As A Lord, I Recruited Female Devils

Chapter 99 Terrible Siege Battle, Second-Order Aura Moon Water

Today is the eighth day of the siege, at half past six in the morning!

Ye Xuan was not in a hurry, and after having breakfast with his subordinates, he began to deploy his forces.

After his decision, Takichi and Shenraku are in charge of guarding South Mouse City!

They brought five witches and twenty dark elf archers!

As for Beigou City, Xue Mei led twenty elven panther hunters in charge.

The dark elves and panther hunters counted forty fighters.

Moreover, the strength of the panther hunter is much stronger than that of the dark elf archer.

This combination can be said to be the best distribution at present.

Who is Ye Xuan is now a third-tier territory, with a big family and a big career!

Other lords may only need to defend the square kilometer of the core territory.

Just guard an entrance.

However, lords who are generally upgraded to Tier 2 or even Tier 3 may have more defense points.

It can be said that it is very difficult to not only defend more monsters, but also face stronger monsters.

Of course, among the current billions of lords, only Ye Xuan has been promoted to the third rank.

The second-tier lord does not need to expand the territory.

In fact, many lords also consider that the territory will become larger, which is not conducive to defense.

Therefore, even if they have the resources!

You will also choose not to upgrade the territory, but choose to upgrade the arms and buildings.

In this case, the strength will not drop, and it will be easier to defend.

As for Ye Xuan, he has strength and confidence, and he can defend himself, so it doesn't matter.

[Lords, let's start the monster siege battle! 】

[Remember, the integrity of the territory, the number of monsters killed, and the level of monsters killed will all be included in the overall score! 】

[The lord who chooses the first type of monster to attack the city, the faster the monster kills, the more and stronger the monster will be, please be careful! 】

[Know how to assess the situation and give full play to your own arms and territory's greatest advantages, in order to get more points! 】


The system prompt appears again.

All the lords also began to mobilize nervously.

In fact, each lord will face different monsters due to different places of birth and different positions.

For example, some lords are on the island and may face monsters in the sea.

Some lords were originally in the cave, and they must face underground monsters.

And the lord, on the top of the snow mountain, or above the cloud city, may face more monsters in the air.

There are also lords, born in the dark land, who will face dark creatures that are far more powerful than ordinary monsters.

Of course, there are also lords, because the natural geographical location is very hesitant, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it will be much easier than others.

Finally, there is another category, the very lucky lords.

The sound is in the territory of some powerful human empires, and the sound is protected by the empire.

Maybe when the monsters attacked the city, some NPCs from local forces even came in to help clear the monsters.

Anyway, there are all kinds of strange situations.

Luck is also a part of strength, such a lord can only be envied.

[Hey, my unit is the leader-level 'Rampaging Giant Bear', this is the territory of the bear people, they have promised to help me, this time I will definitely be able to break into the top 10,000 leaderboard! 】

[My territory is in the territory of a nobleman, and his daughter has been hooked up by me. He said that he is willing to send a knight order to help me defend. Hehe, are you envious? 】

[Wooooow, I saw a lot of strange birds gathering in the sky in the distance, and they were flying towards my territory, I was so scared! ! 】

[What are strange birds? My territory is on a small island. I have seen many huge black shadows appear in the sea. It's over. My island will not be swallowed by giant monsters, right? 】


On the World Channel, various lords spoke out.

Most of the lords seemed to be venting their fear.

Of course, there are also some lords who, relying on their own natural advantages, are pulling hatred.

It can be said that it has gradually become chaotic.

However, most of the lords didn't have time to chat.

At this time, of course we must concentrate on facing the next crisis! !

"The larger the defensive territory, the more monsters, and the more points!"

"The faster you kill monsters, the more monsters will become stronger?"

Ye Xuan stood on top of the castle, looking into the distance, excited.

It seems that expanding the scope of his territory is really a very wise choice.

Although the difficulty of defense will increase, it can also earn more points.

Since you want to hit the first place, of course you have to increase the difficulty yourself! !

Moreover, the integrity of the territory is also counted in the points.

In other words, do you have to ensure that your territory is not destroyed?

In South Rat City, he built a three-story tempered city wall, thirty Explosive Arrow Towers, and forty-six Frost Arrow Towers.

In Beigou City, two layers of toughened city walls were built, plus 25 Explosive Arrow Towers and 30 Frost Arrow Towers.

Including the consumable weapons given to him by Bing Xiaotu, there are hundreds of them in total, which can be regarded as impenetrable! !

And he, Irene, and five demon knife assassins are in charge, ready to support at any time, absolutely foolproof! !

"Second-level aura moon well, functions: 1. Increase the richness of the aura in the territory. 2. Sitting next to the aura moon well can increase the speed of practice and comprehension (sit quietly for an hour, increase the fixed experience value, no more than 30% a day!) , 3, the use of the aura water can enhance physical fitness and strengthen meridians! 4, can produce 10 bottles of aura moon water every day (can build six seats, more functions, need to upgrade the level)”

[Second-level aura moon water: restore 30% of physical strength and vitality instantly, and within ten seconds, 6% of various states will be recovered every second. This is aura well water with good detoxification effect, soothes fear, long-term consumption, and strengthens the body keep fit! ! 】

"The effect of this second-order aura moon water is really strong!"

Ye Xuan looked at the ice blue vial in his hand, slightly surprised.

This is the new potion obtained after the construction of the Reiki Moonwell today. There are ten bottles in total.

Ye Xuan took a look and found that his most important attribute should be 'calm the heart of fear'!

In the face of endless powerful monsters, if you can dispel your fear, you will definitely be able to exert a stronger combat power.

As long as those wounded troops consume the second-level aura moon water, they will immediately become alive and well.

At this time, the time came to 7:59 minutes, and it was time for the monsters to attack the city.

"Lord big brother, look quickly, a monster has appeared!!"

"Hee hee, I'm really looking forward to facing powerful enemies, and Irene also wants to meet new challenges!"

Erin sat on Ye Xuan's shoulder, gently shook Ye Xuan's earlobe, and spoke excitedly! !

Hearing Irene's prompt, Ye Xuan tensed up slightly, put away his thoughts, and looked into the distance.

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