As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 178: Li Xuezhen: Go in, go in!

Chapter 178 Li Xuezhen: Go in, go in!

 Bai Jun Law Firm.

 In the office.

 As for this case, the appeal is relatively simple.

 Because there are conditions for appeal.

 First: The sentencing is inappropriate. Those who are sentenced to eight years in prison for intentional homicide are in the minority and the sentencing is on the low side.

Second: Through the files, it can be found that the litigation attorney of the male who originally harmed Fang Zhihui had more experience in court trials than the litigation attorney hired by the prosecutor and Xie Jingmei.

 But the necessary conditions are lacking.


Su Bai learned from Xie Jingmei that Wang Yuan's boyfriend had a relatively superior family, so it would be easier to find a relatively famous lawyer.

But then again.

This eight-year prison sentence is indeed too short.

 In this case of intentional homicide and causing death, it is unlikely to be sentenced to death, but it is relatively not difficult to sentence a person to life imprisonment.

 In addition, when seeing that the male family of this murderer is relatively superior.

Su Bai suddenly thought that their law firm seemed to have never received any criminal cases involving wealthy people from well-off families.

 Bai Jun Law Firm rarely has cases in which rich children or CEOs of certain listed companies, certain senior managers have committed any economic crimes, or have picked quarrels and caused trouble, and are accompanied by other serious criminal activities of the team.

However, just because we haven’t received this kind of case doesn’t mean that no one has come to see us.


Although not many people have come to Bai Jun Law Firm for criminal cases like this.

  But there are still a few.

 For cases like this, Su Bai usually refuses to accept the entrustment after learning the relevant facts.

Who doesn’t like money?

 But for now, Bai Jun Law Firm's reputation has been built up, and there is no shortage of case sources and funding.

Like this kind of criminal cases involving suspected gang crimes or professional fraud, or involving other evil forces,

 Can be accepted, but not necessary.

 The main focus is the mentality of legal responsibility.

Besides, there is no need to pay hundreds of thousands or millions in legal fees to take on a case to ruin the reputation of Baijun Law Firm on the Internet.

 If the reputation is damaged, the losses will be even greater...

Su Bai's favorite thing is to fight civil litigation. There is more money, less problems, and it is easy to solve.

 At present, it seems that law firms have opened up civil litigation.

  It’s pretty good.




 The materials for the appeal, the new factual basis, and the doubtful points in the first-instance judgment have been sorted out.

 Su Bai drove Li Xuezhen to the Sudu High Court and made an appeal request.

This case was already a hot topic on the Internet when it was first tried.

 At the Soudu High Court.

 After Su Bai submitted the appeal request, he conducted an investigation and verification of the submitted circumstances.

  Confirmed that the evidence and materials submitted were true, and the High Court accepted the second instance.

 And issue summons to all parties involved in the litigation, notifying the specific court date and the reason.

And it was determined that there was certain suspicion and evidence regarding Wang Yuan's criminal negligence submitted by Su Bai.

 So a case was filed.

 Notified relevant law enforcement units to carry out compensatory procedures.

at the same time.

 At Wang Yuan’s home.

 Ever since the Fang Zhihui incident happened.

Wang Yuan has received a certain amount of abuse online from time to time.


Wang Yuan kept talking about how wronged she was on the Internet, especially on a social platform where entertainment stars gathered, and she even recruited a group of little sisters to support her.

At present, Wang Yuan’s basic life does not have much impact, except that from time to time a few people will come to her account to comment.

 Everything else is normal.

 At first, she would get a little angry when someone commented and scolded her on her account.

 But it’s been a long time.

 Respond directly to those who scold you, block and report one-stop services, and even feel a little happy.

At this time, Wang Yuan was posting a short composition on her mobile phone, explaining the principles of understanding to her fans.

 Actually, it’s just some videos I saw online. When I think about it, there’s a lot of nonsense.

Looking at the positive comments from fans, Wang Yuan smiled and closed the phone screen.

Fang Zhihui’s case is over. Although she was reviled, there was no substantial harm.

 On the contrary, I have received sympathy from many little sisters, which is a blessing in disguise.

 As for being a witness...

