As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 228: The first plenary meeting of the underworld, the father's murderous intentions and

Frozen clouds covered the mountains, and the white snow condensed in the morning.

The night was as dark as thick ink that could not be dispersed, hanging high above the sky, like a night that covered the boundless, so narrow that it was hard to breathe.

The flying snow fell wildly from it, dancing in the world, and a burst of crows fell like rain.

The carriage was driving on the official road that was piled up a foot high, shaking, and took everyone back from the gate of Shenzong Mountain to Qianyuan Daocheng.

The night of hustle and bustle had already ended, and Xixi's birthday celebration was over, which meant that Xixi had grown up another year.

Zhang Ya leaned in Li Che's arms, silent, and looked at the wind and snow outside the sky dully.

Xixi's sensibility made people feel distressed, because she didn't have to be so sensible.

Going to a strange environment, the parents who loved her the most were not around, so Xixi could only make herself sensible.

Although Jiao Shaoqiu, Sang Guanyin and others were people she was familiar with, they were not the parents who could tolerate everything about her after all.

Li Che was also very distressed by Xixi's understanding.

Perhaps because of being a child prodigy, Xixi was somewhat precocious, and her intelligence far exceeded that of a five-year-old child.

But Li Che still felt a little guilty.

The carriage broke through the snowstorm, and Lao Chen whipped the reins and drove the carriage. His blood and qi were surging. His cultivation in the Qi and Meridian Realm made his blood and qi vigorous, and his body was warm and warm, allowing him to withstand the coldness of the snowstorm.

Back to Liuxiang Lane.

Everyone got off the carriage. Zhang Ya didn't say much, and started practicing martial arts in the yard in the snowstorm.

Li Che sent the boss and the big black dog back to the restaurant.

Lao Chen wanted to send them off, but was rejected by Li Che. The two and the dog walked towards the outer city in the snowstorm night as if they were taking a walk.

"Have one."

The boss rolled a cigarette, flicked it, and handed it to Li Che.

Li Che did not hesitate, and took it directly and held it in the corner of his mouth. With a flick of his finger, the fire lit the cigarette.

But the boss didn't have Li Che's carefree and carefree style. Instead, he took out a box of matches in a down-to-earth and simple way, and lit a cigarette with two clicks.

Li Che glanced at the boss. The cigarette was already here. He even had the illusion that the boss and he were from the same place.

So, after thinking for a while, he turned his head to look at the boss and exhaled a hazy smoke.

"Boss, odd changes but even does not change, what's the next sentence?"

The boss glanced at him lightly: "Couplet?"


The big black dog, who was wagging his tail and following the two of them, suddenly snorted in dissatisfaction.

There was no curfew in Qianyuan Daocheng, but on a snowy night, except for those brothels full of luxury, there was no one on the street, not even the vendors.

It took a while to walk from the inner city back to the outer city. Fortunately, Tinglei Lane was not too far from the gate of the inner city.

Follow Qiankun Street, the main road that runs through Qianyuan Daocheng, from south to north.

"If there is such a thing in the future, remember to call me. I like to cook for Xixi."

The boss said in a gentle voice after brushing off the cigarette ash.

Li Che smiled when he heard it: "I will call you every year on Xixi's birthday."


Then the boss turned and entered the restaurant.

Li Che tapped his toes, bursting with power, instantly ricocheting back, smashing the wind and snow, and hiding in the dark alley.



Western Camp Divine Guard Army.

Stationed in a mountainous area in the west of Daocheng, the camps were dotted, and groups of torches were burning, reflecting the red night like fire.

Most of the Divine Guard Army were warriors. Thousands of warriors gathered together, and the powerful blood and qi were surging, burning like a furnace, so that the snowflakes in the area had already melted.

The snowflakes falling from the sky were all beaten and shattered by the blood and qi.

Cry——! !

A sharp cry tore through the night.

Thousands of feet in the sky, the white-headed purple-eyed goshawk flapped its wings and glided down at a high speed, like a falling meteor. When it approached the main camp, it flapped its wings rapidly, rolling up a violent airflow.

