As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 505: Uphold the original verdict? Aren't you afraid that Su Bai will send us in?

Chapter 505 Uphold the original verdict? Aren't you afraid that Su Bai will send us in?

 There must be some inside story about the circumstances involved in this case.

 It's just that these inside stories...may only be known to the parties involved.

 In this case, it is necessary to meet the person involved.

 In order to understand the specific circumstances of this case as quickly as possible.

 Su Bai and Li Xuezhen rushed to Huishi after signing the entrustment agreement with the client's wife.

 Because this case involves public officials, it was heard by the Hui City Intermediate Court.

 The client is currently in the detention center in Nanshui District, Hui City.

Su Bai submitted his lawyer's practicing certificate to the staff and showed that he was the attorney appointed by Zhang Hongtao, the client.

˜I waited for two hours according to the relevant procedures.

 Meet Zhang Hongtao in the summons room.

“Lawyer Su is here, and I feel relieved about this lawsuit!”

 To put it bluntly, what Zhang Hongtao means is that there is indeed some inside story to this case.

 He knew very well that if he followed the normal process, he would follow the formal procedures.

“Bai Jun Law Firm is relatively well-known on the Internet. Lawyer Su, you have handled many difficult and major cases, and you have very rich experience in handling them.”

“In the process of our communication with your wife, we don’t know much about the situation. I would like to ask Mr. Zhang if there is any in-depth inside story about this case?”

 The result is that it is impossible for him to overturn the verdict.

"I also know that the verdict of the first instance was wrong. I also argued vigorously at the trial, but my statement could not affect the verdict of the first instance at all, because the high court in the first instance put pressure on the Intermediate Court, and the Intermediate Court had no choice but to do so. This case is being tried.”

"It can be seen that when I made the penalty in the court trial, there was no violation of the law at all."

“This case is actually because the defendant has a certain background relationship, and under layers of pressure, I was turned into a wrongful judge.”

“Originally…I just asked my wife to find Bai Jun Law Firm to fight my second instance lawsuit. I had certain expectations in my heart. It was you, Lawyer Su, who entrusted me with this case.”

Hearing this question, Zhang Hongtao nodded heavily:

  “There is an inside story in this case.”

“To say that I was perverting the law is a complete distortion of the facts.”

Su Bai smiled and nodded in response: "Hello, I am your client, Su Bai from Bai Jun Law Firm."

When Zhang Hongtao said these words, his expression became obviously much more relaxed and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

 As a judge, he also knows very well the process of the trial and the room for maneuver during the trial.

 Originally, in this case, Zhang Hongtao asked Bai Jun Law Firm to entrust the case by name.

“I also know some of the middle-level leaders of the Intermediate Court. The presiding judge who sentenced me made it very clear, meaning that someone on the other side was behind it and wanted me to learn a lesson.”

Hand out his hand to say hello to Su Bai:

 “Hello, Lawyer Su.”

“This case is the result of the High Court exerting pressure on the Intermediate Court. If I continue to appeal to the second instance, then the High Court will definitely hear the case. By then, if there are no other unexpected circumstances, the High Court will most likely uphold the original judgment of the first instance.”

“I am more concerned about the situation in the second instance.”

Su Bai was a little curious. Now that he heard what Zhang Hongtao said, his curiosity became even more serious, so he asked:

“Mr. Zhang, although you are a judge in civil cases, you should know something about criminal cases and criminal penalties.”

"To be honest, if I am sentenced to six months in prison, if I really have violated the law, I will have absolutely nothing to say in this sentence."


“Based on your online popularity, Lawyer Su, the High Court will also consider your influence, and the probability of winning the case will be much higher.”

Zhang Hongtao looks young, probably in his early thirties from his appearance.

“I am also aware of this, so I am not convinced by the verdict of the first instance, but I know in my heart that even if I am not convinced by the verdict, it will have no effect.”

 According to common sense, most people will feel very resentful after being wrongly accused and sentenced to six months in prison.

“Based on the penalty book published on the referee’s website and the overall process of this case, you should also know in your heart that you are not committing a violation of the law.”

 Zhang Hongtao said: "Well! I know you, Lawyer Su. I often see you from live broadcasts of court hearings on the Internet."

“So...I asked my wife to go to Bai Jun Law Firm to entrust me with this case.”

 He is thin and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

“The content of the judgment is also in full compliance with legal procedures and legal definitions.”

 After seeing Su Bai, Zhang Hongtao showed a smile on his face.

“Lawyer Su, you should also know the detailed process of this case, including the files and so on.”

