As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 163: question! Court, what is your attitude? ?

 Chapter 163 Questioning! Court, what is your attitude? ?

 A kind-hearted person was compensated for RMB 400,000. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of moral integrity?

 Tsk tsk tsk….

Su Bai has already helped the media come up with news headlines for this case.

 If it were released according to this title, it would definitely explode!

If the other party wins this kind of case...

can not imagine.….

 I really can’t imagine it….

Facing the question from the Nandu Law student, Su Bai was silent for a few seconds and then slowly spoke:

“This case, if you find a litigation lawyer, you will basically not lose...”

 “What is the crime the other party is suing for...?”

"That family member said that the old lady at home suddenly fainted...that is to say, it was my cousin who encountered had something to do with my cousin, and then the old lady lay in the hospital for a while. The medical expenses were good. Tens of thousands.

These medical expenses were paid in advance by my cousin.

 At first, my cousin thought that he couldn’t explain it clearly now that he had a mouth to speak, and that he would just wait until the old lady woke up.

 But what I didn’t expect was that the old lady woke up.

But the first thing I did when I woke up was to tell the police that it was my brother who touched her, and he still wanted 400,000 yuan in compensation.

 If you don't give it, take my brother to court... and put my brother in jail. "

Su Bai:? ? ?

Li Xuezhen:? ? ?

Yang Yu:? ? ?

all members:? ? ?

 Is this true? !

If this is true, then this old lady is too outrageous!

They are kind enough to help you and even advance your medical expenses. Let’s not talk about these things for now.

You don't want to thank them properly, but you still plan to continue to extort 400,000 yuan, and threaten to take them to court if they don't pay?

what does this mean?

 That’s outrageous!

This is totally blackmail!

To be honest, Su Bai was quite interested in this case.

 Because of nothing else, mainly because this case is, to be honest, a typical case in civil disputes.

 And the topicality is simply full of topics.

 Isn’t this the farmer and the snake?

So he smiled and said:

“As for this case…if you think it’s okay, you can ask your cousin to contact our Bai Jun Law Firm.”

“Based on the case you described, I can’t make a judgment. I need to contact the parties involved to learn more about the situation.”

“If what you said is true, then our Baijun Law Firm can help your cousin win the lawsuit.”

 “Okay...Thank you, Teacher Su!”

The student finished speaking, bowed deeply, and sat down again.

 In the conference room, many students were talking.

“Is there really someone claiming compensation? Where does she get the face? That’s right, she has no morals.

 Sue it, sue it, I don’t believe he can succeed!

Wouldn’t it be possible to win the case just by finding a lawyer? Asking Lawyer Su to come forward is really overkill! "

“Indeed,… and according to normal people’s thinking, who would repay kindness with enmity like this?

Is this an inappropriate wolf cub?

They helped you and kindly sent you to the hospital, but you backhandedly asked them to pay for the medical expenses and demanded compensation of 400,000 yuan.

If you are really found guilty and need to pay compensation, then who would dare to help people casually? If you do a good deed, your savings after working for several years will be gone. "

“That’s right, when we were young, we were taught to help the old lady cross the road. Good guy, now the old lady is going to dig you out, who is not afraid?”

“I even feel that this case does not belong to the legal department, but should belong to the magic department. It’s so explosive!”

“Good guy, if I help the old man with a second-hand Porsche, he’ll be gone, right? Okay, okay, let’s do it.”

“I even doubt whether this case is true. Zhang Long, is the case you mentioned true?”

 “Why do I always feel this weird feeling?”

“Could it be that you’re trying to trick us? Or maybe you want to test Lawyer Su’s litigation skills?”

 Zhang Long is the classmate who just stood up to ask questions.

Zhang Long rubbed his eyebrows and said, "It's definitely not the case. This is a real thing. It happened in our Nandu DC area."

“Then why haven’t we heard of such an explosive case?”

“I’ve never heard of it. It’s because there’s no court session and the other party is in the process of filing a case for prosecution... My dad told me that my cousin has been having a headache these days because he’s worried that he might lose the case.”

“My brother has also been looking for a lawyer during this time...”

"Okay... then this time, if Lawyer Su takes over the case, your brother will definitely win!"

Zhang Long smiled: "That's for sure. I just want to ask Lawyer Su where to start this case."

"However, Lawyer Su is very strict about this aspect and directly asked my cousin to go to Bai Jun Law Firm. Because of this, I will definitely go to Bai Jun Law Firm for internship after graduation!"

 “Sure! Let’s go together then!”


 This incident was considered an episode. In the conference room, Su Bai continued his speech.

