As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 158: Such a wicked boss can only be sentenced to death

Chapter 158: For such an evil boss, the death penalty is not too much, right?

 At the court hearing.

 At the presiding judge's seat, Zhu He frowned slightly after hearing the arguments from both sides.

 The focus of the argument has changed.



 Dong dong dong!

 The gavel struck, and a dull sound surrounded the court hearing.

“The two parties have different opinions on whether Nanjian Real Estate Company is maliciously evading debts.”

“The following summary is now made.”

“The plaintiff believes that Nanjian Real Estate misappropriated the funds as soon as it was illegally released by the bank...

 Part of it refers to increasing the salaries and dividends of corporate executives, which is a malicious misappropriation of regulatory funds.

 And after the regulatory funds arrived, the company used regulatory funds to invest in various aspects and carried out bankruptcy procedures with the purpose of evading debts. "

“Does the plaintiff agree with the above content?”

“President, we agree.”


“After the plaintiff agrees with the content, he will sort out the defendant’s statement.”

“The defendant believes that according to the enterprise management regulations, the enterprise’s dividend distribution and misappropriation of funds are the company’s own management activities and do not constitute debt evasion, right?”

 “That’s right, the presiding judge.”

 After clarifying the key points of the respective pleas of both parties.

Zhu He took a look at the compiled materials and his eyes fell on Su Bai:

 “Now for court confirmation.”

“The plaintiff’s evidence shows that Nanjian Real Estate used regulatory funds to distribute dividends and increase wages.”

“The defendant will now be questioned…”

“Defendant Nanjian Real Estate, according to the evidence provided by the plaintiff, whether Nanjian Real Estate’s dividends and funds invested in small and medium-sized companies are misappropriations of regulatory funds...?”

Wang Jiangyang frowned slightly after hearing what the presiding judge said.

 This question from the presiding judge….

Wang Jiangyang took a deep breath and said: "President, I have not done any research in this area. I am not clear about this matter. I cannot answer the question raised by the presiding judge."

this problem.

Wang Jiangyang knew in his heart that no matter whether it was true or not, he could not admit it.

 As long as the answer is unclear.

after all.….

 The answer to this question is whether he answers it or not. It would be better if he doesn't answer it.


 The gavel struck.

“The defendant did not rebut, so based on the evidence provided by the plaintiff, does the defendant have no objection?”

 “Yes, the judge.”

Wang Jiangyang nodded and spoke.


 Presiding Judge Zhu He continued:

“Now, I would like to ask the actual controller of Nanjian Real Estate Company, did you know about the misappropriation of regulatory funds at that time?”

 The question was thrown to Ye Zhenghuan.

Facing Zhu He’s inquiry, Ye Zhenghuan had already been mentally prepared and spoke slowly:

 “President, I know.”

“Then what was the reason and purpose of your misappropriation of funds? Why didn’t you use regulatory funds to construct Nandu Xiushui Garden?”

“Why did you misappropriate funds when you knew they were regulatory funds?”

“At that time, regulatory funds were misappropriated, that is, special funds earmarked for Nandu Xiushui Garden. What is your attitude…”

“What were your thoughts when you misappropriated special funds?”

 Facing a series of questions from the presiding judge.

Wang Jiangyang had already told Ye Zhenghuan how to answer this series of questions.

Ye Zhenghuan spoke slowly after being silent for a few seconds.

“Presiding judge...I admit that I know that it is regulatory funds, but you have never managed a business, and you do not understand the difficulties of running a business.”

“The company’s operations were in difficulty at the time, and executives and shareholders had not seen dividends for a long time. According to our company’s project data and assets at that time, we had no choice but to misappropriate certain other project funds to expand our company’s business level.”

“…The idea at the time was to increase the salaries of senior executives. Then we would have better budgets for other companies’ investment and production projects.”

“The idea is quite good, which is to use the regulatory funds to bridge the gap, and then make up for the regulatory funds after other projects, such as small companies’ investments, come back.”

“At that time, we will use this additional funds to continue to improve the Nandu Xiushui Garden project.”

“However, God’s calculations are not as good as those of humans. We did not expect that there would be problems with the investment projects that supervise the funds.…

 This resulted in a breakdown in bridge funds, investment projects were lost, and regulatory funds were also lost.

