As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 480: The death penalty is impossible, so strive for a lighter sentence!

Chapter 480 The death penalty is impossible, strive for a lighter sentence!

 Except for the case about Zhang Kou.

 "Cousin" also knew about many other illegal activities of Zhang Chuancheng.

As the leader of the intelligence team of several nearby villages, there is no gossip or outside things that she doesn't know clearly.

"Cousin" was drooling and kept talking about Zhang Chuancheng.

For example: In the past few years, Zhang Chuancheng did not know how to restrain himself and forcibly occupied many people's homesteads.

 Then build a house in the village and sell it to people in the village.

 Made hundreds of thousands of windfalls.

 In addition, they often occupy collective land in the village, grow some of their own things, and then sell them.

 It is better to let other people who need collective land not be able to live there at all.

 But these people did not dare to provoke Zhang Chuancheng because of this matter.

 This also resulted in collective land, which now basically belongs to Zhang Chuancheng.

These are just the things that Zhang Chuancheng bullied the nearby villagers.


Zhang Chuancheng was still teasing some of the young wives who stayed in the village.

The husbands of these young daughters-in-law have gone out to work.

Zhang Chuancheng took advantage of these opportunities and saw whose daughter-in-law was pretty, and would touch her or tease her verbally.

 It’s just...

 Based on Zhang Chuancheng's reputation as a village bully in several nearby villages, he also has some bad friends.

These little wives who stay in the village can tolerate these things as long as they don't touch the bottom line.

Although Zhang Chuancheng said he had done a lot of evil things, he also knew in his heart what kind of people should be provoked and what kind of people should not be provoked.

Zhang Chuancheng generally does not go too far to provoke families with adult men.

  Or those families with a certain background.

after all.…

 If you make someone angry, he may get into trouble himself.

 Most of the bullies are honest people, and there are also some orphans, widows, or poor families.

 What you are looking for is that the other party has little ability to resist.

 So in recent years, Zhang Chuancheng has never had any accidents.

 When she left her "cousin's" house, Li Xuezhen took a long breath, with a slightly angry expression on her face.

"Lawyer Su... behavior like Zhang Chuancheng's has seriously violated laws and disciplines, right?"

“Zhang Kou’s mother was beaten to death by a group of people from Zhang Chuan.”

“Listen to what I just said, Zhang Chuancheng just had a meal with others and settled the matter?”

“This is a serious criminal case involving the death of a human being. Is there nothing we can do about Zhang Chuanxi like this?”

“Even Zhang Kou’s mother, who has been dead for so many years, has not yet sought justice.”


“This Zhang Chuancheng is still doing bad things in the local area... he is too arrogant..."

 “Simply ignoring the law!”

Li Xuezhen kept muttering in her mouth.

It can be seen that after listening to the "cousin's" detailed description, Li Xuezhen was particularly angry about these things.

 Especially for some of Zhang Chuancheng’s actions.

Li Xuezhen grew up in the city and probably rarely encountered this kind of thing.

 So when I heard these things, I was very angry.


Su Bai had seen a lot about this matter when he first started his career as a lawyer.

 Have also paid attention to legal issues in rural areas.

 There is one characteristic of legal issues in rural areas, that many villages.

 There is some bullying behavior in all cases.

This kind of bullying involves more than just grabbing land.

There are also conflicts that break out because of disputes about good face, or over issues such as building a house and occupying land.

This kind of conflict can be big or small. If it's small, you just have to have a quarrel and find someone to reason with.

 When the conflict becomes serious, the two sides agree to have a fight.

Whether you are convinced or not, there is a way to solve this matter.


Situations like Zhang Chuancheng's intentional homicide were not punished by justice.

rarely seen.

However, this situation is not impossible.

 After all, Zhang Kou’s case is quite special.

 Because Zhang Kou is an orphan and a widower.

At the time of the incident, Zhang Kou was still relatively young and did not know how to defend his rights according to law.

 So it led to the current situation.

 What is the first thing they need to do now?

 The first thing they have to do now is to report the crime to law enforcement.

 At least there must be preparations for filing a case first.

Of course, filing a case also requires evidence. Regarding the evidence for filing a case, Zhang Kou prepared a piece of evidence when he left his hometown.

