As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 169 Breakthrough Of Both, The Complementary Power Of The Succubus


The celebration dinner in the evening lasted for a long time.

Ye Xuan didn't expect it, it was even more wonderful than imagined.

The night ended with laughter and endless slippery experience.

The crowd celebrated until two o'clock in the middle of the night before dispersing one by one.

Those drunken girls were all lying on the branches of the ancient war tree, falling asleep in various strange positions.

It's not that they are incapable of drinking.

Instead, they chose the hangover.

In the entire territory, there is only one male, Ye Xuan.

And the dark race, in that regard, is more indulgent.

However, Ye Xuan ordered last time that even if it was a celebration, it should not be too corrupt and crazy.

These beautiful girls still obeyed obediently.

It's just that they hug each other, kiss each other, and indulge each other's desires.

Not too over the top, to the point.

In the middle of the night, they all found their own places and went to sleep soundly.

And Ye Xuan, the lord.

But after 12 o'clock, in front of everyone, he hugged Princess Germination and entered his bedroom.

The germination tonight is extraordinarily beautiful and feminine.

This is the princess of the dark elves, and also the apprentice of the little guy Irene.

According to seniority, among the dark elves, the Empress Dowager should be on an equal footing with Irene, the most powerful and honorable two!

Because of her status as a protoss cub, Irene is considered an elder.

Although Mengya is much older than Irene, she is only a junior.

Consider this taboo relationship.

Tonight Irene was handed over to God by Ye Xuan, and she was no longer allowed to sleep with her in his bedroom.

Otherwise, usually this little guy is actually the one who spends the longest time with Ye Xuan, and is also the one who gets tired of it the most.

Basically, hang on to Ye Xuan every day!

Even at night, he would lie on Ye Xuan's chest and fall asleep.

But tonight?

The night is too beautiful to let Irene, a little protoss cub spoil the atmosphere.

What's more, the two are still in a master-student relationship.

Irene, a nervous little guy, is ignorant, and she is afraid that Germination will be too reserved.

Therefore, Ye Xuan took Germination into the bedroom and sealed the door.

Ye Xuan directly put Germinal on the soft and spacious bed.

The faint moonlight outside casts a gentle light!

In the dark red bedroom, a little bit of strange and charming fragrance wafts.

"Are you really ready?"

Ye Xuan looked at Germina who was wearing a luxurious golden princess dress on the bed, and smiled lightly.

At this time, the two of them did not suppress the influence of alcohol, and they were both slightly drunk.

In this state, no matter what you do, your senses will become strange!

Excitement and pleasure will also be magnified.

"Yes, Master, Germinal came here just to find a chance to break through stronger!"

"The Grand Master of the family asked me to come here, saying that the master is the one who should be robbed. We, the dark elves, can rely on your luck to survive this catastrophe that has befallen the heavens and survive."

"Sprout knows that among all the sisters, she is not outstanding, but she is willing to dedicate everything to the master and become the sharpest sword in your hand!"

Germination is neither humble nor overbearing, and the voice is soft and serious, and he speaks eloquently.

This time, she didn't call Ye Xuan Lord, Lord.

Instead, he changed his name to the master.

What's more, while speaking, the slightly drunken femininity became even stronger.

She is a pure dark elf royal family, and even has the blood of the gods.

In terms of beauty, it is also extremely stunning, not inferior to other female devils.

Moreover, her usual arrogance and indifference to everything would make anyone feel like strangers should not enter.

However, tonight's Bud showed a special side, which made Ye Xuan feel a bit contrasted!

This peculiar contrast stimulated Ye Xuan's desire even more.

"Since you have already made up your mind, then meet the master's wrath!"

"Let me also feel what is so strange about you dark elves!"

While Ye Xuan was speaking, the clothes on his body had disappeared.

He walked gently to the soft bed.

In fact, Ye Xuan didn't expect it either.

The Shenle who has been with him the longest is not his first woman.

On the contrary, the charming succubus queen took the initiative and won his first time.

And now, it was the seemingly tallest and indifferent Princess Germination who took the initiative and became his second woman?

Everything is so surprising.

However, Ye Xuan felt that it was best to let nature take its course.

Next, Ye Xuan and Germination started the most in-depth communication.

Germination is also the first time.

Still under the guidance of Ye Xuan, everything was done.

This night, Ye Xuan also experienced the budding pride and indulgence.

The waves that go deep into the bones, combined with the unique viscous feeling of the dark elves, are really addictive.

Ye Xuan also fought fiercely, fighting all night.

The battle lasted eight and a half hours.

This time, unlike the time with the Succubus Queen, he lost nine out of ten battles.

After all, the Succubus Queen is indeed too powerful in this respect.

Even Ye Xuan is no match for the Queen.

Ye Xuan even felt that the last time he was able to win once, it was because the Succubus Queen let her go.

However, this time the situation was completely reversed.

Ye Xuan can be said to be ten victories out of ten.

Although Germination is very competitive.

However, she is really not Ye Xuan's opponent.

Whether it is strength, stamina, experience, or the desire to win, Ye Xuan is more powerful.

This time, the feeling was not as exciting as last time for the Succubus Queen, and she even felt frustrated.

After fighting Germination, Ye Xuan felt the aura of a real man galloping domineeringly and crushing everything.

The joy of conquering a family of princesses is very different from that of the Succubus Queen, but she also enjoys it very much.

Moreover, it has gone through more than eight hours of fighting.

The two also opened the bloodline shackles again and achieved a breakthrough.

Germinal broke through directly from the sixth-order two-star to the sixth-order five-star.

And Ye Xuan also absorbed a very powerful and thick dark elemental power.

This time, he also broke through from the sixth-order five-star to the sixth-order eight-star.

The soaring speed of this realm also shocked Ye Xuan.

Unexpectedly, the double cultivation of the two of them made him break through again.

It doesn't appear to be solely the bud's credit.

There is also the blessing of the unique succubus ability left by the succubus queen.

The succubus family can absorb the strength of the opposite sex and strengthen themselves when conquering the opposite sex.

The Succubus Queen's ability is even more special and powerful.

She can be mutually beneficial and win-win for each other.

Not only can absorb the opponent's strength to become stronger, but also feed Ye Xuan back.

And Ye Xuan, because he controlled part of the Succubus Queen's ability, also obtained this peculiar power of dual cultivation.

Under his deliberate actions, both of them complemented each other and brought out their greatest potential.

After just one night of fighting, both broke through to new heights.

This also stunned Ye Xuan.

It even shocked Germination.

In the end, under Ye Xuan's fierce and invincible posture, Mengya begged for mercy and gave in.

She was completely defeated and collapsed thousands of miles away.

From then on, Meng Ya was completely determined and turned into a little princess who could do whatever Ye Xuan wanted.

Until eight o'clock in the morning, the two ended their fight.

Germination fell asleep alone.

But Ye Xuan, on the contrary, is very lively and vigorous, without a trace of tiredness.

Even in a battle with an existence like the Succubus Queen, he is confident that he can defeat the opponent once.

However, he did not indulge in wine and sex.

Instead, he changed his clothes and walked out of the bedroom alone.

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