As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 453: Lao Li is so generous that he is married to two mines!

Chapter 453 Lao Li is so grand that he marries two mines!

Su Bai didn’t have much curiosity about this issue.


Looking at Duan Zhao's expression, even if he didn't ask today, Duan Zhao would definitely tell the matter.

I guess if I keep it in my heart and don’t say it out loud, I’ll be very anxious!

Li Xuezhen sat next to Su Bai and was particularly curious about these questions.

His eyes were full of curiosity, and he looked at Su Bai eagerly.

 For Li Xuezhen, it doesn’t matter whether Duan Zhao talks about it or not...

Lawyer Su must know something.

 In fact.

Su Bai conducted a detailed investigation into the complex network of relationships in Yun Province, as well as some rumors and gossip among the public.

  Indeed, I learned something about it.

 But it is definitely not as specific, detailed and accurate as Duan Zhao’s internal understanding of the situation.

 On the other side, Duan Zhao looked at the two people in front of him—

 One, I am not too interested in these issues.

 The other one looked at the person next to him with a look of admiration and stars in his eyes.

This made Duan Zhao wonder. Is his question so unattractive?

 One didn’t care at all, and the other fed him dog food.

 He was directly shown off!

 Duan Zhao:.….

 Who is he provoking?

 Do you need to be treated like this?

But you still have to say what you need to say, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable holding it back.

Duan Zhao found himself a step, smiled and answered the question he had just asked:

“Actually, this is not a big secret. It was censored just because it responded to the corresponding documents.”

 “It’s not the ones rumored on the Internet.”


Duan Zhao explained the details of this case.

Hearing Duan Zhao’s explanation, Su Bai nodded slightly.

This explanation is very reasonable and logical.

 It is consistent with some of the rumors he heard when he was in contact with the local people.

 Because from a certain perspective, Li Tongwei’s opponents are putting pressure on him.

 From this point of view, it is difficult to overturn Li Tongwei’s position.

It is impossible for Li Tongwei to be censored.

 At most, you will suffer a loss, or be punished, and there will be no possibility of moving forward.

 The final result may just be that Li Xiaoguo is sentenced.

 But if we follow Duan Zhao's description, the whole case is much more reasonable.



 Bai Jun Law Firm.

 After returning from Kunshi, Li Xuezhen’s face was full of smiles.

how to say…

 First of all, Li Xiaoguo’s case is over.

 It can be regarded as helping the families of many victims and allowing them to get the justice they deserve.

They were together. Duan Zhao said something to her before she and Lawyer Su left.

“Don’t spread dog food everywhere in the future... When you get married, remember to send me an invitation.”

 Lawyer Su didn’t even refute Duan Zhao’s words!

 Even nodded and responded with a smile that he would send out invitations when he gets married in the future.

 Although Lawyer Su did not say with whom...but it was just her and Lawyer Su at that time.


Who else can Lawyer Su talk to?

That must be talking about yourself!

On the way back, Li Xuezhen kept looking at Su Bai with bright eyes.

 In my head, I have thought about the dowry for the wedding...

  Even the child’s name has been decided...


 On the way, Su Bai didn't have much communication with her.

This made Li Xue feel a little distressed when he thought about it.

Li Xuezhen shook her head, her face was straight, and she didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Rather, he was looking for reasons to excuse Lawyer Su's neglect of him.

The reason why Lawyer Su didn’t communicate too much with me must be because of other reasons!

 It’s definitely not that Lawyer Su doesn’t want to take care of him!

 She and Lawyer Su will have no problem!

Thinking of this, Li Xuezhen's little face was filled with a happy smile.

Happy! .


 On the other side, in Su Bai's office, after the case was over.

Not long after returning to Nanjing, Su Bai received a call from Feng Lijian.

 “Su Bai.…”

 “Tell you good news!”

“Didn’t I tell you last time that there were rumors that the All-China Lawyers Association was going to select several young talents in various legal fields?”

“This matter has been implemented. It is estimated that within the next two days, an announcement will be made and the local lawyers’ associations will be notified.”

 “Be well prepared when the time comes!”

Hearing Feng Lijian’s words, Su Bai smiled and nodded:

 “Well, okay, Teacher Feng.”

Recently, Su Bai has been busy with Li Xiaoguo's case.

  I occasionally think of this matter, but I haven’t received any definite news.

 He had always thought that this matter was just a rumor, and it would take some time to be implemented, or it could be said that it could not be implemented.

I didn’t expect that Li Xiaoguo’s case would end and be implemented.

 This is good news for him!

 "Sorry for the trouble, Teacher Feng..."

“I will be well prepared for the Law Association’s recommendation of young talents.”


On the other end of the phone, Feng Lijian nodded:

 “Don’t tell me that it’s not troublesome.”

“Xue Zhen has become the boss’s wife at Bai Jun Law Firm... She also has a lot of care from you.”

 “This is what I, as a teacher, should do.”

“Whenever you are free, remember to ask Xuezhen to come over and see me.”

 “Okay, Teacher Feng...”

Su Bai smiled and agreed.



