As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 206 The Ancient Tree Of Life Exterminates The Remnant Soul Of The Demon Dragon, And The Gian

Ye Xuan quickly returned to the territory.

The harvest this time can be said to be extremely astonishing.

The nine high-grade spiritual veins were all placed in the Sumeru Realm.

With these nine high-grade spiritual veins in his Sumeru Realm, it has become more alive.

Of course, because it is the spirit vein of pollution.

Therefore, only dark creatures survive here.

If it is another creature, it will be continuously infected by the spiritual energy containing the terrifying demonic aura!

Either go crazy and explode and die, or definitely become a corpse. .seven

However, even if the holy monster dragon wants to completely pollute the nine high-grade spiritual veins, it is impossible to do so easily.

Even if hundreds of years have passed, only six of the nine high-grade spiritual veins have been polluted.

The other three lowest-level spirit veins with the most aura are still well preserved.

Ye Xuan directs the spiritual consciousness of the Three Thousand Worlds.

Separate them, located at the north and south ends of the Sumeru Realm.

These spiritual veins entered the Sumeru Realm, which was equivalent to entering the world he controlled.

In the outside world, he may not be able to easily shake these spiritual veins.

But in Xumi Realm, he can separate them with just one thought.


In the Sumeru Realm, there were only three huge spiritual veins that were intact and not polluted, soaring into the sky.

Directly controlled by Ye Xuan, it is still at the southern end of the Sumeru Realm.

And the six polluted spiritual veins are located in the north.

In the middle, separated by hundreds of miles.

Among them, a barrier is separated.

In this way, two different spaces are formed.

On the one hand, it is a pure world with pure aura, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and full of vitality.

On the other side, there is a gloomy world full of darkness and evil spirits, and there are no living creatures at all.

If this is planned, the dark creatures will all live in the dark place in the north in the future.

And other creatures live in the south where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

It can also be regarded as a unity of light and dark, and the harmony of yin and yang.

After returning to the territory, Ye Xuan also entered his own 'Sumi Realm'.

At this time, Shenguo, Irene, Dryad, Fios, Lilith and others are all resting in the north where the spirit veins are polluted.

"Master, are you here?"

Shenraku, Fios and the others said respectfully.

"Lord big brother, are you here to sow seeds!"

At this time, Irene flickered from a spiritual vein, traveled dozens of miles, and came to Ye Xuan's side, excited.

"That's right, you little clever ghost, have you been waiting for this moment?"

Ye Xuan smiled and patted Irene's head.

Irene seems to have been looking forward to the appearance of the ancient tree of life.

The power of her divine blood requires the ancient tree of dark life to stimulate and evolve.

Therefore, I am very much looking forward to the ancient dark tree of life.

"You know, what should I do?"

As Ye Xuan said, he asked curiously.

The seeds of the Ancient Tree of Life were given to him by Irene. This little guy must know how to sow the Ancient Tree of Life.

"It's very simple, lord big brother, just throw it out!!"

Irene stuck out her tongue mischievously, and said indifferently.


Ye Xuan sweated profusely.

Is the ancient tree of dark life planting seeds so casually?

Others are also ashamed.

However, Shenraku, Fios, Lilith and other women are also very curious about what kind of changes the ancient dark life tree will bring.

"Lord Big Brother, don't worry, the ancient tree of dark life is a spiritual seed with high wisdom, it knows what it needs most!!"

"It will find its most suitable place to grow, don't worry!"

Seeing everyone staring at her silently, Irene blushed and felt embarrassed, so she quickly explained.

"All right!!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Then, he raised his hand to grab it, and a dark golden seed the size of a pigeon egg appeared in his hand.

Without hesitation, he waved his hand lightly.

The dark golden seed flew out instantly.

It turned around in the air, did not fly away, but suspended in the air, and stopped.

It seems to be thinking about something.


Then, it trembled slightly.

Soon, cracks appeared.

The dark golden seed, like a chick hatching out of its shell, poked out a tender green branch from inside.

The tender green branches shake gently and grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a strange sapling two or three meters high with only two or three dark golden branches appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as it appeared, it even waved at Irene.

Like greeting, very naughty and fun.

Then, he bent the waist of the tree and ‘bowed’ to Ye Xuan? ?

Seeing such a spiritual scene, Ye Xuan was also surprised.

This tree is really mature.

No, it should be very naughty and intelligent.

After saluting Ye Xuan, its branches began to shake slightly.

Seems like it's confirming the location.

'call out'

In the end, it went straight through the air.

It directly crossed a distance of one or two hundred miles, and came to the five polluting spiritual veins, the power of the evil spirit was the strongest, and the middle spiritual vein with the largest body stopped at the 'leading' position.