 As a result, the subsequent capital chain could not keep up, and the company gradually moved to the edge of bankruptcy, so it filed for bankruptcy. "

“I was planning to apply for bankruptcy because I really had no other choice, and I never thought about escaping my debt.

 As businessmen, we are the most trustworthy and we will not say anything about not paying back money we owe others.

If I could pay it back, I would definitely pay it back as soon as possible, but I really don’t have the ability! "

“Presiding judge, in my thoughts, I have never thought about using regulatory funds to evade debts. Besides, why don’t I make good money if I put it away?”

“All fund transactions are detailed and in the company’s financial accounts. The court can verify whether what I said is true.”

After listening to Ye Zhenghuan's words, Zhu He frowned slightly and looked at the relevant evidence and litigation materials.


“So do you admit to the fact that you misappropriated regulatory funds?”

"President, I admit this."


Presiding judge Zhu He banged the hammer, and after looking through the evidence and relevant litigation materials submitted by both the plaintiff and the defendant, he looked at the plaintiff's seat.

“Plaintiff, regarding your accusation of Nanjian Real Estate Company’s bankruptcy and malicious debt evasion, is this submission based on the other party’s malicious misappropriation of regulatory funds?”

Su Bai looked at the lawsuit materials and said:

“We believe that the bankruptcy of Nanjian Real Estate Company was caused by the misappropriation of regulatory funds for investment and the emptying of the company’s beneficial assets, creating a cycle of debt.”

“In the end, the creditors’ interests suffered huge losses.”

“Our accusation against Nanjian Real Estate Company for bankruptcy and malicious debt evasion is not entirely based on the other party’s malicious misappropriation of regulatory funds.”

 “Then do you have any other evidence?”

Facing the presiding judge’s question, Su Bai spoke again:

“The evidence we submitted shows that Nanjian Real Estate Company not only misappropriated the funds for the supervision of Nandu Xiushui Garden, but also misappropriated the company’s high-quality assets.”


After hearing Su Bai's statement, the presiding judge banged the gavel, looked around, and asked again.

“In response to the plaintiff’s accusation that Nanjian Real Estate Company maliciously evaded debts and deliberately went bankrupt, do the plaintiff and defendant have anything else to say?”

 Su Bai: “No.”

Wang Jiangyang: “No.”


“Both sides have completed their presentations, and now the trial party will make the final summary.”

“The plaintiff produced evidence that Nanjian Real Estate misappropriated regulatory funds and made investments.”

“The defendant believes that although Nanjian Real Estate’s misappropriation of regulatory funds is a violation of regulations, it does not constitute malicious debt evasion or malicious bankruptcy.”

"The plaintiff did not continue to present new evidence. Do both parties have any objections to the above summary?" "No."

 “No objection.”

After Su Bai and Wang Jiangyang spoke, Zhu He frowned slightly and looked at Su Bai.

 Dong dong dong!

“The court will be adjourned now and will open in two hours. After the opening statements are completed, the verdict will be announced in court.”

 The sound of the gavel fell.

 Zhu He and two other members of the collegial panel left the bench.

 At the court of judgment.

 Li Xuezhen rubbed her eyes, breathed out lightly, and stared at Ye Zhenghuan with bright eyes.

OK OK.….

 After the verdict is announced in court, Ye Zhenghuan will definitely be sent in!


 Achievement points are +1+1+1 again.…



Looking at the excitement on Lawyer Xiao Li's expression, Ma Cheng's mind suddenly became active and excited.

After glaring fiercely in Ye Chenghuan's direction, he cursed in his heart.

 This son of a **** real estate boss!

 Should be sent in! Closed for three to five years. If you go bankrupt, you won't keep a penny. When you get out, your wife and children will run away with someone else!

 Don’t blame Ma Cheng for being angry and angry.

 Mainly because the families who bought the Nandu Xiushui Garden Community suffered too much.

Most of the families who bought the Nandu Xiushui Garden Community did so with a few wallets empty.

 What is the purpose of households taking on debt to buy a house?

 After emptying several wallets and paying off 30 years of bank debt, what is the purpose of buying a house?

 Isn’t the purpose just to have a family?

 Many people want to get married or want to give their children a good place to live after getting married.

The results of it?

  TM is a mess.

 What is the result of a bad ending?

  The result of the unfinished work is that it has caused deep conflicts in many families.

 The person who was supposed to get married could not get married.

