As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 419 Two Bug Skills, Crazy Harvest

Ye Xuan took out a gray-black ring.

On this ring, there are three scarlet eyes emitting strange fluctuations!

Ye Xuan could sense that there were obvious spatial fluctuations on it.

This kind of space fluctuation is closer to void, nothingness, etc., and there is still a clear difference from normal storage rings.

Ye Xuan threw an identification technique directly.

[Treasure: Ring of the Void Scavenger]

[Quality: Level 7 (Epic Level)]

[Skills: storage, nihilization, biosensory]

[Description: This ring is a special space treasure devoured by the evil baby scavengers from the corpse of a powerful awakener from a different time and space. After hundreds of years of precipitation, it has been fused with its crystal nucleus and has a certain The characteristics of void creatures! 】

[Storage: In the ring of the void scavengers, a void space is bred. Any item, including living creatures, can be put in it, but be careful, the corrosive energy inside has certain destructive power to any item and will damage the original item. Spirituality! ! 】

[Nullity: Bind the ring of nothingness, become its master, and then you can be nihilized for a short time. No one can sense your breath, your existence, and you enter the space interlayer of nothingness in a short time. The stronger the nothingness The longer it takes, the nihilization can move regardless of the distance in space, the farther it moves, the greater the consumption, and it will cause various adverse reactions if it is too long, and even turn into an indescribable monster, so use it with caution! 】

[Spirit Response: Evil Baby Scavengers have a very powerful perception of any living beings (including evil spirits, demons and other special creatures). Using this ability, you can ignore any environment and terrain, sense the breath of surrounding living beings, and lock his The whereabouts, the stronger the strength, the longer the induction time, and the larger the range! ! ! 】


"Fuck, the ability of this ring is too buggy!!!"

Ye Xuan looked at the information on the ring in his hand, and couldn't help being both surprised and happy.

Unexpectedly, this ring is so special and powerful.

The first storage capacity is nothing, even a bit tasteless.

After all, anything stored will be at risk of collapsing and losing spirituality over time.

But the second and third skills are both divine skills.

With the ability to nullify, Ye Xuan can move directly into the void.

This is a bit similar to Shenle's 'void sneak'.

However, moving for a long time will have certain risks.

And, it seems, it can only be used by the person who wears the ring.

And the third skill is the real bug ability.

Of course, this ability looks ordinary in normal times.

After all, Ye Xuan's divine sense, knowledgeable and domineering, at some point, can ignore the surrounding terrain and search for any information within the range of perception.

But this biopsy is a special telepathy for any creature!

It is too exaggerated to be able to track the whereabouts and traces of any living beings.

After all, with divine consciousness and domineering knowledge, sometimes the perception of some special creatures is weak, or even unable to sense them.

With the Ring of the Void Scavenger, Ye Xuan more than made up for this shortcoming.


Ye Xuan cut open his fingertips, dripping a drop of bright red blood with a trace of purple-gold in it.

Then, his spiritual consciousness drilled into the ring of the void scavenger, and began to contract it.

For such unowned treasures, it is easy to complete the binding.

Half a minute later, Ye Xuan successfully contracted the 'Ring of the Void Scavenger'.

His consciousness drilled into the void space of the ring.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there was a huge empty space of two to three thousand square meters!

It smells of darkness, emptiness, loneliness, and decay.

Then, he stepped out in one step, his body turned into nothingness, and got into the interlayer of space.

As soon as his mind moved, he had already appeared five hundred meters away.

This ability seems to be the attack ability originally used by the evil baby scavengers.

After being nihilized, Ye Xuan can even ignore the terrain and the environment, and travel directly in a completely straight line.

This ability is simply not too cool.

With his current strength of Tier 6 and 5 stars, there is absolutely no problem in using it for ten minutes in a row.

As for how far he can travel in these ten minutes, it depends on his mental strength and the strength of his physical body.

And these characteristics, Ye Xuan is naturally far superior to the same level by countless times, and he is not afraid of the rotten power of nothingness to destroy his body.

Then, he used the ability of 'biological induction'.

In an instant, the aura of all living beings within five thousand meters could be sensed very clearly.

Of course, this clarity will become more and more blurred as the distance increases.

But after possessing the 'Ring of the Void Scavengers', Ye Xuan could ignore the dark mist and sense all creatures within five kilometers around him at will.

This ability is simply too cool.

In this dungeon, it is like a tiger with wings added.

"Sure enough, in this dungeon, I can also use the ability of telepathy, even the dark mist can't stop my telepathy!!"

"Very good, within five kilometers, there are more than twenty lords!!"

"Go, Mo Ke, let's start hunting happily!!!"

Excitement appeared in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he greeted Mo Ke with a smile.

With this ability of telekinesis, he can act calmly without even needing to break through the fog and fire ring.

In his opinion, using the Mistbreaker Ring of Fire operation would affect efficiency too much.

Moreover, after dispelling the dark mist, didn't he also expose himself at the same time?

Think about it, I can directly sense the positions of those lords, but the other party can't find me.

He can completely imitate those ghost wolves, sneaking up on his prey from the dark mist.