And this location happened to be the location where the 'dragon head' of the holy demon dragon skeleton was located.

Without the slightest hesitation, countless ten-meter-long 'roots' rapidly spread out from under the dark ancient tree, and they directly took root on the dragon's head of the holy monster dragon.

This location can be called the place where all the spiritual energy gathers the most.

It is also the central store where all spiritual veins and dragon heads gather.

Unexpectedly, this dark ancient tree is so good at picking places.


Suddenly, the huge mountain-like head of the holy demon dragon trembled slightly.

Among them, a trace of the deeply hidden dragon soul awakened and began to struggle violently.

It also didn't expect that it was hiding so deeply.

However, it was found by those countless roots, and they wanted to use its remnant soul as nourishment to devour it.

The remaining divine sense of the holy dragon soul naturally wants to resist.

If it is swallowed up by the roots of the ancient dark tree, then it will completely lose the chance to regenerate, and it will not even be eligible to enter reincarnation.


A demonic force full of evil erupted from the skeleton of the holy dragon.

Its huge body that spread thousands of feet trembled slightly.

"This monster dragon is really cunning, I didn't expect that there is still a trace of remnant soul hidden in it!"

"My lord, do you want me to take action and clean up this evil?"

Seeing this scene, Shen Yu couldn't help opening his mouth in a little surprise, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The thousand-foot skeleton of the demon dragon trembled slightly, causing the entire mountain range to vibrate.

On it, countless gravels and sands collapsed.

It seemed that in the next second, the demon dragon, which had been dead for many years, was about to come back to life, which shocked Fios and the tree demon.

"Sister Shenraku, take a good look at it, it's okay, the Ancient Life Tree is very powerful, it can definitely kill its remnant soul!"

At this time, Erin excitedly opened her mouth to dissuade.

When the other people heard the words, they naturally had no intention of making a move.

After all, there is only a remnant soul of this demon dragon left.

So many years have passed, and there must be no waves.

With them, I am not afraid of problems.

Suddenly, a huge dark idea erupted from the ancient tree of life.


Such an idea appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

Obviously, this is the idea conveyed by the ancient dark tree of life.

This big tree looks very excited.

Its roots have all penetrated into the bones of the monster dragon.

It began to quickly devour the huge demon power in the demon dragon's body.

Not only that, but the remnant soul of the demon dragon that hides extremely deeply.

In the end, it was entangled by countless dark golden roots, turned into nutrients, and slowly shrunk until it disappeared.

It couldn't figure out why it was so miserable until it died.

Originally, it kept this hand just for Nirvana rebirth.

However, Ye Xuan repeatedly sabotaged the plan until he was completely destroyed.

And the dark ancient tree is also devouring the remnant soul of the demon dragon, the power in the bones of the demon dragon!

After the rich aura around it, it began to grow crazily.

Visible to the naked eye, under the astonished eyes of Ye Xuan, Shenle and others, it began to grow like a runaway.

After a quarter of an hour.

Among the five spiritual veins, one is as huge as covering the sky and the sun!

A towering tree with a height of hundreds of feet and mysterious dark golden lines appeared in front of everyone.

In less than half an hour, there was a giant tree of hundreds of feet with extremely vigorous vitality in the Xumi Realm.

"Thank you Lord, I am very happy!!"

In the dark ancient tree of life, a childish girl's voice came, thanking Ye Xuan.

"It's really good luck, it is indeed the seed of the ancient mother tree of life, very good!!"

At this time, Lilith, who was silent beside her, looked at the huge ancient tree of life and opened her mouth in surprise.

"Hee hee, that's great, with the Ancient Tree of Life, Irene can sleep well!"

"Lord big brother, Irene wants to sleep with the Ancient Tree of Life for a while, is that okay?"

At this time, Irene looked at Ye Xuan pitifully and begged.

"Sleep for a while, how long?"

Ye Xuan was slightly taken aback, and said in surprise.

"I don't know, but it won't be too long. I might just sleep here for a year or two!"

Erin thought for a while and gave an uncertain answer.

"Well, it's okay, you can sleep well, I will prepare a lot of snacks for you!"

Ye Xuan nodded with a smile, and kissed Irene lightly on the forehead.

Next, she was given a storage bag.

Inside, there are dozens of dark crystal nuclei, all of which are above the fourth or fifth rank.

It is indeed a long time to sleep for one or two years.

But Xumi Realm can speed up time a hundred times.

Two years, but less than ten days outside, he can afford to wait.

"Thank you lord big brother, Irene knows that you are the best for me!"

Eileen smiled happily, and gave Ye Xuan a big kiss on Ye Xuan's cheek.

Then, she threw a few crystal nuclei into her mouth.

In a flash, he entered the dark ancient tree of life and disappeared.

I don't know where she hid.

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