As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 429: Truth content! This case must be won

 Chapter 429 The truth! This case must be won!

 The specific circumstances of Li Dong’s case.

Su Bai is still not sure what kind of situation is involved.


  It is necessary to determine what Li Dong thinks as a party involved.

 It is very necessary to meet.

 Yang City, inside the detention center.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen were sitting in the summons room, waiting for the law enforcement staff to summon Li Dong.

 It doesn’t take long.

 After the staff brought Li Dong to the summons room.

  He was reminded of the relevant summons rules and precautions, and then left the summons room.

ˆLeave space and time to criminal suspects and their attorneys.

Li Dong is not tall, only about 1.69 meters tall. He is very thin, and some of his hair is white.

 It can be seen that he is a hard-working person.

 The work you do is most likely to be physical labor.

After observing Li Dong’s image, Su Bai took the initiative to speak:

“Hello, Li Dong, I am Su Bai, the lawyer entrusted by your wife Xiao Chunmei.”

 “This is the representation signed by your wife.”

 Speaking, Su Bai put the entrustment agreement on the table.


Li Dong raised his head when he heard the word lawyer, looked at the contents of the entrustment agreement, and his eyes were a little nervous:

“Is it an aid lawyer or a lawyer from a law firm?”

"Lawyers from the law firm... I'm sorry, I don't want to hire a lawyer... I'll have to pay the lawyer a hard trip. We may not be able to afford the lawyer fees."

 It can be seen that Li Dong is very sensitive to legal fees, or in other words, very sensitive to money.


Su Bai also understood what Li Dong was thinking about.

 Li Dong’s main consideration is still Xiao Chunmei.

 He was sentenced and the family lacked a major source of income, and Xiao Chunmei had to take medicine and see a doctor every month.

 At the end of the day...

I just want to save some money to treat Xiao Chunmei.

Think of this.

Su Bai smiled and said: "Don't worry about the legal fees for this entrustment for now."

“We want to use this case to build the reputation of our law firm and waive attorney fees.”

 “Waiver of attorney fees.…”

When Li Dong heard this, he whispered: "This is not good, how can we avoid it..."

 However, Li Dong did not continue to refuse.

Seeing this, Su Bai continued to speak: "That's it."

“Your wife Xiao Chunmei has told us a little about this case.”

“There are some specific situations that we don’t know much about yet, so we need to ask you for further information. Do you think that’s okay?”


 In the face of Li Dong’s agreement.

Su Bai asked the most critical question in this case,

 That's why Li Dong engraved his official seal privately to show that he had paid the hospital fees.

 Exercise fraudulent behavior.

 For this point, Li Dong also gave a corresponding explanation:

“Lawyer Su… I came up with this solution because I really had no other choice.”

“The medical expenses prescribed by the hospital are too expensive, can you imagine? If you take a box of medicine for a week, lawyer Su, do you know how much it costs? More than 2,000!”

“And he doesn’t just eat for a week, he eats for several months.”

“A box of medicine costs more than 2,000 yuan a week, and four boxes of medicine add up to nearly 9,000 yuan!”

“Add in other miscellaneous expenses, Chunmei’s monthly expenses will be nearly 15,000.”

“I really couldn’t bear it anymore. I talked to the doctor who prescribed the medicine and asked if there was any way to reduce the cost of taking the medicine.”

“Then he told me that it couldn’t be reduced, but there were other ways to alleviate it, at least to alleviate my financial pressure.”

“I asked him what method he could use, and he suggested that I think more about paying fees, and then I thought of engraving a fake official seal to pay fees.”

“To be honest, I didn’t dare to do it for the first time, but I didn’t expect that the payment was successful.”

“I became more and more daring in the future and used fake official seals many times to pay fees.”

"I have thought about this. If I have money, I will pay the fee. If I really have no money, I will use the engraved work seal to pay the fee."

“I also thought about making up for the remaining medical expenses, because no matter how poor we are, we can’t owe the hospital money. The hospital’s money is life-saving money.”

“He saved my wife. I can’t say that he took advantage of their loopholes to harm their interests.”

“But…after I used my official seal, I didn’t know if the doctor knew that I was using a fake official seal, and the medicines he prescribed became more and more expensive.”

“You can even prescribe medicine for 30,000 yuan a month! It costs 30,000 yuan, which costs nearly 400,000 yuan a year! I don’t even dare to use a fake official seal!”

 “Because I know I can’t afford it!”

“At this time, Chunmei’s condition was still relapsing, and there were even signs of worsening, so I went to other hospitals for consultation.”

“Without consultation, I don’t know...the medicine the doctor prescribed to me had no effect on Chunmei’s condition at all, and even had side effects!”

“I went to the doctor who prescribed the medicine to argue with me. After a few searches, the hospital discovered that I had used a fake official seal. They also said that I often went to the hospital to cause quarrels and cause trouble.”

 “That’s what it is now…”

“Lawyer, I know it was wrong for me to steal a fake official seal, and I am willing to accept the verdict.”

“But...but that doctor is too shady, and I can’t even afford the medicine he prescribed!”

“I can bear it for a month or two, but I really can’t repair this hole in a year or two!”

“Who can afford the medicine that costs 30,000 yuan a month?”

