As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 511: The Supreme Court, the highest legislative intervention guidance!

 Chapter 511 The Supreme Court, the Supreme Legislative Intervention and Guidance!

 The facts are pretty much what Li Xuezhen expected regarding Zhang Hongtao’s application for reconsideration of his dismissal from public office.

  Relevant replies came quickly.

 The current relevant review application is that the reinstatement of public office has been rejected.

 This is not much different from what Li Xuezhen expected.

 In Bai Jun Law Firm.

Su Bai looked at the official reply document and said nothing.

Li Xuezhen, on the other hand, had a smile on her face, and the official document she responded to was from a legislative representative.

 There is a formal representation document and there is a formal department.

Then there is reason to raise an objection.

  In other words, this way they have a chance.

“Although he has the right to supervise, Zhang Hongtao is an individual case. The legislative representative supervises him and requires his expulsion. This should also be illegal, right?”

In this process, the most critical thing is how to submit relevant information about the case to the Supreme Court and the highest representative.

If you continue to rely on public opinion to influence the law, it will have a bad impact on the legal circle.

Then go to the higher-level unit, that is, to the Supreme Court and the highest representative, to show what kind of problems there are in this case.

 Specific response content of official documents—

 Since the provincial legislation in the official naming document is considered to have a certain conflict with the provincial management law, it is judged that Zhang Hongtao has a certain tendency.

 But this official document... also represents certain loopholes.

 Then there is.

They can use the content in this official document to ask for an explanation from the relevant legislative representatives and relevant departments.

 With the formal document, it is equivalent to saying that Zhang Hongtao’s dismissal from public office has not been implemented before, but now it has been implemented.

  Reconfirm that the case needs to be transferred to the Supreme Court for review.

 In previous cases, Su Bai used public opinion to get the Supreme Court and the highest representatives to pay attention to the case.

  Previously, I had been going through the procedures because there was no formal document.

“Now the official document regarding Zhang Hongtao’s expulsion has been issued, and it is a formal and sealed document. It clearly states the reasons and the department that issued it was issued by the legislative representative.”

 So this leads to a situation where there is no formal document. Whether it is submitting a review to the administrative department or asking for an explanation, there is no evidence.

 There is no need to resort to public opinion unless it is absolutely necessary.

Luo Daxiang, as a well-known law professor in Beidu, has participated in legislation and has connections in the Supreme Court.

“Based on this situation, Zhang Hongtao will be expelled.”

“Although it did not cause serious consequences and did not constitute a crime, it seriously violated the fairness and impartiality of the trial and involved serious dereliction of duty.”

 Another point is that this case involves the administrative department, and there is no final explanation and final confirmation.

Su Bai nodded: "This is somewhere between legal and illegal."

 The document is written very formally and contains the official seal of the department.

With such a tendency alone, can a public official be fired or can a public official be judged to be derelict in his duties?

“Legislative representatives have the right to supervise both the courts and the prosecutorial department.”

"But with such a formal document...then this case can be easily solved."

  “The tendency is obvious.”

 However, the current case is extremely controversial, and there are two sides to the presiding judge and Zhang Hongtao on the Internet.

 If you let public opinion discuss it, it is likely to be affected unnecessarily.

 As for how to ask for an explanation...

“Because Zhang Hongtao did not impose a penalty in accordance with the provincial administrative compensation law in the case, he instead awarded an unwarranted compensation amount to the defendant in accordance with other laws.”

 Based on the contents of the official documents and the relevant departments involved, it can be said that in this case, it is basically impossible to appeal within the province.

“In such and such court, in such and such case, in such and such case number.”

 “Lawyer Su.”

Su Bai immediately contacted Luo Daxiang.

 Invite the Supreme Court and the highest representatives to make a certain judgment on this case.

 As individuals who can solve it, try to solve it. At least you avoid problems that waste social attention.

Li Xuezhen took the official document and put it on the table. She turned to look at Su Bai.

 The specific vulnerability depends on what is contained in the official document.

 So we can only think of solutions from another aspect, that is, from a higher level.

 Su Bai has already thought of the method.

 This point needs to be discussed.

The main reason why he called Luo Daxiang was because if he submitted a case like Zhang Hongtao's to the Supreme Court, he would need to go through the corresponding process, which might be relatively slow.

