As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 400: Throwing the evidence directly on the table?

Chapter 400 Just throw the evidence on the table, how can you do this?

 “Fuck! The trial is coming in, coming in!”

 “The arrogance I suffered earlier is now coming back!”

“Lawyer Su Bai of Bai Jun Law Firm, this time, he directly sued the media who spread rumors and the law firm that slandered him!”

 “It’s great!”

“I want to see how this court trial, the media that spread rumors, and the successful law firm that is both bad and bad will be dealt with!”

“Hahaha, to be honest, I came here after seeing the Nandu media reports, but I am also very curious about the result!”

“Bai Jun Law Firm has been attacked so much before, and now it has sued the defendant. This can be regarded as safeguarding its legal rights, right?”

“Unscrupulous media like this should be properly prosecuted!”

 “Strong support!”

 As soon as the trial started, many people flocked to the live broadcast of the trial.

Most of them were because they saw the law firm entrusted by the defendant Dong Baihao in the case of Bai Jun Law Firm suing Dong Guoguo.

 And the unscrupulous media after losing the second trial.

Concerning this, many fans of Bai Jun Law Firm and interested passers-by want to see what the outcome of this trial will be.

We also look forward to Baijun Law Firm being able to safeguard its legal rights and interests.

 So...there are many people paying attention to the live broadcast of this public trial.

at the same time.

 At the plaintiff's seat, Su Bai quietly waited for the trial to begin.

There are not many key issues involved in this trial.

 The main problem still lies in unfair competition and rumor-mongering among successful law firms.

 As for other media, whether they are urban media or people's livelihood media, they are all official media and need to pay attention to their influence.

Tianyu Media is an entertainment media, but its size is not small.

 You also need to pay attention to your reputation.

 There is no doubt that these three parties are involved in spreading rumors.

 The evidence is conclusive and the determination is simple.

 In this regard, Su Bai believes that there are no other objections to the determination of rumors.

 The main purpose is to identify the issues of rumor making and unfair competition among successful law firms.



 The court hearing begins.

 The previous series of court proceedings are completed.

 At the judgment seat.

As the presiding judge, Chu Changhe banged the gavel and spoke slowly:

“In this case, the plaintiff Fang Baijun Law Firm filed a complaint against the defendants Chenggong Law Firm, West District Urban Media, West District Minsheng Media, and Tianyu Media.”

“Suede West District Metropolis Media, West District Minsheng Media, and Tianyu Media for allegedly spreading rumors and spreading false content, which has seriously affected and damaged the reputation of Baijun Law Firm.”

“And accused the subject Chenggong Law Firm of disseminating information to the above media, spreading rumors and spreading false content, thus constituting unfair competition.”

“Excuse me, the plaintiff, the above is the corresponding accusation against you.”

 “Do you have any other objections to this?”

 The above accusations are all written in the indictment.

Su Bai had no other opinions about these matters and spoke directly:

 “There is no presiding judge.”


Facing Su Bai's answer, Chu Changhe nodded: "Then let's move on to the cross-examination session."

“Please present your evidence to the plaintiff.”

 “A good judge.”

Su Bai sorted out the evidence in front of him and then stated:

“The evidence we currently provide includes the evidence that West District Metropolis Media, West District Minsheng Media and Tianyu Media spread rumors against us at the beginning.”

“Specifically involved are content hints such as videos, pictures, text, and title copywriting.”

“The content published by the three media outlets all involved untrue slander against Bai Jun Law Firm and slander against me personally.”

“Including-related to publishing content, publicly stating that Baijun Law Firm is not a law firm worthy of its name.”

 “Statements that are untrue—our law firm has no regard for the client.”

“It implies that our law firm does not adopt the client’s demands and only cares about performance.”

“And not long ago, I took over a criminal case, and the second instance changed the sentence.”

“These media spread rumors, claiming that it was because of me that the second trial sentence was changed.”

“And he said that I deliberately wanted the defendant to be sentenced to death during the first instance, implying that I and the judge of the first instance had some illegal dealings.”

