As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 125 The Dark Valkyrie's Appearance, Killing The Seven Undead Bosses

Ye Xuan's Fire Escape Technique had an extremely terrifying effect.

He himself has a strong suppressive power against the dark race.

The fire attack also has great restraint against undead creatures!

After using several powerful fire ninjutsu in succession!

Most of the undead army were swallowed by the terrifying flames.

Those undead warriors who were stunned by his domineering aura were also cleaned up in sevens and eights.

However, those abominations were burned by the fire for a while, but they couldn't die at all.

The green poisonous mist emitted from their bodies quickly wiped out the flames on their bodies.

Moreover, after devouring many companions, those abominations gradually returned to their original state.

"These disgusting meat mountains have really strong vitality!"

Ye Xuan muttered slightly.

These abominations are worthy of being fifth-order boss-level monsters.

Even the mighty Fire Dungeon couldn't solve them for a while.

And, empowered by the necromancer's unholy zealotry, they're made even scarier.

The huge figure squirmed, directly hitting Ye Xuan fiercely.

The two hates took the lead, raised the huge blood-colored kitchen knife, and slashed over on the same day.

Although their bodies are bloated, their speed is not slow at all.

Coupled with their huge, hill-like size.

The two or three meter huge scarlet blood-dripping kitchen knife slashed down fiercely, and it was as terrifying as Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

With the power of a single blow, mountains and rocks were opened, and thousands of tons of force suppressed it.

Even a small mountain will be chopped down with one blow.

Although the hatred moves slowly, its power is extremely terrifying.

There are very few creatures of the same level who can resist this blow.

Under the reflection of the two scarlet kitchen knives, Ye Xuan was like a tiny ant.

It seems that it may be destroyed by a single blow at any time, and it is like annihilation.

"Stupid human being, you can't resist the power of hatred!"

"Wait to be destroyed, I will take out your soul, whip and torture you every day, and make you feel the ultimate pain!"

The two necromancers grinned grinningly.

They saw that Abomination was threatening Ye Xuan, and launched a horrific attack.

From their point of view, Ye Xuan is dead.

No one can withstand the terrifying power of hatred.

The abomination known as the Roshan monster is not in vain, it is a real horror.

Even among the same level, there is nothing that can resist their power head-on.

What's more, Ye Xuan was already surrounded by five hateful bosses at this time.

Just now Ye Xuan consumed so much, it is impossible for him to have so many hated opponents.

Moreover, these abominations are blessed with evil fanaticism, stronger and faster.

'Evil Slash'

Immediately after, the other three hateful heads also set off a terrible cloud of disease, raised a huge and slender blood hook and smashed it.

On these bloody hooks, there is an extremely terrifying disease cloud blessing.

Ordinary creatures, even if they exist at the fifth level, if they are infected, their skin will be torn apart, and even turn into pus and blood to death.

The fifth-level and above-level powerhouses will also have a strong poisoning reaction if they are infected with the cloud of disease, and they will lose their strength instantly and become sluggish.

The five abominations all aimed at Ye Xuan from different directions.

They locked Ye Xuan with terrifying evil force.

If the five abominations attack at the same time, even the sixth-level powerhouses are at risk of falling.

What's more, Ye Xuan who just broke through?

"A group of jumping clowns dare to say big things and destroy me?"

Facing this hopeless attack of evil force, Ye Xuan smiled coldly.

'puff! '

In an instant, Ye Xuan's whole body, every hair, even his clothes and weapons were covered with a layer of domineering black and purple advanced armed color.

Terrifying power erupted in the body.

The terrifying qi and blood like a dragon roared in the blood.

At this moment, Ye Xuan unreservedly exuded the aura of breaking through the fifth level.

This breath turned into an extremely terrifying sword intent, breaking through the blockade of the evil power that the five hated.

On top of Ye Xuan's head, a ghostly golden goddess with six wings on her back emerged.

