As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 377: appeal? Prosecution: new criminal facts, added

Chapter 377 Appeal? Prosecutor: New criminal facts, increased sentence and penalty!

Wang Fang heard that he had been sentenced to four years in prison, and there were many other sentencing requirements.

 The whole person seems a little unable to accept it.

There is a strong contrast with Xu Xingwang's performance.

But then again.

What if Wang Fang himself can’t accept it?

 Can't accept it, but she still has the facts and basis for the crime.

 This is a reality that cannot be changed.

 If you cannot accept the sentence of four years in prison now.

Then why didn’t she want to think about the outcome when Xu Xingwang was severely sentenced and might be sentenced to death?

 Is Wang Fang doing the right thing by using other people's lives to satisfy his own desires?

 Does she know what she did was wrong?


 And know it clearly!

As a member of the severe punishment team, how could he not understand the court’s sentencing? How could he not understand the punishment for burglary and causing death?

  She knew everything, but she still chose to do it.

Besides, is the four-year prison sentence too heavy for her?

 For what she did, it was not serious!

On the other hand, if we look at life-equivalent outcomes, the sentence is even lighter!

 Her four-year prison sentence is 23 years for Xu Xingwang.

 How many 23 years are there in a life?

 Can't accept it, can't accept it, the verdict has been handed down.

 Even if Wang Fang is dissatisfied with this verdict.

It is also impossible to change the judgment result.

Wang Fang knew very well that now that the outcome of the trial was over, even if he continued to refute and protest at the trial, it would have no effect.

So he quietly allowed the bailiff to take him away from the court hearing, thinking about preparing an appeal for the second instance.



at the same time.

  Audiences watching this court hearing, after hearing Su Bai’s court statement and the final verdict, left messages on the barrage.

“After listening to Lawyer Su’s court statement, to be honest, I always feel that the sentence given to Wang Fang in this case is too light!”

“I read a previous interview with Wang Fang on the official website and said that Wang Fang has a 100% crime detection rate and has to deal with at least several serious cases a year. Over the years, there must be a hundred serious cases!”

“Although not all of the more than 100 serious cases were wrongfully accused, this is certainly the case among them!”

“The case of Xu Xingwang just happened to be exposed, but what about those who were not exposed?”

“Should the victims also come forward?!”

“Are there other victims? How should the legal rights and interests of those victims be protected?!”

"Yes, yes...the legal rights of other victims must also be protected. I used to think that Detective Wang Fang was very good at solving crimes, but after this case, my image has completely collapsed!"

“I remember someone said a long time ago that it is difficult, extremely difficult, to achieve a 100% detection rate in the field of serious criminal cases.”

“Through this aspect, I thought Wang Fang was very powerful, but now I think it’s a hint!”

 “Personally, I think the sentence should be harsh, it must be harsh!”

“The four-year prison sentence for Wang Fang is too short!”

 In the barrage, many people made statements, saying that the sentence given to Detective Wang Fang was too low!

 It can be clearly seen from this aspect that

Most people hate Wang Fang's use of illegal procedures for his own selfish desires, and how he deliberately makes ordinary people bear punishment.

 Most of the time, everyone is an ordinary person.

Facing this kind of thing, many people are unable to resist and have no way to solve it.

 Putting yourself into Xu Xingwang’s perspective is suffocating and despairing just thinking about it.


 Because you have not committed a crime, you are still forced to admit that you have committed a crime, and you may even be sentenced to death.

 When the punishment is carried out, won't there be a suffocating despair in the heart?

definitely will!

 Being forced to accept that they have been wronged and unable to resist is what the public hates!

 After the case was concluded, the media immediately published relevant details in their respective short videos.

ˆOffice of the Editor-in-Chief of Nandu Media.

Wang Xue is instructing his assistant:

“Lawyer Su’s case has a great sense of contrast, and it also involves a well-known online detective.”

“As long as you give it a good title, it will be explosive news.”

“You can arrange the existing accounts we have with relatively good traffic to choose a more explosive title.”

  “Send out the general content of this case.”

“But remember... the speed must be fast. We must try our best to grasp the traffic and take advantage of this opportunity.”

 The assistant on the side nodded repeatedly: "Okay, editor-in-chief."

 After the assistant left, Wang Xue looked at the form in front of him with a smile on his face.

 Since the beginning of this year, as the editor-in-chief, she has published court trials related to Su Bai, and she has exceeded her work content.


 It’s all earned!

I have to say that Lawyer Su, to her, is the traffic password!

Wang Xue expects that this case will most likely explode in traffic.

 After all, this case has a huge contrast and is a criminal issue of public concern. Short video traffic is very popular.

 In fact, the development trend of this case is similar to what Wang Xue predicted.

 After Nandu Media immediately released relevant information about this case.

 Many media have followed up and reported on this case, and various headlines have appeared on the Internet.

   《100% Detective Who Solved the Case? Get closer to science and see how the detective solves the case 100%"

  《Significant Situation! The well-known detective used this method at the scene of a car rollover with a 100% detection rate..."

 All kinds of headlines on the Internet are basically from the shock department.

 Causing huge traffic on the network.



 Bai Jun Law Firm.


Xu Xingwang bowed deeply to Su Bai, then raised his body and held Su Bai's hand tightly:

“Lawyer Su... To be honest, for so many years, I have been hoping that Wang Fang would be tried by the law.”

“Many of my fellow inmates, relatives, and family members have told me that this matter is impossible to achieve.”

“I have never believed it. I have also tried to find a lawyer, other people, and filed a report, but to no avail.”

“If it hadn’t been for you, Lawyer Su, this time, let alone Wang Fang being tried by the law, it’s not even certain whether I would have been able to wash away my grievances.”