 If you say hello, the process you need to go through is much faster.

 To put it bluntly, it’s all about human nature!

 The call was dialed. After being answered, Su Bai smiled and said:

 “Teacher Luo...”

“I have a case here that I want to submit to the Supreme Court. However, it may be difficult and slow if we follow the normal procedure, so I would like to ask Teacher Luo for help.”

Luo Daxiang smiled and said: "According to normal principles, it shouldn't be very difficult to follow normal procedures. Is your case a bit special?"

“I can agree in advance that if it’s a bad case, I won’t agree to it.”

The bad cases that Luo Daxiang refers to here are those that violate procedures and the provisions of the law, go through the back door irregularly, and do some peripheral things.

Su Bai knew what Luo Daxiang meant.

He has never thought of using his connections to do some informal or peripheral things.

 Everything needs to be within the rules in order to be completed properly. Su Bai knew this very well.


Su Bai smiled and explained: "This case is quite special, but it is not a bad case."

“This case mainly involves the provincial legislative department, and there is a certain degree of dispute over legal interpretation.”

“It can also be said that the boundaries of the law are somewhat blurred.”

“So I would like to ask the Supreme Court to give some guidance in this case.”

“But the impact of this matter is not too great. If we follow the formal process, the speed may be a bit slow, so I would like to ask Teacher Luo for your help in submitting it..."

“Supreme Court Guidance Case?”

“Then this case may involve quite a lot of issues. OK, you can send me the details of the case first, and I will take a look at it first. If there is any need for guidance, I will help you.”

“Thank you, Teacher Luo...I will send you the specific content of the case first.”

 Hang up the phone, Su Bai immediately sent the details of the case to Luo Daxiang.

 Luo Daxiang frowned slightly after reading the entire case, detailed process and follow-up arrangements.

In this case, it is obvious that all the bad tendencies were pointed at Zhang Hongtao from the beginning.

Zhang Hongtao is obviously a good presiding judge, but the other party has the power to make legislation and has been suppressing Zhang Hongtao.

 This is even more true when it comes to dismissal from public office. Zhang Hongtao was directly dismissed from public office with a piece of paper.

 How do you say that sentence?

 Hand in control of one's own abilities, not letting go of any aspect in certain aspects. Having gone over the contents of this case in detail, Luo Daxiang has already determined in his heart that this case is not a small case.

 Let’s not talk about the early stage of this case. Let’s just talk about the later stage of this case.

 In the later stages of this case, Zhang Hongtao was dismissed from public office without legal basis.

In other words...just having a tendency does not constitute serious dereliction of duty. What Zhang Hongtao did did not constitute a crime. If there is such a tendency, under normal circumstances, there may not even be a sanction.

 But the other party directly used this incident to fire Zhang Hongtao from his public office. What does this belong to?

 Abuse of power!

 Even this word can be said a little more strongly!

 After Luo Daxiang learned about it, he immediately gave Su Bai a reply:

“I have already seen this case. It is not a small case at all. It has already involved provincial legislation and national legislation.”

“Generally speaking, Zhang Hongtao fully meets the definition of the judgment. There are no problems in the process, the application of the law, or even the inclination.”

 “This official document of dismissal from public office is completely illegal.”

“I will mention this matter to some managers and responsible personnel of the Supreme Court.”

 “It is expected that there will be a reply soon.”

“Well, thank you, Teacher Luo.”

 “Okay, don’t be polite, I’ll come back to you when there’s a follow-up to this matter.”

hang up the phone.

Luo Daxiang immediately called his most distant friend:

“I have a special case here. The seriousness involved in the case is not great, but the legal loopholes and legal errors in the case are huge.”

“The Supreme Court needs to provide certain guidance and amendments to relevant laws based on this case.”

 “Would you like to take a look?”

A cheerful voice came from the other side:

“I say Lao Luo, since you think there are legal loopholes and legal errors, it is definitely necessary to take a look.”

 “Send it over!”




 On the other side, inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

 After finishing the phone call with Luo Daxiang, I confirmed that the case would be submitted to the Supreme Court.

Su Bai’s first task now is to wait for the Supreme Court to give a certain response.

 The Supreme Court will then contact representatives of the countries to discuss how the case should be handled.

 In the office.

