As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 85 Collective Ascension To Stars, Two Territories In The North And The South

Ye Xuan didn't expect either!

So quickly, he obtained the coveted second-order evolution crystal nucleus.

"Hope it doesn't sell!"

Ye Xuan quickly opened the trading channel and began to check the items he exchanged.

Last time, in order to obtain the evolutionary crystal nucleus, Ye Xuan started to put 9000 energy points on it.

It can be said that this is a sky-high figure.

In order to be the first to rise to the third level, he can be said to have spent all his money.

After all, the first person to upgrade the third-tier territory will gain benefits, which are definitely more than a mere 9000 energy value!

"Fortunately, no one trades!"

Ye Xuan looked at his traded items and quickly canceled them.

Now that I have exploded, there is no need to buy a second-order evolutionary crystal nucleus!

Also saved 9000 energy value!

This time, the job of suppressing the wolf man was really exciting.

It can be said that the harvest this time is very rich.

"Clean up all the wolf man tribes, collect all the materials, don't miss any corners!"

Ye Xuan ordered through the sharing system.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, my lord!"

All the demon knife assassins and the dark elf archers agreed at the same time.

At this time, the battle over there was also coming to an end.

Without Gray Fang and Iron Wolf, the other Gnolls would be vulnerable and would be wiped out soon!

Moreover, everyone has risen by about 2-4 stars!

The lower the realm, the more experience you get.

After all, most of the gnolls are above the second and third ranks, and most of them are elite monsters with a lot of experience.

This time, the strength of his troops has also been collectively enhanced a lot.

Among them, there were even a few dark elves who broke through in the midst of a life-and-death struggle.

They, even comprehending new abilities, became stronger and more terrifying.

At that time, the best of them, Ye Xuan, will naturally upgrade them to small bosses, and they can lead the team as leaders when they go out.

It can be said that the harvest this time is unprecedentedly rich.

"It's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's too late to find those cunning and powerful corrupt snakemen!"

"Then let's set up a new territory with the Wolf Man tribe as the city in the north!"

Shen Yu looked northwest, narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a decision.

In fact, the overlord of this corrupt hill, the 'corrupt snake people', has not yet figured out where they are hidden.

The corrupt hills around him are actually not that big, only tens of miles in radius.

In the past few days, he has wiped out the two strongest forces on this novice map.

However, there was no trace of the corrupt snake man.

I don't know where they are hiding.

It's only a few hours before it gets dark.

It takes a lot of time to find them.

In addition, judging from the strength they displayed, they should be much stronger than the Wolf Man tribe.

With his current army, it is already barely enough to eat such a large and powerful tribe.

If you really want to face a stronger corrupt snakeman, the time left today is definitely not enough.

Unless, new arms can be recruited again.

But, right now, it's impossible.

At the shortest, they have to wait until the eighth day before recruiting again.

Now, the only thing that can be done is to upgrade the Tier 3 territory.

With the current resources and types of troops, it shouldn't be difficult to complete the city defense battle.

It's just that after he completed the hidden mission last time, the system has already reminded him that his defense of the city will become more difficult.

Even if he is very confident, he has to guard against it now, it's best to deal with it!

After the over there is cleaned up, you can build a new fort territory again.

A new stronghold in the north and south.

In other words, the place he wants to guard has now become two places.

Even if these two territories are breached, it will not affect the core territory in a short time.

But after the monster breaks through the territory, it needs to clean up the monsters on it, and it takes time to reoccupy it.

His cooldown card will end tonight.

You can only go to the new territory first and build up the city walls and fortifications.

It is four or five times more difficult to defend the territories on both sides.

But since Ye Xuan chooses to do so, he will go all out.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Xuan came to the place where the wolf man tribe was.

At this time, the tribe has been completely wiped out.

Those monster corpses also disappeared automatically.

In general, where there are hordes of powerful monsters.

If you don't occupy it after clearing it, new monsters may appear in a few days.

Therefore, it is very necessary for the lord to occupy the place to be suppressed and expand the territory.

"This terrain is more dangerous than the Ratman tribe. There are cliffs on three sides. As long as you have some strength, you should be able to defend this place!"

Takichi stood on the newly built city wall, pointing to the terrain openings everywhere.

This time the city wall was built on the hill where Huifang escaped last.

No way, the steel fence can be built up to 30 meters.

But here is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and other places are cliffs, so building it below has no effect at all.

As far as the eye can see, there is a very steep rocky road going down the small mountain peak.

Under the mountain peak, a few miles away, there is a big river surrounded by it, flowing surgingly into the distance.

"Yes, there are natural barriers here, and there is no way to defeat them. The key part of the Ratmen tribe will do it!"

