As A Temporary Worker, He Was Actually S Level Encrypted By The State

Chapter 187 First Exploration Of The Secret Island

When Lin Luo walked into the office, he received a communication from Jonah Lev.

"I'm sorry to disturb you." When Jonah Lev saw Lin Luo appear, it was as if he had seen a savior.

Seeing Jonah Lev's anxious expression, Lin Luo said, "Mr. President, don't worry, are there aliens owned by Mao Xiong?"

"No." Jonah Lev's demeanor remained unchanged, and he said slowly: "This matter, we have to start from the former Soviet Union..."

A few minutes later, Lin Luo's pupils shrank as he looked at the information Xia Qian had printed out in front of him.

The Earth Center Project, I had only heard about it on the Internet before, but I didn't think it was true.

What's more, Mao Xiongguo has hidden a lot of truth.

"During the invasion of Plot Star, a huge dark scene suddenly appeared on the island..." Jonah Lev said: "As long as people enter, there will be no trace."

"I didn't want to trouble you, but now I really can't solve it with my strength. I'm afraid it will endanger Blue Star."

Hearing this, Lin Luo said: "Our Blue Star Alliance has been gradually moving towards the integration of civilizations, so we will naturally help if we have difficulties."

"Could this be done by the Plott people? Have they asked about the Earth Center Project?"

"This piece of information is top secret, and very few people know about it, so it can basically be ruled out," Jonah Lev said.

"But the timing is too delicate, and it has never happened before." Lin Luo said.

When Jonah Lev was also surprised, a Maoxiong official next to him said: "Commander, Mr. President, I remembered, that day seems to be June 8th."

"June 8?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

He remembered something, and took out the information that Xu Han had given him before from the drawer, which clearly stated:

On June 8, the Plotts conducted a tentative test on the moon, triggering a powerful device on the moon.


"Call Xu Han, Li Donglai, and Zhang San." Lin Luo said while putting on his coat, "By the way, let's call Brother Xiong too."

"Where is Dabai?" Xia Qian asked.

" seems to be moving bricks in outer space." Lin Luo said.

"When did it work so hard?" Xia Qian was surprised, but she left without asking any further questions.

Lin Luo went to Zijinlong Building, found Chen An and the old man, and explained the situation.

The two were taken aback when they heard Lin Luo's description.

"I guess, it may have something to do with the ancient Blue Star civilization." Lin Luo asked seriously: "Are there any people or deeds in our country who are suddenly awesome or strange?"

The two glanced at each other, and Chen An said, "Do you count?"

"?" Lin Luo frowned.

"Just kidding." Chen An said: "I will order people to investigate and collect relevant information. Maybe the Eastern Emperor Bell fell in a villager's house in a small mountain village."

"You're just making up this story." Lin Luo smiled wryly, and just got up, when the old man got up too, and said seriously:

"According to what you said, if Blue Star's ancient civilization is really powerful, then a little bit of power involved in it must not be underestimated. You have to be careful." Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo came back to his senses, not because he didn't know, but because he did neglect this aspect. He nodded again, and then walked outside.

Half an hour later, Lin Luo met Jonah Lev in the palace of Simoko.

However, Jonah Lev just stared at Dabai, and said: "We have a lot of bears in Maoxiong Country, and the meat is delicious. You have come all the way from thousands of miles. We will definitely fill you up, so you don't need to bring your own."

When Dabai heard this, he almost ran away, but luckily he was stopped by Li Donglai...

Jonah Lev was sweating, but Lin Luo laughed and said, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Guochang, let's talk about the situation."

Jonah Lev also straightened his face and handed over all the information about the geocentric project to Lin Luo.

"In addition to these, we still have recordings about that year." Jonah Lev said: "That is our last recording about it."

Jonah Lev turned on the recording, and at this moment he heard a sizzling sound.

The recorded dialogues of that era had very poor natural sound quality.

With the help of a translation machine, Lin Luo can also understand Mao Xiong's language.

Everything was going smoothly, but the voices of the expedition team suddenly became mixed.




"Hey, Captain Dosnov, please answer, please answer..."

Afterwards, there was a continuous sound of empty movement.

Jonah Lev said at this time

Said: "This is all the information."

Afterwards, he thought for a while and said, "Master Lin, have we really opened the entrance to hell?"


Lin Luo doesn't really believe the so-called hell.

It's not that he doesn't believe in gods, but that many things may be different under the rumors.

For example, someone said that today a certain person has been farting while walking on the road. It may be spread to the mouths of several people walking outside, and it will become that this person is walking on the road and suddenly belches. Biqu library

Lin Luo felt that the ancient civilization must have many things that they could not imagine, but it was not as scary as imagined.

After all, today's human beings can also fly freely in the sky.

At this moment, on Doski Island, Zhang San went around for a circle, finally looked back at Lin Luo, and said: "This layer of things isolates my spiritual power, and it cannot penetrate at all."

"What about your first instinct?" Lin Luo asked.

"Dangerous!" Zhang San said, "My proposal is to activate the butcher directly and destroy this place."

"The butcher doesn't necessarily work," Lin Luo said.

Zhang San was taken aback.

Lin Luo also didn't explain, if this place is really a part of ancient civilization, then it must not be afraid of a modern technological weapon.

"Are you planning to go in?" Li Donglai, who had been silent all this time, finally found the opportunity to interject.

Lin Luo nodded and said, "Since it exists on the blue star, we must find out."

After speaking, Lin Luo turned to them and said, "Get ready."

When Zhang San saw Lin Luo saying this, he didn't say anything more. He just looked back at the island swallowed by darkness, and the uneasiness in his heart was still hard to get rid of.

When the day came to noon, Lin Luo took them in. When Lin Luo's body came into contact with the dark breath, he immediately felt very uncomfortable.

But when Lin Luo actually walked in, he saw a terrifying scene.

Although it is said that this place is under the North Pole, it is summer, and everything should grow, but all the trees and plants on this island withered and fell, as if they had been irradiated.

Lin Luo lowered his head and touched the plant with his hands, and said something that made Zhang San and the others hairy:

"Not radiation, more like being sucked dry..."

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