As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 477: Case over! I just want justice!

Chapter 477 The case is over! I just want justice!

Ye Lirong saw Xie An being held down by the bailiff, and saw herself and her mother sitting in the defendant's seat.

 Seeing Liang Xinglong sitting in the defendant's seat, she didn't feel any guilt at all.

 The whole person has an indescribable feeling.

 She couldn't describe this feeling, but there was an empty feeling in her heart.

 It's like losing something very precious that can never be found again.

 According to her previous character.

 Facing Xie An, he was held down by the bailiff.

 Originally, she was supposed to roar at the trial, firmly not admitting guilt, and scold the bailiff for doing something wrong.

 Even though she knew that the bailiff was doing this in accordance with the procedures.

 But at this moment, she couldn't do this kind of behavior.

 For some reason, Xie Lirong felt an indescribable sense of loss in her heart.

at this moment.…

 She seemed to realize how excessive what she had done before was.

Also realized how bad he was in his marriage with Liu Xuewei.

 Especially, after listening to Liang Xinglong's words, Liu Xuewei's death was caused.

Looking at Liang Xinglong, there was no trace of guilt on his face, and he looked like an indifferent spectator.

Xie Lirong sighed deeply in her heart, feeling that she was sorry for her father Xie An, equally sorry for her mother, and also sorry for Liu Xuewei.

after all.…

 The cause of all this comes from her.

 Because she met Liang Xinglong, because she had an affair after marriage, and listened to Liang Xinglong's words and asked her father to cause Liu Xuewei's death.

 Caused the death of his father and Liu Xuewei.

Thinking of this, Xie Lirong's heart ached because she had only now realized this and realized that she had done something wrong.

 But...I realize now that it's too late.

 Everything is too late.

Xie Lirong had two drops of tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. All the consequences now are the consequences she deserves.

 She knew this very well.

 Maybe she will not be able to get over this hurdle in her future life.

 After gathering her emotions, Xie Lirong followed the pace of the bailiff with a blank look in her eyes.

 Leaved the court hearing.



 The trial is over.

The judicial police escorted Xie An, Xie Lirong and others under control and left.

Xie An was still struggling and unwilling to leave with the bailiff.


 When he saw Xie Lirong, she shook her head slightly at him with a lonely look on her face.

  A long sigh.

 As a father, of course he knows very well what his daughter is thinking in her heart.

 He himself knew that this case had become an established fact.

 My own daughter also accepted such a result.


  Did not do any other behavior.

 This unexpected situation in the court hearing is finally over.

 After the trial, Chen Bing took the initiative to come to Su Bai and said with a smile:

 “Lawyer Su...”

“The second instance of this case has been completed, and the case is considered over.”

“Looking at the final verdict of the presiding judge, Lawyer Su has completed all your client’s requests.”

“My words here can be regarded as a complete explanation to the people above who are concerned about this case.”


“This time, we have to thank Lawyer Su for this case. If it weren’t for Lawyer Su, it is very likely that Xie Lirong and others would have been able to escape their criminal behavior.”

Hearing Chen Bing's words, Su Bai smiled: "I just did my duty."

  “Be responsible for one’s principal.”

Chen Bing smiled, Su Bai's words were obviously much more subtle.

 Having done his due obligations...Did Su Bai just do his due duties in this case?

Certainly not.


There is nothing wrong with what I said.

 From the perspective of custody rights and property distribution rights.

If no proof of Xie Lirong's guilt is found, then it cannot be proved that Xie Lirong committed a major fault in the marriage relationship.


 From this point of view.

 It has been proved that Xie Lirong committed major negligence and major mistakes in the marriage, which can indeed meet the needs of entrusting a lawyer to litigate.

How should I put it...It can be said that Su Bai's approach achieves multiple things with one stone!

Think of this.

 Chen Bing unconsciously admired Su Bai.

As a criminal squadron leader, Chen Bing has met and dealt with many criminal lawyers.

Most criminal attorneys have an attitude of getting paid to do things for their clients.

 Complete what can be accomplished.