 Judging from Zhang Hongtao’s proactive statement, it does not look like he was sentenced to six months in prison due to an unfair verdict.

“The reason why I asked my wife to find Bai Jun Law Firm is because I know that there is an inside story in this case. If the judgment is based on the current situation, I will definitely still be sentenced to six months in prison.”

 But Zhang Hongtao's mentality was very good, and Su Bai didn't see any resentment in him.

"However, it is very difficult to say that I violated the law."

From this point of view, Zhang Hongtao seems not to be too surprised by what happened to him.

 “I am your client, Zhang Hongtao.”

“I didn’t was you, Lawyer Su, who finally entrusted me with this case!”

Find Bai Jun Law Firm, firstly because Baijun Law Firm is well-known, and secondly because Su Bai’s professional knowledge is very strong.

 The third point, which is the most critical point, is that Su Bai has a relatively large influence in the legal circle and on the Internet.

 Entrusting him with this case... will at least allow the High Court to consider the consequences if a proper judgment is not made.

Hearing Zhang Hongtao's explanation, Su Bai nodded. Zhang Hongtao's explanation was very reasonable.

However, Su Bai still asked a question:

 “Mr. Zhang, in this lawsuit you are judging.”

“Logically speaking, many presiding judges will not award additional compensation.”

 “Because this is within a condition of compliance and non-compliance.”

“Based on the content of the statements in the dossier, it appears that you are clearly biased towards the plaintiff’s point of view.”

"This point... I would like to ask Mr. Zhang whether this point stated in the dossier is correct."

“After all... this point plays a crucial role in your first instance judgment.”

Zhang Hongtao was silent for a few seconds about this question, then looked up at Su Bai:

 “Lawyer Su….”

“My preference is towards the plaintiff, because after all, the faulty party is on the defendant’s side, and the defendant is defaulting on the plaintiff’s debt and will not compensate it.”

“Nowadays, it is advocated not to default on wages or arrears. The plaintiff’s family conditions are not good, so I came up with this idea.”

“At the same time, I also used legal provisions to help the plaintiff. Everything I did was biased, but it was within the scope of the principles of the law, and I did not impose penalties outside the scope of the principles of the law.”

“Lawyer Su, I admit that I have a certain tendency to ask this question.”

 As for Zhang Hongtao's direct admission of this point, Su Bai didn't say much, he just wanted an answer.

 The case tried by Zhang Hongtao did not have any major problems, and the plaintiff’s family was indeed in some difficulty, and the terms owed by the defendant were not worth mentioning at all to the family.

 I don’t want to pay back the money...just because I don’t want to pay back the money.

Su Bai said: "Okay Mr. Zhang, we have learned everything we need to know today."

“I will submit a second-instance lawsuit to the provincial court in the future.”

“This case… the final verdict is to overturn the first-instance judgment, so there should be no problem.”

 Zhang Hongtao smiled: "I believe in Baijun Law Firm and also in Lawyer Su."

 “It’s just...Lawyer Su.”

“This time the defendant has a relatively large background and can directly exert pressure on the High Court.”

“This case is still somewhat difficult. I really owe you to Lawyer Su for your hard work. Sorry for your trouble.”


Su Bai smiled and nodded. Some time has passed since Zhang Hongtao’s first trial, and he himself was investigated a few months ago.

 So the outcome of the crop seed case may not be known.

If he knew it, Zhang Hongtao should know that Su Bai's influence can affect even Wang Jianshu.

 Let alone the current situation.

 Go out of the summons room and come outside the detention center.

To the side, Li Xuezhen said: "Lawyer Su, the situation of this case is now generally clear."

“Should our next step be to appeal directly to the High Court and first deal with the issue of the wrong judgment of the first instance of the client Zhang Hongtao?”

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Yeah!"

“At present, let’s sort out the core issues of this case and file a second instance appeal with the Provincial High Court.”

This case was the result of a ruling made by the Provincial High Court and the Municipal Intermediate Court.

Su Bai was very curious about how the Provincial High Court would handle the case if it were tried by the Provincial High Court.

 Should we bite the bullet and continue to convict Zhang Hongtao, or should we convict Zhang Hongtao based on the facts?

Soon, Su Bai compiled the materials and filed a second-instance lawsuit with the Provincial High Court.

at the same time.

In the Provincial High Court, a vice president was drinking tea in his office.

 There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

 Guan Yuandong took a sip of tea without raising his head and spoke.

Someone pushed the door open and entered. Guan Yuandong glanced at it. It was Xiao Shan, the first president of the Criminal Court.

