However, this is half a year later.

In fact, after defeating Apocalypse, Blue Star's civilization has undergone a qualitative change. A civilization like Proteus is not as good as Apocalypse, and now it is no longer as difficult as before, requiring various tactics.

"...So, after half a year, push it horizontally." As Lin Luo said, he walked into his office with a bear and a group of people.

Suddenly, I saw dust all over the floor.

"I'm not here, why don't you clean it for me?" Lin Luo turned around and looked at Chen An dissatisfied.

Chen An said: "It was you who said that we foodies are not allowed to get close to your eggs."

" it?" Lin Luo turned his head to look at the egg and walked over, suddenly speechless.

It has been eight years, and this egg has not yet hatched.

I knew it was cooked and eaten at the beginning.

"It seems that the pressure from the pots and pans is still not strong enough, just stick a few knives next to you next time." Lin Luo knocked on the egg and asked, "Dabai, when will this egg hatch?" ?”

He didn't hear a response, Lin Luo turned his head away, only to see Dabai sound asleep.

"It's not too dirty, so I can sleep like this." Lin Luo sat on the chair and sighed, picked up the documents on the table and looked at them.

Chen An and the others next to him smiled, and when they were about to speak, Yang Jun suddenly made a shush gesture. At this moment, Chen An and the others saw that Lin Luo's eyes had been closed, and occasionally there was the sound of breathing.

"Let him sleep." Yang Jun said in a low voice: "After entering the solar system, he hardly slept. He was worried about this and that, although he said he was not worried..."

Chen An and the others looked at Lin Luo with nothing but admiration in their eyes.

They walked out quietly, and then the place became extremely silent, only one person and one bear in the house were sleeping soundly.


At this moment, a global notification sent by the Blue Star Alliance swept in again.

At this moment, most people in the world are confused.

After all, what happens on Mars is not even known to many people.

They only knew that when the sudden announcement came out, everyone was stunned.



"Damn it, it turned out that it wasn't a surrender, but a false surrender."

"As expected of Master Lin Luo."


Tears. "

"No, I have to work hard and make more contributions to Blue Star."

"Alien Invasion 3 theme is also available, hahaha."

After waking up, many people saw the battle report and became excited again.

At first, they didn't think there was anything about Plot Star.

However, after all, they are aliens, so they should be nervous.

However, many people have a premonition that there will be a big war in the future.

It's just that they didn't expect that as soon as Lin Luo came back, he would solve it quietly.


On the blue star, there seems to be no sound of artillery fire.

For a moment, everyone admired the greatness of Lin Luo again, and the whole world was immersed in the joy of his return.


"...Academician Zhu, look."

A young assistant handed Zhu Yihui a drawing.

At present, Huaxia School of Biology has produced a large number of graduates, which has well filled the vacancy of Hope School of Biology.

Even Zhu Yihui can take a break occasionally.

Of course, Zhu Yihui would naturally take part in such a major event as studying Plott's aliens.

"Very good." Zhu Yihui took a look and was very satisfied.

"Academician Zhu..." The young assistant suddenly looked forward to speaking.


"What kind of person is Mr. Lin?" the young assistant asked.

"Hmm..." Zhu Yihui thought for a while, and said, "I'm not good at commenting, I haven't taken his DNA for investigation."

At this moment, a voice from behind said: "Are you still thinking about me?"

The assistant's pupils trembled, and he bowed his head and said, "I've seen Mr. Lin."

Lin Luo smiled and nodded. The assistant was even more excited, but she was also sensible, and said, "I still have something to do, so I'm going out first."

After speaking, she left directly.

Zhu Yihui had a big head, so he still said hello first, and then said, "How long have you been here?"

"Just when I heard you say this."


"I never lie." Lin Luo asked as he spoke, "How is it?"

"There are results, their genes are not difficult to decipher, you see." Zhu Yihui handed it to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo took it over, and it turned out to be a complete genetic map.

At this moment, the system immediately beeped.

"Ding! You got the genetic map of the Prot star!"

"Ding! You have unlocked a new super power gene chain: Lightning

Gene. "

"...this gene chain can speed up people's speed."

"It turned out to be speed." Lin Luo was still very surprised, but he didn't fight against the Plotts, and he didn't know much about it.

"Ding! The host has acquired a new skill: blood boiling."

"...After it is turned on, it can slightly increase blood flow, slightly increase speed, strength, etc., and last for five minutes."

"Ding! You got 6 million points!"

"The harvest is good." Lin Luo smiled.

"According to the deciphered information, the Prot star also has a third-level giant beast in his hands, but he didn't bring it this time." Zhu Yihui said.

"It's okay, wait for half a year when they build a space hole, and then we'll go get it."

"Take it?" Zhu Yihui was taken aback.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"'s nothing." Zhu Yihui sweated, thinking that there was nothing wrong with it, but you spoke in a tone as if this thing belonged to you in the first place.

"I will leave it to you to formulate new genetic reagents." Lin Luo said: "Ye Yi has a set of undead mechs, which probably have some connection with biology. You can take a look at it when you have time."

"Yes." Zhu Yihui nodded.

"Then I'll go first." Lin Luo said and walked out.

At this time, Lin Luo has already understood a little bit. The genes of people like Apocalypse and Proteus are only stronger than normal humans in essence, but they cannot go beyond the third level.

A third-level behemoth should not be able to do it.

The big stage is the qualitative change.

After all, from the first-order gene lock to the second-order gene lock, the change of human beings is too terrifying.

Therefore, Lin Luo didn't expect too much from Plot Star.

Currently, what he is looking forward to is still...



At this moment, Xu Han stood outside the door, looking at the people sitting inside.

Lin Luo also looked at him.

It has been a long time since Lin Luo left Blue Star, Xu Han should have made some progress.

At least, he took the initiative to come to find Lin Luo, which proves that he must have gained something.

About the harvest of ancient civilizations.

"Come on, tell me what you found." Lin Luo told Xu Han to sit down.

At this moment, Xu Han was holding a thick stack of documents in his hand.

Xu Han believes that if this piece of information gets out, it will be enough to overturn anyone's worldview.


Including Lin Luo.

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