Isn’t it troublesome when a witness has to run around and cooperate with the court?

Why does she bother herself so much for a stranger?

Others are just excuses. The main thing is that this matter has nothing to do with her and has nothing to do with her interests.

 As for.…

 Whether Fang Zhihui can get a fair verdict is not her concern.

She just needs to live her own life well. Life-saving grace, what kind of life-saving grace?

It’s not like she begged him to save her.

 Dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door. Wang Yuan walked out and saw the law enforcement officers at the door.

 Frowning his brows slightly, what is going on?

 “Are you Wang Yuan?”

The law enforcement officer standing opposite Wang Yuan looked up and down before asking.

“Yes, I am Wang Yuan, what do you want me to do?”

Wang Yuan took a look at the law enforcement officers in front of her.

 Some people don’t understand why the other party is looking for them.

 She heard that Xie Jingmei recently wanted to continue his appeal.

 Is it possible that the relevant law enforcement officials should come over to persuade her?

Wang Yuan is thinking in her heart.

ˆ Relevant law enforcement officers handed her the court summons and related materials and spoke.

"Hello, we are from the Law Enforcement Bureau. Here are our IDs. There is a case that requires your cooperation."

“What you have in your hand are all relevant supporting materials. If you have any objections, you can go back to the Law Enforcement Bureau with us to find out more and wait for us to verify.”

 “Now take a look at the material in your hand.”

“If you’re sure it’s correct, come with us.”


After Wang Yuan read the materials in her hand, her face looked ugly and she seemed even less calm.

 Brows were furrowed, with an angry look on his face.

What does it mean? !

She was actually taken to court by Xie Jingmei? !

Didn’t she just not go as a witness for Xie Jingmei? Xie Jingmei What does this mean?

 Take yourself to court?

This woman is so vicious!

Wang Yuan threw the information to the ground with a slap, her face filled with anger.

 But before she could make her next move, the law enforcement officer gave a serious warning:

“What are you doing! What are you doing? You are destroying relevant materials. Do you understand?”

 “Pick it up and keep it!”

 “Follow us!”

Only when she heard the serious voice of the law enforcement officer did Wang Yuan react.

 Hurryly picked up the remaining materials, and then spoke eagerly.

 “I’m sorry, I was too excited just now...”

“I don’t even know about this... Can I contact my parents first, or make a phone call first?”


"Come with us first. When you get to the Law Enforcement Bureau, the relevant personnel will tell you what to do. When you get back, we will contact your family for you." "Let's go!"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan was a little helpless, but she could only leave with the law enforcement officers.



During the case review stage, Wang Yuan’s movements were temporarily restricted, and law enforcement authorities notified Wang Yuan’s parents and relevant relatives.

 Wang Yuan’s parents immediately contacted the relevant lawyers after learning the news.

 At the same time, Xie Jingmei was also found and wanted to withdraw the lawsuit.

However, Xie Jingmei refused directly. First of all, this is a public prosecution case, and it is not up to her to decide whether to withdraw the case.

 In addition, she has entrusted Su Bai with full authority for this case.

 She believed that Su Bai would not do anything to harm her.

Moreover, the case review has now entered, which means that Wang Yuan has indeed committed criminal negligence.

 If this is the case, then why should she let Wang Yuan, one of the murderers of her daughter, go?

If her daughter hadn't met Wang Yuan, would her daughter have been deliberately killed with a knife?

Will not.

Every time he thinks of this, Xie Jingmei feels a twinge of pain in his heart.



You know, she is a single parent, she only has one daughter, and now she has lost her daughter...

 Seeking justice for her daughter is the only belief she can persist in.

 After Xie Jingmei refused and said that the case was beyond her control.

Wang Yuan's parents spoke again: "Just write a letter of understanding for the sake of our two children being roommates before."

"I know Wang Yuan is not doing something right, so please help her."

“Just writing a letter of understanding this time is not a big deal, and besides, Wang Yuan’s heart is not bad in nature.

Wang Yuan did not do this to Zhizhi. I would like to advise Wang Yuan. Wouldn't it be a good idea to let Wang Yuan appear in court to testify? "


 There is no need for Wang Yuan to testify now.

