As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 37 The Hardcore Duo Enters The Dark Fog

The time came to ten o'clock at noon on the third day.

Ye Xuan brought Shenli to the new territory and joined Xuemei and others.

"My lord, Your Highness Shenraku!"

"After you left last night, there has been no attack here!"

"It seems that those stinky mice are afraid to take the initiative to attack!"

After Xue Mei saluted Ye Xuan respectfully, she began to report the situation.

The Plague Ratman Tribe has just experienced a heavy blow.

Obviously, it is impossible for them to organize their forces again and come to attack.

With the strength of these stinky rats, the sneak attack organized last night has definitely done their best.

"Very well, what's going on outside!"

Ye Xuan asked again.

Although, he can observe by himself through sharing.

But just now he was in the territory and has been busy with other things.

He doesn't know much about the current situation here.

Now, only Xuemei is defending the territory,

Obviously, everyone else was sent out to clean up the monsters.

Xue Mei said: "My lord, we still have nineteen fog-breaking fire rings left, and nine of them have been used up in the morning!"

In addition to Ye Xuan's exchange for the fog-breaking fire ring, five more broke out last night, and four were snapped up on the trading channel!

So there are as many as 19 left.

For now, that should be enough.

"Your efficiency is very fast, have you found the nests of those mice?"

After Ye Xuan praised him, he couldn't help asking the question he was most concerned about.

The Mouse King of the Ratman tribe has the treasure map he wants most, and he must not let it go!

Even if there is no treasure map, these stinky rats will never forgive them for their repeated sneak attacks.

"From the outside of the city all the way to the southwest, we have expanded a total of ten kilometers! (A fog-breaking fire ring is a distance of 1 square kilometer, plus the area cleaned up before!)"

"Those stinky rats are very cunning, and now there are almost no traces of them. I can't judge the exact location. It's a bit troublesome!"

"They also seem to have discovered our intentions, and they should be hiding!"

Xue Mei analyzed helplessly.

With her wisdom, she naturally understood what was going on.

These mice are already afraid of them and dare not show their heads.

But if the other party deliberately hides it, it is really difficult to find out.

After all, this land of corruption is very large, and it is filled with fog.

Without enough fog-breaking fire rings, it is difficult to search in all directions.

We can only try our best to clean up the places where ratmen may exist based on some clues.

In this way, the speed will undoubtedly be much slower.

"These rats are really cowardly!"

"Sister Mei, how about you and I fight out, even where there is fog, their strength will be tripled!"

"With the combination of the two of us, we will definitely be able to find them!"

Shen Li's eyes turned cold, and he held the huge demon knife in his hand, with killing intent emerging.

In her opinion, instead of searching step by step, judging, wasting time.

It's better to go directly into the fog, so that you don't need to consume the fog breaking fire ring.

But the problem is, it would be much more dangerous.

After all, in places shrouded in fog, monsters are three times stronger than usual.

The monster in the mist was even stronger than the monster in the blood moon last night.

This is a huge adventure.

"No, this is too dangerous. If something happens to you, it will be too much loss for me!"

"Let's expand the search scope after I buy a batch of fog-breaking fire rings at a high price!"

"Not today, but it will be fine in two days!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, denying Shenle's proposal.

This little girl is really too radical, and she is quite confident in her own strength.

Although, he also felt that Shenle's method was the most efficient.

However, the risk is too great.

Although she was strong enough, if she was in danger, it would not be worth the loss for him.

After a soldier dies, although it can be resurrected from the soldier building again!

But the strength will drop a big realm, the loss is too great.

Tomorrow, he still has an agreement with Su Yaoyao.

He decided to bring the gods.

Therefore, if the ratman tribe is not found today, it will have to wait until the later stage.

After all, without Shenle as the leader to control the field, it might not be possible to take down the Ratman tribe.

"My lord, I think His Royal Highness's plan is feasible!"

"The lord also said last night that theoretically, there will be no monsters above the fourth or fifth rank around our territory, which are too dangerous!"

"As long as we don't encounter monsters above Tier 4, nothing will happen to the two of us!"

"Besides, Shenraku and I both have a lot of life-saving abilities, and we will definitely be able to find the ratman tribe today!"

"Xuemei begs the lord, let us enter the mist, if we fail, we will be punished!"

Xue Mei held up her staff, knelt down on one knee, and spoke in a concentrated voice.

As soon as she knelt down, Shenraku also knelt down on one knee, obviously wanting to fight too.

This bloody charm is equivalent to directly setting up a military order for herself.

Seeing how serious and determined the two were, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile in surprise.

Then, he sighed, helped them up and said: "Okay, I agree, if there is any danger that cannot be done, we must return as soon as possible!"

Now that the arms are so competitive, what reason does he have to refuse?

After all, these two are legendary units.

There is also an increase in the attributes of mythical buildings, and the strength is indeed ridiculously strong.

In the face of a monster that has been strengthened three times, it does have the power to fight.

After all, it was really too easy to kill the double-strengthened Ratman army last night, like crushing.

Obviously, their strength is more than four or five times stronger than that of the same class!

"Thank you Lord Lord, our sisters will definitely not let you down!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's agreement, Shenle suddenly became happy and excited.

There is even a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

Kagura is a very belligerent existence.

The battles these days have been too easy for her.

She was still thinking about finding a stronger opponent!

"It's really a hardcore duo. It's really comfortable to have such a unit!"

Standing on the fence, Ye Xuan watched the two leave the city, and couldn't help but sigh with a smile.

If other lords knew that Ye Xuan's troops had taken the initiative to enter the fog of taboo, they would definitely complain about their madness.

After all, the monsters in the mist have been strengthened three times.

This is not blind self-confidence, it is like sending death!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan has great confidence in them.

"Blood gift!"

"Shadow stealth!"

After leaving the city, Xue Mei cast the Gift of Blood on the two of them, boosting all aspects.

This kind of blood spell has a very powerful boosting effect, and there are many variations.

Strengthen speed, strength, defense, and even flight, spirit, healing, etc., which can be called small magic skills!

Then, Kagura cast the ghost shadow stealth, enveloping the two of them.

It turned into a faint shadow invisible to the naked eye, penetrated into the distant mist, and disappeared.

However, Ye Xuan can see their every move through the shared vision.

[Warning, your unit has entered the extremely dangerous black mist, it is recommended to evacuate immediately! 】

After Shenlei and Xuemei entered the mist, Ye Xuan received the prompt, but he ignored it.

But, he didn't expect it either.

When the arms enter the fog, they will actually attract warning reminders.

It seems that this mist is more dangerous than imagined!

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