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Chapter 205 To kill the false emperor, Qin Feng’s strength!

"Boss used such strength to face a human holy land in a lower realm. He is really flattering these guys."

"Yes, even if the opponent is the Supreme, he can't make a single move in the hands of the boss."

"What's more, even if there are powerful men at the pseudo-emperor level in this Xuanhuang Realm, they probably won't know what the pseudo-emperors in the lower realms and the pseudo-emperors under the starry sky represent."

When the leader of the Jiuyou Clan, Jiuyoutian, took action, the other strong men of the Jiuyou Clan started talking about it.

In their opinion, it is enough for them to take action against Jiuxiao Holy Land.

No, there is no Supreme Being among them.

You must know that the Jiuyou Clan who came this time, except for the extremely evil new member of the Clan who has entered the Dao-breaking realm, the other members of the Clan are at least the Saint Ancestor level or above.

There are also three supreme beings among them.

After all, the Starry Sky Emperor said before his death that anyone who is powerful under the Emperor can enter the secret realm of the Star Palace and have a chance to inherit his mantle.

This is also why the strong men leading the teams from all races are false emperors, because if you surpass the false emperors, you will not be able to enter the secret realm of the Star Palace.

The Jiuyou clan has been majoring in the Nine Nether Avenue since ancient times. Although the Jiuyou Avenue is among the top avenues, it is still far behind the avenues of time and space, Hunyuan, Chaos, Cause and Effect, and Destiny.

However, because they specialize in this avenue, the people of the Jiuyou Clan have a higher level of understanding of the avenue than other powerful people.

Among all races, many races specialize in one avenue, so they can overtake others in corners and have a strong understanding of the avenue.

The Jiuyou tribe is such a race, and because Jiuyou Avenue is the top avenue, the Jiuyou Emperor who fully masters Jiuyou Avenue is also extremely powerful.

Therefore, the Jiuyou clan can rank 30th among all clans in the world.

At this moment, Jiuyoutian's eyes were full of indifference, and the illusory Jiuyou Avenue appeared in the sky behind him.

The endless power of Jiuyou, under the control of Jiuyoutian, condensed into a little light and fell towards the Jiuxiao Formation.

The moment the ghost light left Jiuyoutian, the whole world was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliant power of heaven followed the dim light and suppressed it towards the sky.

At the same time, Qin Feng in the Sutra Pavilion also moved his muscles.

The opponent is a pseudo-emperor who is countless times more powerful than the Supreme Realm. Although he has not achieved enlightenment and proclaimed himself emperor, he has also surpassed the ninth level of breaking the path.

Moreover, if he felt correctly, Jiuyoutian was stronger than Xiandaoyang, Shenji, Tiantong and Linghuan, although he had only met Shenji.

It was too late, but it was soon. When Qin Feng noticed the power of Jiuyoutian, he also took action.

When he made a move, his palms grasped the space, as if the invisible space became tangible in his hands.

Then, he pulled back suddenly, released his palm and pushed upward.

The next second, endless space was twisted and torn, and the power of space turned into space blades, gathering into a space vortex, rushing towards the power of Jiuyou.

In the shocked eyes of Zi Kong and others, the two colors of black and silver, one falling from the sky and the other going up against the sky, collided together in a moment.

There was no violent collision as imagined!

Jiuyoutian's expression changed slightly, and he was keenly aware that his Jiuyou's power was showing signs of being broken.


The next second, all the strong men of the Jiuyou Clan saw Jiuyoutian's attack being smashed directly into the void, and then Qin Feng's space vortex blade seemed to disappear and disappeared in front of them.

"You guys stand back!"

Jiuyoutian's voice sounded, followed by a force that directly lifted them away.

However, Qin Feng seemed to have predicted Jiuyoutian's move, and the spatial vortex blade appeared in front of the strong man from the Jiuyou clan with a swipe.


The space vortex blade exploded instantly!

A silver lotus stretching for a million miles swallowed up all the powerful men of the Jiuyou Clan!

Billions of miles of space were ruthlessly torn apart like fragile paper under this huge force.

Fortunately, the will of Xuanhuang Realm is still there, and although the space is broken, it can still be restored at a constant speed.

However, Jiuyoutian's expression was extremely gloomy.

Because he was tricked by the other party.

However, at this moment, he didn't care about arguing with Qin Feng anymore, and directly rushed into the Space Vortex Blade with the strongest strength.

If he doesn't take action, he will be nothing more than a mere commander.

He couldn't afford to lose this person.

The Jiuyou Clan cannot afford to lose this person.

In particular, in today's Xuanhuang Realm, many powerful men from all races have arrived in advance.

They are probably looking at themselves too.

Thinking of this, Jiuyoutian's power quickly spread throughout the silver lotus.

The two colors of black and silver were entangled endlessly, exuding a fierce aura, leaving everyone in the Nine Heavens Holy Land below stunned.


Yang Jian swallowed subconsciously, his eyes full of shock.

"I thought that meeting the Saint Ancestor of Zhongzhou would be enough in this lifetime."

"As a result, the Holy Ancestor met many people, young and old, and there were also powerful men who were suspected of being the Supreme."

"Now it seems that it is still too conservative."

"That foreigner may have entered the realm of the false emperor."


Yang Jian's words made Chu Chen, Yaochi Palace Master and Tian Fo all exclaim in surprise.

It's not that they don't know about the realm of the false emperor, but they know that they want to break through from the supreme level of the ninth level of the Broken Dao Realm to become the false emperor.

"Ha~ You can't save people, so you should take care of yourself first."

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with light, and the huge silver lotus's original power was nearing its end.

As a result, the moment the power of Nine Nethers entered the silver lotus, the corners of Qin Feng's mouth slightly raised.

At the same time, the silver lotuses all over the sky seemed like cats that smelled fishy smell. In the center of the lotus, another silver lotus was born.

The moment this silver lotus flower was born, Jiuyoutian's expression suddenly changed. He didn't care about anything, just stepped out and left in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the void shook!

All billions of miles of space collapsed and turned into powder!

Such terrifying power made everyone in Jiuxiao stare wide-eyed.

What is the level of this senior of ours?

The second and third levels of the Broken Dao Realm are here, and they can suppress and kill them.

When the Holy Ancestor comes, he can still suppress and kill.

Originally they thought that this was Qin Feng's strength.

As a result, this guy was able to kill even the most powerful man.

Until this moment, when everyone looked at Jiuyoutian flying out of the silver lotus, they were numb.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng could even defeat the pseudo-emperor!

Such strength is enough to be famous in the Xuanhuang Realm even in Zhongzhou, let alone in a place like the Four Regions where the potential has been exhausted.

"Want to run?"

"Have you asked me?"

A cold light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. He had never had the problem of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. These people of all races who descended from the starry sky had eyes higher than their heads, and most of them looked at people with their nostrils.

It's time to teach them a lesson. (End of chapter)

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