A star is a symbol of a galaxy.

Stars are giant spheres of glowing plasma, mostly hydrogen and helium, with traces of heavier elements.

There are nearly 300 billion stars in the Milky Way alone.

One can imagine how big the universe is.

Now on the edge of the Milky Way close to the solar system, on the leading space battleship, Moss Jon looked at the distant sun and scanned the data in front of him.

"This star has existed long enough." Moss Jon said.

The Apocalypse man next to him said:

"This star is already on the decline."

"That proves that the information we collected before is not wrong."

"In the solar system, it is impossible for any advanced civilization to exist."

In the universe, there is an eternal law.

It is impossible for advanced civilizations to live in a remote and fading star environment.

They will search for new star habitats in advance, which is too simple for an advanced civilization.

"How far?" Moss Jon asked.

"We have slowed down the speed. After all, there is no interstellar channel in such a remote place." The Apocalypse replied: "It is about one week."

Moss Jon waved his hand lightly, and the speaker retreated tactfully. Moss Jon stared at the direction of the blue star ahead, and whispered to himself:

"Wobala Mida, my brother, did you die in such a backward place?"

"This is too useless."

"However... I will let these people go and bury you with you."


On January 5th, four days have passed since the heavenly soldiers were launched into space.

On this day, a historic scene was completed.

A Million Soldiers...Ascended!

It can be seen that on the moon, on Mars, those air bases, and inside the space station are all people.

Today's Mars and the moon are no longer no man's land.

Although it is not suitable for habitation, a large number of buildings are established here.

And this news also spread to Blue Star.

"Millions of heavenly soldiers ascend to the sky?"

"Just kidding."

"Not only that, other countries have also dispatched some nearly 300,000 troops to participate in the use of machinery and defense engineering."

"This blue star is not only from Huaxia, but also

Ours, of course, is to contribute. "

"It's a pity, we also want to do our part."

Netizens from all over the world are rare, after all, this is a matter of survival.

However, they can't do much. The only thing they can do is to cooperate with the country's work and actively prepare for defense.

At the space center base, Lin Luo frowned as he looked at the report in his hand.

It's getting closer.

At this moment, the correspondent told Lin Luo that Zhu Yihui requested to communicate.

Lin Luo opened it, and saw Zhu Yihui's picture.

"Master Lin." Zhu Yihui greeted habitually.

Lin Luo raised his head, and Zhu Yihui said, "I have forwarded the surveillance video of Zhang San waking up."

Lin Luo nodded and asked, "What happened before he woke up?"

"Look." Zhu Yihui pointed to the screen behind and said to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo saw that there were three lines on it.

The first line, the green line, represents the normal gene.

The second, red line, represents the lifeline.

The third line, the black line, is the line of the second-order gene lock.

It can be seen that in just one day, the latter two lines are like riding a roller coaster, going straight up, and when they are almost invisible on the screen, they suddenly jump and fall straight down.

"What happened during this period?" Zhu Yihui was also puzzled, and said to Lin Luo: "When he woke up, his eyes were red, and he sat there in a daze for 30 minutes."

"We dare not approach him."

"Then, he asked, where is Master Lin Luo?"

"As for the rest, you already know."

Lin Luo nodded and asked, "I'll conduct another genetic test on him."

"Okay." Zhu Yihui nodded.

In fact, the purpose of his communication this time is exactly the same.

You know, the black and red lines are much higher than Li Donglai and Yang Jun.


In the evening, Lin Luo conducted a basic physical examination on Zhang San, and then looked at the genetic chain.


Even weaker than Yang Jun and Li Donglai.

"Am I okay?" Zhang San asked.

"It's okay." Lin Luo hesitated to speak, he wanted to ask what happened to Zhang San.

But after thinking about it, forget it again.

Lin Luo packed up his tools and said to him

Said: "Since your test results have not come out for a long time, the Dark Night Army will assign you a Shenlong Army this time."

"Yes." Zhang San got up and shouted like a soldier.

"Relax." Lin Luo smiled, he still had a good impression of Zhang San.

Zhang San is different from Yang Jun, he was born as a commoner.

Such a person will understand life better.

After Lin Luo finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

Zhang San suddenly asked at this time: "General Manager Lin."

Lin Luo turned around.

"If this battle fails, will you choose to stay or run away?"

Hearing this kind of question suddenly, Lin Luo was taken aback.

If it is Yang Jun, he must scold Zhang San for being bloody.

But as Lin Luo said before, Zhang San is just an ordinary person.

Lin Luo just smiled and asked, "What about you?"

Zhang San paused.

"You have already made your choice, haven't you?" Lin Luo added: "Zhang San, don't think too much, you are who you are, follow your intuition."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Luo turned around and left directly.

But Zhang San was still thinking about that sentence.

You've made your choice, haven't you?

Marshal Lin.

You really are not an ordinary person!

Maybe...you've already noticed it.


In this way, after another two days, more and more people took off, and the triangle defense system built with Mars, Moon, and Blue Star is constantly being improved.

The only thing left is to wait for the arrival of the enemy.

In the past two days, more and more detectors have detected the trace of the other party.

The opponent's speed fluctuates from time to time, and according to the signal positioning system, it can be judged that the opponent is aggressive this time.

"General Manager Lin's judgment is correct. If we really want them to fall into the Blue Star, we can only die." At this moment, the scientists at the central command base are constantly refreshing the data and sending out reports.

Ye Yi also stood beside him, asking like a qualified conductor, "Can the time be locked?"


"Ten days." The other party replied.

Hearing this, Ye Yi couldn't help but glance in front of the starry sky.

These high-tech projects have not been completed by human beings for five thousand years, and they are even unthinkable.

But all of this is just a game.

It is also the beginning of this war.

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