As a keeper of the Sutra Pavilion, you will become stronger by reading!

Chapter 67 Something is wrong, something is very wrong!

Although Qin Feng also thought that Elder Xiao would never come back. The reason why he disappeared for so long was probably because he was on a mission or something else.

However, he didn't expect that this guy would come back after only half a year, which made him feel that his vacation was about to end and his homework was not done yet, and he felt very panicked.

After all, when the old man is here, there is no time when he doesn't want to find trouble.

However, he then thought about it, what was he afraid of?

The weapon refining, talisman making, and formation painting that Elder Xiao mentioned before, plus the previous alchemy refining, he has reached the spiritual level in all four levels, completely meeting the conditions set by the other party, and exceeding the standard.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng gained a lot of confidence and became more natural when facing Elder Xiao.

"Wang Zhan, I have met Elder Xiao!"

On the other side, Wang Zhan was undoubtedly the happiest when seeing Elder Xiao.

After all, Elder Xiao is back, so he can go all out to practice the body scriptures without any scruples.

Now that he has tasted the benefits, he is ready to accumulate his wealth to the limit in one go, and then be promoted to the core with the momentum of being the number one person in the inner sect.

Therefore, how important is an elder who can help him heal.

Elder Xiao glanced at Wang Zhan with unusually dull eyes, and then looked at Qin Feng.

Although Qin Feng was confident in his heart, the difference in strength between him and Elder Xiao was too big. Even just looking at each other made him feel heavy pressure. A lot had definitely happened in the six months since the old man disappeared. thing.

Fortunately, Elder Xiao didn't say anything, just came in and took a look at the two of them before turning and leaving.

? ? ?

Qin Feng was confused. This was not Elder Xiao's style.

According to his assumption, shouldn't the old man check his formation cultivation as soon as he comes back?

Why did he leave after just one glance at the two of them?

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong!"

At this moment, Qin Feng noticed something was wrong with Elder Xiao.

He originally guessed what happened to Elder Xiao within half a year, but now it seems that he was right.

But he had no way of knowing what happened, and they certainly wouldn't tell him.

After all, it’s a good thing if you don’t cause trouble for yourself!

Then Qin Feng sent Wang Zhan out of the Scripture Collection Pavilion, and then returned to the room, got into the independent space he had created, and started reading the classics.

At the same time, Elder Xiao glanced at his rocking chair after leaving the Sutra Pavilion, and then waved his hand. The rocking chair turned into dust like weathering, and dissipated in a breeze.

Then, he took a step forward and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

Qiu Chengdao didn't know why today, but he always felt like he was having heart palpitations.

This made him absent-minded when drawing formations, and he had already failed two holy formations in a row.

You know, this is not a Tao-level formation or a Heaven-level formation.

This is a holy-level formation that is useful even against saints. The consumables of the light formation cost more than a million points, and there are also precious materials that he has collected for many years. The total amount directly made Qiu Chengdao's face tremble subconsciously.

too expensive!

It hurts so much!


At this moment, Qiu Chengdao felt an inexplicable warning in his heart, and a crisis broke out directly above him.

Looking around, Xiao Zangfeng's figure appeared in Qiu Chengdao's field of vision.


"Old Xiao, if you have something to say, please tell me!"

"Let's not do anything!"

Qiu Chengdao finally understood why he was suffering from heart palpitations. The reason was from Xiao Zangfeng.

Feeling the suppressed anger in Xiao Zangfeng, he knew that the other party was really angry this time.

If it were him, he would definitely be more explosive than Xiao Zangfeng. He understood, but that didn't mean he approved of the other party's actions.

And the target of the attack was himself.

Besides, you can't completely blame him for this. After all, if you weren't so dirty, how could things have evolved to the point where the four of them teamed up to fuck him alone.

But, it's useless to say anything at this time.

It was too late, but soon, Xiao Zangfeng's power came across the sky like a rainbow and came to Qiu Chengdao.

This power was extremely concentrated, and because it only targeted Qiu Chengdao, it did not emit power and affect the surrounding environment.

But Qiu Chengdao faced the power of this force head on.

This guy is really planning to kill him!

Qiu Chengdao's eyelids jumped. Although he was a saint-level formation master, he had to be given time to set up the formation in order to have combat power comparable to that of a saint.

It's not like Xiao Zangfeng, who has combat power comparable to that of a saint.

Caught off guard, the two top-level Dao-level formations he had deployed one after another were all shattered by the terrifying power.

The next second, Qiu Chengdao only felt an extremely fierce force hitting his body.


The loud noise not only shocked everyone in the formation courtyard, but even the Danyuan, Qiyuan and Fuyuan were so far apart that they all realized that something must have happened in the formation courtyard.

"This is Lao Qiu's aura, and that guy's aura!"


Gade immediately moved out of Qi Dao Mountain and rushed towards the Formation Dao Valley.

At the same time, Sun Qingfeng and Chu Lingxian also left the Danyuan and Fuyuan.

After moving Xiao Zangfeng away earlier, the four of them knew that this guy would definitely not give up when he came back in the future. Therefore, the four of them also made a decision. If this guy comes back, it would be fine if he doesn't cause trouble for them. Once he does, it will be fine. Any trouble caused by one of them must be followed by the others.

We are still prepared for four against one, what are we afraid of!

While Xiao Zangfeng was having sex with Qiu Chengdao, Qin Feng was gradually improving in his practice in his own small space.

Now he can perform the first to fifth postures of the Body Sutra without relying on the two secret methods of five senses sealing and consciousness sealing. The range of movements is exactly the same as in the Body Sutra.

The power in his body is like a blue dragon coming out of the sea, washing every inch of his body. Wherever the power passes, Qin Feng's body will become stronger.

Fine beads of sweat were secreted from everywhere on Qin Feng's body. Each drop of sweat was gray-red, containing impurities from Qin Feng's body.

The closer you get to the back, the more transparent the sweat secreted by Qin Feng's body becomes, and there is even a faint fragrance in the sweat.

The five realms of body training, copper skin, meat refining, tendon strengthening, bone breaking, and marrow washing, tap the potential of the body from the five aspects of skin, flesh, tendon, and periosteum, laying a solid foundation for the foundation of the Tao.

Among them, when the monk reached the step of marrow cleansing, the power all over his body condensed into one force, and at the same time, Yuanli was born in his body, and his power increased dramatically.

Now, Qin Feng could not estimate how powerful his body was.

All I know is that it is very strong!


Suddenly, Qin Feng, who was practicing the Body Movement Sutra, suddenly felt that his thoughts seemed to be infinitely magnified at this moment, so much so that he could even feel that if he wanted to, he might be able to absorb it from the sun. Energy.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng somehow wanted to try the power of the sun.

Then, as he thought, a blazing energy fell from the sun and headed straight for the Nine Heavens Holy Land.

The first update is a little late, and the second update will be after one o'clock. You can watch it during the day and take a good rest on the weekend.

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