As a keeper of the Sutra Pavilion, you will become stronger by reading!

Chapter 2 I have never read so seriously in my previous life!

In the first floor of the Scripture Collection Pavilion, it didn't take long for Qin Feng to finish flipping through the second classic.

No matter how calm he is, his eyes are full of excitement at this moment. This should be his golden finger.

The next moment, Qin Feng's mind moved, and information that only he could see suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Qin Feng]

[Qualification: Not in the mainstream, 2/100]

[Comprehension: Not popular, 2/100]

[Physique: mortal body]

[Lifespan: 47 years remaining]

[Cultivation: Mortal]

Originally, his qualifications and understanding were not top-notch, which was why he had not yet entered cultivation after practicing hard for more than ten years.

But now, there is something similar to a progress bar behind Buruliu. If he guessed correctly, when the progress bar is full, his qualifications and understanding should be qualitatively improved.

As for physical fitness and lifespan, especially when he saw that his lifespan was only 47 years, Qin Feng immediately shook his head. At this age in his previous life, he would have retired to the earth without delay, and could have taken a leisurely walk in the world. .

"I don't know if the physique and lifespan can be increased. It would be great if the lifespan can be increased."

Qin Feng pondered that as a mortal, he was now 18 years old. If his lifespan could not be extended, he would have to make good use of the less than 47 years left to enter cultivation.

After all, the lifespan of a practitioner is much longer than that of ordinary people.

Moreover, whether it was Wind and Thunder Palm or Ox Demon Fist, the information prompted was extensive reading. Is it possible that if you read it carefully, you will gain something else?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he quickly picked up the "Wind and Thunder Palm" from before.

You know, he has a photographic memory, and he reads very quickly. Even if he did extensive reading before, he can still memorize the contents of Wind and Thunder Palm word for word.

However, memorizing it means memorizing it, but his understanding is not good, so he only memorized the Wind and Thunder Palm, and did not even learn a single move.

This is why he was able to flip through a martial arts secret book in a short period of time. If it were any other disciple of the Body Forging Realm who saw the speed at which he flipped through the pages, they would have thought that this person was either pretending to be cool or just an idiot.

But this time, Qin Feng slowed down his reading speed and read the martial arts secret book from beginning to end word by word. It took him a full hour to read dozens of pages of secret books.

He had to admit that he had never read so seriously in his previous life.

[Read "Wind and Thunder Palm" intensively, qualification +1. 】

[Intensive reading of "Wind and Thunder Palm", comprehension +1. 】

[Reading "Wind and Thunder Palm" intensively, physical fitness +1. 】

[Read "Wind and Thunder Palm" intensively, life span +1. 】

After seeing the information, Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, intensive reading could make him gain more than extensive reading.

[Name: Qin Feng]

[Qualification: Not in the mainstream, 3/100]

[Comprehension: Not popular, 3/100]

[Physique: mortal body, 1/1000]

[Life span: 47 years and 1 day remaining]

[Cultivation: Mortal]

After seeing that the +1 on the life span was converted into a life span of 1 day, Qin Feng felt confident.

The first floor of the Sutra Pavilion has ninety-nine thousand books, which is enough for him to study for a long time.

I just don't know whether reading any classics can enhance his various indicators, or whether it can only be improved by reading spiritual classics.

If it's the latter, then of the 99,000 volumes of classics, 30,000 are legends, anecdotes, and secret knowledge. Wouldn't he lose 30,000 volumes of classics experience?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng planned to get a tome of legends and secrets first to see if he could gain experience.

Soon, he came to the area dedicated to storing such books and picked up a relatively thin book.

Just as he was about to open it and read it, Wang Chen's voice sounded behind him.

"Qin Feng, what are you looking at? Didn't I ask you to understand the distribution of the first-level classics?"

