As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 185: Judge me? I continue to appeal! presiding judge:?

Chapter 185 Sentence me? I continue to appeal! presiding judge:? ? (Additional update)

Wang Yuan’s roar in the court hearing made the atmosphere at the trial somewhat condensed.


As a judge of the Sudu High Court, Zhou Guangyu has encountered various courtroom scenes.

Wang Yuan is someone who disobeys the court decision in court.

 He has seen quite a few.

Facing Wang Yuan's words, Zhou Guangyu just said calmly: "You have the right to initiate supervision and review."

 “This is your right under the law.”

“However, ranting in court will not affect the judgment of the court. The parties are asked to remain rational.”

 After Zhou Guangyu finished speaking, he turned around and left the court hearing with two other members of the collegial panel.

Wang Yuan wanted to say something more, but at this time she was restrained by the bailiff beside her.

  Indicates that they can no longer make loud noises.




Su Bai took a deep breath.

Xie Jingmei’s eyes were red all over.

 Maybe it was because he saw that the person who killed his daughter got the punishment he deserved, and there was a trace of relief on his old face.

Li Xuezhen stood beside Xie Jingmei, stretched out her hand and handed out a tissue.

 About a minute passed.

 Xie Jingmei's mood calmed down.

At this time, Wang Yuan’s parents, Wang Manhua and Xu Li, were extremely anxious when they saw their daughter being taken away by the bailiff.

Looking at Xie Jingmei at the litigant's seat, the two of them were ready to come to Xie Jingmei and beg for mercy...

 But before he even got close, he was stopped by relevant law enforcement officers.

 This is also to prevent any unexpected situations from occurring during the court hearing.

Xie Jingmei glanced at Wang Manhua and Xu Li lightly, then turned around, pretending that she could not see these two people.

Su Bai nodded slightly and looked at Li Xuezhen.

 “Put the materials in order and leave…”


 “Okay Lawyer Su!”

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously and kept up with Su Bai's pace with small steps.



Looking at the backs of Su Bai and Xie Jianmei leaving.

Xu Li looked particularly anxious: "What should we do now? Our good daughter has been sentenced! Four years!"

 “Wang Manhua, think of a solution quickly!”

“If you can’t figure out a way, let’s get divorced!”

Wang Manhua put his hands on his scalp and rubbed his hair vigorously.

 “What can I do?”

“Now that the verdict has been made, is there any use in saying anything else?”

 “Then wouldn’t you think of any other way?”

Hearing Xu Li’s words, Wang Manhua seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly looked at Wei Hao and asked:

“Oh, by the way…Lawyer Wei, Lawyer Wei…Why did we lose this trial…”

"Is there any improper dealings between the other party and the chief judge?"

  ? ? ?

 Is there any illegal activity?

 What kind of illegal activities can be done?

 As far as he knew, Su Bai was from Nandu, and the trial was held at the Sudu High Court.

 Judge members are senior leaders in the High Court.

 Let’s not talk about whether there is any improper relationship.

 Just from the perspective of this case.

This first-instance judgment has obvious loopholes and the prosecution of Wang Yuan for criminal negligence.

Is it worth asking a top criminal lawyer and the deputy president of the court to do something unfair?

The other party directly presented the objective facts and evidence at the trial, and any other judge would have made the same decision.

 Is it necessary to use human circumstances to make deliberate judgments?

no need.

Wei Hao organized all the litigation materials in front of him, put them into his briefcase, and spoke slowly:

“I don’t know if there was any fraud in this trial, but judging from the length of the sentence and the applicable laws, it is relatively reasonable and there should be no other conduct.”

 What other behavior does not exist?

 How could her daughter be sentenced to four years in prison if there was no other behavior?

 There must be something they don't know about.

Xu Li thought silently in her heart, giving Wei Hao a bad impression.

 Let’s not talk about Sudu’s first-class criminal lawyer, who lost the trial.

 At present, it is said that there is no other behavior.

 She saw that this lawyer was not good enough!

 This so-called first-rate lawyer might not be as good as the third-rate lawyer she had seen before.