 The children were supposed to live in a good environment, but instead they were burdened with such a huge debt and did not improve their own environment.

 Causes the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife.

Maybe it’s because of the daily mortgage payment, but if the house is in ruins, it’s equivalent to owing millions in vain.

 Several million!

 Calculated based on 10,000 per month, 120,000 per year and 1.2 million per ten years.

  You have been working in vain for ten years without eating or drinking?

 Besides, Nandu Xiushui Garden has thousands of home buyers!

 The impact on these thousands of families can be imagined.

 So Ma Cheng wanted to send Ye Zhenghuan in, lock him up for a few years, and live in a big pot for a few years. His request was not too much.

 I even thought that if the sentence could be harsh, people like this should be sentenced to death!

Ma Cheng stared at Ye Zhenghuan nervously and whispered:

"Lawyer Xiao Li...will it be confirmed after the final judgment...that Ye Zhenghuan can go in?"

Li Xuezhen raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly and went in...?

 Looked at the time on the phone.

"Almost...after the trial results are over, I think we can send him in."

“That’s good... Ye Zhenghuan, with everyone’s hard-earned money, should go in and squat!”

Ma Cheng’s voice was filled with resentment and determination!



at the same time.

 At the seat of the defendant Nanjian Real Estate.

Ye Zhenghuan smiled slightly. Looking at it now, the lawyer opposite was not very good.

 Based on the court hearing just now, the other party’s defense is. It just feels so so...

 Supervise the misappropriation of funds?

Of course this investigation can find out, because the misappropriated regulatory funds need to be included in the accounts, otherwise it will be difficult to account for it.

 Even if it is judged to recover these regulatory funds.

 Only the dividends and increased wages of senior executives can be recovered.

 For Ye Zhenghuan, these are all minor problems.

 The focus is on other investments.

 But in terms of other investments, small companies have gone bankrupt, and it is even more impossible for you to recover the funds, which has become a bad debt.

 How to recover bad debts?

 It can only be left alone.

Ye Zhenghuan knew very well that at present, the trial was over, so he could not have any other problems.

 At most, it can only be judged as misappropriation of funds. He has already dealt with this misappropriation of funds and will not be implicated in him.

Ye Zhenghuan expressed all his thoughts and questions to Wang Jiangyang.

“Lawyer Wang...the purpose of this lawsuit and the accusation against us is mainly to recover part of the regulatory funds, right?”

Wang Jiangyang nodded: "According to my judgment, it should be like this. There is no big problem."


Ye Zheng Huanhuan breathed a sigh of relief, smiling quietly as he waited for the court session to begin and make his final court statement.

Then the company continues to enter the bankruptcy process. After bankruptcy, the matter is considered over.


After the company goes bankrupt, these troubles will have nothing to do with him. As for the creditors, it has nothing to do with him whether the home buyer's life is difficult or not.

 Let him do whatever he has to do then.


 Ye Zhenghuan thought silently in his heart.



 During the recess.

Outside the court hearing, the audience in Luo Daxiang’s live broadcast room had a lot of doubts about the plea and the final judgment.

“Teacher Luo…Based on the defense just now…What is the likely outcome of this trial?”

“Yes, yes, Teacher Luo, I just want to ask Lawyer Su, how many people can be given away this time, and how many years can be given away.

 Putting aside everything else, I just want to see if that real estate owner has no conscience. Can he be sentenced to death? "

“I am a home buyer in Nandu Xiushui Garden Community. Let me tell you my opinion. In my opinion, even the death penalty is not enough.

  Unfinished buildings are so harmful to people. My father is so old that he sighs all day and night. My mother often cries whenever this matter is mentioned. I am not married yet, and I am still burdened with millions of debts.

And as far as I know, the original buyers of houses in Nandu Xiushui Garden Community were not from wealthy families. They all bought with empty wallets.

There are many families like mine. I hope the court will sentence this dog-raising boss to the severest punishment! "

“That’s very good, because one of my relatives also bought a unfinished building, and his life is very bad now. It is understandable that this kind of developer should give them a severe lesson.”

“Yes, they have done so many bad things, is it not too much to give them the death penalty?”


 The comments in the live broadcast room were overwhelming, hoping that this trial could resolve the dilemma.

 Luo Daxiang looked at the comments in the live broadcast room. He didn’t know what he was thinking and didn’t speak for a long time.

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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