This white-headed purple-eyed goshawk was extremely huge. When its wings were spread out, the distance between the tips of its wings was six meters.

Each feather was like a steel knife, extremely sharp, filled with extremely powerful blood and divinity!

This was a demon that had become a spirit. Even the Grandmaster of Shengang might not be able to withstand his terrifying power.

You Liqing, dressed in golden armor, walked out of the tent, and by his side was the governor Long Tai with a drooping face.

Hula hula——

The wind was rolling.

Slowly, the white-headed purple-eyed goshawk began to shrink its body, and after slowly getting smaller, it landed on You Liqing's horizontal forearm.

You Liqing took the letter from the white-headed purple-eyed goshawk's leg.

After taking out a Six-Minister Martial Pill from the Qiankun Jade and feeding it to the white-headed goshawk, the goshawk flapped its wings and flew away from the sky. Countless wind and snow blew into countless snow powders in the instant when the goshawk faced the wind and spread its wings.

You Liqing unfolded the letter and read it calmly.

The next moment, his eyes shrank slightly.

The breath on his body changed, as if there was a burning flame burning out of thin air, and a strong sense of oppression and suffocation surged out instantly.

Long Tai, who was following him, only felt a sense of suffocation.

Long Tai was shocked. What happened made the general's emotions fluctuate so violently.

Something that could make You Liqing so excited was definitely not a trivial matter.

After putting away the letter, You Liqing slowly exhaled.


Long Tai asked cautiously.

"Captain Long, please get ready and go meet...the princess."

princess? !

Long Tai was shocked.

"Which princess?!"

You Liqing looked at him as if he were a fool.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the biological mother of the young prince, the Dragon Queen who was married to the prince from the Dragon God clan of the East China Sea."

Long Tai took a deep breath, his heart shaking slightly.

However, Long Tai soon became confused again, because although the arrival of the Dragon Queen was indeed a big event, it might not be able to shock General You Liqing so much, right?

A little weird...

However, Long Tai didn't ask too much. As a subordinate, it is correct to talk less and do more.

You Liqing frowned and glanced at Long Tai, seeming to think of the fact that Long Tai protected Su Huaili but made Su Huaili's body so cold that he thought about it and snapped his fingers.

A breeze blew, and at some point on the tent in the distance, a heroic woman with extremely slender legs stood there.

Carrying a blue long bow on its back, it looks like a Luan bird spreading its wings behind it.

"Qingniao, you and Long Tai go to welcome the princess into Daocheng."

You Liqing said calmly.

"The princess is angry because of the death of the young prince. Now...she may not be peaceful when she comes to Daocheng. She is accompanied by the Dragon Turtle Prime Minister of the Dragon God clan in the East China Sea who is good at deduction. She must be looking for It came from the thoughts of the murderer of the young prince."

"Besides, there is one more thing that the princess has to do when she comes..."

"Back then, the princess sent an elite team from the Dragon God clan. The leader of the team was an elder brother of the princess's direct lineage. He has an unparalleled physical body and has the combat power of a supreme grandmaster at the Sanhua level..."

"However...he died. The entire elite Dragon God team perished!"

You Liqing finished speaking.

The innate great master, the sharp archer Qingniao, and Long Tai both took a breath of air.

"Did the underworld do it?"

Long Tai's burly body shook violently.

"It's impossible... that bull demon in the underworld fought against me. If it weren't for the weirdness of Shen Gang, he would have been hammered to death by me!" Long Tai said harshly.

When the Bull Demon was killing Su Huaili, Long Tai also stopped him and had a confrontation with the Bull Demon.

Therefore, he has the most say.

After all, at that time, Niu Mo had the mentality to kill Su Huai, so he had absolutely no reservations about taking action.

"The Bull Demon is not the only one in the underworld. The underworld... is a mysterious force."

Qingniao carried a long bow on his back, crossed his arms over his chest, and said calmly.

You Liqing nodded, his eyes deep.