At least others can guarantee that the case will be won in court, but the lawyer in front of me cannot guarantee that!

Wei Hao could see what Xu Li was thinking, but didn't say anything more.

A case like today’s case is indeed not easy to fight.

He also did not expect that Wang Yuan would be sentenced to such a severe sentence of four years in prison.

But if we go by the content of the defense at the trial and other aspects, a four-year prison sentence is indeed not too heavy.

Wang Manhua and Xu Li, as family members, do not understand them. They only think about their daughters and do not consider other factors.

 He has seen so many situations that he even thinks he is worse than a third-rate lawyer.

  It’s useless to explain it. Just find a third-rate lawyer to litigate.

 Have you ever seen a civil compensation of 200,000 yuan and a transfer of criminal liability for three years?

 He has actually seen it.

Does it count as a win if you don’t have to pay two hundred thousand yuan?

It's equivalent to one year in jail, with food and shelter, and 60,000 yuan in vain, right?

 After sorting out his litigation materials, Wei Hao left the courtroom directly.

 At this time, Wu Manhua spoke:

“Why did you say those words just now? Now that you have made this lawyer angry for no reason, what will we do next?”

“What’s next? Let’s continue to appeal and find other lawyers. This lawyer is not very good at first glance!”

"I still don't believe it. I can't find a good lawyer! Our daughter will definitely not be able to go to jail. Being in jail will ruin her life."

“Furthermore, this Xie Jingmei is too vicious, and our family is unwilling to go to court to accuse her. Aren’t we worried that Wu Guoxing will retaliate in the future?”

“Just because of this, the other party took Zanyuan directly to court. It’s too much!”

  “It’s a little bit.”

Wang Manhua nodded slightly.

 “Can you find any other good lawyers?”

“Don’t worry, I have a best friend who also knows a lawyer, so there are no other problems.”

 The couple discussed how to continue the appeal or initiate a supervisory review.



the other side.

 Wu Jianlei and Li Xin were also at a loss when facing the verdict.

 The span of eight years from fixed term to no term is completely unacceptable to them. “Lawyer Ye... didn’t you say there are no big problems in this trial? But now, look what’s going on now?”

 “Life sentence!”

“The sentence has been directly increased from eight years to life imprisonment. Lawyer Ye, what should we do now?”

Facing Wang Jianlei’s question, Ye Hua rubbed his eyebrows.

This trial is a second-instance verdict. There is no new evidence that can overturn the verdict, and the sentence is reasonable.

It is almost impossible to submit for retrial, and it is almost impossible for the court to accept this case again.

what to do?

To be honest, he didn’t know what to do...



 In Bai Jun Law Firm.

 Xie Jingmei sat on the sofa and kept thanking Su Bai.

 “Lawyer Su...”

“Thank you... This time Wu Guoxing and Wang Yuan were sentenced, and I would like to thank Lawyer Su for helping with the trial defense.”

“If it weren’t for Lawyer Su, I might not have realized that Wang Yuan also committed a crime...”

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "This is what I should do."

 As a lawyer, you must start from the client’s litigation claims.

 What is the client’s claim?

 The lawsuit demands that all those who committed crimes in the process that led to Fang Zhihui's death be sent to jail.

As a litigation attorney, you must follow your client’s litigation requests.

Su Bai seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly asked: "Didn't Wang Yuan's family look for you again?"

“At the court hearing, they proposed to conduct a supervisory review and continue to appeal. If they continue to appeal, they will definitely come to you to apply for forgiveness.”

Xie Jingmei smiled and said: "Lawyer Su... I'm not very clear about this because I have blocked all their contact information."

“I guess the other party can’t find me either.”

“If the other party really appeals, the court will definitely notify me at that time.”

 “If we talk about it at that time, I will definitely not forgive the other party anyway.”


Su Bai nodded.

However, after the court execution letter is issued, there is still one important thing to do.

That is when Wang Yuan made inappropriate remarks on a certain platform, which caused harm to Xie Jingmei.

There are also a group of little fans of Wang Yuan.

 This account needs to be canceled.



