The starry sky is a long road, and the time is long.

When Lin Luo returned to Blue Star, he returned the space battleship to the emperor who was still eating and drinking in the black palace.

"Thank you Mark Carey for me," Lin Luo said.

The emperor just nodded slightly.

In fact, he was also surprised that Lin Luo had seen through all the situations.

All the help measures that Mark Carey set up at the beginning were only based on one premise, that is, Lin Luo could respond.

If Lin Luo doesn't understand the meaning of the picture, and doesn't know the meaning of his coming to Blue Star, then he will immediately return to the Dorenna Galaxy.

He waved his hand, and the Dorenna star next to him came up in two steps, holding a sealed document package.

Lin Luo was astonished.

Another sealed document?

"His Royal Highness said, if you can make it to the last step, this thing will be given to you." The emperor said:

"However, everything has nothing to do with us."

"Also... Dorenna Galaxy and Blue Star are no longer alliance economic relations."

Lin Luo nodded.

The emperor was about to bid farewell, and brought a battleship food prepared by Lin Luo for them.

The emperor was a little touched, because he didn't know if he would be able to eat these delicacies in the future.

"Wait." Lin Luo walked forward slowly, handed out a data storage device in his hand, and said with a smile, "This should be useful to you."

The emperor took it over and was slightly taken aback.

He didn't quite believe Lin Luo's words, because what use would a level 4 civilization thing be to them?

The battleship took off, and Temus next to him said: "Mr. Lin is so handy!"

"People are more valuable than things, especially a reliable friend." Lin Luo said.

Temus came back to his senses and felt that he was being stingy. The overall situation was too far from Lin Luo's, but he heard Lin Luo say again: "It's not very useful anyway, and it's not ours in the first place."



Ye Yi stood on the Venus, looking at the dilapidated golden hut in front of him.

It may be a bit wrong to describe it as a small house, because the house as a whole has more than 100 square meters.

"The door corner we found in the past should belong to this house." Xu Han said.

Ye Yi asked: "Have you checked?"

"It's been investigated, and there is an unapproachable force here." Xu Han said.

"Power?" Ye Yi was puzzled.

At this moment, Xu Han looked at the shadow chasing team next to him

, only to see him directly throwing a Wufeng.

The next thing was to see an astonishing scene, only to see that when the Wufeng was about to approach the golden house, it seemed to touch something.

In the next second, Wufeng was reduced to ashes in the air.

This scene made everyone palpitate.

"Fortunately, I was cautious before and didn't let anyone get close." Xu Han said.

Can't see any attack method, this feeling is too penetrating.

Ye Yi frowned, and he couldn't understand it, but his intuition told him that there would be something of great value inside.

Just like the power on the moon.

He said: "Can you try to enter from the ground?"

"I'll give it a try." Xu Han ordered the staff to start working.

At this moment, Lin Luo was sitting in front of the office, looking at the document in front of him.

It has to be said that Mark Carey aroused his curiosity.

What kind of existence is this Barrett star?

He knew that since Mark Carey chose to help him, he would inevitably tell something.

However, Mark Carey did not want to implicate Star Dorona.

Lin Luo gently opened it, and sure enough, he saw a piece of text written in Dorenna star script:

"If you can see this document, then congratulations, Chief Lin Luo, you successfully stopped Miles!"

"I don't know how the Blue Star's intelligence network is. Let's just pretend that you don't know about it. You must be curious about what kind of galaxy Barrett is..."

"... Simply put, this galaxy is not something we can join forces with, or even the Milky Way can rival."

"My advice is, run! Run to a place where they can't find it."

"As for the reason why they are looking for you, it is indeed related to Apocalypse. They came to Dorenna, but I didn't tell them anything about you. I can swear to the God of Dorenna on this point."

"and also..."

"During the colonization of Dorona, our emperor Moronado once saw Barrett appear in the solar system."

"Finally, the colonial era of Barrett Star was tens of thousands of years ago..."

Seeing this, Lin Luo pondered for a while, feeling complicated.

Originally, he also thought that Apocalypse was one of the sheltered galaxies of Butler Star, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Barrett came to Blue Star tens of thousands of years ago?

What are you doing here?

Is it related to the blue star ancestors in ancient times?

When Lin Luo was meditating, next to

Chen An said: "Lin Luo."

"What are you doing?" Lin Luo looked up, only to see that Chen An had already walked outside the door with the little golden dragon in his arms, looking very careful.

"What the hell?" Lin Luo smiled.

"You continue to read." Chen An said.

Lin Luo continued to look down, was taken aback for a moment, and then launched the Three Thousand Thunder Steps...

A few seconds later, there was a loud noise in the house, and Dabai, who was lying on the bed, watched a piece of the ceiling collapse and hit it directly.

Dabai turned sideways, avoided the falling stone, and continued to sleep.

Lin Luo outside the door looked at Chen An and said, "Can't you just say it?"

"I just saw it too." Chen An said.

"......" Lin Luo didn't continue to talk about it, because it was just a small episode.

In the end, Mark Carey wrote on it:

By the way, Chief Master Lin Luo, this secret letter is set to explode on time, three minutes after you open it.

Don't worry, it's just a little bomb.

Lin Luo poked his head in, looked at the ceiling with a hole in it, and said, "Mark Carey is crazy. If it's so important, it should be written on the first line."

"It makes sense." Chen An teased Xiao Jinlong while looking at Dabai inside, and said, "Dabai really has a big heart, so he can sleep like this!"


Three days later, under the watchful eyes of Xu Han and Ye Yi, Lin Luo came to Venus.

"Master Lin!" Xu Han came up and briefly introduced the situation.

Lin Luo looked at the small house and said: "Sure enough, as you guessed, this land of Venus has our human activities in the past."

"I don't know that it has become this ghostly place now." Xu Han looked at his red hands.

It's too hot here, staying here for a long time will have an effect on the skin, but now that Blue Star's medical treatment is advanced, so it doesn't have any effect.

"Can't you get through underground?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's the same underground." Xu Han sweated and said: "The technology of the ancient blue star is really terrifying. It is probably triggered automatically like the moon."

"I'm thinking about using the butcher to attack, but I'm afraid it will blow up."

Lin Luo looked at the hollowed out underground and the isolated house, and said, "What did you just say?"

"I said whether to consider using a butcher..." Xu Han said.

"No, the last sentence." When Lin Luo spoke, his expression lit up, and he quickly moved towards the house.

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