"The underworld must have something to do with the death of the young prince... and the death of the elite team of the Dragon God lineage."

You Liqing's eyes narrowed: "I heard that the underworld is to protect the local prodigy Li Nuanxi who came out of Jinguang Mansion..."

"Su Huaili once said that the young prince once took Xue Dufu to worship the Jinguang branch of the mountain, and made a bet with Li Nuanxi. In the end, he lost... This Li Nuanxi made arrogant words and wanted to take the young prince as a slave."

"The princess must have known the news... I am afraid that she is angry when she comes this time, and may even blame the death of the young prince Ji Haihui on Li Nuanxi."

Qingniao frowned: "Li Nuanxi has now entered the Shenzong Authentic Sect..."

"Not only that, I got news that this talented evildoer Li Nuanxi has successfully created a divine base and entered the Shenzong Young Dragon Book, ranking third. Even Su Chuyang of the Su family has been suppressed."

"The Su family is now thinking. Many old guys from the Su family have begun to teach their younger generations to find ways to trick Li Nuanxi into marrying her..."

You Li's green armor was clanging, and he turned around and returned to the camp.

"That's right...Dragon Girl has a bad temper. You two go to greet her and explain the matter clearly. After all, the Qianyuan Shen Sect is the Shen Sect of the Great Scenery and dominates the land. If the princess really causes trouble, it will not end well."

When Long Tai and Qing Niao heard this, they immediately clasped their fists.

Then the two of them ejected away, blending into the night and disappearing without a trace.

You Liqing sat behind the case, his fingers clenched into fists.

"Silently, we eliminated a Dragon God team that was comparable to the Grand Master of Sanhua... How high is the upper limit of the underworld?!"

"The it like the Hunting God Pavilion, with martial saints and divine fetuses sitting there?"

"Underworld, bull demon, horse face, monkey god, black and white impermanence..."

"Who else?!"

Listen to Lei Lane.

Independent workshop courtyard.

Li Che sat cross-legged, holding a divine crystal of the Five Elders level in his palm. The majestic and rich divine nature kept rolling out from it, spreading into the Innocent Heart Dao Fruit, and into the Dharma, Heaven, and Earth. In the divine form of Lingming True Ape.

This divine form is now growing continuously. It was carved from the divine base. It is no longer the original rough embryo. Every monkey hair is now as fine as a hair, as if hundreds of millions of monkey hairs have been carefully carved out.

The eyes are like fire, burning with golden light, and the thick tail swings as if it wants to collapse the world.

The Divine Phase Realm actually relies on accumulation, the initial realm, the middle realm, the final realm and perfection. After the perfection, the Yuan Shen is born, which is the Yuan Phase Realm.

The Yuan Xiang realm is the highest state of the divine phase.

With the companionship of the soul, the divine appearance has already become perfect, and it can no longer be made more perfect through the refinement of spiritual consciousness.

Nowadays, Li Che, with the support of the majestic divinity of the Five Elder Divine Crystals, has achieved the spiritual form of the Lingming True Ape, and has reached the post-divine state.

Consummation is not far away.

And his three Five Elders-level divine crystals were also completely consumed.

His mind moved.

[Name: Li Che]

[Bond: Li Nuanxi (daughter)]

[Tao fruit: Immortal Work (lv4, 75%), Dragon Elephant Vajra (lv4, 85%), Immaculate Heart (LV4, 70%), Chess Master (LV4, 70%), Painting Fairy (lv3, 80%), Thunder Magnetic Track Body (lv1, 0%)]

[Magic power prototype: Immortal Work·Thousand Analysis Hands, Dragon Elephant Vajra·Climbing Tower, Immaculate Heart·Binding God, Chess Master·Avalanche, Painting Fairy·Mosha]

[Magic power: Picking Stars, Xiaju, Divine Guidance, Wuji]

[Hint: For every year of safe growth of the bonded object, the Tao tree can produce a Tao fruit]

The stream of light intertwined and flickered in front of his eyes, floating and reflecting on his pupils.

