As a keeper of the Sutra Pavilion, you will become stronger by reading!

Chapter 231 It doesn’t mean I can’t kill you!

How can you, the mortals under this starry sky, understand the terror of my clan?

The woman who turned into a black hole devoured everything in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Even when facing the killing moves of the two Yuantai, she was not afraid at all. Just as she said before, she was immortal.

Once, a great emperor tried to kill her, but failed. Instead, he was severely injured by her. In the end, he joined forces with other members of the same clan to devour the great emperor.

The taste of the great emperor has intoxicated her so far, but this Taoist master, the guy of the eternal path, has another taste.

Thinking of this, a trace of fear flashed in the woman's eyes, as if she remembered the existence that almost made them extinct.

If there had not been an accident at that time, their clan would have been killed by the other party.

Thinking of this, the woman's heart was full of murderous intent. The powerful devouring power of the black hole even pulled the matter of the starry sky around the Xuanhuang Realm.

At this moment, the killing moves of the two Yuantai arrived!

The surging power erupted in the black hole, and the mysterious power caused the black hole to collapse and disintegrate from the inside.


"How could it be!!"

"Even the Great Emperor can't hurt me at all!! Why, why!!"

A panicked and frightened voice sounded in the black hole, causing Qin Feng to narrow his eyes slightly. The Great Emperor couldn't kill her, but that didn't mean he couldn't kill her.

This time, it was the two Yuantai who took action. Qin Feng's body and the Wanfa Yuanshen did not move, and only used the power of two great ways.

But if it was just a fake emperor, it would be enough. Even if it was an ordinary Great Emperor, the two Yuantai joined forces, and they had the power to strike the Great Emperor.

But the opponent was obviously not any race Qin Feng had seen, and it was estimated that they had nothing to do with the Ten Thousand Races, and the power of the Great Way had no effect on them.

If Qin Feng hadn't opened up the three Dantians, built the human body bridge of heaven and earth, and derived the Gate of Creation, I'm afraid this time would be dangerous.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng had a new understanding of the mysterious power of creation.

Although he still hadn't figured out the world behind the Gate of Creation, it didn't prevent him from using the power of creation to kill the enemy.

At this moment, the black hole that the woman turned into was collapsing and she felt her power was annihilated. This fear reminded her of the figure deep in her memory that she didn't even dare to look at.

It was that figure that destroyed the ancestor of their clan and even couldn't reincarnate.

The masters of the clan were killed and injured. If it weren't for what happened later, the consequences would be disastrous.

Now there is another guy who wants to follow that guy's footsteps. How can he grow up? ?

Thinking of this, the black hole gradually faded and turned into the outline of the woman.

However, at this time, the woman had all kinds of bleeding wounds on her body, and her left arm and right leg were broken.

The woman didn't care about her injuries, nor did she look at Qin Feng again, but rushed out of the Xuanhuang Realm without looking back.


After a while, the woman's body fell heavily on the ground like a meteor, and the bones all over her body made crackling sounds.

Black blood flowed from the woman's body, emitting strong corrosiveness, and even the earth melted easily once it touched it.

Qin Feng's figure slowly appeared in front of the woman, and the two Yuantai had already entered Qin Feng's body.

This battle was also the most difficult one he had ever fought.

Although he did not take action and his strength was not fully exerted, he also exerted a small half of it.

Not only that, it also allowed him to verify what he had gained along the way.

"It seems that this guy is really not alone."

Qin Feng looked at the woman below, with light flowing on his palm, and slapped the woman's body directly. For a moment, countless chains tied the woman's body into a big dumpling.

Then Qin Feng left with the big dumpling.

He had to think of a way to see if he could figure out the origin of this guy.

Otherwise, facing a group of enemies of unknown origin, to be honest, it was quite uncomfortable.

Here, Xuanhuang Realm was not protected by the power of Xinggong Secret Realm this time, and the swallowed space could only be repaired over the years.

And the original will of Xuanhuang Realm also fell into a deep sleep because it was partially swallowed.

In the Jiuxiao Holy Land, everyone finally became happy after not sensing the aura of demons. This time, it should be considered that the bitterness has paid off.

However, facing the broken Xuanhuang Realm, everyone didn't know what to say for a while, and there was a sense of sadness in their hearts for no reason.

"Do you think this Xuanhuang Realm can be restored to its previous state?"

Yang Jian looked at Zikong beside him with a sad expression, and Zikong was also in a bad mood.

After all, they grew up in the Xuanhuang Realm. Seeing their hometown like this, everyone felt more or less uncomfortable.

In Zhongzhou, Shen Ji stood still with a face full of fear. Beside her were Xian Daoyang, Tiantong and Linghong, who were also covered in dust. The four clans' strong men left without taking them.

Or, they didn't want to leave with the four clans.

After all, if they went back, they would not be ranked in the clan, and they would even suffer a lot of discrimination.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, as long as the four of them did not provoke the Jiuxiao Holy Land, then the four domains would still be able to walk sideways.

But they didn't expect that a killer would suddenly come and destroy everything in Zhongzhou.

The supreme rulers and saints of each race quickly melted under the black flames and were used as nutrients for the woman to restore her eyesight.

The battle started and ended quickly. In less than half an hour, the winner was decided.

Qin Feng had already brought the woman back to his own small space in the Sutra Library and began to think about how to find out some information from the woman.

But when he found out that the woman had no soul, he was dumbfounded.

Without a soul, what the hell is this?

"What the hell is this?"

Qin Feng was stunned, but he recovered in an instant. He looked around and took out a book of the inheritance of a great emperor and began to read it.

Although he didn't know what race this woman was, it didn't mean that the former great emperor didn't know.

If one didn't know, then two, if two didn't know, then four or five. Anyway, he had the inheritance of more than ten great emperors in his hands. If there was no information about the woman, he would accept it.


Just as Qin Feng was reading the book, a wave of fluctuations rippled in his body. He was very familiar with this wave. It was the wave of something coming out of the Gate of Creation.

During this period of time, I have not sent anything to the Gate of Fortune except the Star Palace Secret Realm.

Now it seems that the Star Palace Secret Realm has come out of the Gate of Fortune.

Feeling a clearer sense of control than before, Qin Feng smiled.

Then he looked at the Star Palace Secret Realm in his body. (End of this chapter)

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