As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 495: The verdict came down and it exploded!

Chapter 495 The verdict came out and it exploded!

In this case, although Fang Qiqiang is very confused about how to judge it.

ˆFrom the perspective of both the plaintiff and the defendant, the backgrounds of both parties are not considered weak.

 Even from a certain aspect, the backgrounds of both parties are relatively strong.


 Judging from the current situation, it is obviously the defendant who has more background advantages.

 Hence, Fang Qiqiang could only choose to continue to prefer the defendant Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.

after all.…

Wang Xi'an's uncle personally greeted him, so he must have expressed his opinion.

 If he does not express his position, it may be difficult for him to carry out his future work.

As for who should be favored in this judgment and what the consequences will be, Fang Qiqiang, as a veteran, knows very well who is more beneficial to him in this judgment.

Even if the plaintiff is a well-known barrister, the background of the plaintiff is still very different from that of Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.

 In other words, between the plaintiff and the defendant, in terms of his influence, the plaintiff is still a little too weak.

 Furthermore, on the other hand, he used provincial seed management regulations to impose penalties.

 There was no obvious violation of the law, and the proceedings followed were in compliance with regulations.

 Even if Su Bai wants to make a report, or submit a wrongful judgment to the supervisory department.

 There is no substantive evidence, and it is impossible for the supervisory department to launch any investigation against him.

 Having said that, even if an investigation is launched, what impact will it have?

Unless he goes to have a cup of tea and understand the situation, as long as he does not take the initiative to express the relevant situation, then the judgment is not in violation of the law, and the judgment is made in accordance with the law.

  Anyway... no matter how punished he is, it is not his turn.

more importantly.…

Wang Xi'an's uncle said hello about this matter. What is the identity of Wang Xi'an's uncle?

You should know that the municipal supervisory department cannot investigate Wang Xi'an's uncle yet.

From this point of view, this case favors Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. as the best choice.

Thinking of this, Fang Qiqiang took a long breath and already had a definite answer in his heart.

 However...before the final judgment was finalized, the final judgment was discussed with the other two members of the collegial panel.

 The other two members of the collegial panel had no objections to this judgment.

  Both of them also indicate that the judgment is based on provincial laws and does not constitute a violation of regulations.

And the other two members of the collegial panel also knew who was behind Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd.

 So basically there are no contradictory opinions.

 The collegial panel was unanimous, and finally Fang Qiqiang issued the judgment.

 After the judgment was issued, it was sent to all parties.



 Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd., in the general manager’s office.

When Wang Xi'an saw the verdict notice, a smile unconsciously appeared on his lips.

 In this case...the final verdict was still eighty yuan per acre.

 This is very beneficial to him.

 Why do you say that?

 Because it is eighty yuan per mu, the compensation price is very low.

 In this case, few farmers are willing to go to court to obtain compensation.

  Take the simplest example.

 The legal fees and litigation costs of the lawsuit together are nearly 3,000 yuan.

If a lawsuit is filed and a compensation of 80 yuan per acre is awarded, and if you want to recover the money, you must have at least 40 acres of land.

 This does not include litigation time, litigation costs, transportation and other necessary expenses.

 Among the farmers, those with more than 40 acres of land actually account for less than 20%.

In this case, are the remaining 80% of farmers willing to spend so much time, waste so much energy, and file a loss-making lawsuit?

 Definitely not!

 It is not easy for farmers themselves to make money. If a lot of time, cost and energy are wasted, they will still lose money.

  Definitely, it is the result of suffering the consequences of inferior seeds, rather than choosing to litigate to protect one's legal rights.

after all.…

Most farmers are looking at practical issues. If the lawsuit is beneficial to them, then they can fight it.

 But if there are no benefits, why bother putting so much effort into it?

 This is what most farmers consider.

 According to the issues considered by most farmers.

 This will also... significantly reduce the compensation of Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.

 Even...the number of litigation cases has been significantly reduced.

