Twenty minutes later, Lin Luo was sweating profusely as he watched the Earthquake Bureau, Fire Department and Heavenly Soldiers arrive...

The movement was so loud that it was once considered an enemy attack.

"It's all gone." Lin Luo waved.

And those people are turning back from time to time...

Just because the training ground is dilapidated, there are signs of cracks on the ground.

"Really... Are you sure it's not an earthquake?" The person in charge of the Earthquake Bureau murmured softly.


In the Milky Way, there is a pattern of involution.

Blue Star's violent invasion not only revitalized the market, but also ushered in an era of involution.

"Dorena's 100 billion subsidy!"

"Buy one get one free for Mia Galaxy products."


However, their post-reactions showed that the advertising effect was much worse. For many civilized star systems, the most impressive one was Blue Star's tens of billions in subsidies.

After all, what the advertisement is talking about is a novelty.

Whoever takes the lead first will naturally be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

So, now the bigwigs of these galaxies gathered in Dorenna's palace, all emotional.

"The most annoying thing is that after Blue Star disrupted the equipment market, they went to buy delicious food."

"It's good for them. They rely on their own good food and produce high-end food. They also say that in this way, the flow of water will last forever."

"This group of people is very sophisticated. Don't they know that no one can compete with them in high-end gourmet food? How much does it cost for ingredients like them?"

When you say something to me, the whole imperial palace is full of excitement.

But Mark Carey didn't say a word. It took a long time before he said: "Everyone, are you earning more or less?"

Everyone was taken aback. Biqu library

Although they were not reconciled to Blue Star's splitting part of the market, they had to admit that they still earned much more than before.

Bluestar only occupies the market in two fields of equipment and gourmet food, but the Dorenna system market is too big and includes many things.

Moreover, Bluestar is one of the main consumer markets.

Blue Star people earn a lot of money, and they are willing to spend money, spending money everywhere to buy various resources and technologies.

Even, they didn't understand why Blue Star bought some technologies.

Mark Carey said again at this time: "The Milky Way is an open and competitive market, but now everyone is rising as a whole, and that's a good thing."

"That's it, that's it." Everyone nodded quickly, but they didn't know what to do in their hearts.

What is understandable is that Mark Carey's attitude towards Blue Star seems to have changed a little quickly.

Some time ago, Mark Carey also said that he would talk to the senior management of Blue Star or something.

After Mark Carey dealt with these daily affairs, he was ready to go to rest, and the maid next to him was also helping him change his clothes.

At this moment, an imperial official came outside the door, who was the one who helped him investigate Blue Star.

"Is there something wrong?"

"We discovered the whereabouts of Barrett's spaceship..." the emperor said, "This is a secret report from the Palami galaxy."

When Mark Carey heard Barrett, he became visibly nervous. He took it over and saw that it was a piece of flight monitoring data.

It shows that Barrett's spacecraft has re-entered the Milky Way.

"Do you know their direction?" Mark Carey said.

"It's not clear at the moment." The emperor said: "We only dare to scan ordinary traces, and dare not use equipment to track."

Mark Carey nodded, this approach is correct.


Why does Barrett want to return to the galaxy?

"Go down first." Mark Carey waved his hand. He was lying on the bed, completely sleepless.

Suddenly, he stood up abruptly.

Going back and forth must be what they found.

"Could it really be related to Blue Star?" Mark Carey's pupils shrank.

Mark Carey got up immediately, and the maid next to him asked, "Didn't His Royal Highness say you were sleepy?"

"Prepare the battleship for me, I'm going to Blue Star." Mark Carey said.

The maid paused, then immediately said, "Yes."

When the maid walked out, Mark Carey walked back and forth.

These days, although I don't say it, there are many operations of Blue Star that Mark Carey can't understand.

For example, their materials are not allowed to be transported in, and they can only be transported by themselves.

For example, they refuse others to enter Blue Star.

and many more.

Mark Carey has never been to Blue Star, and the only person who has actually been there is Terry Dick.

Mark Carey's instinct told him...

If everything about Apocalypse is really related to Blue Star.

Then, Barrett's returning spacecraft is most likely related to Blue Star.

He needs to confirm all this before this.


make a choice.


"Mark Carey coming?" Lin Luo was discussing the next marketing plan with Chen An.

today's fire

Star construction has entered a major stage, and many humans have begun to immigrate to Mars one after another.

"Yes." The correspondent said: "Emperor Mark Carey has sent us a requested communication request at the Stargate."

"Is the other party allowed to enter?"

Lin Luo and Chen An glanced at each other.

It is basically certain that the Dorenna galaxy has really turned its back on evil.

The main reason for refusing others to enter Blue Star is because of the Blue Star treasure.

Because Lin Luo understands that the former Apocalypse can invade for treasure, so if there is the first Apocalypse, there will be a second one.

"See you?" Chen An asked.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "If you don't see him, then there will be a thorn in the emperor's heart."

"It will come sooner or later, it doesn't matter, my original intention was not to hide it, but to avoid unnecessary trouble as much as possible."

"I understand, I'll make arrangements now." Chen An said, then got up and left.

And Lin Luo exhaled.

Although I don't know the purpose of Mark Carey's visit this time, there must be something wrong with his sudden request for a visit.

After obtaining Lin Luo's permission, Mark Carey's battleship came in, and he stood by the window, scanning everything.

What a sad desert star field.

This kind of star field is really the same as Moronado said at the beginning, and it is impossible for civilization to be born.

It is even more impossible for a civilization to be born beyond the third level.

In the Milky Way, it is not that there are such galaxies. In most cases, such galaxies have not yet entered the age of science and technology, and some are still maintaining the era of farming.

Flying forward, Mark Carey looked at the spaceships coming and going. Although there were not many, they were all blue stars, and there were no other galaxies.

Mark Carey looked at the Galaxy Battleship in front of him, and remembered that document again:

Whether it is a mech or a spaceship, Blue Star and Apocalypse have a high degree of similarity.

"It's not a coincidence." Mark Carey believed in his judgment more and more.

He looked at the blue star that was getting closer, and at this moment glanced at the moon that was temporarily covered again.

Mark Carey is not the same as Terry Dick.

Maybe Terry Dick was just asking, but Mark Carey must have great wisdom to be able to form a Dorenna system.

"Blue Star... really has a lot of secrets!"

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