Li Che glanced at the changes in the maturity of the Tao fruit over the past six months.

Because he started to study the Six-Division Superior Mechanical Beast [Blood Sun Nine Gods Vajra Ape], and tried to integrate the two high-explosive forces of Black and White Extreme Collapse and Great Snow Avalanche, and tried to integrate the two into a Guanyin Lotus Bullet.

So the maturity of the immortal work is not slow.

The Dragon Elephant Vajra Dao Fruit has not improved much, mainly because in the past six months, Li Che has not fought against the strong except for clearing out some evil organizations hidden in Qianyuan Dao City by the Corpse God Cult.

So the improvement is not obvious, and the difficulty of the Martial Saint's unique skills from the master realm to the transformation realm is greater than all the previous accumulations!

Although Li Che has been perceiving and practicing, so far, no Martial Saint's unique skills have reached the transformation realm.

However, the Wanhua Dragon Elephant and Wanlong Fushen are also approaching.

"The Immortal Dao Fruit in the Painting is also close to lv4, but the main thing is to find work to do. If there is work, the Immortal clone in the Painting can be improved quickly."

Opening his eyes, all the Dao Fruits have improved significantly in the past six months.

For Li Che, it was all good news.

But the best news was that he had just obtained a new Dao fruit.

Thunder Magnetic Track Body...

It was called Dao fruit, but in fact, Li Che could understand it as a unique physique that could control thunder, magnetic field, and even gravity.

"I need thunder to baptize my body and accumulate thunder power..."

"But where can I get thunder in this winter?"

"Not to mention the powerful Nine Heavens God Thunder... And now, if I face the Nine Heavens God Thunder directly, I'm afraid I will be split into charcoal, right?"

Li Che muttered.

Therefore, the path to improve the Thunder Magnetic Track Body, a Dao fruit, stumped Li Che all of a sudden.

"Could it be that the cultivation of this Thunder Magnetic Track Body requires waiting for the right time..."

"Winter thunder is extremely rare, and spring thunder is also rare. Only in midsummer, there will be more thunderstorms. But if we wait like this... When will the maturity of the Thunder Magnetic Track Body be improved?"

Li Che frowned.

If we use other thunders to temper the body, will it work?

He clenched his five fingers.

The Black Gold Eight Treasures Thunder Dragon Stick immediately fell into his hands. He clenched his five fingers, and his blood was stimulated. Suddenly, arcs of lightning surged on the stick, and rushed into Li Che's body.

But there was not much reaction...

"Because these thunders... the source comes from me, and they are my power, so they cannot be used to temper the body."

Who among the people he knows... plays with thunder?

Li Che's eyes suddenly lit up slightly,

Don't say... there is really one.

Li Qingshan, oh no, dear cat face of the underworld.

Li Che took out the underworld divine communication mirror, and then began to communicate with Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan, who was accompanying Grandma Mu in the fragrant alleys of the inner city, suddenly had his eyes lit up, and his whole body was shocked. The powerful aura of the great master was a little difficult to contain, and it seemed to rage out.

Granny Mu smiled and looked at Li Qingshan: "Finally came to life?"

Li Qingshan was a little moved, grinning: "My cultivation has broken through to the Grandmaster level, and I have finally caught up with the pace of the underworld..."

"Mu Mu, listen, the name of the underworld cat face will soon be heard throughout the city."

"Next time, I will definitely let the wanted poster posted on the bulletin board at the city gate add my name of the underworld cat face!"

Li Qingshan stood up, his eyes sparkling.

Granny Mu rolled her eyes: "What are you proud of? This is not a good thing."

"You still think your name is not on the wanted poster?"

Li Qingshan shook his head: "You don't understand... It's a kind of recognition, a kind of honor that belongs only to justice!"

Since the underworld became famous, has it done anything bad?

All those killed are evil in the world, targeting those who are in collusion with the Corpse God Cult or the evil people of the Corpse God Cult!

Isn't this exactly what he, Li Qingshan, longs for?

