As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 24 The Territory Is Breached, The Strangulation Of The Second-Order Rat Man Knight

All the monsters locked their eyes firmly on the 'Goddess of War' who descended from the sky.

The girl killed more than a dozen fierce beasts with just one random shot.

Immediately, all the monsters roared.

Generally, low-level ferocious beasts have very low IQs and can only act on instinct.

What's more, it's the crimson waning moon hanging in the sky right now.

Even those Ratmen are not much better.

Under the light of the blood moon, they become very crazy and bloodthirsty.

Even under the command of the wise rat man, it gradually became chaotic.

Even so, it doesn't mean they are not strong.

Instead, they became more ferocious and fearless.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

Countless ferocious rats let out sharp roars, and killed Shen Lai.

They jumped up, jumping tens of meters high in an instant.

Like sharp swords tearing through the sky one after another, it is extremely terrifying.

Sharp teeth and claws are their best weapons.

Under the increased power of the blood moon, the first-order three- and four-star ferocious beast mouse can even threaten the high-level existence of the first-order seven or eight stars.

But even so, in front of Shen Lai, it was like paper.

I saw the girl rushing into the group of beasts and rats.

One person is alone against thousands of troops, but there is a terrifying aura of indomitable progress.

All the beasts that pounced on her would be instantly torn into pieces by the saber energy.

Not only that, but with the deployment of Shenle's sword skills, it can often kill a large group of ferocious beasts and rats.

She also broke through to the second-order nine-star level in just a short moment.

"Everyone, spread out, stick to the city wall, and be careful that they destroy the wall!"

The strongest among the witches spoke in a cold voice. She has reached the second-order two-star, and her strength is also extremely tyrannical.

At this time, many huge beasts and rats had already bypassed the gods and rushed to the foot of the city wall.

Some ferocious beast rats opened their huge mouths and began to chew on the wall.

Some ferocious rats jumped up, jumped directly onto the fence, and climbed towards it.

There are also some huge ferocious beast rats, jumping up, jumping over the city wall, and rushing towards the inside.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

All the witches of the Demon Sword Clan drank lightly.

Facing hundreds of huge black shadows rushing towards them, they were not afraid at all.

Opening and closing the long knife in his hand, he beheaded those mice head-on.

Powerful arms often have their own weapons, and the quality is not weak.

In addition to their super strength, for a while, there was a bloody storm.

However, there are only four of them after all, and there are always loopholes in defense.

It is impossible to hold the wall more than 200 meters long.

Therefore, some places were still jumped into by ferocious beast rats.

There were also huge gaps in several corners of the wall that were torn open by the ferocious beasts and rats.

Immediately, these ferocious beasts rushed into the territory along the huge gap.

After all, this wall is just a building made of ordinary materials, and it can't defend against such a terrifying group of beasts.

"Poof, poof, poof, poof"

However, when these ferocious beasts entered the territory, they let out bursts of miserable howls.

In the territory, the eight Frost Arrow Towers burst out with a faint blue cold light at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, eight arrows of cold air, the size of wheels, shot at the enemy.

Although these Frostbolt Towers are only Tier 1, the attack is not high.

But they are very accurate in shooting and can instantly injure those ferocious beasts and rats.

The most frightening thing is that these icy arrows will freeze instantly after being shot, and even the ground will be covered with frost.

Even the swarm of ferocious beasts and rats that rushed in were mostly frozen in place, and their movements became extremely slow.

This seriously affects their speed, and they cannot easily break through this line of defense.

"Don't worry about the city wall, we don't have enough manpower to defend it!"

"Kill those ferocious beasts under the arrow tower, and we must not let them approach the second pass!"

"Before the Lord comes up, we must guard this territory!"

The most powerful witch snorted coldly.

They directly gave up on the city wall and killed the ferocious beast and mouse below the city wall.

Each of the witches is as fast as lightning, and with the demon sword criss-crossing, they can often kill more than three or four beasts and rats in an instant.

Although they are too few in number to defend the city walls.

However, in terms of cleaning speed, it is also extremely fast.

Coupled with the Frost Arrow Tower slowing down the speed of the ferocious beasts, it also gave them a chance.

Therefore, after only a moment, these fierce beasts were killed and ran away in embarrassment.


Without the defense of the witches, the fragile 'city wall' eventually became riddled with holes, and a large area collapsed rumblingly, raising huge smoke and dust.

Although the walls fell.

But the witches became more and more courageous, and all of them broke through to the second level, and even defended all the attacking beasts.


Outside the city wall, the almost crushing killing by Shenle has already aroused the wrath of General Qingshu.

"All Ratman knights, attack this crazy woman together!"

General Qingshu let out an exasperated roar.

Immediately, more than thirty first-rank high-star rat man knight archers all moved.

They are riding on huge beast rats!

The poisonous crossbow in his hand burst into the air, and he raised his volley to Shenli.

These first-rank high star ratman knights are all sharpshooters of the ratman tribe.

More than 30 Ratmen knights fired a volley, and hundreds of poisonous arrows were fired, it was extremely terrifying!

The rain of poisonous arrows almost covered all of Shen Li's action space.

"Demon Blade Dazzling Shaking the Sky!"

Shen Yu let out a cold snort.

The huge demon knife in his hand turned into an afterimage, cutting out a several-meter-long knife aura.

This gray-black knife energy is almost condensed into substance, like a knife of hell cultivation. ,

The moment it was condensed, it shattered the sky and shattered the rain of poisonous arrows.

This move consumes a lot of spirit energy.

But the effect is also extremely strong, even with one blow, it crushed the arrow rain that was several times stronger than the bronze boss before.

This terrifying strength also shocked General Qingshu, who was observing secretly.

"The rat man knight archer continues to attack, all second-tier fighters will fight with me!"

"Regardless of life or death, the king will definitely reward you!"

General Qingshu let out a sinister grin.

Immediately, he also took the lead and rushed out with more than 20 ratmen warriors.

These ratman warriors also rode on huge rats.

The difference is that they all carry a sharp machete in their hands.

These second-level ratman knights are one of the strongest combat forces in the ratman tribe.

In order to avenge the hatred, the Shu King also spent a lot of money, and almost dispatched most of the elite of the Ratman tribe.

As soon as the second-order ratman knight was dispatched, he turned into a cold current, roared ferociously, and rushed towards Shenyu.

The rain of poisonous arrows was still roaring, and there were even swarms of ferocious beasts and rats, frantically slaughtering the gods.

And in the darkness, the second-order rat man knight also exploded with terrifying strength.

They turned into afterimages, and the machete in his hand was like a butcher's blade, turning into a large piece of cold light covering the god.

"Go to hell, crazy woman of the human race, take a knife from General Ben!"

General Qingshu took the lead, riding the giant mouse and leaping up, the big knife in his hand turned into a terrifying cold light and fell.

This blow, under the blood moon, is like a ferocious ghost, extremely terrifying, it will tear everything apart.

At the same time, the attacks of other second-tier knights also fell at the same time.

This terrifying lore aura locked all the auras of Shenraku.

It seemed that after the light of the knife fell, Shen Li's body turned into pieces of fleshy paste, which was extremely terrifying.

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