In this case, the efficiency will be faster.

This feeling of being a behind-the-scenes boss is simply not too pleasant! !

"Yes, my lord, the ability of this ring is indeed very special!!"

"Your Majesty, you can sneak into nothingness, even my magic pupils can't find your whereabouts. It's really strong!"

Seeing Ye Xuan appear from nothingness, Mo Ke couldn't help but be surprised.

Then, she continued: "My lord can use this special induction to track those monsters and lords, just tell me the location!"

"Within the range of the master's induction, separate actions will be more efficient!"

Moke's face quickly recovered, and he put forward his own suggestion.

"Well, good, let's do it like this!!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Then, he conveyed all the information of the living beings sensed within five kilometers to Mo Ke through the sharing ability of the Lord of Darkness.

Although, there is no dispelling dark fog!

When lords and troops enter it, they will be corroded by the fog, have hallucinations, and even block the line of sight and other negative states.

But with Mo Ke's body of a demon god, this negative state is almost negligible to her.

She has an absolute barrier, her body is also in a state of magic immunity, her ability to resist negative states is simply max, and she is fearless at all.

Soon, the two got into the dark mist.

Ye Xuan followed the tracking of the 'spiritual induction' and directly disappeared into nothingness.

In the next second, he appeared more than a thousand meters away.

Here, two foreign lords, a man and a woman, are teaming up to deal with three ghost wolves.

It is rare to reach the fifth-order two-star, and the fifth-order one-star female lord.

Both of them have high-level crown units, and their strength is not weak.

After a battle, four pairs of three-headed monsters had already gained the upper hand.

"Work harder and kill them with all your strength!"

"Two of them are already injured, we can't let them escape into the mist, this will attract more monsters!!"

The blond middle-aged lord commanded loudly.

I saw his unit, a goblin king with demonic blood, roaring.

The three-foot-tall Goblin King held up a huge bone club, and smashed the breath of the Nether Wolf.

Then, the Goblin King grabbed the ghost wolf's tail like lightning, and slammed it hard against the ground.

On the other side, the freckled young woman with the same golden hair also excitedly raised her staff and began to chant the strongest magic.


However, in the next second, her head burst like a watermelon.

A black shadow appeared behind her.

"What's going on, who are you?"

The blond lord was stunned, not knowing what happened.

I don't know what happened to the black shadow that appeared strangely behind the girl.

However, in the next second, the black shadow passed through his body and disappeared again.

The black shadow was like nothingness, and it actually went straight through his body.

And the next moment, the blond man was directly engulfed in a mass of purple-golden flames, completely swallowed, and fell down screaming.

Such a scene was almost staged everywhere in the dark mist.

After just half an hour.

With the exquisite cooperation of Ye Xuan and Mo Ke, all the monsters and lords within a radius of five kilometers were harvested! !

All lords, whether they are leader-level, crown-level, or even legendary-level lords.

They couldn't resist Ye Xuan's one-hit kill.

Under his flexible use of nihilization and biosensing abilities, no lord can resist Ye Xuan's hunting.

Ye Xuan is like a ghost, silently approaching his prey.

Then, dive into the void, approach the overlord, and deliver the coup de grace.

All in one go.

At this moment, Ye Xuan is like the scariest ghost assassin, almost invincible and invincible.

Even Mo Ke was not as smooth as hunting.

Because every time according to Ye Xuan's instructions, Mo Ke would rush out from the dark mist to kill after finding the prey.

In this case, sometimes the enemy will react for a moment and resist slightly.

But that's all.

Another two hours later! !

Ye Xuan and Mo Ke had already killed more than a hundred lords.

He even killed more than two hundred ghost wolves in the dark mist!

And some, other races of dark mist monsters.

However, he never encountered such an indescribable monster as the 'Evil Baby Scavenger'.

It seems that such monsters are rare in this dungeon, and he happened to be lucky enough to meet them.

Basically, killing 5 lords will increase one star.

Therefore, he and Moke quickly broke through to the peak level of the sixth-order 10-star.

Moreover, every time you kill a lord, you can get 60,000 points.

After this hunt, Ye Xuan has earned tens of millions of points again, which is really not too exciting.

This time, he didn't rob again, so he didn't earn extra points.

But this efficiency, Ye Xuan is also very satisfied.

Another half hour later!

Ye Xuan and Mo Ke came to a huge ruined city from the wilderness.

"There are a lot of prey in here, and there is a strange existence with a very strong life breath!!"

"Could it be that the boss is here?"

Ye Xuan stood under a dilapidated city wall 100 meters high, looked at the broken iron gate in front of him, and became slightly excited.

Today, his strength has skyrocketed, reaching the peak of the sixth order.

Even if he encounters the boss of this dungeon, he is not afraid.

Moreover, he also sensed that there are several extremely powerful auras in this ruined city.

It seems that among them, there are many powerful lords who have also gathered here.

The dark mist around the ruined city has disappeared, and it should be dispelled by the lords in it.

"I'll go in and see the situation first, you hide and wait for the opportunity!!"

Ye Xuan gave Mo Ke an order, and he immediately disappeared, passed through the city wall, and sneaked in first.

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