  Handled over to Su Bai when he was in the previous detention center.

Su Bai has confirmed that if you want to file a case with this evidence, it can fully meet and meet the standards for filing a case.

 Now all you need to do is submit this piece of evidence to law enforcement.

But the most important factor that needs to be considered now is—

 The time when this evidence was originally collected was very long ago.

 It has been several years.

 It is very difficult for law enforcement agencies to investigate the case.

 After all, at that time, although there were eyewitnesses, how could the eyewitnesses prove that what they saw was the real situation?

 This is only indirect evidence and does not reach a complete chain of evidence.

to be honest.

The biggest difficulty of this case is the difficulty of investigation and the difficulty of convicting Zhang Chuancheng’s criminal behavior.


Su Bai took a long breath, gathered his thoughts and said:

 “Let’s go, first go to the local law enforcement department and file a case.”

 “Oh, good Lawyer Su.”

Li Xuezhen nodded obediently and followed Su Bai's pace.

 Coming to the law enforcement department, Su Bai submitted the corresponding evidence materials.

 Ask the responsible staff member:

 “Excuse me...the filing review of this case.”

“Approximately how many working days will it take to review the case before it is determined that the case can be filed?”

 Because it is a criminal case, it involves a human life case, and it is very old.

 This case requires further review before it can be confirmed whether the case has been filed and whether it has entered investigation.

The staff frowned slightly when they saw the case filing receipt filled out by Su Bai, and then roughly looked through the evidence materials submitted by Su Bai.

“This case involves serious criminal matters... and human lives are involved.”

 “Why did you come here just now to file a case?”

 “Why didn’t you file a case as soon as the case happened?”

"This kind of case involving human life is not a small case. What was the original situation? Was it settled privately?"

 The staff couldn't help but look up at Su Bai.

 As a law enforcement officer who files cases, I have seen many strange cases.

 For example, at the beginning, the two parties agreed to reconcile privately.


 One of the parties, after receiving the settlement fee, immediately sued the other party and wanted to send the other party into the case. This kind of thing happens all the time.

Therefore, whenever we encounter such a long-standing case, the law enforcement officers who file the case need to repeatedly emphasize and confirm what kind of situation this case belongs to.

 In response to the staff's successive inquiries, Su Bai already knew why they were asking in this way.

Then he said: "The specific details of this case have been written in the submitted materials."

“I may not be able to express it very well, so you can take a closer look.”

  Hearing what Su Bai said, the staff patiently turned over the materials impatiently.

  Understood the general situation.

 His brows could not help but frown even more tightly.

 According to the statement in the materials, it is not that the victim did not report the crime.

But the subordinate town-level law enforcement departments did not file this case!

 This involves serious, illegal behavior.

 If this is really the case, then the situation involved in this case is very serious!

This situation cannot be managed by a staff member who organizes materials.

 Seeing this situation, the staff raised their heads and looked at Su Bai:

"This case... involves old matters and needs to be verified."

 “And it needs to be verified.”

“If you file a case rashly and find that the case is false, a lot of manpower and material resources will be wasted.”

"So... I can't give you the specific time."

“It’s not that we don’t file a case, it’s that you have to understand our work and our corresponding situation.”

"May I?"

  After seeing the detailed situation, the staff who filed the case had a huge change in their attitude towards Su Bai.

Su Bai nodded in anticipation of this situation. After receiving the answer, he left the law enforcement bureau.

This time he went to the Law Enforcement Bureau mainly to file a case.

It is enough that he has expressed his intention to file a case.


Then we must start preparing for Zhang Kou’s second trial. In Zhang Kou’s second trial, he will definitely have to defend his sentence for commutation.

 After all, first of all, Zhang Kou only killed one person.

 Second, he killed people out of revenge, rather than simply killing people in society without any motive.

  It is often said that it causes great harm to society.

 What is Zhang Kou's behavior called?

 It is called things happen for a reason.

Of course...this kind of behavior is not directly recognized by the law, but if the presiding judge takes this into consideration, then Zhang Kou is very likely to be commuted to a suspended death sentence.

 The focus now is on the second instance of the appeal. As for other matters, just make arrangements.

Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai and asked, "Lawyer Su...what we need to consider now is the second trial of appeal?"

