In the afterglow of the setting sun, under the illumination of the flourishing stars, the temperature of Butler Star is more suitable.

However, the war here is raging.

To be precise, their imperial palace city, the city of Reshard, is in full swing!

"What did you say? The Blue Stars are here?" Immediately, the highest-ranking emperor who stayed here heard the news and was immediately taken aback.

When he heard the enemy attack, he thought it was a sixth-level civilization taking the opportunity to invade.

However, the smell of blood in the Imperial Palace City has already spread.

"Our mecha army, where are the heavy weapons?" the emperor shouted.

"Mecha...the mecha army can't resist it at all." The communications soldier said with an extremely frightened face: "He...they really have the legendary ability."

"Our soldiers were not many in the first place, and now they have suffered heavy casualties!"

The emperor's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Where are the soldiers from other regions?"

"I'm rushing over here, but it's too far away, most of them are on other planets." Said the communications soldier.

The emperor was about to speak when he suddenly heard a shock, and then the ground shook.

"What's the sound?" The emperor was talking, when he raised his head, there was a huge hole in the palace of God in the sky.

Li Donglai and Zhang San brought a group of soldiers and fell from the sky at high speed.

For a moment, the emperor was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

He was originally a civil servant, afraid of war, and didn't understand war.

"Stop...stop them." The emperor shouted.

The mecha soldiers were at the front, but just as they started, the hidden dragon army team behind them stepped forward, and the genetic energy of their bodies was quickly released, and the battle was imminent.

Just as they were doing it, Zhang San glanced around, finally looked at the emperor, smiled slightly, and walked forward slowly.

"Protect me, protect me!" the emperor shouted.

The two mechas came directly in front of the emperor, and the light-wing mech was about to launch the strongest energy attack. The emperor was overjoyed, and quickly got up to retreat.

Suddenly, two soldiers said, "Don't move!"

The emperor thought he was warning the other party, but when he turned around, he saw their guns pointed at him...

"" The emperor was stunned.

what's going on?

At this time, Zhang San stepped past them and said, "Don't be surprised, the Blue Star people are a legendary civilization, and it's normal to have some superpowers, isn't it?"

The emperor's pupils dilated, and his eyeballs almost popped out of fright!




Two heavenly soldiers floated in the air, and started a battle with the colorful wolf.

It has to be said that the ability of the colorful wolf is much stronger than that of the beasts they have fought before.

The colorful wolf's sharp claws grabbed a handful of Wufeng in one hand, and then it bared its fangs and shouted, and even lifted up the two heavenly soldiers, and when the colorful energy on its body rolled, its eyes shone with colorful light.

The moment the two Heavenly Soldiers saw this scene with smiles on their faces, they suddenly gave up on Wufeng, and at the same time, they both exerted force and punched the colorful wolf in the eyes.

The colorful wolf was terrified, but it was too late to escape.

But in the rear, those Barratt soldiers rushed over quickly, wanting to protect the colorful wolves...

They were very surprised.

When the colorful wolf first appeared on the stage, it was able to suppress the strength of the heavenly soldiers.

Now, after more than half a month of fighting, it has been overtaken by the Heavenly Soldiers.

The learning ability of these blue star people makes them feel fear.

What's more, the think tank has made a decision to quickly resolve this war.

At this moment, Lin Luo led the group of soldiers to the last base.

This place was their last hiding place.

However, until tomorrow, the other party will also find him, and then, it will be the final battle.

Lin Luo looked at the red button in his hand and let out a soft breath.

Today, the heavenly soldiers here are full of scars, and their combat effectiveness is already insufficient.

For their lives, Lin Luo will press the button in his hand before tomorrow's battle.

Xia Qian next to him said at this time: "Since I know Master, I have never seen him fail in a mission."

Lin Luo looked up, and then glanced at her arm.

Now her arm can see bloody scars, the kind that were almost broken.

In order to save two heavenly soldiers, she fell into the siege of colorful wolves. Fortunately, she was strong enough, otherwise her arm would not have been seriously injured.

With the current Blue Star's medical treatment, it is not a problem to fully recover from this injury, but for tomorrow's battle, she definitely does not have much fighting power.

"Do you trust him?" Lin Luo said.

Xia Qian nodded heavily.

Lin Luo just nodded, and when he was about to look down at the map, Xia Qian said, "If...if tomorrow..."

Lin Luo raised her head, but Xia Qian, who was hesitant to speak, mustered up her courage and quickly

He said: "If you really can't resist tomorrow, you can go."

Lin Luo was taken aback.

Xia Qian continued: "With your ability, breaking through them is not a problem. Only if you survive can you completely change the situation of the battle!"

"I thought you were going to say something." Lin Luo just smiled.

"I'm serious." Xia Qian said: "This is not only my wish, but also the wish of other people."

Lin Luo didn't speak, he saw several company commanders nearby, and they also looked at Lin Luo in the same way.

They can all die.

However, Lin Luo cannot die.

It was enough for him to accompany them to fight until this moment.

There was silence all night until the rays of the sun shone into this place the next day.

Lin Luo stood up and could already see the flying mecha army in the sky, and...

Countless colorful wolves.

They surrounded here.


on the ground.

Even Hiram, the head of the think tank, also came. He walked forward slowly, looked at Lin Luo, and said, "Blue Stars, surrender!"

"Hand over the legendary power in your hands, maybe... I can let you go!"


"These emperors are useless, and they don't know any information." Zhang San was very puzzled. He controlled many people, but they couldn't get any useful information. Li Donglai from the back came up and said:

"Let's go, their army is surrounded."

Zhang San frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "Did the Space Department take down?"

"It's almost there." Li Donglai said: "Everything is as planned by Lin Luo. But there is an accident..."

Zhang San looked at him.

"The Ministry of Space has no control over their weapons, and... there is no data." Li Donglai said.

"Let me think about it..." Zhang San thought for a while, and suddenly said: "It's so strange that there is not even a civilization that knows the empire..."

"Maybe it's not in the imperial palace?" Li Donglai said, "Let's look elsewhere, maybe we can find it."

"Lin Luo's secrets like to be kept in drawers..." Zhang San looked up at the sky, then at the ground, and suddenly said firmly: "Level 6 civilization, build a dungeon under the imperial palace to store secrets , not too much."

Li Donglai was stunned, he said: "This is just your guess, we don't have time, we can only choose again..."

Zhang San didn't answer his words, just asked: "Will you bet?"

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