"Could it be..." Ye Yi quickly checked the information on the computer. Biqu library

He searched on the search engine:

black box.

Flight data recorder, or flight information recording system. Modern commercial aircraft generally install two black boxes, namely "cockpit voice recorder" and "flight data recorder", which are used for aircraft accident investigation, maintenance and flight tests.

This kind of thing is generally loaded in the safest position and made of the strongest material.

"Impossible." Ye Yi quickly wrote and drew on the paper.

The opponent is a third-level civilization.

Is it possible that they have skipped that entity stage.

Signal box!

When Ye thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

In that battle, not a single Apocalypse star left Blue Star.

However, it does not mean that there is no signal and no information is transmitted.

"If that's the case..." Ye Yi took a breath and said, "The other party may already be on his way!"

Ye Yi got up and hurriedly walked outside.


"What is your background?"

Lin Luo looked at Dabai who was eating crazily.

I thought it might not adapt to human society, but later Lin Luo realized that he was thinking too much.

Sleep after eating, eat after sleeping, and hold that egg all day...

The land of China is indeed rich in food.

However, there is no shortage of food in China now, and some bears that were not dared to eat before have now become home-cooked meat.

As for some high-quality meat with a certain age, it is a sought-after item.

Just as Lin Luo was about to go to sleep, he heard footsteps outside and Ye Yi gasped and shouted:

"Brother Lin Luo!"


The door was pushed open suddenly.

Lin Luo looked at the pale boy in front of him and asked, "What happened?"

He hurriedly got up, Ye Yi said anxiously at this time: "I thought of it."

"I thought about it, what is that gap in the opponent's energy system."

Lin Luo paused.

Ye Yi once told him about this problem.

However, many scientists at the time believed that that was just a structure designed by the other party, and it didn't have much meaning.

However, Ye Yi has always cared about it.

"It's a black box." Ye Yi said with certainty, "It should be called an information box."

"The people of Apocalypse can already transmit the appearance of the mecha in the form of energy."

"Well, they can definitely do it, put

This box is informatized. "

Lin Luo raised his eyes when he heard this, and said, "Are you sure?"

"It can't be said that this is the only possibility, but..." Ye Yi sighed, and said, "I can't think of any other greater possibility."

When the voice fell, Lin Luo glanced at the starry sky outside.

At this moment, the starry sky is bright.

However, in Lin Luo's eyes, the deep space is deep and threatening.

He remembered a sentence:

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

Lin Luo once thought about taking revenge, but never thought that the other party would also take revenge.

"Sure enough..." Lin Luo clenched his fists tightly and said, "Sure enough, it's not over yet."

"However, this time, the result will be different!"

"The fate of mankind has changed!"


On the second day, generals and commanders from all over the country were urgently summoned to Beijing.

At this moment, a meeting belonging to the top level has also started.

"...The above is Ye Yi's guess." Lin Luo scanned the audience.

For a while, the audience was silent.

Everyone thought the war was over.

Although they have not let up, they have been working hard to become stronger.

However, I never thought that the fog of war was so close.

Chen An let out a sigh of relief, and was hurriedly called by Lin Luo for a meeting. He thought that there was some major breakthrough, but he never thought that it would be such a situation. He said, "Whether it's true or not, I'm willing to believe in Ye Yi."

"Whether there are enemies coming or not, but we can already confirm one thing..."

"The deep space of the universe has endless threats."

"This day, if you don't come, tomorrow...one day, you will come."

Chen An stood up, and everyone followed suit. He swept to the others and said, "I declare that we have entered a state of emergency readiness to deal with threats from outer space."

"All departments must work out detailed preventive measures and plans within three days."

"Yes." Everyone nodded in unison.

When the others dispersed, Chen An saw Lin Luo's pensive look, and said, "What are you thinking?"

"The opponent is too strong." Lin Luo said.

Chen An had a meal.

"In the past, we were able to succeed because of the Annihilation Plan." Lin Luo said: "We relied on the bravery of the Yinlong Army and the luck of Ye Yi to complete the impossible counterattack."

"Otherwise, the entire Blue Star, already

destroyed. "

Chen An nodded.

But in fact, what he wanted to say was that Lin Luo could win that war.

"However, if the opponent is coming for revenge, how many enemies will they bring?"



"I believe in the bravery of the Heavenly Soldiers, but..." Lin Luo said:

"Today's Blue Star is still a blank sheet of paper."

"If the blue star is destroyed, we are also finished."


"If possible, it is best to be able to intercept the opponent in outer space."

Hearing this, Chen An couldn't help frowning.

As Lin Luo said, human beings are too weak after all to deal with the super destructive power of each other.

"I'll think about it, think about it again..." Lin Luo said as he walked outside.

Seeing this scene, Chen An was filled with guilt.

In this kind of matter, he can't help Lin Luo.

He turned his head involuntarily and looked at the ptt made by Ye Yi behind him. The words on it were the theme of this meeting:

New threat!


Late at night, Lin Luo's room was brightly lit.

He sat quietly on the table alone, at this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Lin Luo looked up and saw Wu Wenbo, Yang Jun, Ye Yi and so on.

Many people, all of them came.

Lin Luo couldn't help but pause.

"This is...."

"Come to kill the bear tonight." Yang Jun teased.

Dabai who was sleeping on the bed suddenly opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and turned around with his mouth pouted in an instant, hugging his eggs...

That seems to mean that this group of people is really annoying.

I really miss the flesh on my body.

It's just that he's a little fatter, and it's not his fault.

"This blue star is not only yours, but also ours." Yang Jun sat down and said seriously: "If something happens, we can discuss it together. Multiple brains are always good."

"Yes." The others sat down one after another.

Lin Luo laughed too, and said, "Xia Qian, go get some food."

Xia Qian nodded slightly, and left towards the distance, while voices gradually sounded from the room behind her...

Sounds of the night.

A night of lights.

When Dabai woke up the next day with his eggs in his arms, he found that all these guys had disappeared.

It patted its belly and got up, complaining that the group of guys didn't ask it to get up to eat, and saw a document on the table.

Unfortunately, it is illiterate.

On the cover of the document, it was written in Chinese characters in block letters:

Nantianmen Project!

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