"Yes!" Ye Yi suddenly came to his senses.

Wobala Mida's fleet was completely wiped out, and they could only send a distress signal back.

Then, no matter how clever the opponent is, it is impossible to predict how Wobala Mida attacked in the first place.

"I'll look for it now." Wu Shan hurried out, and everyone hurriedly followed.


Time flies, and a year is fleeting.

The First Five-Year Plan has finally entered a period of peak development and has achieved significant development results.

"Fire energy gene..."

In the Huaxia biological base, Zhu Yihui looked at Yang Jun who stood up, and his pupils also changed slightly.

"Bring me the knife." Yang Jun said.

At this time, someone handed over a Wufeng, Yang Jun picked it up, looked at the puppet in front of him, and when he clenched his hands tightly, he swung the knife away.

At the same time, red light flooded the blade.

When the blade touched the puppet, there was a bang, which made many unprepared people tremble.

Looking again, there are traces of explosions on the ground.

"Cool! Cool!!!" Yang Jun laughed loudly.

Now that he has obtained the fire energy gene brought by the third-level behemoth, his destructive power is even stronger...

In other words, only after obtaining this gene chain can the power of the second-order gene lock gene be brought into full play.

But it's a pity that only the geneticists of strength can unravel this characteristic.

Lin Luo also observed the whole scene and was very satisfied, and said to Zhu Yihui: "From this point of view, this is not so dangerous."

"It should be said that it is a strengthening of strength." Zhu Yihui said: "There has not been a qualitative change yet."

Lin Luo nodded.

In fact, the fire energy gene can also increase the combat effectiveness several times, but compared with the real gene lock stage, it is still far behind.

"I don't know what's going on in space." Lin Luo said.

"It should start." Zhu Yihui said.

While they were talking, all the scientists at the Mars scientific research base were waiting outside, looking at Yinhe 2 in front of them.

Galaxy 1 has become history, so the later space battleships are all distinguished by numbers.

"Everyone, please pay attention, everyone, please pay attention!"

"Please dress carefully, global

The live broadcast is ready to start! "

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the broadcast.

These scientists generally don't pay much attention to dressing up, they are looking forward, excited.

After a year of maintenance and deciphering, it is finally time to usher in the initial results.

This time the goal is to...

Interstellar flight test.

At this time, the director started the live broadcast, and a large number of viewers had been waiting for a long time.

"Are we really going to start an interstellar voyage?"

"I didn't expect that I would be able to see it alive."

"Brother, you died too early. If you die a few years later, you will be able to see it!"


The enthusiasm of Blue Star's audience can be imagined, even that of Huaxia's audience.

Although today's soldiers have a great impact on human beings, many people know that the future of human beings may be infinite evolution.

However, interstellar travel is the dream of countless human beings.

Huaxia even has such a saying:

Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!

I thought it was out of reach, but I didn't expect...

close at hand.


"Ready to start!"

"Galaxy 2, solar system navigation test, start!"

Following Wu Shan's cry, the Yinhe immediately began to shine brightly.

"The energy shield is activated!"

"Energy system, activate!"

"Spaceship intelligent launch system, start!"

"Turn on primary speed..."

Ye Yi stood on the spaceship, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

When he was just born, he was very confused. He even thought about why people should live.

In the past few years, Ye Yi has experienced too much and learned too much.

He finally understands what is the meaning of life.


The huge launch of the Yinhe caused smoke and dust to rise everywhere on Mars, just like the barrage in the live broadcast room, which was completely covered at this moment.

"Wish you all the best!"

"Human beings are finally going to the universe!"

"My big brother announces that China has entered the era of stars and seas!"

After Yinhe 2 successfully left Mars, the live broadcast was switched to an internal mode.

The entire live broadcast lasted for two months, and there was no urine point during the whole process. The daily audience in the live broadcast room seemed to have no need to sleep...

The route of the interstellar voyage test is very long, half a circle around half the solar system.


, they stopped at the edge of the solar system.

Because they also know that stepping out of the solar system is an important historical milestone for Blue Star.

This historic moment is naturally waiting for the army to go to the starry sky.

This piece of news lasted on Blue Star for half a year, and was finally replaced by the next topic.


In the second year, the mecha research and development team in Eagle Country successfully produced mechas and recruited the coalition forces on a large scale.

In addition, people from the Blue Star member countries began to inject secondary genetic reagents on a large scale to obtain the enhanced ability to strengthen the foundation, and many people successfully became mech warriors.

They also understand that they are not the main force, but they can provide better services for the Heavenly Soldiers.

Just this, still makes their blood boil.

"Hahaha, I got it. It wasn't easy. I waited in line for three days and three nights."

"I only got it through a relationship, woo woo woo."

"I spent a lot of money, but it doesn't matter."

These people also know that the expansion of the whole people will still be carried out in the future, but they all want to obtain such abilities as soon as possible.

And they all want to participate in this interstellar battle.

Contribute to the souls of the dead, to history.

After all, most of the casualties back then were their relatives.

As for the Chinese people, they are a bit of a joke...

Today, 80% of the people in the country have been injected with the first-order genetic reagents, and the rate of ability enhancement is simply not comparable to them.

Moreover, it has reached such an incomparably introverted level.

"Inject the genetic reagent. If you haven't injected it yet, hurry up and register."

"Don't be afraid, those who fail, as long as they enter the training base for a month of special training, there will be no problem at all!"

"Brother, did you inject the genetic reagent?"


"I don't believe it, you punch it twice to see, don't lie!"


"Little brother, stop crawling on the ground, have you injected the genetic reagent?"

"Soldier big brother, my younger brother is only half a year old and can't speak yet..."

"Oh. Remember to come after that one year old. Have you played it? Well... you haven't played it, right. Catch it for a test!"


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