 If it cannot be completed, just tell your client directly that the case is very difficult and that it cannot be completed, which is considered a good client lawyer.

 But it is rare for people like Su Bai to find ways to complete litigation applications and litigation entrustments on behalf of their clients!

 The more important point is Su Bai’s identity and He Subai’s status in the legal profession.

 Generally well-known criminal lawyers are very picky about cases.

 And the legal fees required are very high.

Su Bai, as a well-known criminal lawyer in the country, belongs to the top group of criminal lawyers in China in terms of criminal matters.

Under such circumstances, we can still maintain our original intention, handle this kind of case, consider the client, and think of ways for ordinary people's litigation claims.

  It can be said that he is a very dedicated criminal lawyer.

It can even be said that he has maintained the fairness and justice of the law and maintained his original intention as a legal person.

But then again...

If Su Bai had not been such a dedicated criminal lawyer, then he might not have achieved what he has now.


Chen Bing took a long breath and really admired Su Bai from the bottom of his heart.

 He has not met many people, and not many people admire him.

 Now, Su Bai is the person he admires most.

after all.…

There are very few people who still keep their true feelings after becoming famous!

 Especially lawyers who hang out in the legal circle all the time.



 The trial is over.

 Su Bai and Li Xuezhen returned to Nandu.

 At present, the judgment of the second instance has been completed, and the case of Liu Xuewei can be regarded as basically completed.

 However, there is still follow-up public opinion about this case online.

This case has gone through many twists and turns from the beginning of the public hearing to the process of dissemination.

 Most of the subsequent public opinions were discussions on the practices of Xie Lirong and others.

 The accusation against Xie Lirong’s family.

These are all one-sided public opinions, and after the case was over, the discussion became less intense.

 In the law firm.

Su Bai was sitting in the office. Liu Xuewei's father Liu Hengjun and his brother Liu Xuezhi were sitting opposite Su Bai.

This time, Liu Xuewei’s father and brother came to Bai Jun Law Firm specially.

 Mainly to thank lawyer Su Bai, and also to get the judgment from Bai Jun Law Firm. On the sofa, Liu Hengjun had tears in his eyes when he saw the verdict. He held the verdict in his hands and trembled unconsciously.

 And he folded the verdict solemnly and put it into his pocket.

 After a while, Liu Hengjun's mood slowly calmed down.

He stood up solemnly and tremblingly, bowed and said:

“Thank you, Lawyer Su, for being able to help my son get justice and prevent my family’s property from suffering much loss.”

“If it weren’t for Lawyer Su, I might not have been able to get custody of my grandson.”

 “Thank you...really thank you.”

“I don’t know how to thank Lawyer Su. I can only bow to express my gratitude.”

Su Bai stood up quickly and kept comforting Liu Hengjun until Liu Hengjun's mood was calmed down.

Liu Xuezhi on the side said: "Lawyer Su, actually my dad is thanking you so much just to vent his emotions."


 “My dad has been feeling too depressed during this time.”

“A few days ago, my dad had contact with Xie Lirong regarding the issue of handling my brother’s property.”

 “I also talked to Xie Lirong.”

“Xie Lirong apologized and said she was sorry in front of my dad. She cried bitterly and knelt on the ground begging my dad to forgive her.”

“It seemed like he realized his mistake, but my dad felt even more uncomfortable when he heard Xie Lirong’s apology.”

“How can my father forgive her? She killed my brother, and my brother worked so hard to support the family. What she did was worthy of my brother.”

“When I think about my brother’s current situation because he married someone he shouldn’t have married.”

 “My dad has been so sad all day long.”

"But it's okay now. The custody of my brother's child is now with us."

“This one is the most important. Thank you to Lawyer Su for helping us obtain custody rights.”

 “Give my parents some psychological comfort.”


Su Bai was very understanding of the situation and mood of Liu Hengjun and Liu Xuezhi.

after all.…

 The loss of a child in old a hurdle in life.

Three major hurdles in life, the saddest is the loss of a child in old age.