Thunder and slay evil...

Follow the justice in your heart!

This is also the reason why Li Qingshan has been thinking about becoming a member of the underworld, and wants to officially participate in an action that belongs only to the underworld!

And now...

The opportunity is right in front of him.


"Be careful."

Grandma Mu already knew what Li Qingshan was thinking about.

She also knew that she couldn't stop Li Qingshan.

She just hoped that Li Qingshan could be safe.


On a snowy night, people's hearts were cold.

Li Qingshan deliberately changed into a black nightgown, and then put on a cat-faced mask, and rushed to the location marked in the underworld's divine communication order.

He came to Tinglei Alley, used Qinggong, stepped on the snow without leaving a trace, and rushed towards the courtyard in the alley.

He looked like he was moving quietly, but in fact...

They have all been under the prying eyes of Li Che for a long time.

Li Qingshan knocked on the door and it opened wide. He got in and saw figures one after another in the yard.

His breath hitched suddenly.

He saw the Bull Demon, as tall as a tower, standing in a corner of the yard, wearing a low-level bamboo hat, and his powerful energy and blood were raging.

He also saw the horse face of the horse mask, and the horse face of the Immortal Vulcan cannon carrying a red barrel that emitted scorching heat.

There was another person with his head tilted, covered with a vivid monkey mask, with an evil and wanton smile. A black gold stick exuded a suffocating pressure, stretched across his neck, and his hands were hanging on it.

Divine monkey!

The underworld monkey who can kill Grandmaster Shengang!

In addition, there are Bai Wuchang and Hei Wuchang who follow the Bull Demon obediently!




All the evil spirits in the underworld gather together!

The Bull Demon actually informed him that he really regarded him as one of his own!

Li Qingshan hurriedly dusted off the fallen snow on his body, straightened his back, stepped on the soft snow, and entered the courtyard.

Of course, Li Qingshan also noticed a burly figure standing in the center of the large courtyard, with his hands behind his back and his back turned to him.

Just by looking at it, Li Qingshan felt as if his soul had been taken away, as if the world was spinning, and his feet began to feel weightless.

Li Qingshan was shocked! face from the underworld? !

Bull Demon, Horse Face, Monkey God, and Black and White Impermanence, these are all the members of the underworld that Li Qingshan knows.

But now it seems that the underworld is indeed not what he imagined, there are only so many people.

Li Qingshan, who had just broken through to the Grand Master of Shengang, felt that he had no courage at all in this underworld.

Li Qingshan stared at the figure standing in the center of the courtyard. The figure seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth. Every falling snowflake would invisibly twist around his body.

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed...

This is……

Harmony between man and nature? !

Sure enough, there really is someone stronger in the underworld!

How could there be no such mysterious forces as the Innate Grand Master who unites nature and man, the forces that dare to stand up to the Hunting God Pavilion? !

Slowly, the sturdy figure, whose black shirt was bulging, slowly turned around.

What caught Li Qingshan's eyes was a mask, a majestic and domineering dragon head mask!

This is……

Under the dragon head mask, there was a pair of extremely deep eyes. Li Qingshan just looked at them and felt countless thunder roaring, as if there was a blue dragon looking out of countless black clouds and thunderstorms!

"Underworld, Thunder Dragon."

A faint voice came from under the dragon head mask.

Li Qingshan exhaled and cupped his fists: "Underworld, cat face..."

However, under the gaze of Thunder Dragon's deep gaze, it seemed as if lightning arcs were constantly flickering out of his pupils.

The old face under Li Qingshan's cat-face mask blushed slightly.

"Underworld Reserves..."

"I heard you played with thunder? Hit me."

Thunder Dragon said lightly.

Li Qingshan was confused for a moment, weren't they going to act together to make something happen?

boom--! ! !

Thunder Dragon gently raised his hand, and instantly, a terrifying force of repulsion rushed out, as if he was enveloped by an invisible field for an instant.

The heaven and earth are in his hands, and he can control them as he pleases!

Harmony between man and nature? !