“Now I have prepared the materials for the second appeal... Do you want to go to the Provincial High Court?”


Su Bai nodded: "Go directly to the Provincial High Court to submit a second-instance appeal request."

“Let’s start with the second instance of Zhang Kou’s case.”

“Once the issues in the second instance are resolved, the remaining issues will become much simpler.”

 “Oh, good Lawyer Su.”

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face. This case made Li Xuezhen very motivated.

after all.…

 Through Zhang Kou’s statement and through his cousin’s village intelligence.

It can be clearly seen that Zhang Chuancheng is the biggest criminal in this case.

Like this situation.

 Must be sent in!

Not only must he be sent to prison, he must also be sentenced to a severe sentence!

Xiao Li thought to himself secretly.



 On the other side, while the law enforcement agencies are trying the murder case of Zhang Kou’s mother and waiting for the second trial of appeal.

 The county where Zhangjiacun is located, in a certain community.

Zhang Chuancheng’s phone rang. After seeing the name on the caller ID, Zhang Chuancheng smiled:

“Brother Peng, we haven’t contacted each other for so long, why did you call me all of a sudden?”

 Only heard the other side of the phone say:

“I said Brother Zhang...what’s going on here? Have you offended anyone again recently?”

 Peng Yuhang's tone was a little serious.

Zhang Chuancheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and went through all the contradictory things that happened recently in his mind.

 Not only do I have some doubts,

It seems that he has not had any conflicts with others recently, no conflicts, right?

 Why did Peng Yuhang suddenly ask this?

 This made Zhang Chuancheng murmur in his heart, and he spoke cautiously:

 “I haven’t offended anyone recently.”

 “What happened?”

 “Isn’t it something important?”

Peng Yuhang said calmly: "This matter can be considered a small matter or a big one."

 “Do you still remember that Zhang Kou?”

"Zhang Kou? I remember this. I remember that he was sentenced to death some time ago."

“This death sentence is a good one, and it makes me feel at ease!”

 “This guy is ruthless!”

“I’ve been out for a few years, and now he comes back and wants to kill me. If I hadn’t been traveling with my daughter during those few days and didn’t come home, I might have been killed by that kid!”

“To be honest, I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat when I found out about it.”

 “But fortunately, this kid was already caught when I found out.”

"What's wrong? If this kid is sentenced to death, what trouble can I have?"

"Can he still escape from the detention center, prison, or gun?"

 “It’s simply impossible.”

Peng Yuhang on the other end of the phone said: "It's not his business, it's his **** business."

“Do you still remember that **** thing before? Grabbing land, remember?”

"I remember!"

"Hasn't his mother been dead for several years? At that time, his mother had to keep that land. I remember that I was very heavy-handed."

“I pulled his mother’s head and knocked it against the wall. Who would have thought that her mother would be so careless that she would die in an instant.”

“Fuck! Because of this, I made hundreds of thousands from selling my house back then, and I got nearly 200,000 from it!”

“I get angry when I think about it. How much is that woman’s life worth? In my opinion, it’s at most five thousand yuan.”

“But because of this incident, I lost 200,000 yuan, and I’m very angry now when I think about it!”


“It’s been so many years since this happened, what else can happen?”

Peng Yuhang on the other end of the phone spoke slowly: "I heard from my old friend that someone seems to want to file this case."

 “Trace the murderer of that year.”

“You were the one who committed the crime back then, so I just came over to ask you if you had provoked anyone recently.”

“Otherwise... whoever has nothing to do, come over and investigate this case!”

Hearing this, Zhang Chuancheng said: "Who the **** reported me when they had nothing to do?"

"But it's okay...this matter has been going on for so many years. Brother Peng, you were also working in criminal investigation."

“I guess you also understand the process and process of criminal investigation.”

“In this case, Brother Peng, do you think there is any actual evidence to prove that I have committed a crime?”

"That woman is dead as long as she dies... isn't it just a frame-up to frame me if I kill her? Are you right, Brother Peng?"

 When Zhang Chuancheng heard about this incident, he didn’t take it too seriously.

 In his opinion, as long as something happens in Zhangjiacun, there is no need to follow any laws.

 He did kill Zhang Kou's mother, but so what?

 After so many years, how much impact can it have on him?



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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