from the strange temple, found that the old man's voice became more and more ethereal.

Then, they found that the surroundings were completely shrouded by fog.

No one else could be seen.

All they could see was the Hell Lotus Wind and Fire Golden Light Wheel hanging above their heads, which was still rotating like the scorching sun.


The strange temple filled with fog.

The temple god resonates...

Officially began.



The strange fog was everywhere.

Xixi blinked her big eyes, put her hands on her hips, and her bulging belly couldn't help but shrink back a little.

Whoosh whoosh--

It seemed like there was a wind blowing, but it couldn't blow away the thick fog.

Xixi's hair stood up for no reason, and she couldn't help feeling a little scared.

It seemed like there were shadows constantly passing by.

All kinds of weird sounds were coming out, including screams, ghost cries, and the "rustling" friction of a blunt knife cutting meat.

For the first time, Xixi's big eyes showed a look of fear.

"Lü Chi! Liangliang! Xiuxiu!"

"Sister Yun'e! Little Fatty!"

Xixi shouted.

However, the friends who were clearly beside her just now disappeared.

It seemed like they were captured by ghosts.

Would Xixi be the next one to be captured?

Xixi took cautious steps, and then took a few steps, unable to figure out the way ahead, and had no direction around her...

Xixi looked at the little gun in her arm, shook it, and purple flames rushed out and wrapped around her arm.

A smile suddenly appeared on Xixi's lips.

"Xiao Qiangqiang is still there!"

Xixi felt relieved.

Looking at the golden wheel hanging in the fog, she began to take steps and walked towards the direction of the strange temple.

The thick fog dispersed, but the sound of the blunt knife cutting meat was getting closer and closer...

Xixi looked at her arm and widened her eyes.

The small hairs on her arm stood up one by one.

Boom--! ! !

The purple flame suddenly broke out!

The next moment, it entangled from Xixi's arm, winding to half of Xixi's body, and entangled her fleshy waist.

Burning and scorching.

The purple flame snake swooped forward.

Xixi was immediately pulled by a huge force and ran forward.


Xixi screamed.

But how could she hold the purple flame snake.

The strange fog was constantly torn in two directions, as if it was getting closer and closer to the strange temple.

The extremely terrifying and oppressive oppression of the rank was vented.

The purple flame snake spear in Xixi's hand was trembling and jumping.

Xixi's whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Slowly, the purple flame snake stopped flying, stopped, and wrapped around Xixi's arm obediently.

Xixi raised her head curiously and found that she was in front of the strange temple.

On the steps in front of the strange temple.

There was a small figure sitting.

Xixi widened her eyes.

She looked over carefully.


Xixi screamed.


Wasn't the figure sitting on the steps Xixi?

"Xixi" seemed to have discovered Xixi.

Slowly raised her head, and looked over with empty eyes.

Then, in Xixi's wide eyes, "Xixi" grabbed a sword in his hand.

The sound of a blunt knife cutting meat...


Blood sprayed.

And the faint voice of "Xixi" echoed in Xixi's ears.

"Return the bones to the father——"

"Return the flesh to the mother——"


Kavenka is dead. This chapter has 7,000 words. It is a plot that I have been thinking about for a long time. But when I was about to write it, my mind suddenly became confused... Please give me a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket to support me! Thank you, Lao Li!

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