When Xie Jingmei heard this, she hung up the phone.

 Wang Yuan did something wrong, should she help write a letter of understanding?

At the beginning, she not only approached Wang Yuan, but also Wang Yuan’s parents, asking them to help persuade her.

 But what’s the result?

I could get through the first two calls, but my attitude was ambiguous. After that, I couldn’t get through at all.

 Now ask her to write a letter of understanding, why?

If the other party is right, just find a lawyer. Why write a letter of understanding?

 Why should she give in?

Has the other party forgotten how she begged so hard in the first place?

After Xie Jingmei hung up the phone, Wang Yuan's parents' expressions instantly turned cold.

 Looked at each other.

“What should I do now? What the lawyer said is to write an explanation in case of emergency to deal with other situations.

If there is no letter of understanding now, what if the other party really takes our daughter to court and the court decides? "


“This case is not a big deal in the first place. It’s just that the other party wants to find an outlet to vent his evil heart. His daughter is gone and he wants to use our daughter as a backstop.”

“Let’s just spend money to hire a better lawyer before the trial.”

“I have a friend who studies law. I asked him to get in touch to see if there are any good lawyers and invite him over. I don’t believe he can win!”

 “Hmm...I think the other side is too greedy!”

The couple chatted with each other, and kept complaining that Xie Jingmei did not sign a letter of understanding for them.

 There are many other offensive things in the language.



Time passed in a hurry, and soon the court trial for Wang Yuan's criminal negligence was approaching.

As well as the hearing date for Xie Jingmei’s appeal requesting a longer sentence.

 This time, two cases are being tried in parallel, which is simple and efficient.


 Suzhou High Court.

 It’s about nine o’clock in the morning.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen came to the door of the Supreme Court. The case was to be heard at ten o'clock.

 Actually, it’s okay to arrive a little later.


  A breaking news has recently come out in the Dharma circle.

 It is talking about a certain local court, and the court opening time notified does not match the court opening time.

 And asked the relevant court inspectors to block the litigation lawyers and prevent them from entering the court.

By the time the litigation lawyers entered the court, the presiding judge had already announced the verdict.


Isn’t this nonsense?

 Deliberately not waiting for the litigation lawyers to enter the court, leaving the defenders without a defense lawyer, and then directly announcing the verdict?

 This incident aroused significant discussion in the legal circle.

 In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and save time in case hearing, Su Bai brought Li Xuezhen to the court in advance.

 In the waiting room.

Li Xuezhen asked curiously: "Lawyer Su...did we come too early?"

"If there really is a situation where there is a lot of trouble in the Dharma circle...we..."

  When saying this.

Li Xuezhen’s eyes were shining, and her little head was thinking about who to send in.

 See through but don’t tell the truth.

Su Bai smiled and explained: "If this happens, then the other party will follow the normal procedures."

“At that time, I will blame the blame and blame it on the inspectors, saying that they inspected too carefully, which caused the litigation lawyers to miss the trial.”

“They are all temporary workers, new here, what should I do if I don’t know anything?”

“Or the blame is put on us, saying that we are indeed late, what should we do?”

“Even if you know what’s going on here, the process is compliant...”

“If this happens and the verdict is passed, the follow-up matters will be very troublesome.”

"Do you understand?"

 “I know.” Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face.

Su Bai smiled and asked again.

 “Which lesson are you talking about?”

 Li Xuezhen shook her head: "Lawyer Su, I forgot..."


“No matter which lesson we teach, you must remember today’s lesson, which is to never leave opportunities to the other party.”

"do you understand?"


 “Lawyer Su, I understand!”

Li Xuezhen looked serious and nodded seriously.

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled.


 No, has he taught this class before?

 Forget it, none of this matters anymore.

 Looked at the time.


 The court hearing will begin in half an hour.

 This case was a public hearing and had a certain degree of popularity in the first instance.

 It shouldn't cause as much trouble as the last case.

Su Bai recited silently.

 Li Xuezhen, on the other hand, was paying attention to the passage of time, her face full of anticipation.

 Go in.…

 Go in all the way~

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

   I don’t know why, I can’t see the chapters recently... the notifications no longer prompt...



 (End of this chapter)

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