The emperor frantically ordered that this place must be guarded.

Because this is too important, not only related to the entire Barrett's space defense.

More than 50% of Barrett's technology is also concentrated here.

However, this place was originally set up for concealment, and now that there is no Barrett army on the ground, how can it be defended at this moment?

Soon, Zhang San appeared in front of him with a team of people.

Beside him, there were two colorful wolves standing.

This made the emperor very suspicious of life.

The legendary ability... is it so terrifying?

"This should be the control center." Zhang San glanced around and said.

The emperor's heart became ruthless, and when he was about to order to directly destroy the place, his body suddenly softened, and then his pupils shrank sharply...

When he opened his eyes again, Zhang San also opened his eyes again.

Li Donglai was tough, and led the team to clean up people. When he turned his head, he saw Zhang San walking out and asked, "Why are you going?"

Zhang San looked at the emperor who had been controlled by him in front of him, and said: "There is another very interesting thing in this dungeon, which is more important than their space defense system!"


On the battlefield, every second counts.

The army of heavenly soldiers on Neptune is retreating steadily.

But on other planets, Barrett's army is retreating steadily.

Seeing that the army of heavenly soldiers was about to approach the corner, Hiram felt ecstasy in his heart. At this moment, a sudden news came, leaving him in a daze.


"The news has just come from Planet Barrett that it has been invaded by the Blue Star army!"

"Impossible, impossible, how could the other party acquire Ballett Star?" Hiram said.

The communications soldier swallowed, and said in a low voice: "According to seems to be through our star gate."

"What?" Hiram was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he had the urge to go crazy.

What the hell.

The other party passed through their gate and went to their galaxy?

"Aren't we heavily guarded?" Hiram shouted.

"The other party is the star gate channel opened in the middle, we can't detect it." The communication soldier said.

"Damn it!" Hiram roared, flying straight back. Biqu library

At this time, he needs to make a choice.

Do not.

Make a shitty choice.

He cried out: "Tell the other planets

People, return to the defense main star! "

However, only five seconds later, there was a dense sound...

"Mars just lost a big battle, and now the soldiers have surrounded our army."

"A large number of warships from Jupiter are heading towards Neptune."

"Uranus is doomed, our troops are fleeing!"

Hearing this, Hiram's mind went blank.

It doesn't get any worse than that.

He made a decision almost instantly, and shouted: "Half the army of Neptune, go back to defend the main star!"


Hiram is not stupid, Barratt's main star is of great importance, and he must not lose it.

Since the opponent is a sneak attack, there must be a small number of people.

So, it is not difficult to solve them.

At that time, turn back again, the result is the same.

Hiram's decision was decisive and wise.

Now, Lin Luo and the others were doomed. It was only a matter of time before Lin Luo was caught. There was no need to send so many people here.

At the moment when he gave the order, half of the Barrett Stars evacuated directly, and at this moment the Celestial Soldiers also noticed the abnormality, Lin Luo also noticed this scene, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As expected, Li Donglai never failed a mission.

"The next thing will be much simpler..." Lin Luo just wanted to give an order to tell the Heavenly Soldiers Legion that if he persisted for half a day, the reinforcements would arrive, and by then, it would be a full-scale counterattack.

The opponent's back is attacked, and other battlefields are suddenly beaten down, so the morale of the army will inevitably be slackened.

But at this moment, a scene that suddenly appeared surprised everyone.

All I saw was that a Barrett soldier who was about to evacuate was flying side by side with the colorful wolf.

Suddenly, the colorful wolf's pupils changed, and then it stretched out its claws, and then, under the horrified gaze of others, it directly tore that Barrett star into pieces.


A wolf howl sounded, and in the next second, the entire sky over Neptune was filled with the sound of wolf howls.

Hiram looked into the eyes of the colorful wolf beside him, he understood...

Something big happened.

"Damn it! This group of Blue Stars found Trion City!" Hiram's face turned extremely pale.

His worst fears came true.

A Barrett star is nothing.

However, if the Blue Stars found that dungeon, the result would be completely different.

However, he can't allow him to think too much at this moment, because the awakened seven

Cailang was looking at it with bloody cold eyes.

Although they have been controlled for a long time, there is still a deep subconscious in its mind...

The beasts of the sixth-level civilization have already begun to have thinking brains.

Their first reaction after waking up was not to kill the Blue Stars who were covered in their blood, but the Barrett Stars.

They have had enough.

Enough of being held in the dark and unable to move!

"Do not!!!"

At this moment, many Balat star people have not yet reacted, but they have become dead souls under the wolf's claws.

Many of them can't even figure it out...

Why is the colorful wolf out of control.

It was Lin Luo who looked at this scene and showed a smile. He prevented the heavenly soldiers from continuing to attack the colorful wolf, but looked at this scene jokingly, and said in a low voice:

"This is an accident!"

And this scene, not only here, on Uranus, on Mars...

On all battlefields, the colorful wolves are out of control.

They counterattacked against the Butler Stars.

"This is Lin Luo's plan?" Yang Junren was dumbfounded, and said excitedly: "Damn, he persuaded the colorful wolf wolf king with his mouth?"

The corner of Chen An's mouth twitched, and he said, "Can't your mind be normal?"

Yang Jun said: "Then how do you explain it?"

Chen An thought for a while, and then suddenly his pupils lit up. Yang Jun thought he had thought of it, and was overjoyed, but he heard him say:

"I must go to his office more often next time, otherwise guessing like this is too tiring!"



Under Trime City, Li Donglai looked at a flaming device in front of him.

If size is used to describe...

It's the size of a refrigerator.

Therefore, Li Donglai said in disbelief: "Are you sure that if you destroy this, the colorful wolves won't listen to them?"

"if not?"

"Who are you fooling, it's too small..." Li Donglai said, "If it's really a machine that manipulates colorful wolves, at least it's..."

Just as he was speaking, he saw the colorful wolf in the distance, turned around and stabbed a Barrett star with its claws.

"You controlled?" Li Donglai asked again.

But Zhang San walked towards the outside very chicly, and said: "Let's go, go back..."

"Join Commander Lin and see off our enemies!"

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