As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 394 Snow Map, Snow Demon Warrior

[Ding, congratulations to the lord Ye Xuan, who won the killing battle champion of this dungeon! ! 】

[Start to sort out the progress of Lord Ye Xuan's task completion, and then enter the new competition map. 】

[Task 1: Kill 587/250 lords, complete the task, and get an extra 250,000 points]

[Task 2: Kill the boss of this dungeon, complete the task, and get an extra 500,000 points]

[Task 3: Become the final champion of this dungeon, complete the task and get an extra 800,000 points]

With the integration of resources in the system, Ye Xuan earned another 1.45 million extra points.

In addition to harvesting by himself, as well as the harvest from the original dungeon, Ye Xuan now has accumulated more than 3 million points.

More than three million yuan is not much, but only three copies have passed.

Ye Xuan believes that it is difficult for anyone to be taller than himself.

After all, every time he hunted, he was racing against time.

If, even with such a quick harvest, he couldn't get the first place, Ye Xuan would be helpless.

He felt that his biggest competitor was not Caesar.

It's Catherine, who has a holy angel, and the mysterious Qin Lixian.

After all, in the last star list, Qin Lixian's points were much more than the second place Catherine.

Her arms may also be unimaginably powerful.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan felt a sense of urgency.

He also began to look forward to what the next fourth dungeon would be.

"What kind of world will the next dungeon be like!!!"

Ye Xuan muttered to himself, looking forward to it.

At this time, he has already broken through to Tier 4 and 2 stars.

In the wasteland dungeon, he not only killed the boss at the beginning.

Moreover, he also hunted and killed more than 500 lords and thousands of monsters, and directly broke through the fourth-order 2-star.

In that world, the most common ones are mutant monsters.

Although they have very little experience, they can also increase a lot of experience.

Ye Xuan, who has broken through to Tier 4 and 2 stars, is bound to have a much higher starting point than other lords.

From the very beginning, a huge advantage can be established.

After waiting for three minutes.

[Ding, the resource integration is complete, and the dungeon timeline has been traced back successfully! ! 】

[All surviving lords will be sent to the fourth competition copy at the same time! ! 】

[Ten seconds later, Lord Ye Xuan will start the teleportation and enter a new competition! ! 】

【Ten, Nine, Eight~~】

The familiar prompt sounded again, and ten seconds passed by.

When Ye Xuan opened his eyes again, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit, and the sound of wind and snow whizzed by in his ears.

The temperature of tens of degrees below zero makes people feel cold all over.

Fortunately, for Ye Xuan and Mo Ke, this is nothing.

When you open your eyes, what you see is an endless world of ice and snow, white and shining.

At this moment, he and Mo Ke were standing on a mountainside.

The heavy snow around them had already reached their knees.

Obviously, in this world of ice and snow, action is not so easy.

"Snow Dungeon?"

Ye Xuan was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the fourth dungeon turned out to be a snow dungeon.

At this time, it was daytime, and there was heavy snow in the sky.

And all around are snow-capped mountains.

Every ten or twenty miles, there is a snow mountain of different heights.

The terrain here is more complicated, and there are many valleys.

In the distance, it seems that there are endless rivers.

Extremely low temperature, complex environment, breath can freeze and freeze, survival is not easy.

"My lord, this world is more restricted. With my current strength, I can only sense enemies within 2000 meters!"

The puppet also looked around and frowned slightly.

You know, in the last dungeon, she was able to sense the range of eight or nine kilometers in the end.

But in this world, it can only sense such a small distance.

Ye Xuan tried it, and he could only sense more than a thousand meters, which is really difficult.


Ye Xuan took a step forward, stepped directly into the sky and stood more than two or three hundred meters above.

"It's not bad. Although there are air bans, with my strength, I can already fly at low altitudes!"

Ye Xuan stepped into the void, and couldn't help showing a smile.

With his original strength, in fact, if he wanted to fly, he would have to be after the fifth level.

But the current him is not what he used to be, and he has unlimited background, and he can walk in the air if he is above the third level.

It's just that the wasteland world's air-restriction power is stronger, and he can't stay in the air for a long time.

But after breaking through the fourth level, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he can already fly relatively easily.

However, because the temperature is too low and the snow is falling heavily, we cannot fly too high.

But for Ye Xuan, this is extremely convenient.

Most of the lords are impossible to fly, but he can, this is the advantage.

[Ding, 1600 lords have been randomly assigned this 'snow dungeon', and the missions and corresponding mechanisms for this round of dungeons have been released. The lord killing battle will start in three minutes! 】

[Task 1: Kill more than 500 lords and get an extra 500,000 points]

[Task 2: Kill the boss of this dungeon and get an extra 1 million points]

[Task 3: Become the final champion of this dungeon and get an extra 1.5 million points]

[Main quests, the lord can check them in the quest list by himself! 】

The same prompt appeared again, but the task reward and the number of kills changed.

"There are 1600 lords, that is to say, the next instance should be 2500?"

Ye Xuan pondered slightly.

If it is increased by such a number, then the first main task must be completed, and many lords can complete it.

But it is too difficult to complete the second and third mainline tasks.

The further you get to the back, the harder it is.

Not only is the opponent stronger, but the boss is also more terrifying.

The bosses encountered now are all a level higher than the lord.

If the last two bosses were at the ninth-level King Realm, or even the tenth-level Holy Realm, even he might not be able to kill each other easily.

After all, with a low realm, you can still rely on the number of people and your background to kill.

But when it comes to the eighth, ninth, and tenth ranks, it's really a level that will destroy the world.

At that time, it may not be so easy.

However, Ye Xuan doesn't have to think so far now.

The rules of the system are always changing.

Maybe, there might be other changes in the later dungeons.

"Moke, let's act separately this time!!"

After Ye Xuan remained silent for a while, he had already made a decision.

This map is eight hundred miles in size.

It is big enough for the lords of the third and fourth ranks.

Only by acting separately is the most efficient way.

This method can only be done by a lord who is absolutely confident in his own strength.

The separation of the lord and the arms will inevitably weaken the strength.

Facing several lords joining forces, or powerful lords, they will still be at a disadvantage.

"Yes, my lord!"

Mo Ke was very straightforward. After responding, she disappeared into the ice and snow in a flash.

After breaking through the fourth level of strength, her whereabouts became more and more strange and unpredictable.

Even Ye Xuan didn't see how she left.

Mo Ke should have mastered the ability of teleportation, or the ability of the space system, so that he can disappear without a sound.

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