 “There is solid evidence in all of this.”

“We have already presented the relevant evidence to the court.”

“Including videos, pictures and texts released by three media.”

“We have marked the instructive content among these contents in detail.”

“In addition, the evidence also contains materials to prove our innocence and prove that these statements are false.”

“The above is the evidence our company presented to the three media outlets of the defendant.”


 After Su Bai stated this, Chu Changhe nodded slightly:

“These evidences have been identified by the Physical Evidence Bureau.”

 “The collegial panel has understood.”

“So as the defendants, West District Metropolis Media, West District Minsheng Media, and Tianyu Media have any objections to these evidences?”

 The three media outlets had actually communicated with Su Bai in advance when the court served the summons.

  And cooperate with its investigation.

 The current situation is that all three media outlets have realized that they have indeed done something wrong.

 The evidence is conclusive, what objections can there be?

 There must be no other objections.

 The lawyers appointed by the three media companies have a very clear understanding of this case, which is to minimize their losses.

 As for other aspects...just admit your mistakes.

 And more importantly, they even want to refute.

 Can you refute it?

The other party presented objective factual evidence. How can they refute it?

To deny the objective evidence presented by the other party and make the judge not accept the objective evidence of the other party?

 This is simply impossible for them!

 So faced with conclusive evidence, the lawyers appointed by the three media outlets had no way to refute it.

 There is no objection, this is the common statement of the three entrusted lawyers.

 After the attorneys appointed by the three media outlets spoke.

As the presiding judge, Chu Changhe turned around and asked Su Bai's request.

“The three media outlets on the defendant’s side have no other objections to the evidence presented by the plaintiff.”

“So, does the plaintiff have any claim for the losses caused to you by the rumors spread by the three media outlets?”

Hearing the presiding judge’s question, Su Bai nodded slightly:


 The rumors spread by the three media outlets have caused damage to their reputation.

 The seriousness of the reputation caused under the circumstances is self-evident.

Very serious!

 But the seriousness depends on how serious the objective factual consequences are.

 In this case, it is difficult to prove the loss of Bai Jun Law Firm.

 Generally speaking, if spreading rumors causes property losses, you can claim property compensation. But what happens when reputational damage is caused?

 Causes reputational damage...infringes potential property.

 This time the reputation was damaged. For Baijun Law Firm, the loss of reputation caused the loss of certain case sources.

 If this point is raised and large compensation is demanded.

Then the court may not adopt it.

 How many potential sources of cases will be damaged because of the loss of your reputation?

This kind of loss cannot be estimated, and compensation can only be made in accordance with general legal requirements.

 So regarding the appeals of these three companies, Su Bai’s requirements are also very simple:

“Our request is that the three media outlets remove all of our harmful and rumor-mongering videos and issue a public apology.”

 “A public apology lasting no less than one month.”

“During this period, there shall be no deliberate concealment, deliberate misleading of facts, or distortion of subjectivity.”

“At the same time, we require compensation for the damage to our reputation.”

“The specific amount of compensation can be reasonably claimed through mediation by the court after the trial.”

“The above are our demands for the defendant and the three media.”

Su Bai did not directly raise the amount of the claim at the court hearing.

 Firstly, the amount cannot be too high.

 Secondly, after mediation by the court, the amount of the claim will be more reasonable.

Regarding the claims put forward by Su Bai, Chu Changhe turned his head and looked at the defendant.

“Excuse me, the defendant, do you have any other opinions on the plaintiff’s claims?”

 “Or is there anything that you think is unreasonable?”

 The attorneys appointed by the three media outlets heartily agreed with this lawsuit.

But for Su Bai's lawsuit.

Two official media, West District Metropolis Media and West District People's Livelihood Media, still put forward certain opinions.

The lawyer entrusted by West District Metropolis Media stated:

“We have no other opinions on the plaintiff’s claims.”

“Just regarding the timing of the public apology, we also ask the plaintiff and the presiding judge to consider the impact of official media.”