After learning about it, Su Bai was ready to let the Supreme Court provide guidance on this case, his eyes brightening.

“Lawyer Su...if the Supreme Court issues corresponding guidance, will it be considered resolved? Zhang Hongtao’s case.”

“Will all relevant persons involved in this case be severely punished?”

Su Bai smiled and nodded.


“The Supreme Court has issued corresponding guidance, whether it is beneficial to us or not beneficial to us, then the case is considered resolved.”

 “If there are favorable circumstances, then the corresponding personnel will definitely be punished accordingly.”

"But the specific content of the punishment cannot be determined."


Li Xuezhen nodded seriously. In any case, the relevant people involved in Zhang Hongtao's case all had certain faults.

 You must be punished accordingly!



In an office of the Supreme Court, after Luo Daxiang submitted the case information, Li Mu, an old friend, briefly browsed the entire case.

After browsing it, I immediately confirmed that this case is very instructive.

 Why do you say that?

 Because in this case, the dismissal of Zhang Hongtao from public office is completely unreasonable.

If the legislative representative fired Zhang Hongtao just because of Zhang Hongtao's wrong tendency.

 With such an example of opening up, can superiors use this excuse to fire subordinates in the future?

 Is this kind of influence very large?

 It must be very big!

 After learning about this case, Li Mu immediately called in the relevant leaders of the hospital to study and discuss the case, and finally unanimously confirmed that this situation must be resolutely contained!

  But formal documents are delegated to the legislative branch.

The Supreme Court could not interfere directly, so it found the highest-level legislative department and notified the relevant person in charge of the matter.

 The Supreme Court and the highest representatives discussed the incident together.

 It was finally unanimously decided that this formal document must be revoked.

And the highest representative, the person in charge of this matter, seriously stated that the relevant personnel will be investigated.

However, this matter requires the Supreme Court to provide corresponding case guidance and legal guidance before the next step can be prepared.

 This is also a necessary process.

 Soon, the Supreme Court provided guidance and interpretation on the case.

 And it was transferred to the High Court, requiring the High Court to handle the matter.

 In the office, Guan Yuandong personally issued guidance after learning about the case of Zhang Hongtao from the Supreme Court.

 Sitting in his office chair, he was secretly glad in his heart.

He did not expect that this matter would attract the attention of the Supreme Court, nor did he expect that the Supreme Court would directly favor Zhang Hongtao and leave no room for maneuver in the guidance issued.

 It almost means that Zhang Hongtao cannot be fired.

“Based on the tone of the Supreme Court’s guidance, it is obviously impossible to expel Zhang Hongtao.”

 “If this happens, Mr. He will probably be in big trouble.”

“But fortunately...I am not directly involved in this matter. If I were, according to the attitude of the Supreme Court, it is unlikely that there will be a good result.”

 Guan Yuandong took a long breath, then adjusted his emotions, and pretended to be anxious and called He Jun.

“Director He...there is a problem with Zhang Hongtao’s case.”

 The call was connected, and He Jun frowned slightly after hearing Guan Yuandong's anxious voice.

 Why is it Zhang Hongtao again?

Guan Yuandong has approached him many times about this matter, and has called him many times. A small basic judge is not qualified to even come within a hundred meters of him.

What's the matter with the fact that it keeps showing up on your phone now?

Thinking of this, He Jun frowned deeper and his voice became more impatient.

 “Tell me clearly what is going on.”

 Guan Yuandong did not care about He Jun's tone, but continued to speak:

“The Supreme Court has paid attention to this matter and has issued guidance on this case, requiring the High Court to handle this case.”

 I heard that the Supreme Court is concerned about this matter and has issued legal guidance on this case.

He Jun's brows were a little darker, forming a deep "chuan" groove.

  Has the Supreme Court paid attention to Zhang Hongtao’s case?

 And corresponding legal guidance has been issued?

He didn't care about the little Zhang Hongtao, but this matter involved the Supreme Court, which made He Jun feel that something was not normal.

 More importantly, he is currently at a critical stage of rising up.

 If this matter involves him, it will greatly affect his appointment.

To be honest, He Jun has paid serious attention to Zhang Hongtao for the first time.

after all.…

 With the involvement of the Supreme Court, will his superiors get involved?

 This is a critical question!

  It is also a problem that worries He Jun.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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