"Power?" Both Lin Luo and the team leader were astonished, and the latter was even sweating.

Are you talking about legends? Could it be that there is still a mysterious force on the moon?

Lin Luo pondered, and said: "Although there is no comment on this matter, there is no rush. At present, the first priority is to treat the wounded."

"Yes." The team leader saluted and left, Ye Yi went back to study his blueprint.

Only Lin Luo looked up and looked at a small dot in the distance.

Looking at the Moon from Mars, it appears even smaller.

Could it be...

Something to do with the moon?


Things on Mars are being dealt with one after another, and Blue Star has also sent a large number of staff to take over the work. After all, the heavenly soldiers need to rest after the battle.

"Leave it to me here." Even, Chen An came in person.

Lin Luo nodded.

"Thank you." Chen An saluted.

Putting down his hands, Chen An glanced at the battlefield again, and couldn't help but also gasped.

For a long time, humans have wanted to set foot on Mars and explore this planet close to the blue star.

Unexpectedly, the day he stepped foot, blood flowed like a river.

Here, there are densely packed corpses.

It is conceivable what kind of war took place here.

Another day later, Lin Luo finally boarded the spaceship back. Because the area of ​​the blue star is too small, these spaceships have to stay on Mars. Since there are still Apocalypse people on Mars, there are also celestial soldiers here. Guarded.

"I'm finally going back." Yang Jun sat on the chair in the cabin and said, "Don't tell me, their cushion design is really good, this piece doesn't look like artificial leather... Well, it must have killed something Made by monsters."

Seeing that Lin Luo didn't respond, Yang Jun raised his head and found that Lin Luo was looking up. He then looked up and found that it was the moon.

"What's there to see? It's dark and not autumnal." Yang Jun said.

Here is the back side of the moon, all black.

"Tell me, why is the moon so close to the blue star?" Lin Luo suddenly said to himself.

"Hey, I understand." Yang Jun suddenly felt disrespectful, and said, "This is the attraction between men and women, maybe our Blue Star is an attractive man, and Yue

Liang is a beautiful woman, hand in hand. "

All the heavenly soldiers beside him laughed, and suddenly a person said, "It's so beautiful."

Everyone looked up, and they saw a blue planet surrounded by oceans.

Looking at it this way, it is really beautiful.

At this moment, everyone looked over, and the strange silence in the cabin...

No one admired the scenery when they came, but they were all amazed when they returned.

Accompanied by the change, their expressions became more determined.

This is the homeland of human beings and their bottom line.

They will definitely keep the peace of Blue Star...

Unless, those intruders stepped on their bodies.


The spacecraft goes directly through the atmosphere and flies towards the equator, where it will stop over the South Island.

But at this moment, although the launch base was on alert tens of thousands of meters away, it was still crowded with people.

Someone shouted: "There it is!"

Suddenly everyone looked up.

"Master Lin!"

"Master Lin!!!"

People started cheering.

Just now, someone broke the news that Master Lin would return today, which caused a large crowd to come here, all wanting to witness the true face of this savior in their hearts.

As the spaceship got closer, people became more and more nervous.

Finally, the hatch opened.

"Master Lin!!!"


The moment Lin Luo's figure appeared, waves of mountains and tsunamis were set off below.

No matter how attractive the star is compared with it, it is simply out of reach.

Lin Luo glanced down and smiled slightly.

"So handsome!"

"I'm overwhelmed."

"Ah!!! He smiled at me, I'm going to faint."

"You're fucking a man, you're dizzy, don't disgust me."

"What kind of woman is worthy of him."

Everyone was talking excitedly, and suddenly someone shouted: "Welcome the hero back!"

Suddenly, the audience erupted into shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Lin Luo said that it is impossible not to be infected. From an unknown college student, he has now become the savior on the blue star.

Therefore, the fate of people is unpredictable.

When Lin Luo landed, he saw a man standing there waiting for him in the distance.

Lin Luo landed and respected straight

Li, just like the previous battle, just replied lightly:

"Report, Operation Starry Sky is complete!"

All the people in the audience were moved.

In the seemingly short war, only they know the hidden crisis.

One wrong step, then...

Humanity is destroyed.

They can't afford to lose at all.


Back in Tianjing, under the strong order of the man, Lin Luo took a day off.

There was no way, the man sent five big men over, telling Lin Luo to rest no matter what.

Lin Luo can only take a day off forcibly, and it is rare for him not to use his brain to think.

I slept for most of the day, then took a walk with the bear, ate delicious food, and went out for a stroll...

One day, soon to be over.

"Look, it's past 12 o'clock in the morning." Lin Luo handed the phone to the big man.

The big bodyguard insisted: "There are still two minutes, General Manager Lin, don't make things difficult for us."

"...." Lin Luo was speechless.

However, the big bodyguard then smiled slightly, and then the five of them took a step back, bowed slightly to Lin Luo, saluted Lin Luo, and left.

Lin Luo was liberated. He immediately went to the Hope Biological Base, where a new project was underway.

Tier 3 behemoth.

The power of the third-level behemoth is very huge, not one or two times stronger than the sub-green beast.

By the time Lin Luo arrived at the laboratory, Zhu Yihui had already led the team to conduct research.

"Mr. Lin!" Everyone cheered when they saw Lin Luo coming in.

Lin Luo nodded slightly, and said to Zhu Yihui: "How is it?"

Zhu Yihui picked up a stick bone next to him and said, "Why do these bones smell like barbecue, are they hallucinations?"

"Should...it should be." Lin Luo sweated.

Fortunately, Zhu Yihui didn't ask the bottom line, and said, "Come and see, what is this?"

Lin Luo looked over at this time, and saw something like a round bead inside the third-level behemoth.

"This should be the beast core, which is the key place where these giant beasts emit huge energy."

"Is it possible for humans to form something like this?" Lin Luo asked.

"That's impossible." Zhu Yihui said: "It's unrealistic to sink one's qi into the dantian at present."

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