 “Thank you, thank you, Lawyer Su...”

Xu Xingwang kept saying thanks. Su Bai held Xu Xingwang’s hand on his with both hands and said with a smile:

"this is necessary."

“This case itself is not innocent, and Wang Fang himself did something wrong.”

"So from this point of view, it will be a matter of time before the verdict is overturned."

  "Oh, right."   Su Bai turned his head, looked at Li Xuezhen standing aside, and then spoke.

“Xuezhen, has Mr. Xu’s application for state compensation been finalized?”

Li Xuezhen has been dealing with Xu Xingwang’s national compensation issue recently.

After hearing Su Bai’s question, Li Xuezhen nodded seriously:

“This case of state compensation has been decided. Because it was an unjust, false, and wrongly decided case, compensation will be settled in accordance with the state’s statutory compensation.”

“If nothing else happens, the state compensation should be paid to Mr. Xu’s account next month.”


Su Bai nodded. Xu Xingwang has been imprisoned for so many years, let’s not talk about other things.

 These years of imprisonment resulted in the loss of freedom and labor, and work was still required during the period of imprisonment.

Having been imprisoned for so many years, my life after being released will definitely be affected, and I will definitely have to claim compensation from the state.

 After hearing that the matter was resolved, Su Bai felt relieved.

 According to the current situation, Xu Xingwang’s commission has been completed.



 After Xu Xingwang left, Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai with a smile on her face.

 “Lawyer Su...”

“Xu Xingwang’s case is finally over.”

“But do you know what is a very hot topic on the Internet right now?”


Su Bai smiled and shook his head: "I'm not sure. Did you say that I sent people in again?"

Su Bai also often surfs the Internet. Under the short video, you can see many netizens joking that in a certain case, Lawyer Su sent so-and-so to the case again.

 That was the same idea at the first time.

 Just after Su Bai finished speaking, Li Xuezhen smiled and shook her head: "No."

“It is said on the Internet that lawyers with a 100% winning rate VS detectives with a 100% success rate in solving crimes.”

 “It’s still a reliable lawyer with a 100% winning rate.”

 “Lawyer Su, look at the comments below this topic.”

Li Xuezhen unfolded the phone and handed it to Su Bai. Su Bai finally looked at the contents of the phone and smiled.

Many netizens replied that anyone with a 100% winning rate can be sent in, and the others can be sent without error!

 There are various similar speeches below.

 It can be seen that everyone maintains a positive attitude towards Xu Xingwang's victory.

 Hand the phone back to Li Xuezhen.

Su Bai saw the pride on Li Xuezhen's face and smiled without saying anything else.

 It is estimated that Li Xuezhen’s mind is full of thoughts about giving it away…



 In the Jiangdu North District Detention Center.

In the detention center, Wang Fang was very dissatisfied with the four-year sentence in this case and wanted to appeal further. The second instance requested a lighter sentence.

 Also asked the lawyer whether he could be found not guilty.

However...Wang Fang now cannot trust Zhang Liang, the lawyer entrusted with the first-instance case.

So she terminated Zhang Liang’s commission and found a professional criminal lawyer from Beidu to appeal her case.

“Lawyer Li, if my case is appealed to the second instance, can I be acquitted?”

“Or can the penalty of the sentence be reduced, maybe a suspended sentence or something like that?”

 On the opposite side, Lawyer Li said without hesitation: "Don't worry."

“In this case, if you want to plead not guilty, you can plead not guilty, and if you want to impose a suspended sentence, you can impose a suspended sentence.”

 “For me, it depends on what you think.”

“However, these different defenses require different attorney fees.”

 At Lawyer Li's immediate consent, he could plead for a reduced sentence or even plead not guilty.

 Wang Fang was a little hesitant...for fear that this was an unreliable lawyer.

It’s just that Lawyer Li saw Wang Fang’s hesitation in his eyes:

“Ms. Wang, I accept this commission with sincerity.”

“If you have other considerations, then I don’t have to accept this commission, and you can hire another lawyer.”

With that said, Lawyer Li stood up and prepared to leave.

When Lawyer Li was about to leave, Wang Fang stopped Lawyer Li.


 “I will plead not guilty, and I will pay any amount of legal fees!”

Hearing Wang Fang’s voice, Lawyer Li seemed to have known that Wang Fang would agree, and immediately stopped.

He turned his head and said with a smile: "Okay, Ms. Wang."

“However, the legal fees need to be paid in advance.”

 When things got to this point, Wang Fang couldn't care about anything else.

We also agreed to Lawyer Li’s request.

the other side.

Due to the popularity on the Internet and the detective about Wang Fang, it now seems that the name is not worthy of the name and even has illegal activities.

 There are many people reporting on Wang Fang.

  The procuratorate received a lot of illegal evidence regarding the case that Wang Fang tried that year.

 And many people are clamoring for a reversal of the verdict.

 Staff in the supervision department saw a letter of request for reports and appeals.

One of the staff members smiled helplessly at another staff member.

“It seems that Wang Fang’s case has aroused a lot of interest on the Internet. All the illegal cases accumulated over the years are now pouring out.”

“Indeed...the popularity on the Internet is so great now, so I must use the popularity to assert my legal rights.”

“However...I have seen several of the cases, and some of them are not unjust cases.”

"That's for sure! Those who are unjust cases are still in the minority after all, and most of them dispute the illegal procedures."

“But judging from these... I don’t know if the leader will lodge a protest and ask for additional aggravating evidence.”

 “It’s hard to say...”

 Two staff members started to discuss.

This also means that if Wang Fang appeals to the second trial, it is very likely that the prosecutor will collect other evidence of crimes.

 Inflict heavier penalties! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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