How terrible!

Li Qingshan only felt that he was instantly thrown out by the impact, and his back hit the wall hard, shaking off the snow piled up on the wall.


In his sleeves, the jet-black ram's-horned sky-breaking hammer immediately fell into his hand, and he grasped it violently.


Countless thunders burst out from the earth, and the ram-horned sky-breaking hammer seemed to become the focus of countless thunders.

Li Qingshan's eyes were burning, let him experience the power of the innate grand master of the unity of man and nature!

Let him, a mayfly, take a look at the mountains!


With one step, Li Qingshan's muscles and bones trembled all over, and his rickety figure instantly rose up, suddenly straightening, and a stream of extremely hot energy and blood surged out, like a dragon raging and roaring around him.

One head, two heads, three heads...

Eight angry dragons roared in succession, and eight dragons surged across the river!

The interior scene of Meijinniwan is shocking!

Suspenseful thunder shakes the evil-killing Vajra divine form!

Countless thunderbolts shot out, and a pair of thunder wings intertwined behind them, and they flapped violently, like a horizontal thunder between heaven and earth!

The ram-horned sky-breaking hammer even exploded with countless lightning and thunder!

Eight qi and blood dragons entangled, and a touch of divine power shook. Li Qingshan swung the claw hammer that intertwined and gathered countless flashes in the courtyard, struck the lightning in the courtyard, and smashed it hard at the thunder dragon standing with his hands behind his back!

boom--! ! !

However, that hammer was thrown with all his strength.

When he landed an inch in front of the Brontosaurus mask, he could no longer move forward.

It seemed to be blocked by a terrifying force.


Li Qingshan was horrified to find that the thunderbolts he released were moving crazily towards the body of the thunder dragon. This thunder dragon... seemed to have turned into a black hole.

Greedily and crazily, he devoured the thunder power that he tried his best to burst out!

Lei Long snapped his fingers.

An extremely powerful repulsive force suddenly hit Li Qingshan's body, and was pushed out fiercely by the invisible force. Li Qingshan hit the wall again.

The snow fell all over his head.

Li Qingshan wore a cat-faced mask and shook it.

"Not bad, come again."

Lei Long said lightly.

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed with disbelief.

You know, the thunder of Li Qingshan has the power of killing evil. If it is evil or dark-minded, they will be washed away and liquidated!

But this underworld thunder dragon... is really evil!

Li Che was wearing a thunder dragon mask, and he was really satisfied.

Li Qingshan's thunder struck him very comfortably. He was worthy of being Senior Qingshan, and his technique was indeed professional.

His mind moved.

The light flashed in front of him.

[Tao Fruit: Thunder Magnetic Track Body (lv1, 5%)]

Sure enough, the maturity has improved a little, although not much, it is better than nothing.

Li Qingshan was also aroused with anger, he still didn't believe it...

With five fingers clenched, countless lightning arcs moved, the thunder wings behind him flashed again, and he changed the angle and smashed the thunder dragon again!

But it was still the same, as if there was a circle of invisible obstacles separating him, and his hammer could not break through the obstacles at all, but the thunder he shot out was swallowed up completely...

Li Qingshan's heart was numb.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

Li Qingshan did not hold back and tried his best.


Sitting on the ground, Li Qingshan gasped heavily.

The Sheep Horn Sky-breaking Hammer drooped on the ground, and Li Qingshan didn't even have the strength to swing the hammer.

The hammer couldn't move...

No, his Li Qingshan's thunder was gone, it had been completely emptied, and couldn't be squeezed out at all!

The seniors in the underworld are different, really powerful!

Lei Long stood in place, with arcs of lightning slowly moving around him, blending with his blood and qi, and the terrifying Five Elements Divine Gang suddenly moved with the color of arcs of lightning!

The terrifying martial arts will raged.

Li Qingshan, who fell to the ground, felt as if he was facing an ancient beast, and a slap could smash him to pieces.

Too fierce, Senior Lei Long is really too fierce...