After the court ruling came down, Su Bai immediately applied to a platform to cancel Wang Yuan’s platform account.

A certain platform immediately canceled Wang Yuan’s account after learning what happened and seeing the evidence submitted.

  After Wang Yuan entered the case and filed a case, she also deliberately asked her family to post a message online that she would not update if something happened recently.

Now that the account was suddenly canceled, Wang Yuan's fans also felt a little strange, and they ran to the small group and started discussing.

“What’s wrong? Why was the account suddenly canceled?”

“I don’t know, I said some time ago that I had something to do. It seemed like I was going on a trip, so I stopped updating for a while, but I didn’t expect to log out of my account now…”

 “Check it out.”

 “Let’s go, go, go.…”

 Soon, Wang Yuan’s fans found out the relevant matter and posted it to the small group.

fan:? ? ? ?

“Wang Yuan was sentenced to four years in prison for causing negligent death?”

 “What’s going on, so cruel?”

“I don’t know! Wang Yuan was sentenced to four years in prison. As fans, we are here to support and discuss all day long. Shouldn’t we be held accountable?”

“What should we do now?”

 “So-and-so has left the group chat.”


  ? ? ? ?

“Forget it, someone has already left the group chat. I’m afraid, I want to leave the group chat too.”

“+1+1 can’t stay in this group anymore, everyone should run away quickly.”

 It didn’t take long, and more than 100 people from the original group of three to four hundred people had already left the group.

There are still some people who just haven’t seen it, and people continue to withdraw from the group every once in a while.

In the group, there are also media people working undercover in Wang Yuan’s fan group. After all, during the previous first-instance trial, this was also a small hit.

After seeing the relevant content of the fan group, the undercover media person checked online and found that Wang Yuan was actually sentenced to four years in prison.


 Wang Yuan was sentenced to four years in prison and became a hot search topic.

 The comments section unanimously applauded:

“I remember that Wang Yuan was accused of not appearing in court to testify in this case, right? Why was Wang Yuan suddenly sent to court for four years?”

“I watched the live broadcast of the trial... It seems that because Lawyer Su collected relevant evidence and submitted it to the prosecutor, Wang Yuan was convicted of negligent death.”

“The court trial live broadcast website and the judgment document website have detailed procedures. This Wang Yuan was found guilty of negligent death and sentenced to four years. It is really not excessive at all!”

 “I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it!”

"It's really not an exaggeration at all. This case can be said to be completely avoidable. If Wang Yuan hadn't called the police or rescued him, Fang Zhihui would not have been in trouble and there is a certain probability that he would not have died. Even Wu Guoxing did not commit any crime. Smash it. The door is gone."

"What a pity!"

  ….From this point of view, it is indeed consistent.”



“I heard about this case. Wang Yuan’s parents seem to be continuing to appeal, and Wang Yuan does not obey the verdict. Can anyone tell me what the current progress is?”

 “Has any appeal been successful?”

“I don’t know. Judging from the current situation, the first-instance judgment is very reasonable, but I don’t know what reasons Wang Yuan will use if she continues to appeal.”

“Okay, when the appeal is successful and the second instance is heard, remember to knock me.”


 About Fang Zhihui’s case, Wang Yuan was sent in, which brought back many people’s memories.

 Many netizens are continuously paying attention to the progress.

Wang Yuan’s parents are also actively appealing.

 But I have found many lawyers, but there has been no progress.

 Either they say they can’t win the case, or they only get money but no guarantee.

Originally, Wang Manhua thought there was no hope, but then he received a call from Xu Li.

 Xu Li's voice was full of joy and excitement.

“Manhua, I have found a great lawyer who is guaranteed to win the case. I have talked with this lawyer and he is very knowledgeable, but we need to pay the legal fees first.”

 “Okay, okay, okay!”

 “Pay it! As long as he is willing to accept it and guarantees that our daughter will be acquitted, it will be worth paying no matter how much legal fees you pay!”

When Wang Manhua heard that a lawyer agreed to take on the case, he immediately smiled and agreed to pay the lawyer's fees first.

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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