When the system sound appeared, Lin Luo also became extremely nervous.

He can foresee that the third-order gene lock can lead human beings to new heights.

"Ding! You have initially unlocked the ancient gene chain...."

"...The potential abilities of human beings are endless, and this genetic chain is retro."

"Once it is turned on, the human subconscious will be swallowed by the devil gene hidden in the body, but at the same time it will also gain tremendous power."

"Ding! This gene chain is dark. If you inject this gene chain, you will be immersed in darkness forever."

"...If the host needs to unlock the complete gene chain, it needs to find the gene chain!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for making a new breakthrough and opening the third-order genetic map."

"Ding! You get reward points: 30 million!"


Lin Luo was not surprised to hear this.

If the system told him that extracting the genes of these monsters and injecting them into humans could unlock the third-order genetic lock, then Lin Luo would not dare to try.

The reason is very simple, the predecessors of these monsters must be human beings, they lost their minds and completely sank into the darkness.

However, where should the other gene strand be found?

Lin Luo couldn't help frowning, although he knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed, but for some reason, after knowing the power of the ancient blue star, Lin Luo felt oppressed instead.

The old blue star was so powerful that it was finally annihilated in this universe.

Even, if it weren't for chance, Lin Luo would not have discovered the existence of this piece of civilization.

This is also very similar to that sentence, the more you know, the more things you will be in awe of.

"How?" Zhu Yihui next to him saw Lin Luo lost in thought, and knew that he must have seen through something.

Lin Luo came back to his senses and said, "It's not available yet, but soon."

Zhu Yihui also showed some disappointment.

"It's not without any gains for us to get this. At least we can be sure that the second-level genetic ability is the ability to awaken the gene, so the third-level...should be awakened."

"Wake up?" Zhu Yihui was taken aback, and said, "Shouldn't it be strengthening?"

"Yes, wake up." Lin Luo said: "Human genes will wake up again...return to the ancient times!"


On Venus, several Giant Macs drove in

Biqu library


The environment here is extremely harsh. If it was a human in the past, they would not dare to set foot here.

But at this moment, they need to come here to carry out a major project.

"What is the use of us draining these magma?"

"Who knows, but it seems that Master Lin asked, just work hard."


Some scientists and engineers next to it are measuring the topographical structure of this drainage.

And Xu Han next to him was studying things with a geographer.

"According to the terrain analysis, there should not be such a large depression here." The geographer said: "I think this pit is more like an acquired form."

"Is it man-made?" Xu Han was surprised.

The geographer said: "Although the temperature of Venus is too high, resulting in extremely powerful energy explosions, such a large area of ​​depression is not realistic, and the terrain next to it is mostly highland."

Xu Han nodded, but he couldn't be calm in his heart.

If humans really lived on Venus, then the ancient solar system must have been extremely prosperous.

Coupled with the extremely hard corner of the golden gate, one can imagine their powerful strength.

Zhu Han thought for a while, and said to the correspondent of the shadow-chasing team next to him: "Tell other members of the shadow-chasing team to pay close attention to whether there are traces of human activities on other planets."



The arrival of Star Barrett only caused a brief commotion on Star Dorenna.

Only behind the scenes, an investigation team directly under Mark Carey was secretly formed.

A few weeks later, a report landed on Mark Carey's desk.

The leading emperor bowed slightly, ready to leave.

"Wait." Mark Carey said, "I don't like anyone else to know this information except you."

"Please rest assured, the emperor, there are not many people participating in this operation, and I personally selected them all." The emperor said.

Mark Carey nodded. After he left, Mark Carey opened the file inside.

Just glanced at it, and Mark Carey was so nervous that his body trembled.

Just see it says:

Blue Star Mecha, Apocalypse Mecha...

The energy device similarity is 80%.

What is the concept of eighty percent?

The introduction also shows that the 20% are foreigners.

watch or something.

It's a cover up..

Explain what the Blue Stars are hiding.

If you don't compare them carefully, who can know?

Mark Carey's eyes showed a bit of fear.

Blue Star people are not simple, not only from the operations in the past few months, it can be seen that Blue Star people have extremely high intelligence.

However, they are too remote after all.

It is impossible for such a galaxy to develop a fourth-level galaxy, or even get a star gate.

"Apocalypse, it seems that it has nothing to do with you." Mark Carey suppressed the shock in his heart, and then directly activated the energy with the mecha, directly smashing this document.


He didn't plan to pursue it any further.

No matter how amazing the truth is.

After all, Mark Carey understands why curiosity killed the cat.

"It seems that we have to treat them better in the future." Mark Carey couldn't help but feel a little bit big. He thought he had a rabbit as an ally, but he didn't expect it to be a wolf in rabbit fur.


Lin Luo was sitting in front of the desk, and the little golden dragon next to him was walking up and down on the desk, and ran into Lin Luo's arms to rub him every now and then.

Compared with Dabai, it seems to be more sticky to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo patted its little head and whispered, "Little guy, when will you grow up?"

With tears in his eyes, Xiao Jinlong let out a cry.

Lin Luo smiled and moved it aside.

He always felt like he was missing something.

If it is said that the gene chain invention requires a person who unlocks the third-level gene lock to obtain it.

Then Zhang San is the best candidate.

However, Zhang San obviously passed the dark test.

This leads to a chicken-and-egg cycle.

"What have I overlooked?" Lin Luo touched his temples, his face was big.

At this moment, the little golden dragon suddenly poked him.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry again? Didn't you just finish eating?" Lin Luo asked.

"Wow~~" Xiao Jinlong held a piece of hair in his hand.

Lin Luo couldn't help smiling when he saw this, it's just a hair, and it's not a big fuss.

Suddenly, Lin Luo's pupils shrank, and he stood up abruptly. He looked at Xiao Jinlong with an ecstatic smile and said:

"You are my lucky star!"

At the same time, Lin Luo smiled and said:

"Break the system, I finally know what is the answer to the difficult problem you gave."

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