"However, on the day when monsters attack the city, no one knows what will happen!"

"Therefore, Irene, you will have to work harder when the time comes. You are the fastest, and the support work will be handed over to you!"

Ye Xuan nodded in agreement, then looked at Irene who was sitting on her shoulder.

"Hee hee, don't worry, lord big brother, with Irene here, will definitely defend all territories!"

"I've broken through to the fourth level now, and it's absolutely no problem to flicker across a distance of five kilometers!"

Irene raised her head proudly, and assured her confidently.

This time, she also killed a lot of monsters in the wolf man tribe.

She even beheaded the patriarch Huiya.

Huiya is a Tier 4, 5-star Black Iron Boss with a lot of experience.

Irene was directly promoted to two and a half stars, from the third-order ten-star breakthrough to the fourth-order two-star, and her strength increased greatly.

And Takichi, also raised from the fourth-order 2-star to the fourth-order 3-star.

Although it was only increased by 1 star, given her background, the increase in strength was terrifying.

At least, she was promoted by one star, which gave Ye Xuan a very large increase in attributes!

Now, only Shenli can break through the third-order 10-star, and Xuemei is the third-order 9-star!

However, tonight and tomorrow night, they should be able to break through a little bit by practicing in the aura moon well for a day.

There are four generals, Kagura, Takichi, Irene, and Xuemei!

In the monster siege battle, Ye Xuan is still very confident! !

What's more, he himself has now reached the level of Tier 3 and 10 stars.

With 35% experience left, he will be able to break through to the fourth level.

After all, he can absorb the experience of killing monsters from everyone, as well as upgrade attribute bonuses.

After breaking through the fourth level, the strength can even catch up with the generals such as Irene, Kagura, and Takichi.

As long as these two days, go to the Reiki Moonwell and meditate for two hours, you will be able to break through.

This is simply not too cool! !

"Okay, here, you dark elves, 10 archers, and 10 panther hunters will guard it. In addition, Xuemei will also come here at that time!"

"Kagura, Takichi, and the rest of the troops, guard the territory to the south!"

"Irene sits at the core of the territory with me, adapting to the situation!"

Ye Xuan made up his mind and arranged for the parts directly.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, lord big brother!"

Everyone, with one voice, respectfully agreed.

For Ye Xuan's order, no one will question it.

No objection will be raised.

The lord has absolute authority.

What's more, they are still 100% loyal, and Ye Xuan is the only one who obeys.

for the rest of the time!

Ye Xuan first spent more than 20,000 energy points to acquire a large number of ice-type crystal nuclei.

Plus the original savings!

He first built sixteen second-tier Frostbolt Towers in the Wolf Man tribe.

Fortunately, the second-order earth-type crystal nuclei obtained a lot after we wiped out the wolf man tribe.

It is completely sufficient to build a second-level "tempered fence" hundreds of meters long, and there is still surplus.

However, in Ye Xuan's view, all this is not enough.

To be honest, whether it is the tempered fence or the Frost Arrow Tower, they are all only second-order strength.

For the next monster siege, the second-tier fortifications are still too weak.

Other territories may only need Tier 1 defensive buildings.

But Ye Xuan felt that if his territory was only at the second level, he might not dare to look at it at all.

Therefore, in the morning, he asked Su Yaoyao and Bing Xiaotu for help.

Let them help in the world, collect higher-quality defense, attack and other buildings, or special defense props, etc.

There is still more than a day left.

If you're lucky, you might be able to acquire better blueprints for defensive buildings.

Besides, now.

There are billions of lords in the entire land of gods and demons, and there are definitely only a handful of people who can afford buildings above the third level.

After all, the resources consumed by Tier 2 buildings have already discouraged most of them.

Tier 3 buildings require more resources.

"Everyone, follow me back to the core territory first, and celebrate tonight!"

After Ye Xuan occupied the territory, he deployed his defenses.

Just took everyone and left here.

After 12 o'clock, everyone will not be able to step out of the territory!

During this time, the territory will not be attacked by any monsters.

Everyone can only stay in the territory, quietly waiting for the arrival of the monster after the seventh day.

During this time, all the lords organize resources.

Relying on your own ingenuity, when you start to make defensive arrangements.

Ye Xuan is no exception.

Soon, everyone returned to the territory.

Invited by Ye Xuan, everyone went to the Reiki Moon Well to practice.

Only Shenli and Xuemei stayed by Ye Xuan's side after practicing for a whole day without incident.

"The resources are all ready, so let's start upgrading the Tier 3 territory!"

Ye Xuan stood in front of the castle in his territory, showing excitement.

The third-tier territory, I don't know what benefits it will bring, what surprises are waiting for me.

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