 In the office of Nandu University of Law, after hanging up the phone, Feng Lijian had a smile on his kind face.

 Put the phone aside and look at Lao Li opposite:

 “I said, Lao Li, you have become a person who hates marriage now, haven’t you?”

"Just after this case was over, you urged me to call Su Bai..."

 “Also let me say something suggestive.”

"I got rid of my old face today. You can see that when I talked about the boss's wife, Su Bai acquiesced." "So... don't worry about these things all the time."

 Lao Li was nearby. When he heard this, he glared at Feng Lijian.

 “You’re starting to say that I’m confused now, aren’t you?”

“You don’t even think about it, who insisted on telling me that my daughter couldn’t get married when she was too old!”

Hearing what Lao Li said, Feng Lijian knew that he was in the wrong and simply remained silent.

 After being silent for a few seconds, he spoke again: "I think the matter between Xuezhen and Su Bai has been settled."

"Both people must have known it well, but they didn't break the window on that floor."

“Lao don’t have to worry, now Baijun Law Firm is developing rapidly.”

“Young people, you have to start a career first, right?”

 Lao Li thought about it carefully and felt that Feng Lijian was right, so he nodded.

 I didn’t think about it any further.

"Then let it's useless for me to be anxious anyway, just let the two of them let nature take its course."

 “But let me tell you, Lao Feng, can you do me one more favor?”

 Feng Lijian:?

 “What are you busy with?”

“Just tell Su Bai that when he marries Xuezhen, I will marry him into two mines.”

 “Let him take the initiative.”

  ? ? ?

Feng Lijian: No, are you just showing off in front of me?

"go by yourself!"



 Bai Jun Law Firm.

 It has been nearly a month since the Li Xiaoguo case ended.

at present.

 What Li Xuezhen learned was that Li Xiaoguo had been executed.

Furthermore, Li Xiaoguo’s father, Li Tongwei, was also prosecuted for harboring and accepting bribes.

 There are nearly thirty people involved in total.

 It can be said that her achievement points have been greatly increased.

Of course, for Li Xuezhen, the achievement point is not the most important now, the most important thing is this period of time.

How to describe the exchange between Li Xuezhen and Su Bai...

 Li Xuezhen can now be regarded as the female boss of Bai Jun Law Firm.

 This is officially recognized by Su Bai!

 Being recognized, what does this mean?

This shows that in Su Bailiao's heart, her status is that of the boss's wife!


 Think of others.

Li Xuezhen was lying on her desk with a sad look on her face.

 Thinking about her identity as the boss’s wife.

 It has indeed been recognized by Lawyer Su and the entire Baijun Law Firm.

 But her relationship with Lawyer Su still hasn’t improved to the next level!

How to do how to do?

Even if you have been recognized but still can't move up to the next level, do you have to take the initiative to express your feelings?

 But what if you express your feelings and are rejected?

 Thinking of this, Li Xuezhen felt a little confused.

 The whole person seems particularly contradictory.

She also knew how Su Bai felt about her, but sometimes, if she cared too much, she would be too afraid of losing.

 As a novice in love, I always think about what I would do if I was rejected.

 Afraid of not being able to bear the consequences of being rejected.

 This point is very obvious in Li Xuezhen.

 But Li Xuezhen was still very anxious to get closer to Su Bai.

 She couldn't think of any other good solutions on her own, so she asked Wang Kexin for help.

 After stating everything, he asked again:

 “Kexin...what do you think I should do?”

Wang Kexin is also a love blank slate, but generally love blank slates have many kinds of fantasies about love.

The solutions you come up with will come in all kinds of weird ways.

After Wang Kexin took advantage of this, he quickly came up with several ways for Li Xuezhen to choose.

“Actually... Xuezhen, I understand how you feel.”

 “I have several ways.”

“First: You hinted at Lawyer Su, or made it explicit, but the result may be good or bad.”

“Second: You can let others convey it for you, but of course this is not very good.”

 “I have a third way!”

“Don’t you often go on business trips with Lawyer Su?”

 “You wear black stockings next time!”

“Just stay in Lawyer Su’s room and won’t leave. I don’t believe that Lawyer Su won’t be tempted!”

 “And then...and what is described in the novel...then it’s done?!”

ˆ “.…”

 After seeing Wang Kexin’s suggestions, Li Xuezhen felt that the first and second items were definitely not feasible.

 But when she saw the third article, Li Xuezhen’s eyes lit up.

 This is a good idea!

On business trip!

 There are many opportunities for business trips!

Thinking of this, Li Xuezhen still focused on finding cases.

 Find a good case and go on a business trip!

Isn’t this killing two birds with one stone?

ˆBased on this motivation, Li Xuezhen quickly found a good case!

 From her current perspective, this case is very likely to promote justice!

 After seeing the specific contents of this case, Li Xuezhen’s face was full of smiles.


“The content involved in this case is special and has great influence.”


“You can also go on a business trip with Lawyer Su!”


 After finishing part of the case.

Li Xuezhen packaged it and sent it to Su Bai, and then added a sentence.

 “Lawyer Su...are you going on a business trip together?”

Su Bai: "?"



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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