On the ground of the blue star, half of the people in the dark night raised their heads, and could see the flickering red star point directly hitting the blue star point in the night sky.

On the other side, the eyes were fixed on the picture.

Watching the first space battleship on the blue star, with an extremely high-spirited attitude, ruthlessly slammed into the steel behemoth that was bigger than it.

They were so nervous that their hairs stood on end.


There was a loud crash.

An almost full-screen exploding sea of ​​flames.

And the countless prayers and screams of humanity.

At this moment, all the sounds intertwined and resounded through the starry sky!


Lin Luo witnessed those two huge steel monsters colliding fiercely together, and the huge energy fluctuation set off layer after layer of explosion ripples in the universe.

"Turn on the protection mode." The staff turned on the defense mode in time.

Countless pieces of rubble came crashing down on this central command base.


After the loud noise, the place of impact completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Lin Luo didn't hold any expectations or prayers in his eyes.

He believed in Ye Yi.

Trust all staff.

He called Li Donglai in the communication system and said:

"I'm Lin Luo."

"I'm Li Donglai."

"It's time to get ready!" Lin Luo said, "Are you confident?"

Li Donglai was silent for a second, then his voice became louder, and he said: "I can't live up to the nightmares I had during the few days of awakening the second-order gene lock."

Lin Luo smiled and turned off the communicator.

He watched the huge sea of ​​flames gradually fade away.

The crucial moment has come.

If it succeeds, the Nantianmen plan...

Initial results!

The efforts of everyone in Blue Star this year will not be in vain.


drip drip drip...

The violent beeping of the machine made the captain of Yongsheng 4 very upset.

This is a crushing situation, but it needs to be covered by others.

This time I will be laughed at.

"...the protective cover is badly damaged and must be restarted!"

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the supercomputer analysis.

Shield needs to be restarted.

That's all.

"Restart immediately." The captain shouted


"Clearing the flame breath, preparing to restart work..."

"Turn off the energy protection system!"

"Countdown: 13 minutes!"

The captain of Eternal Life 4 immediately said to Moss Jon in the voice: "Your Excellency, Captain, I need cover."

"Understood." Moss Jon replied.

After finishing all this, the captain turned off the communication system and sneered.

In fact, he didn't need to do this at all. Thirteen minutes, he couldn't do much at all.

But Apocalypse has clear colonial military regulations, that is, everything must follow safety instructions to avoid accidents and casualties.


And on a small base not far from the explosion, Li Donglai led thousands of soldiers standing here, looking ahead. Biqu library

The fireworks in front of me are so gorgeous, but no one is in the mood to appreciate it all.

Because at this time, they have more important things to do.

At the moment when the blue protective cover disappeared, Li Donglai suddenly raised his head, and Lin Luo's voice came again from his communicator:

"Hunting plan, action!"

Li Donglai turned his head and shouted: "Let's go!"

Everyone flew directly over a small round sphere placed next to it.

death star.

This is a small and efficient space vehicle.

Its speed can surpass the speed of kx-18.

The defense ability is top notch.

The moment they boarded the Death Star, countless Death Stars lifted off in various bases, large and small.

This time the plan, how could it be only a thousand people.

There are two million people in this interstellar world.


The huge jet was activated, and the Death Star launched directly towards the huge Immortal 4.

Lin Luo also saw this scene from a distance, he took a deep breath, and muttered to himself: "We must catch up!"

But at this moment, countless dead stars suddenly lit up in the starry sky, so naturally they couldn't escape the developed intelligent system on the opposite side.

"Enemy attack detected."

"There is a place that enters the range of the shield, do you want to attack?"


"The opponent is too close, and the attack will affect the battleship. Do you want to attack?"

"Ask other fleets to help attack!"

"Close all hatches!"

The captain of Eternal Life 4 heard

Here, I can't help but panic.

Such a large space battleship, without an energy shield, is still quite a panic.

However, what is the intention of the other party?


When all this happened outside the Immortal 4 battleship, the deputy commander of the United Army on the moon had received a new order from Lin Luo.

The whole plan is interlocking.

They are no decoration.


"Are you going to attack?" Suddenly there was a loud panting sound, and the deputy commander turned his head and saw Doki Meade.

The one who died in the beamgun.

With him, there is that group of soldiers.

"You...you..." The deputy commander was stunned.

The soldiers next to him were also stunned.

What the hell?

With such a loud explosion, how could he not die?

"Want me to die?" Doki Meade wiped the blood off his face.

"No, no, I....I am...." The deputy commander said excitedly: "The coalition army is ready and has received orders from the commander-in-chief. I request the commander-in-chief to issue an attack order!"

He is still unbelievable.

This explosion...

How could he not be dead.

Dorkey Meade scanned the audience and said, "United Army, activate!"

"Let the enemy also see the firepower of our Blue Stars!"




Different voices interlaced, and then on the high mountain, countless electromagnetic cannons were raised again.

"This time, you don't have a shield, do you?"

"Give me a hard bang!"


"Cover Eternal Life 4!" Moss Jon shouted, and countless battleships were ready to attack the Death Star.

However, a large number of Death Stars are too close to Yongsheng 4.

The weapons on the Immortal Colony are basically powerful firepower, and the Immortal 4 has no protective cover, so it will definitely be affected.

"Clear distant aircraft."

"Don't be afraid, they can't open the hatch of the spaceship!" Moss Jon frowned slightly as he said so.

What kind of conspiracy do these blue star people have?

At this moment, on the moon, artillery fire rang out again, and countless artillery fires shot towards the huge Yongsheng No. 4.

At this moment, Moss Jon woke up like a dream.

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