 Guan Yuandong is the vice president in charge of criminal justice. When he saw Xiao Shan, he said without raising his head:

 “What’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

  Xiao Shan hesitated for a few seconds, and then said: "Our No. 1 Criminal Court has encountered a rather troublesome criminal case."

“I would like to ask Dean Guan for instructions here.”


 Guan Yuandong raised his head: "General criminal cases can be handled by your own court."

“Isn’t it enough to go to the Criminal Committee for major criminal cases?”

“There’s no need to ask me specifically, why, is this case a bit difficult?”

  Xiao Shan laughed dryly: "It's a little tricky."

“However...the thorny issue lies in the identity of the appellant.”

“What’s the identity of the appellant? Tell us.”

Facing Guan Yuandong’s questions, Xiao Shan directly told everything.

 “That’s it, Dean Guan.”

“This appellant is the Zhang Hongtao whom we greeted the Intermediate Court before.”

“He proposed to appeal to the second instance and overturn the judgment of the first instance.”


 Guan Yuandong waved his hand to interrupt Xiao Shan’s words:

“Isn’t this Zhang Hongtao easy to handle?”

“Whatever the verdict is in the first instance, our High Court will decide in the second instance. Is there anything else we need to consider?”

“You don’t need to ask me about this matter at all, right?”

Guan Yuandong adjusted his glasses, with a hint of displeasure in his voice, and expressed dissatisfaction with Xiao Shan.

If you come and ask him about things like this, how can he be so busy every day?

He has mentioned this matter to Xiao Shan before. If Zhang Hongtao files a second instance, he can go to the Provincial High Court to uphold the first instance judgment.

Now Xiao Shan came to ask him again, which made Guan Yuandong feel dissatisfied.

Xiao Shan also clearly noticed Guan Yuandong’s dissatisfaction, so he quickly explained:

“That’s the case, Mr. Guan, that’s not what I want to say.”

“What I want to say is that the lawyer Zhang Hongtao hired is somewhat special.”

“The entrusted lawyer he hired is Su Bai, the founder of Baijun Law Firm, which is well-known on the Internet.”

“This Su Bai has a profound influence on the self-media platform.”

“It has more than 10 million fans on the entire network, and has dealt with many unjust, false and wrong cases, and has experienced many major cases.”

"The previous case of self-defense was promoted by Su Bai at the Beidu High Court."

“Some time ago, this Su Bai handled a very big case in Nan Province. That case had a great impact. I heard that many court personnel were dismissed from office, which had a great impact.”

“Su Bai also serves in the All-China Lawyers Association and has a certain image. In short, he has a great background and his status in the legal circle is relatively high.”

“Now that Su Bai is the attorney entrusting Zhang Hongtao in this case, I am worried that if we uphold the original verdict based on the verdict of the first instance, it will have a great negative impact.”

 “By then...we may be in trouble.”

“Dean Guan, we still need to think carefully about this matter.”

  “Upholding the original verdict is a huge risk!”

  Xiao Shan introduced all the events and Su Bai’s background in detail.

 The main purpose is to persuade Guan Yuandong to change his mind and not to uphold the original judgment of first instance.

  After all...if the original verdict of the first instance is upheld, it will easily overturn.

 What will they do if the car overturns?

 It’s difficult to do!

 Guan Yuandong frowned slightly after listening to Xiao Shan's statement.

 He knew something about Su Bai, but his understanding was not deep.

 After all, there are so many well-known lawyers in the country and big shots in the industry.

It is impossible for anyone to recognize everyone.

 Only through contact can we have a deep understanding of the other person’s background.

 Guan Yuandong did not listen to Xiao Shan's continued talk. Instead, he opened his mobile phone and entered the two keywords Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai.

 Looking at the content, the first thing that catches the eye is—

 "Top well-known lawyer in the country, criminal lawyer representative of the All-China Lawyers Association, deputy director of the Nandu Lawyers Association Committee, founder of Nandu Red Circle Baijun Law Firm"

 The following are some representative cases, which are listed in great detail.

 When seeing these representative cases, Guan Yuandong looked extremely serious.

This Su Bai's lawsuits are more serious than the last.

If this case is really true, the original judgment of the first instance will be upheld.

To be honest... Guan Yuandong is also worried that some other problems will arise.


 But if the original judgment of the first instance was not upheld in this case, he had previously told the court of first instance that it would be best to impose a certain sentence.

Now that the High Court has rejected the original judgment of the first instance, isn’t this a slap in the face?

 Another point is that the pressure from the provincial representatives is too great.

If the first-instance judgment is not upheld, the pressure will still be on him.

Thinking of this, Guan Yuandong fell into a dilemma.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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