  Most of the last part of the experience is just bragging, talking about the development potential of Baijun Law Firm and saying that everyone is welcome to work as an intern at Baijun Law Firm after graduation.

 After finishing speaking, it took about an hour.

after the end.

Yang Yu thanked him: "Thank you, Lawyer Su, for coming over this time..."

“I just noticed that the students in the conference room are very enthusiastic.”

“I, that group of students will become more motivated to study..."

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Indeed...but I am also very lucky to be able to come to Nandu University of Law to give a lecture..."

The rest were just some polite words. After finishing speaking, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen back to Bai Jun Law Firm.

 After returning to the law firm, Li Xuezhen received a phone call in less than two hours. It was a consultation call from Zhang Long’s cousin.

"Yes...we are Bai Jun Law are Zhang Long's cousin Zhang Dahu, right?"


“There is no problem. Our law firm is currently open and may not close until eight or nine o’clock in the evening.”

 “It doesn’t matter, don’t worry...”

"If you are free now, you can come to our law firm now to learn about the relevant cases. Our law firm can provide you with corresponding help..."

 “That’s doesn’t matter...”

 “Yes, yes, don’t worry...”


 After hanging up the phone, Li Xuezhen’s face was excited.

 She had been litigating with lawyer Su before.

 For some cases, practice makes perfect.

 This case of Zhang Dahu.

The other party’s old lady and her family members were obviously committing blackmail.

 If the evidence is conclusive and audio recordings or other evidence can be obtained.

This time, the whole family from the opposite side must not be sent in neatly?

How beautiful it is!

Extortion can no longer run away!

After thinking about this clearly, Li Xuezhen came to Su Bai's office.

“Lawyer Su...that Zhang Dahu called our law firm and will come over soon to learn about the case.”

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen's excited expression, smiled and nodded: "Okay, I understand..."

After Li Xuezhen told Su Bai about the incident, she left the office and returned to her workstation... found a book of criminal law and studied it again.




 Less than an hour.

 Zhang Dahu and Zhang Long came to Bai Jun Law Firm.

Zhang Long asked for leave specifically. Yang Yu already knew about Zhang Long's situation in the conference room, so she didn't hesitate at all when approving the leave.

 In the office.

 The two cousins ​​Zhang Long and Zhang Dahu sat opposite Su Bai. Zhang Long urged him to speak:

"Brother Dahu... This is our recently famous lawyer Su in Nandu... Brother Dahu, say hello."

"Lawyer Su...this is my cousin, Zhang Dahu." "Lawyer Su, hello..."


 After both parties briefly greeted each other, they got down to business.

Su Bai asked about this case, that is, whether Zhang Dahu pushed down the old lady and asked all the details about how he found the old lady.

 After confirming that the relevant matters are correct and sorting them out and restoring them to a complete level.

Su Bai nodded: "I already know about this matter..."

 “Do you have any other requests?”

“What the other party did is obviously an act of extortion. If you have evidence, you can prosecute.

Of course, if there is no evidence, it can also be raised at the court hearing, requesting supplementary continuation procedures, and allowing the relevant law enforcement agencies to collect evidence. "

Facing Su Bai...Zhang Dahu thought for a few seconds and then slowly spoke:

 “I listen to Lawyer Su.”

Su Bai smiled: "Okay."

“Since there are no other questions...then you can sign the power of attorney...”

“This lawsuit is not too difficult. Unless there are any other special circumstances, generally speaking there will be no problems.”

 The problem now is that the other party has filed a lawsuit and demanded compensation from Zhang Dahu.

 Zhang Dahu is the defendant and needs a lawyer to appear in court.

 As far as this case is concerned, there aren’t too many disputes.

Su Bai also briefly asked Zhang Dahu about his intentions in court proceedings, that is, he hoped that the other party would lose the case. If you don't lose money, you can clear your name.

 The rest is left to my sole agent.

 After understanding this, Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to take over the power of attorney, and explained the contents of the power of attorney to Zhang Dahu item by item.

 After the confirmation, Zhang Dahu signed the power of attorney and became the agent with full authority.

 After signing the power of attorney, it is very simple.

 Accept the entrustment, prepare for court proceedings, and conduct pre-trial mediation.

Since this case is a civil litigation issue, the Nandu DC District Court conducted pre-trial mediation in accordance with the law.



at the same time.

 Chen Meixia, the old lady who fell to the ground.

 I don’t know who I’m talking to.

"Yes, yes...that's not the case at all. I was pushed down by him, and he must compensate me."