 The final result may be that the matter can be resolved with a compensation of nearly 5 million.

 Compared with the previous compensation amount, it can be said that the amount of compensation has been greatly reduced.

“In the final judgment, Fang Qiqiang still favored me.”

“Once the verdict is over... pay more attention to the impact of online public opinion.”

 “This matter is considered to be over…”

Wang Xi'an thought to himself silently, and was very happy with the result of this penalty.

 Subsequently, he called his assistant.

The first time Xu Mao walked into the office, he was told by Wang Xi'an:

“Xiao Xu, the verdict of the first lawsuit between our company and farmers has been handed down.”

“The verdict is eighty yuan per mu.”

“This compensation price is acceptable to the company, but farmers should not give it immediately when they ask for compensation. It will take as long as it takes.”

“Just let them know... our company’s money is not easy to get.”

"OK, all right."

 Xu Mao nodded, letting the farmers know that the company’s money was not easy to get.

 Then...more farmers will lose the confidence to litigate.

 This way… it will save the company’s compensation costs.

 Even...some farmers will give up because they feel that the money may not be available.

 This also saves the company a lot of money.

Xu Mao understood the meaning of Wang Xi'an's words sentence by sentence, and only listened to Wang Xi'an continue to speak:

"One more thing is...have you found out the reason for the batch of inferior seeds we studied before? What exactly caused it?"

Xu Mao replied: "The reason for the previous batch of inferior seeds has been found."

“It’s because the operations were not carried out according to the specifications during production, which resulted in a large number of dead seeds.”

“As soon as the problem was detected, I asked the person in charge of the factory to handle the matter.”

“The results of the current treatment are relatively good, and there are no cases of inferior seeds again.”

“But...even though our subsequent production has been implemented in accordance with the specifications.”

“But now farmers no longer use our product…”

“This could be a huge damage to our company’s reputation.”

Wang Xi'an heard Xu Mao's words and raised his hand to interrupt him.

“It doesn’t matter whether you use our product or not, or whether you use our seeds.”

“When the time comes, we will set up a leather bag supplier company and then negotiate with the administrative department to change the name.”

"Just don't make this kind of mistake next time." "Those farmers... will only listen to the dealers. As long as we have established relationships with the dealers, there will basically be no other surprises in this matter. "

“Okay, Mr. Wang, I will send someone to keep an eye on the factory to ensure that there are no errors during production. Also, follow your instructions, Mr. Wang, to contact the administrative department and dealers.”

Hearing this, Wang Xi'an nodded: "Well, just remember this."


“Remember to say hello to the Court Enforcement Bureau and ask us about the compensation costs and how long it will take to implement.”

“Also...I estimate that the plaintiff may appeal to the second instance.”

"You should also pay more attention to this... Anyway, it is just one thing. I am very satisfied with the verdict of the first instance, and I do not want any other unexpected situations to occur."

"do you understand?"

“Mr. Wang, I understand.”

Xu Mao nodded heavily. Of course he understood what Wang Xi'an meant.

What Wang Xi'an means is that in this case, he is very satisfied with the compensation.

 What needs to be done now is to reduce the subsequent impact of this incident.

 Just grasp the subsequent impact.

Then this case does not pose much of a threat to Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.

 What was originally a very serious matter can be turned into a minor matter.

Xu Mao has dealt with this matter many times, and he is quite comfortable in handling this kind of matter.



 On the other side, after the judgment of this case was delivered to Bai Jun Law Firm.

 In the office.

 Li Xuezhen looked at the verdict in the verdict, her little face was filled with anger and was red.

 Then, he put the verdict on the table and said angrily:

 “Lawyer Su...”

 “This case is really too much.”

“The court decided to use the Provincial Seed Management Bureau in the end, and made the judgment this way...The Lin Homestead may have a net loss of several hundred yuan per acre of land.”

“They are originally farmers, and they can only earn two to three hundred yuan per acre of land. If they do this, they will suffer huge losses!”