“I really have no choice, and I don’t want to do it, but if I don’t do it, Chunmei’s treatment may be delayed.”

 “Do I have any choice? I have no choice at all!”

 When speaking of this, Li Dong seemed to recall some things from the past.

 The whole person lay on the table in the summons room and cried bitterly.

After more than ten seconds, his mood calmed down. He wiped his tears and looked at Su Bai: "Lawyer...I'm really sorry for making you laugh, but I really have no choice. I really can't afford the lawyer's fees." "

"And...the court also asked me to make up for the medical expenses of more than 160,000 yuan. It is impossible for me to sell the house and leave Chunmei without a place to live."

 “I don’t want to fight this lawsuit again…”


Su Bai sighed silently in his heart after hearing the whole process described by Li Dong.

to be honest…

 From the whole process described by Li Dong, we can clearly see Li Dong’s psychological journey.

 From beginning to end, Li Dong wanted his wife, Xiao Chunmei, to be well treated.

If based on the usual treatment costs, Li Dong can still afford it.

 But what’s the problem?

 The problem lies in expensive imported drugs and ineffective drugs!

 These drugs account for the vast majority of medical expenses.

 And taking medicine for a long time and buying medicines made Li Dong unable to make ends meet.

More importantly, it was under the doctor's suggestion that Li Dong thought of engraving the official seal privately.

If there had been no hint from the doctor, if there had not been the exorbitantly expensive drug list issued by the doctor, would Li Dong still be facing the current situation?

Certainly not!

  It can only be said that during this process, Li Dong committed illegal and criminal acts.

 But essentially he is still a victim.

 A victim who was cheated by exorbitant medical bills.

Thinking of this, Su Bai comforted him: "You don't have to worry about the lawyer's fees."


“You have been sentenced to three and a half years in prison. What will happen to your wife’s subsequent life?”

"Your sentence is obviously too severe. Don't you want to reduce the sentence, get out of prison early, and take care of your wife?"

 When mentioning Xiao Chunmei, Li Dong's eyes clearly flashed with hesitation.

 Finally, he asked tentatively:

“Lawyer Su...can you really get free of attorney’s fees when you litigate this case?”

“Or we can pay the legal fees later.”

“We will definitely make it up, is that okay?”

Su Bai understood Li Dong's mentality and nodded with a smile to reassure Li Dong: "Okay."

 Hearing this, Li Dong's expression became much more relaxed.

 After solving Li Dong’s idea of ​​not wanting to litigate, Su Bai raised another question:

 “I still have a question.”

“During the first instance, according to the situation in the file, why didn’t you state at the trial that the doctor hinted that you had privately carved the official seal?”

Li Dong looked at Su Bai doubtfully: "Can I state this matter?"

“During the first trial, I told the aid lawyer about this situation.”

“But the aid lawyer said that it was useless and told me not to state it at the trial.”


Hearing this, Su Bai frowned slightly. It seemed that this assistance lawyer was a little unreliable!

But having said that... assistance lawyers are generally free.

 Or it is an act of assistance at the request of the court. In this case, the level of interest in the case is generally not high.

 In order to avoid other troubles in the case.

 Hence, sometimes he will state some wrong legal concepts to his clients.

 According to what Li Dong stated, the doctor hinted that he could think of other solutions.

 So about Li Dong’s private engraving of the official seal of the hospital and the use of his fake official seal to pretend to pay medical expenses.

 Doctors are also responsible for this.…

But...why would the doctor do this?

Su Bai guessed it was probably related to kickbacks.

 Meeting Li Dong in the summons room this time, Su Bai had already completed all the questions that should be asked.

 Taking a deep breath, he briefly explained some matters to Li Dong.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen out of the summons room and outside the detention center.

Besides, Li Xuezhen frowned slightly. In the summons room, she also finished listening to Li Dong's statement.

 This case... Xiao Chunmei was indeed unaware of it at the beginning.

 But looking at it now, the hidden meaning behind this is even more influential!

Li Xuezhen turned to look at Su Bai and asked:

 “Lawyer Su...”

“This case is now in this situation, so should we still accept it?”

Su Bai smiled. Didn't Li Xuezhen's eyes look like she didn't want to answer?

 “What do you think?”

Su Bai asked with a smile.

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face:

“I think in this case, although Xiao Chunmei was not aware of the situation at the beginning, there were certain mistakes in telling us the situation.”

“But after learning about it, I found that there is a lot of hidden secrets in this case, and I think Li Dong is the victim in this case.”

“If it weren’t for that hospital, there would be that doctor who would prescribe exorbitantly expensive medicines and even hint Li Dong to engrave a fake official seal.”

 “That won’t happen at all!”

“So, I think we still have to take this case!”

Li Xuezhen's little face was tense, her eyes were slightly firm, and she looked at Su Bai with burning eyes.

Li Xuezhen’s opinion was also Su Bai’s opinion, so Su Bai smiled and nodded to what Li Xuezhen stated.


“Then as you said...we will entrust this case.”

 “Get ready to file a second-instance appeal.”

 “Oh, good Lawyer Su!”

 Hearing that Su Bai agreed to take on the case, Xiao Li's face was filled with joy.


Li Xuezhen took a long breath and thought to herself: There is another case to fight!

Happy! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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