"Is it reasonable that he won't pay compensation? I am an old lady, and I can still fall by myself! Don't you think about it, if he hadn't pushed me, how could he be so kind to send me to the hospital and pay me in advance? medical expenses?

 Okay, okay, you can make arrangements, I’ll just trouble you once. "

 “Well, OK, hang up.”

 After hanging up the phone, Chen Meixia plated the beads in her hand.



 In the mediation room of DC District Court.

 At a rectangular table, Su Bai sat on the left side and the other side sat on the right side.

The opponent's group of seven or eight people were very aggressive.

The mediator was in the middle and spoke slowly: "First introduce the identity information of each party."

“The plaintiff is Chen Meixia, as well as Chen Meixia’s relatives, the eldest son Li Zhuang, and the second son Li Jun. The litigation attorney is Xiao Feng, an attorney from Jiangdu Jiangping Law Firm.”

“The defendant is Zhang Dahu, and the litigation attorney is Su Bai, an attorney at Nandu Baijun Law Firm.”

“The plaintiff’s cause of action is that the defendant Zhang Dahu accidentally knocked down Chen Meixia, causing serious injuries to Chen Meixia and requiring compensation for medical expenses and mental losses.”


 After speaking for about two minutes, the mediator continued:

“Now that everyone’s identity information has been introduced, everyone has no questions, right?”

 Su Bai: “No.”

 Xiao Feng: "No."


 The mediator looked at Chen Meixia, and then nodded:

“The court has begun mediation on this case.”

Su Bai knows the court well about this kind of mediation.

It is definitely towards the weak party, especially a grassroots court like this, asking the parties to be patient and give in, and compensate the weak party some money.

 But why?

 Zhang Dahu is doing good deeds and doing good deeds, is there anything wrong with him?

  Lose money?

 It is impossible to lose money!

It was the same as Su Bai imagined, but there were some differences. The mediator spoke directly:

“The defendant...the plaintiff is claiming 400,000 yuan from you, including medical expenses, mental losses and subsequent treatment expenses.”

“As for you, can you accept the compensation of 400,000 yuan? If not, what is the minimum compensation you can accept? Can 200,000 yuan be acceptable?”

“It’s not easy for the elderly, why don’t we all take a step back?”

Su Bai:? ? ? ?

 No, what do you mean by this? What is the amount of compensation we can accept?

 Are you kidding me?

 Mediation is based on the demands of both parties.

 The plaintiff, Chen Meixia, wants Zhang Dahu to pay compensation.

 But Zhang Dahu was unwilling.

 The mediator divides the responsibilities based on the evidence. Generally speaking, if the other party has no obvious evidence, the most they can say is to pay a few thousand yuan.

 Because the court does not want to make it so difficult, it may cause the parties to suffer a small loss.


This mediator is outrageous.

What does it mean for the other party to claim 400,000 yuan? What is the minimum amount of compensation accepted? Is 200,000 yuan acceptable?

 Do you call this mediation?

Su Bai frowned slightly and said:

“The other party does not have enough evidence to prove that Chen Meixia was pushed down by Zhang Dahu, so we refuse any compensation...”

“At the same time... we also require the other party to return all the medical expenses we have paid to us and make a public apology to us..."

"Otherwise, we will raise the accusation against the other party at the trial..."

After Su Bai finished stating the civil lawsuit, his eyes were fixed on the mediator.

"in addition.…"

“Mediator, we believe that mediation should be carried out from the perspective of fairness and justice, rather than how much the other party wants to compensate at the beginning. We should compensate as much as we accept in our hearts.”

“We believe that the mediator did not conduct the mediation in a fair and impartial manner.”

“As an elderly person, the other party is indeed physically vulnerable, but this is not a basis for favoring the other party.

Since the other party cannot produce evidence that we overturned Chen Meixia, why should we compensate them? "

“Don’t say that the other party has no evidence to prove that we pushed Chen Meixia down.

Even if there is evidence, no one is innocent until the court makes a judgment, and no one has the right to convict one party. "

“Mediator, what you just meant is that Zhang Dahu pushed Chen Meixia down and was therefore guilty, so he needs to bear the liability of 200,000 yuan in compensation?”

“I ask the mediator to pay attention to your words, because your words represent the attitude of the court.”

Su Bai finished speaking.

The mediator's face changed slightly, and he was obviously a little worried.

 In this regard.…

Su Bai didn't pay too much attention...Since the other party was so blatantly favoring the other party in mediation, it would be of no use to him to talk nicely.

 Just be direct….

 I will not accept mediation!

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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