blue star

In the huge central control room, countless complicated machines beeped.

Eventually, a lot of thick smoke came out.

Ye Yi stood there, his eyes were a little more unnatural.

Even if he has installed the most top-notch equipment for these central calculators, when Jade Immortal's Gate is activated, he still cannot withstand the terrifying and dense energy data.

A top scientist next to him looked at Ye Yi and asked, "Will it fail?"

Ye Yi said without any hesitation: "Zhu Xian's Gate is irreversible, its appearance is an existence beyond physical science..."

The scientist was stunned. He saw it, and suddenly a computer exploded. Ye Yi walked to the outside of the scientific research room in two or three steps. He looked up at the sky. Through the equipment, he could see a door far away that day...

The closed door received six beams of white light in an instant.

At this moment, on the golden gate, runes flashed quickly, and then surrounded it.

as if...

This door seems to be alive.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were dark, and then above the ocean, the pitch-black water rolled hundreds of meters high, and the strong wind blew...

At this moment, the door slowly opened!

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi shuddered. As his chief researcher, although he studied it on the shoulders of his predecessors.

But most of the research and design were done by him alone.

He looked up into the deep space...

The gate of heaven has been opened, and the immortals and demons will retreat!


"Come again!"

Barrett yelled.

He doesn't believe it.

If not once, then twice.

Today, Blue Star must be destroyed.

However, at the moment when the Manrota device was activated again, all the machines failed almost at the same time.

"Alarm! Alert!"

"A huge energy storm has been detected!"

"Activate the dodge system!"

All the captains were stunned, this was the first time they encountered such a situation. Biqu library

Unexpectedly, the system replied mechanically:

"Can't dodge! Can't dodge!"

The captain was stunned. They used their equipment to look towards Lanxing, just in time to see the gate of Zhuxian open suddenly...

At this moment, as if a flood had opened its gates, huge energy poured towards the sky.

"This is...."

they swallowed


Finally understood.

The power of legend.

This is the power of legendary weapons.

They are desperate and want to control the spaceship to escape.

However, all the systems of their civilization are far beyond manual operation.

If the system can't dodge, they can't dodge either.

Therefore, they could only watch helplessly as that stream of pure white energy poured from above the blue star...

The energy storm surrounded the entire blue star.

The stars also paled at this moment.

Not to mention just three hundred warships!

They can only watch helplessly as the huge energy light hits...

The Manlota device is activated.

They try to resist.

Try to survive.

However, the attack launched by the most powerful Manlota device of their Barrett civilization was instantly disintegrated in front of the white light.

Then, a huge amount of energy slammed into the spaceship.

energy shield

spaceship shell

and people.

Everything, under this ray of light, slowly disappeared.

At this moment, the entire deep space was awakened!

In the distance, Chen An, who stood shoulder to shoulder with Lin Luo, couldn't help but shiver, and murmured:

"What kind of immortal power did Ye Yi research?"


The collapse of adulthood is often in an instant. Biqu library

An emperor who has survived for tens of thousands of years can collapse in an instant.

At the moment when hundreds of battleships disappeared, his legs were numb and he almost fell to the ground.

He is the emperor, and he is still strong.

However, when the uncontrollable fear and despair spread, he already understood.

This war is over.

"Hahahaha, I'm so stupid... so stupid!" He laughed, full of sarcasm in his laughter.

In the past, Barrett could only be a marginal player in that war.

Now, they actually want to destroy the once mighty cosmic dynasty alone.


I am so stupid.

"Your Highness, we..." Hiram said, trying to continue the battle.

"Let's withdraw." Barratt said: "We are not their opponents, only legends can defeat legends..."

Hiram just wanted to turn around and let the system evacuate as quickly as possible...

Before the blue star has surrounded it.


But I saw the communicator shouting: "Report! All the warships stopped flying, and our system seems to be controlled..."

Hearing this, Hiram and Ballett could no longer remain calm.

Outside, a large number of blue star warships and troops surrounded them.

They remembered.

In order to control the empire in the past, Barratt forced to design a master control switch for the spaceship in the dungeon.

Today, the dungeon has fallen.


It will be a matter of time before they find the switch to control the spaceship.


On a huge Yinhe, Lin Luo watched the medical soldiers put Xia Qian on the hospital bed, and Yang Jun next to him came over and said, "Li Donglai is here."

Lin Luo nodded. When he asked Dabai to take Xiao Jinlong to take a bath, Li Donglai came.

"Li Donglai, the task has been completed: Winter!"

"Come and report!"

Li Donglai stepped in front of the door, stood up straight, and said so.

Lin Luo got up and made a military salute. Biqu library

The two put them down, and Yang Jun next to him stepped forward and said, "Okay, you kid, now even I'm hiding it, right..."

"Hahaha." Li Donglai laughed loudly, and said: "Barrett took away all the main force, you don't even know, I'm having fun over there, let me tell you..."

"Get down to business." Lin Luo said.

"Oh." Li Donglai scratched his head.

Lin Luo asked: "The colorful wolf is also controlled by you?"

"We found each other's dungeon, you don't know it, Barrett is too rich, this dungeon is really expensive, not only their top technology, but also about the control of colorful wolves switch..." Li Donglai looked at Lin Luo and said:

"Guess, how did I discover the dungeon?"

"Awesome, Li Donglai, his brain has improved." Yang Jun hugged his shoulder and laughed.

Li Donglai looked at Lin Luo with a bit of complacency, meaning you can guess.

"I can't guess..." Lin Luo said immediately.

"I know you can't guess..." Li Donglai was very proud.

Finally, there is something that you Lin Luo can't guess.

Isn't your brain very smart?

Don't you like to mock those of us who are stupid?

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo said lightly in the next second: "Where is Zhang San? Why didn't he come with you?"


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