This pale golden phantom is nine feet nine feet tall.

She wears a black crown and holds a pale gold giant sword.

Even if the body shape is extremely illusory, it is as ethereal as hazy smoke.

But there was an incomparably terrifying dark aura emanating from it.

Condensed into supreme majesty and domineering aura.

The moment this pale golden ethereal phantom condensed and appeared, it was majestic and intimidating, sweeping away eight points.

Immediately, the attack of those hatreds fell slightly, and unexpectedly slowed down a bit.

It seems that the appearance of this light golden dharma completely shocked them.

"This, is this the image of the Valkyrie?"

"How is it possible, the lord big brother does not have the blood of our dark elf protoss, it is impossible to condense the Valkyrie magic!"

"Could it be that he comprehended the profound meaning of the Valkyrie's swordsmanship, and from it realized the divine power of the Dark Elf Valkyrie?"

Irene, who was tens of miles away, suddenly turned her head in shock and looked in the direction of Ye Xuan.

At this time, Irene is concentrating her strength!

Two blows in a row pierced through the heads of two hateful heads.

The entire heads of these two abominations, including half of their bodies, exploded into blood mist.

Even with their incomparably powerful resilience, it is impossible for them to have the slightest possibility of regeneration, and be instantly killed by Irene.

And after she instantly killed the two hateful ones, she sensed the breath of the Valkyrie.

She is a cub of the blood of the Dark Elf Valkyrie, and she can sense the breath of her mother's body even if she is separated by hundreds or thousands of miles.

Although Ye Xuan's condensed Dharma image is very thin and weak.

But compared to the monster on the opposite side, it is much stronger.

You know, the Dark Elf Valkyrie is a true upper-level God-level existence with endless majesty.

Even a condensed dharma image with a trace of divine power possesses inconceivable power.

Ye Xuan's ability to condense a trace of the divine power of the Valkyrie, not only shocked Irene!

Also stunned Kagura, Takichi, Mei Yeming and others.

"My lord, to be able to condense such a majestic and majestic appearance, the talent is too amazing!!"

Shen Li opened his mouth in shock.

"The Dark Elf Valkyrie respects the way of the sword. The sword intent is too terrifying. I have benefited a lot from just looking at it!"

Takichi, who had always been cold and steady, was also moved and sighed again and again.

Looking at Ye Xuan, his gaze was full of admiration.

"To condense the power of the Dharma, unless the talent is peerless and the blood is shocking, otherwise only the powerhouse above the seventh level can have it!"

"My lord has just broken through to the fifth level, and he has condensed a trace of the divine power of the lord's divine form. He is truly a peerless genius, and the future can be expected!"

Mei Yeming also sighed again and again, admiring in surprise.

On the battlefield, Ye Xuan exploded with extreme power, condensing the moment of the dark elf Valkyrie's form.

The scarlet blade in his hand slashed out lightly.

"Valkyrie Sword Dance · Withering!"

Ye Xuan spit out a few words coldly.

I saw a scarlet knife turned into an endless blood moon, sweeping eight points.

Wherever they passed, whether it was the five abominations or the remaining thousands of undead warriors.

Or, the bodies of the two strongest undead liches collapsed in the blink of an eye.

"Why, how could..."

The two liches looked terrified, and they stretched out their staffs, trying to cast spells.

But in the next second, their bodies withered and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, all the undead race present were all wiped out, withered into ashes, and disappeared with the wind!

So far, Ye Xuan alone has blocked more than 5,000 undead Scourge legions and seven fifth-tier undead bosses, which is a perfect ending! !

"As expected of the Valkyrie's swordsmanship, it condenses a trace of magic power, so powerful!"

"If I can fully comprehend the power of Valkyrie, I am afraid that killing demons and killing gods will only be a sword!"

Seeing all the undead warriors vanishing into ashes and withering away, Ye Xuan couldn't help sighing! !

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