When Moss Jon heard this, he was in a bad mood.

But at this time, only a large number of heavenly soldiers rushed directly onto the space battleship.

Even if you want to activate the butcher, it will take time.

After all, how could such a big killer be activated in an instant.

His body was shaking involuntarily.

Perhaps at this moment, this man finally understood...

How did his good brother Wobala Mida die.


"Operation Retrieval...begins."

Standing on Yongsheng No. 4, Yang Jun smiled when he saw this scene.

He held up the knife and said to the people next to him: "You guys watch, my hands are itchy, go kill two people to add to the fun..."

"..." The Heavenly Soldiers next to him were speechless.


I'm jealous.

They also want to go.

But, there is no way, who made Yang Jun the coach, he has to obey his orders.

They watched Yang Jun leave, but when they turned around, they heard Ye Yi's voice saying: "Don't press randomly, these are all good things, wait for me to come..."


On the other side, Lin Luo watched everything that happened, and then looked at Moss Jon.

The reason why he was kept was to let him see all this.

Now, after reading it, he has no meaning to live.

"Kill it." Lin Luo said lightly.

Moss Jon's pupils shrank, and the energy of the mecha had been secretly stored for a long time. Just as he raised his hand, a figure appeared in front of him.

is a woman.

Deadpan woman.

The moment she cut off with two big knives in her hands, Moss Jon's consciousness completely disappeared at this moment.

with resentment...

With aggrieved, completely left this world.

The colonists had long thought that there would be a day when they would die.

But when he came, he didn't think of it.

When he fell, the communicator that Moss Jon was holding also slipped from his hand.

Lin Luo looked over, and outside the lens, Alvin Callum also happened to look over.

The two looked at each other for just a second...

There was no other communication, but Lin Luo didn't see any panic in the man's eyes.

this person...

not simple.

This was Lin Luo's intuition, and at this time, the picture completely disappeared.

Xia Qian firmly caught the communicator and asked, "What is this?"

"Just keep it..." Lin Luo guessed the other party's background, and said, "Your brother Ye Yi will like it."


In the galaxy palace of Apocalypse, Tati Corey is looking at the beauties below who are singing and dancing...

The alien emperor is also welcome.

At this moment, a voice sounded from outside the door: "I have seen the respected Lord Callum!"

Hearing this, Tati Corey got up quickly and saw Alvin Callum in a hurry

come here.

"What happened?" Tadi Corey asked.

"Immediately shut down all the means of contact with the Blue Star Space Battleship, as well as their intelligent backup central library..." Alvin Callum said.

Tati Cory paused, and then said in surprise: "Moss Jon... something happened?"

"They can't come back anymore." Alvin Callum said coldly.

"Is there really a treasure on that planet?" Tati Corey said.

Unexpectedly, Alvin Callum said coldly:

"Now is not the time to talk about treasures, but we have offended a powerful enemy...."

"Fortunately, their alien technology is not well developed."

"So, block everything... at least our positioning should not be exposed."

Tati Corey woke up suddenly and said, "I'll do it now."

Alvin Callum nodded, and whispered to himself at the same time: "The treasure of the legendary civilization, it seems that it hasn't become stronger yet..."

He was thinking about the future of Apocalypse civilization.

as well as...

Blue Star Treasure.


At the beginning of the network collection plan, when Moss Jon died, it meant that this war had completely become a crushing scene.

However, that is an army of tens of millions after all.

So, after occupying their spaceship, Lin Luo adopted the method of a certain war.


On the first day, people from this army were sent to practice.

The next day, make another batch.

Those Apocalypse people are simply torture, they are frantically fleeing on this planet.

Even, some surrendered.

But at this moment, in the barracks, Yang Jun and the others looked at Lin Luo who was writing something, waiting for his reply.


Kill or not?

"Kill them all." Almost without hesitation, Lin Luo raised his head.

"Yes." Yang Jun and the coaches immediately nodded.

Didn't ask any more words.

There is no mercy in war.

What's more, these are aliens.

Just imagine, if humans lose, what kind of consequences will it be?

Seeing Yang Jun and the others go out, Lin Luo got up, walked outside, and asked Xia Qian who was standing by, "Has Ye Yi arrived yet?"

"Here we come." Xia Qian said, "I guess I don't have time to talk to you, and I'm studying his spaceship."

Lin Luo smiled wryly and was about to turn his head when he heard a few angry animal cries from the side.

Lin Luo froze for a moment, and looked into the distance, only to see Dabai losing his temper...

Walking over, I saw the group of soldiers coaxing and lying, and said:

"Roasted chicken is delicious. What's so delicious about the meat of these monsters?"

"That's right, what if it's poisonous?"

"Good job."

These soldiers were ashamed, and understood that the reason for the trouble was because they wanted to eat meat.

"General Manager Lin." Suddenly someone noticed Lin Luo and called him quickly.

Dabai saw Lin Luo coming

, pointing to the flesh of a giant beast next to it...

"Eat, bake it for you, you are a great contributor." Lin Luo smiled and patted its belly.


This stupid bear is so capable, it seems that we need to dig out its origin.

Dabai didn't know the danger in this human's heart, so he was very happy when he heard that there was something to eat, and called the heavenly soldiers next to him to grill it.

Lin Luo couldn't help shaking his head.

It's really a foodie.

These giant beasts are not in human form, they belong to beasts, and they can indeed eat.

He simply didn't go back to the barracks, just stayed where he was, picked up the piece of paper and came out to read.

After a while, a scent came...

"It smells so good!" said a heavenly soldier.

Many people swallowed.

It is really fragrant and can be spread hundreds of meters away.

And Dabai sat on the ground chubby, his mouth was full of oil, when he heard these words, he wrinkled his nose and stared around...

That means, this is mine, don't grab it.

The Tianbing next to him wanted to eat it, but he was too embarrassed to grab it from a bear.

At this moment, footsteps sounded next to him, Dabai raised his head, and saw Lin Luo's benevolent smile...

"Dabai, share some with me?"


"Agreed? You are such a good bear."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Dabai became anxious.

"Thank you for understanding, because of you, let us discover good food..."

"Why are you still standing there, don't you want to eat?"

When the group of heavenly soldiers heard this, they couldn't bear it anymore.

Just pick up Wufeng and cut the meat to eat...

Lin Luo also picked it up and took a bite.

Not to mention.

These third-tier behemoths are really delicious.


"Ding! You ate the meat of the Herald Behemoth and got the devouring buff..."

"...your genes can grow!"

I rely on.

And this benefit!



Not with such a bully bear.

Damn humans!

After more than half an hour, Li Donglai also came over with a bandage, picked up a piece of meat and began to eat it, and at the same time approached Lin Luo and said, "You %@¥#@¥!¥..."

"How to curse people?" Lin Luo looked up.

"I said, just after the war, what are you planning?"

"No... no calculations, just idle and bored, reading novels." Lin Luo said without blinking.

"It's a lie, who would read novels on paper, but now they read them on Tomatoes." Li Donglai said.

"Really? You understand very well. Isn't tomato a kind of food?" Lin Luo smiled and folded the document guiltily.

Li Donglai's IQ seems to have evolved a bit, how did he guess that he was reading the proposal.

But despite his quick hands, Li Donglai still saw the words on the cover.

It is also the one that Chen An saw in Lin Luo's office before:

Counterattack the apocalypse plan!

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