“It is impossible that the presiding judge is unaware of this situation... He does not conduct the trial in accordance with the Seed Law, but instead conducts the trial in accordance with the Provincial Seed Management Regulations.”

 “This is completely selfish!”

“Lawyer Su... I think we should go to the supervision department!”

 “This Fang Qiqiang must have some problems!”

 Su Bai did not speak immediately about Xiao Li's complaint.

 He also knew in his heart that Fang Qiqiang must have some problems.


As a whole, the process of this case was correct, even from other aspects.

There is nothing wrong with making judgments in accordance with the law.

 Even if you go to the supervisory department, there will be no substantive evidence.

The supervisory authorities will not believe that Fang Qiqiang has committed any serious violation of the law.


ˆ will not get any effective results.

 So, Su Bai directly rejected Xiao Li’s proposal and asked about the impact of this case on short videos.

But when Su Bai asked this question, Xiao Li's face became even more angry.

“Lawyer Su... I simply posted the case on our account during the trial.”

“But the circumstances involved in this case seem to be a little different.”

“I don’t know because it involves a large reduction in food crop production or because it involves some negative effects, but the short video will not be pushed to our account.”

“Even...directly reviewed our video.”

“Even our fans don’t know the details of this case.”

 “This case…has directly limited its influence.”

Su Bai frowned slightly at this result. His traffic was actually restricted on the short video platform?

 And be audited for violations?

 Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai's personal accounts have published many cases, as well as many cases involving justice.

This has never happened before, but what happened this time?

 Just publishing, but also restricting review?

This is too nonsense!

"Lawyer Su... the situation we are facing in this case may be too complicated."

“Next...should we conduct a second trial first, or sort out the situation in the first trial and find a way to disseminate it?”


Su Bai took a deep breath: "This case has been directly restricted from review by the short video platform, which shows that there is a certain degree of sensitivity and may involve some content that we don't know about."

“I would like to ask Wang Kexin to contact the media first to see if they are willing to report on this case...”

“This case is a classic people’s livelihood issue, and it also involves such a large area.”

“Our reporters here may be interested.”

“Then...prepare the materials for the second appeal.”

“The first-instance judgment imposed a compensation of 80 yuan per acre of land, which is obviously inconsistent with our client’s claims.”

“Anyway….Now that the first-instance judgment has come down, we will definitely appeal to the second-instance and request to overturn the first-instance judgment and re-determine compensation for losses…”

 In this case, the energy behind Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd. is obviously not small.

It's even bigger than Su Bai imagined. After all...others in Nandu will be censored if they post short videos.

Then it means that this case cannot appear on short videos or other Internet platforms.

  But...if this case does not have the influence of public opinion, then the judiciary is likely to lose its ability to supervise.

 While the second instance was being held in the High Court, Su Bai was also worried that this case might uphold the original judgment of the first instance.

 If this is the case...then this civil case can only go to the Supreme Court.

 It's just... If it goes to the Supreme Court for trial, the case will be delayed for a long time.

 Many farmers have been delayed for such a long time and are facing very difficult situations.

Thinking of this, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Li Xuezhen:

“I remember Uncle Li...he is known as an angel investor in the investment community, right?”

Li Xuezhen was stunned for a moment when she heard Su Bai suddenly ask this question.

ˆThen he spoke: "My dad has indeed invested in many companies in the investment field, and also invested in a lot of the Internet."

“Whether it’s a physical entity or the Internet, it’s all involved to a certain extent.”

“Lawyer you need my dad’s help with this case?”

Su Bai nodded: "The legal situation involved in this case may not require Uncle Li's help."

“But some other matters may need to be done by Uncle Li.”


Hearing Su Bai's words, Li Xuezhen nodded solemnly.

"Lawyer Su, tell me...if there is anything my dad needs to do, I can ask you now."

Hearing Li Xuezhen's answer, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

With Uncle Li's help in this case, the pressure caused by the second trial will be greatly relieved.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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