As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 141 Terrible Ice Wheel Pill, Boss Of The Five-Tailed Poison Scorpion

Ye Xuan and Shen Li disappeared in the territory again.

Appeared on the first floor of the dark cavern.

It is still a familiar place, and nothing has changed.

At the beginning, there are still two roads.

"Let's choose one each, let's finish the round!"

Ye Xuan smiled lightly.

"Yes, my lord!"

Kagura nodded coldly.

On the first floor, after being brushed by them last time, I don't know if there are any monsters.

After all, although this is a survival game, it is also the real real world.

Some things, as long as they are killed, will not appear.

For example, the Gnoll tribe and the Plague Ratmen tribe in Beigou City will not be refreshed after they are cleaned up.

They have been completely erased from this world.

Soon, the two split up.

One left and one right, entered the cave.

'Knowledgeable domineering'

Ye Xuan naturally developed a domineering look.

Today, his strength is not what it used to be.

He has learned a lot, and he has experimented outside, and he can reach a straight line of ten kilometers.

If it is fully covered, there is no problem within four or five miles.

However, the full coverage of knowledge and knowledge is particularly exhausting.

Therefore, when using it, you only need to spread out the 'knowledge-colored domineering' within ten meters around your body.

This hardly consumes physical strength, and can even continue to develop knowledge and domineering for 24 hours.

This can also be regarded as a kind of exercise to improve the application skills.

The current him has only mastered the high-level knowledge and domineering.

Ye Xuan took a look.

"Knowledgeable Domineering: (Advanced 89%)"

To advance to the top level, a little proficiency is required.

And to achieve the rumored effect of 'foreseeing the future'.

The color of knowledge and knowledge needs to be cultivated to the top peak, or the extraordinary level.

Therefore, Ye Xuan is now 24 hours a day to develop knowledge and color training.

The moment you step into the cave.

Ye Xuan smiled coldly: "Hey, the number of monsters has not decreased, but has increased!"

In the dark cave, there are vicious mantis hidden everywhere.

They lurk in every corner of the darkness!

Overhead, around corners, on the ground, everywhere.

If it was replaced by a lord with a second-tier or even third-tier strength, he might be injured or fall.

But for Ye Xuan now, he really shouldn't be too easy in the face of the second-level beetle demon.

"Ice Ring Maru·Now"

Ye Xuan murmured softly.

He saw, in his hand, a ball of purple-gold brilliance condensed into a cold sword.

It is the ice wheel pill.

With Binglunwan in hand, a feeling emerges as if connected by blood.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to easily do the 'Swastika solution'.

However, on the first floor, swastikas are really not necessary.


A group of beetle demons rushed towards Ye Xuan from the darkness.

They are ferocious and ferocious, setting off a gorilla wind!

'Bird Icicles'

The Binglun Pill in Ye Xuan's right hand buzzed softly.

I saw Ye Xuan lightly raised the 'Zanpakuto Hirinwan' in his hand, and waved it lightly.

In an instant, terrifying icy power swept across.

Wherever it passes, a series of ice bombs are sent out, attacking the enemy like flocks of birds.

Countless ice bombs, as if they had eyes, accurately hit every attacking beetle demon.

Even the Beetle Demon, who was hiding in the darkness and waiting for an opportunity, was easily hit.

All the mantis that were hit instantly turned into icicles.

In the blink of an eye, it crumbled into icy shards and disappeared.

Under the power of the terrifying cold ice, even their bodies were turned into ice chips, their bones turned into ashes.

The first layer can be said to be very easy.

Ye Xuan seemed to be strolling in the garden, he didn't even make a move.

With the Binglun pill in his hand, the random attack easily swept away everything.

Soon, Ye Xuan came to the cave where the boss on the first floor was.

"Master, the leaders of these monsters have not appeared. After being killed by us last time, they should not appear again!"

Shen Li, who had been waiting outside the cave for a long time, watched Ye Xuan walking out slowly, and reported.

"Well, let's go, go to the second floor!"

"We can stay inside for an hour at a time, and the speed should be faster."

Ye Xuan stretched his waist and said with a smile.

Then, the two quickly stepped into the teleportation array and entered the second floor of the dark cave.

The first floor did not bring him any experience.

As for the second floor, more 'Salamanders' also appeared.

However, these Salamanders did not present any challenge to Ye Xuan.

Killing them will not increase any experience.

Therefore, Ye Xuan one enters here.

'Ice Dragon Spin Tail'

Ye Xuan directly hit Zanpakuto's big move in normal state, and cast it.

I saw a phantom of an 'ice dragon' more than ten meters long around Ye Xuan.

Then, Qing Piao Piao slashed out with a knife.

An extremely icy ice blade flashed away.

Unleash a wide-ranging freezing slash forward!

In the direction where the tip of the knife crossed, all areas were covered with a thick layer of frost, turning into frozen areas.

As for the dozens of red lotus Godzilla 'Salamanders', they all turned into ice sculptures.

'Crack! '

The ice sculpture shattered and turned into ice slag, scattered all over the place.

On the second floor, he easily killed him with a single blow.

Even the original magma ground was covered by cold ice, forming a layer of ice.

The originally scorching high temperature has turned into a cold space.

I have to say that the ice wheel is really strong, very powerful.

It is indeed an eighth-order epic weapon.

After being fused by the Three Thousand Realms, the power is also stronger.

"Let's go, third floor!"

Ye Xuan took Shen Lai and walked directly into the teleportation array on the second floor.

On this floor, there is also no boss.

It seems that after being killed, the boss of the Dark Vault will not reappear.

Therefore, every first kill is very important.

Soon, the two came to the third floor.

The third floor is the dark cave space.

Inside, it turned out to be a huge spherical space.

On the wall of the spherical space, there are dozens of black lacquered holes several meters in size.

'hiss! hiss! hiss'

As soon as Ye Xuan and Shenle appeared, there were roars.

Immediately afterwards, pairs of green eyes appeared in the hole in the wall.

Soon, I saw a monster with a head and body length of four or five meters, holding two large pincers in front of it, and three dark red barbed long tails behind it.

These barbed monsters crawled out of the hole.

Soon, it turned into a gathering of hundreds of monsters, surrounding Ye Xuan and Shen Yu.

Not only that, a huge monster also crawled out of the biggest cave right in front of it.


The giant roared loudly, and came in front of Ye Xuan and Shen Le.

This is a monster with a length of eight or nine meters and five dark red barbs on its back.

Ye Xuan directly launched the identification technique:

[Race: Five-tailed Poison Scorpion]

[Level: Tier 4 (8 stars)]

[Quality: Orange Leader (Black Iron Level BOSS)]

[Skills: Tail Needle Poisonous Stinger, Five-Tails Critical Strike, Crushing Claw Claw]


"Oh, it's a Tier 4 Black Iron boss!"

Ye Xuan showed a playful smile.

Then, he raised the Binglun Wan in his hand!

Pointing at the boss of the five-tailed poisonous demon scorpion, he smiled coldly and said, "I don't know, you little bugs, can you hold my knife?"

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