The war continues.

It's just that the moment Barrett died, the moment the Jade Immortal Gate opened, the war had already changed.

The originally stalemate battlefield has turned into a unilateral massacre.

Lin Luo sat on the Yinhe, silently looking at the list of soldiers who died on Neptune, feeling very sad in his heart.

It is these people who have minimized casualties.

In every war, people die.

However, this is not something Lin Luo can avoid.

"You have done a good job." Chen An has also experienced this kind of war...

Even worse than this.

He couldn't think of anyone who could do better than Lin Luo.

Lin Luo closed it silently, took a deep breath, and asked, "How long will it take to clean up here?"

"It won't take long. If it is fast, it will be a month. If it is slow, it will be completed in two or three weeks." Chen An said.

Lin Luo stood up and said, "Let Yang Jun lead the army to Barrett first."

Chen An had a meal.

"In addition to preventing them from damaging their technology..." Lin Luo said firmly, "Take everyone under control."

Chen An naturally understood immediately.

Even knowing Barrett and the legendary civilization is very hidden, but in order to avoid accidents, he said:

"I'll do it myself."


Two weeks later, the war in the solar system is basically over.

The Barrett star became a frightened bird, as long as he saw the traces of the Blue star, he would tremble.

They hid in the corners of the planet, and now they have become mouse-like existences.

Lin Luo was not in a hurry, let the army rest and seal off these battlefields.

Anyway, the fate of these people will eventually become the same as the Apocalypse Stars, becoming the existence of sparring partners.

As for him, he is now on Barrett's main star, looking at this prosperous civilization, looking at these...

rich resources.

"Although I heard you said that you are rich, but I didn't expect to be so rich." Lin Luo's smile gradually widened.

With these resources, Blue Star can greatly improve itself.

Li Donglai next to him was sweating, but he also knew that Lin Luo's nature was like this.

Zhang San walked over and said, "This is the control device of the colorful wolf. Their technology is much more advanced than Tian Qixing's control of the third-level giant beast."

"It's not controlled by the device?" Lin Luo asked in surprise.

"It's more like a control method of genetic modification." Zhang San said: "It can also be understood as a kind of control of consciousness."


Zhang San glanced around, Li Donglai said: "Stop, just talk, no need

Controller. "

He is really afraid of Zhang San now, because this man's methods are too dark.

Zhang San sighed, and said: "Compared with my method, it is still a little bit worse, but this destroyed device, to be precise, should also be an extremely top-notch technology..."

Hearing this, Lin Luo frowned and said, "Aren't we at a loss then?"

Zhang San and Li Donglai were taken aback for a moment, and then they said excitedly: "In the situation at that time, we really had no choice but to destroy first, and Ye Yi was not around, how did we know to turn off this control switch."

"That's right. Don't be ignorant of the good and the bad, we've worked hard here, okay?"

Lin Luo sweated, seeing them so excited, they started to swear, and said calmly: "I just said that, and I don't mean to blame you at all." Pen Fun Library

"Really?" Zhang San looked at Lin Luo.

"Really... really not." Lin Luo turned his head away, and then whispered: "Two prodigal sons, what a pity..."


Li Donglai was fine, his ears were not good, Zhang San couldn't hear, and when he heard this, he started to swear again, and Lin Luo also continued to look at other things amidst the swearing.


It took a full week before a detailed list was made.

"...I used to think that Dorenna was very rich, and I even expected them to fight us, but now I think they are poor." Lin Luo said.

"Ah?!" Chen An was boiling water, and when he heard this, his hands trembled, almost scalding his hands.

"Um...just thinking about it." Lin Luo said, "If you think about it, you won't break the law."

"I think it's fake that you want to fight the war, but it's true that you're thinking about their property." Chen An said very seriously. 1

"You misunderstood me." Lin Luo said.

"Fart, I may not think so before, but now I see you clearly." Chen An said.

"Then why can't you see through the Winter Plan? If it weren't for Mr. Yang's insistence, you would have almost come to support Neptune." Lin Luo said.

"That's... that's..." Chen An became anxious, and said, "The ghost knows you made a plan."

Lin Luo just smiled, looked at the list again, and said, "Unfortunately, there are not many records about the connection between Barrett and the legendary civilization, only a few..."

Chen An also looked over, only to see that it said:

Barrett sits on March 6 every five years

After leaving the Emperor's Hall for a period of time, Balet Star will be governed by the eight emperors at the same time.

"Look at this again." Lin Luo pointed to a paragraph of text and said: "It seems that their civilization, apart from colonization, is more supported by the legendary civilization..."

Chen An took a look, nodded in agreement, and said, "I just hope they can't find us."

"No." Lin Luo said: "They can't find it now, but they will find it sooner or later."

Chen An shrank his pupils, looked at Lin Luo, and said, "You don't mean to..."

"I don't like to be passive." Lin Luo said.

Chen An came to his senses and said, "Do you have a plan?"

"I can't even find anyone else, so where is the plan?" Lin Luo said.

"I don't believe it, you must have lied to me." Chen An said, "Tell me, I am as strict as Li Donglai."

"Really not." Lin Luo was speechless, thinking that this person is crazy, no matter how Chen An's status is extremely high, why has it become like this now...

Unexpectedly, Chen An continued: "Forget it, if you don't talk about it, don't talk about it. I'll go dig your drawer myself."

"?" Lin Luo frowned, and said, "Do you know that digging through someone's drawer violates my right to privacy, and I can ask lawyer Zhang to sue you."

Chen An laughed out loud, but at this moment, a sigh of comfort came from outside the door.

The corners of Lin Luo and Chen An's mouths twitched, sweating at the same time.

This three...



dorona star

In the past few months, Mark Carey has had trouble sleeping and eating.

A few months ago, when the war broke out, Mark Carey had already ordered all warships to stop flying.

During this period of time, all communication in the galaxy has almost stopped.

No way, Mark Carey didn't dare to do too many things during this special period.

The more you do, the more mistakes you make.

Especially not long after the war broke out, they detected a powerful energy storm coming from the solar system...

This made him even more fearful and became a bird of fright. Biqu library

Today, he came here again, wanting to see what report the space department has.

"It's been a long time since energy fluctuations have been detected, and the solar system seems to be very peaceful..." the correspondent said.

When Mark Carey heard this, his expression was so sad.

He felt very sorry.

Lin Luo is quite pleasing to his eyes.

"The war should be over! Blue Star..." Mark Carey sighed and said, "It's gone."

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