 When Liu Xuezhi and Liu Hengjun were sent away, Xiao Li on the side let out a long sigh.

But nothing was said.

After following so many court trials with Su Bai, Li Xuezhen has also seen many different cases and different situations.

Li Xuezhen has also seen the outrageous extent of cases like Liu Xuewei's, where a wife conspired with other lovers to kill her husband and plan her husband's property.

to be honest.…

Every time she faces a client, Li Xuezhen will feel that the client’s experience has been rough.

But...then again.

 As the number of cases increases, exposure to different types of situations increases.

Li Xuezhen felt more and more that Su Bai was sincerely working for legal justice.

 But... Li Xuezhen knew very well that this might be an important point that attracted him to Su Bai.

Why did Li Xuezhen first study law? Why study criminal law?

 Think back to the past.

Li Xuezhen suddenly remembered that in her first class at university, she heard the teacher talk about a famous unjust, false and wrongful case.

At that time, she determined to become a criminal lawyer who could provide justice for the parties involved in unjust, false and wrong cases.

Perhaps it was also from that time that Li Xuezhen deeply planted the idea of ​​​​speaking for ordinary people and protecting the legal rights and interests of ordinary people.

 What Su Bai is doing now is to speak out for the people and justice, and become a responsible lawyer!

 So it can attract her naturally….


Li Xuezhen shook her head and looked at Su Bai with bright eyes, full of love.

 The dark pupils were filled with Su Bai's reflection.

 I thought silently in my heart unconsciously: How great!




Nearly half a month has passed since the Liu Xuewei case.

 In the past half month, Bai Jun Law Firm has been business as usual, with no major changes.

If there is a change, it will be after the conclusion of Liu Xuewei's case.

Bai Jun Law Firm has experienced a small peak in criminal case commissions.


 In the office.

 Xiao Li's face clearly showed a trace of unhappiness.

 What is the use of more cases?

 It’s useless at all!

 The main reason for being unhappy is that no influential cases were found during this period.

 If no influential case is found, it means that you cannot travel with Lawyer Su.

 Can't go on a business trip together... Then she won't have many opportunities to go further!

 Although last time, she listened to Wang Kexin and moved to Su Bai's house.

 Leading a life of cohabitation.

 But the reality is that she is not as shameless as she imagined.

every day.

Although she was wandering around the room wearing various clothes, Lawyer Su stayed in her room and did not come out.

 She couldn't seduce even if she wanted to.

 What can she do?

 There is absolutely no way!

They were not in the same room or lying on the same bed together, which made Li Xuezhen seem a little at a loss.


Li Xuezhen shook her head, with only one thought in her mind.

 That is to be able to find a case and travel as soon as possible.

 After you go on a business trip, take the initiative and get Lawyer Su directly!

Then during the process of living together, I can blatantly break into Lawyer Su’s room!

 The rest is much more logical!


Thinking of this matter, Li Xuezhen looked forward to finding a good case as soon as possible and having the opportunity to travel on business as soon as possible.



at the same time.

 A certain place, a certain court.

 At the first instance judgment of a certain case.

 The presiding judge is reading out the verdict against the criminal suspect.

“For the defendant, the suspect is guilty of intentional homicide and refuses to plead guilty!”

“The collegial panel believes that the circumstances of the defendant and suspect in this case are too bad.”

“The verdict is now given to the criminal suspect:”

“Sentence the criminal suspect to death! And deprive him of his political rights for life!”


 At the defendant's seat, when the defendant heard the death sentence.

 The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing no trace of fear in the face of the death sentence.

  On the contrary, there is a trace of relief, but in terms of the result of the penalty.

 Still choose not to plead guilty.

 Even if the death penalty is imposed, the result will still be the same!

 When the presiding judge asked the defendant if he had any objections.

 The defendant looked serious and looked up at the presiding judge's seat.

 “President...I refuse to plead guilty!”

 “I just want a fair result, a fair and just result for me and my family!”

“Presiding judge… I would like to ask if the law can give me and my family a fair and just result!”


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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