“We are willing to apologize.”

“After all, inappropriate remarks were made due to some personal subjective factors in our media, and we are willing to take responsibility for this.”

“But in terms of the time for a public apology, we do not agree with a one-month public apology time.”

In addition, a lawyer commissioned by West District Minsheng Media also elaborated on this idea.

 They all believe that a month's public apology is too long, and have no objections to compensation.

 Because the compensation was proposed by Su Bai on his own initiative, he could stop and reconcile.

 As lawyers, they also know very well that the amount of compensation will not be too high.

 There is no big dispute on this point.

 As the presiding judge, Chu Changhe spent too long hearing that the three media outlets advocated a public apology.

 Then he asked: "The three media outlets on the defendant side believe that the public apology takes too long."

“It can be based on the evidence currently submitted by the plaintiff.”

“The short videos you published have been viewed tens of millions of times and forwarded hundreds of thousands of times.”

“At the same time, it also led other media to follow suit.”

“Do you have anything to say about this?”

The lawyers appointed by the three defendant media outlets also knew very well what the presiding judge meant by asking this question.

Why did the presiding judge ask this?

 The reason is because the three media outlets spread the rumors as soon as possible.

 Causing others to follow suit.…

 This is also the reason why Baijun Law Firm sued three of their media outlets but not other media outlets.

 Because these three media were the first to publish, most of the other media followed suit.

The meaning of the presiding judge's question is also very simple. It means that the situation of the three of you is relatively serious.

 If you want to shorten the time for a public apology, you must give a reasonable explanation.

 West District Metropolis Media entrusted a lawyer to continue making statements.

The statement this time mainly pointed the finger at Chenggong Law Firm.

 “Presiding Judge.”

“I know that the news we spread has caused huge losses to the plaintiff.”

“We are also willing to take responsibility for this, but there is one thing we want to explain.”

“We spread the news because the person in charge at the time had a certain relationship with the lawyers of Chenggong Law Firm and learned that his lawyers had information to report.”

“Because we have a good personal relationship with each other and there is no further confirmation, we have become the main party responsible for spreading rumors.”

“For this, we will hold the person in charge at the time accountable.”

“Considering that our public image has been privately used by some people for defamation, we believe that the publicity period for this apology should be slowed down.”

The statement made by the lawyer commissioned by West District Metropolis Media simply put the blame on the person in charge at the time to reduce his own responsibility.

 In fact, the person in charge at the time did bear the main responsibility.

 But what Su Bai is accusing is the main body of their media, and the main body of their media cannot throw away their responsibility.

Based on this point, his client’s lawyer raised the issue to the person in charge at the trial.

 Similarly...the other two media outlets also followed the example of the person in charge of the West District Metropolis Media and made corresponding statements.

 They all put the problem to the person in charge at the time to reduce their own responsibilities.

 Even the responsibility has been put on successful law firms.

 At the defendant's seat.

Yu Cheng and Li Ming were sitting in their respective seats, both looking very ugly.

 According to the current situation, the plaintiff has not yet produced evidence against them.


The attorneys appointed by West District Metropolis Media, West District Minsheng Media, and Tianyu Media made their statements very clearly!

That was the person in charge of the media contacted by Li Ming. It is very likely that the chat records between him and the person in charge have been handed over to the case investigators.

 Let the plaintiff have the evidence!

So then, all the spearheads are pointed at their law firm!

unambiguous evidence!

Li Ming glanced in the direction of Yu Cheng:

"What should we do now?"

“The current situation seems to be that the plaintiff has obtained conclusive evidence.”

 “We will probably lose the case!”

 Yu Cheng looked serious and said nothing: "Wait and see."

“It’s not time to accuse us yet.”

 “You may not necessarily lose the case.”

Yu Cheng said this, but actually he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

 Because judging from the current situation of the trial, it is very likely that the other party has already obtained the actual evidence!

So in this court hearing, their Chengdu Law Firm fell into absolute passivity! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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