Li Che's muscles and bones rang all over his body, as if the fusion of the thunder magnetic track body and the flesh body had taken another step forward.

Five fingers flicked, the thunder snake moved, and the air exploded!

A piece of falling snow was directly blown to ashes by the thunder.

Closing his eyes, countless snowflakes fell around Li Che, and began to dance wildly around him, like a tornado, attracting the power of heaven and earth!

Li Qingshan was dumbfounded.


The pupils under the Thunder Dragon mask suddenly opened, and the terrifying invisible repulsive force blasted all the flying snow between heaven and earth.

The hazy white snow powder was scattered in every corner of the yard.

The Thunder Dragon walked to Li Qingshan's side and gently patted Li Qingshan's shoulder.

He took out a six-division divine crystal and stuffed it into Li Qingshan's hand.

"Recover well, and promotion and salary increase are not a dream."

The words fell.

"Let's go."

The words fell.

Then in the stunned face under Li Qingshan's cat-faced mask.

The Bull Demon, Horse Face, Monkey God and Black and White Impermanence in the yard all disappeared out of thin air...

The huge yard.

Only Li Qingshan, who was exhausted and drained of thunder, was left...

Holding a six-division divine crystal, it was like holding a prostitute's money...

Alone in the wind and snow, looking around at a loss.

What is he doing here? !

The snow was flying and rolling wildly, and the night was quiet and deep.

On the main road of Qianyuandao City, a thick layer of snow was piled up.

In the luxurious carriage, the lights were dim, and the wheels crushed the snow. Under the pull of the precious blood dragon horse, it broke through the ice and snow.

The sound of the horse's hooves fell, drowning the subtle sound of snowflakes falling.

Inside the carriage.

Su Helian, the elder of the Su family and the honorary elder of the Qianyuan Divine Sect, sat on a soft leather chair, boiling hot water in the charcoal stove and brewing hot winter tea.

Su Helian's beard and hair were flying, and he held a stack of wedding invitations in his hand.

It was the prey that the children of the Su family were targeting again. Those talented girls with the uterus still in their uterus were the targets of the children of the Su family.

"Yes, much better than Su Chuyang, the idiot..."

"My Su family has that kind of divine secret method, which can absorb women's talents and turn them into their own talents. You actually plan to rely on your own talents... How stupid and ridiculous."

"Li Nuanxi, this girl, was judged by Qiankun Daoyun to be ranked third in the young dragon list just after she forged the divine foundation. This kind of talent... is extremely rare. At least she is a child prodigy with a thousand-foot divine purple aura!"

"Such a talented girl, if you marry her into the Su family, at least you can cultivate another great master of fetal breathing and transformation for my Su family!"

"Others have no shortcuts and have to work hard, but you, Su Chuyang, have shortcuts but are unwilling to take them..."

"How do you think you, Su Chuyang, got your talent? Isn't it because your father bred with a girl with good talents?!"

Su Helian was really angry with Su Chuyang and was furious.

He gave Su Chuyang a chance, but he couldn't grasp it.

Originally, he was optimistic about Su Chuyang. After all, Su Chuyang was a very outstanding child prodigy of this generation in the Su family.

Sadly, it's very stupid.

Being talented is not important to Su Helian. What is important is to be obedient and know how to play the role of the Su family.

Whoosh whoosh——

The carriage galloped, and the sound of wind and snow outside the window burst and hummed.


Su Helian turned his head and glanced at the tea placed beside him.

The tea overflowed with a ripple.

Su Helian's eyes suddenly shrank!


The sound of wind, snow, and wheels rolling all disappeared suddenly!

It seemed... isolated by some invisible force.

Then there was boundless murderous intent, like golden lotuses surging from the ground, covering the sky and the earth!

Someone has murderous intent!

The world is back and forth!

I'm a little stuck, and I write a little slowly. Please vote for the monthly ticket, please recommend the ticket, and please read it. If there is no recommendation, the data will not increase during the period of naked running. Don't stop reading! Lao Li thanks! There will be another update in the evening!

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