Wang Chen's voice was mixed with anger. In his opinion, Qin Feng could read the classics after mastering the distribution of various classics in the Sutra Pavilion, instead of forgetting about himself just after becoming the successor of the Pavilion Keeper. responsibilities, this is not the real cabinet guard.

Moreover, judging from his expression, he might not have been reading all afternoon. The more Wang Chen thought about it, the more angry he became. He thought that although this boy was an ordinary person, even if he was more diligent, he would not be in vain for giving him the opportunity to stay in the Holy Land. Opportunity, but it turned out that in less than a day, he had forgotten all about the job of the cabinet guard, and completely put the cart before the horse.

"Uncle Chen, I have already mastered the distribution of various classics in the Scripture Pavilion on the first floor."

Qin Feng saw the unhappy look on Wang Chen's face and immediately knew what the other person was thinking. He must have felt that he had not done his job well and was being lazy.

"It took more than half a day to master the distribution of various classics in the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion?"

Wang Chen was immediately laughed out of Qin Feng's anger. He must be practical when lying. If Qin Feng really mastered the distribution of the classics in the first floor of the Scripture Pavilion in half a day, then what did it take him half a year to master? What a fool!

Originally, his impression of Qin Feng was okay, but after this incident, his perception dropped sharply.

"Okay, then I will take the test for you. If you can pass, from today on, you will officially become a guardian and will never have to take the test again. If you fail, you will be expelled from the Holy Land."

Wang Chen's words are equivalent to pronouncing a verdict. Didn't he say that he has mastered the distribution of various classics? Then let the facts speak for themselves.

Qin Feng naturally had no objection, and he also had his own plans. If Wang Chen knew that he had a superior memory and would no longer care about him, then he could devote himself wholeheartedly to the great cause of reading.

After all, he is still just a mortal, with only 47 years left to live, and he doesn't want to waste a moment.

"The location of "Shadow Step"!"

"Bookcase No. 72, fifth floor, book 36."

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Qin Feng.

"The location of the "Heaven-Slaying Sword"!"

"Bookcase No. 35, ninth floor, book eighty-three."

""Qiu Yu Sword Technique"."

"Bookshelf No. 69, Floor 10."

Every time Wang Chen finished naming a book, Qin Feng answered Ruliu by naming the corresponding location without even hesitating.

Twenty times in a row, Qin Feng did not give any wrong answer. Although Wang Chen was expressionless, his heart was extremely shocked. At this moment, he believed what Qin Feng said.

However, at this moment, a stream of light suddenly flashed from Wang Chen's mind.

"The location of the Body Sutra!"

After saying this, Wang Chen's lips curved slightly.

Even if Qin Feng couldn't answer the question about the location of this technique, he would still make Qin Feng the official guardian of the palace, because this was just an additional question, and he wanted to see how abnormal Qin Feng's memory was.

Qin Feng subconsciously opened his mouth to speak, but stopped instantly.

Because among the 99,000 books on this level, he didn't even notice that there was this book at all.

After going through all the classics again in his mind, Qin Feng once again confirmed that there was no such classic.


At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to have caught something in his mind, and pictures flashed through his mind like scenes in a movie.

The next moment, Qin Feng's mind moved, and a picture suddenly paused and appeared in front of his eyes.

In an instant, the picture in Qin Feng's mind gradually enlarged. On the tenth floor of the first bookshelf, under the ninety-ninth book and the one hundredth book, a corner as big as a little finger was revealed. It could not be noticed by ordinary people. That is Qin Feng.

Moreover, this corner obviously does not belong to these two classics, it can only be the "Ti Jing" mentioned by Wang Chen.

Ninety-nine thousand volumes is just a convenient number. In fact, there are ninety-nine thousand and one volumes in the first floor of the Sutra Collection Pavilion!

"Bookcase No. 1, on the tenth floor, underneath the ninety-ninth and one hundred classics."

Qin Fengyan looked at Wang Chen with certainty. The latter was completely shocked at this moment, and the look in his eyes was even more difficult to calm down.

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