"Ding! You got 20 million points!"

Lin Luo was very happy to hear the 20 million points, after all, he had devoured the genes of the colorful wolf before.

What Lin Luo got before was the ability to break defense. In fact, the effect is similar to that of seeing through, but the skill of breaking defense is more direct.

To describe it in numerical terms, before Lin Luo used Shattering Void, his explosive power was only 5, but now he can reach the value of 7 after learning Breaking Defense.

"Where is this alien with a legendary civilization?" Lin Luo asked.

Compared with the colorful wolf, Lin Luo paid more attention to this alien talent.

Because this is Lin Luo's first contact with other alien races to obtain the legendary power.

"Still studying." Zhu Yihui said: "The extraction speed of the genetic map in their body is more difficult to extract than the black monster of Mao Xiongguo's geocentric project, and it will take a while."

Lin Luo nodded, not in a hurry.

"I heard that Xiaoyue made a move on Neptune." Zhu Yihui said at this time.

Lin Luo nodded, he recalled it carefully, and told Zhu Yihui.

After listening, Zhu Yihui said at this time: "Have you noticed that some people's genetic abilities are expressed through the eyes."

Lin Luo paused.

"For example, the colorful wolf, its eyes are the key, and Zhang San..." Zhu Yihui said.

"You mean, Xiaoyue's strange eyes are the key?" Lin Luo suddenly realized.

"Yes, I think this guess has a high probability of coming true." Zhu Yihui said.

Lin Luo didn't speak, and thought for a long time, and then Zhu Yihui heard him whispering: "It seems that you need to feed it well, so that it can grow up quickly."

Zhu Yihui was sweating, and heard Lin Luo say again: "As soon as possible, make the genetic reagent about the colorful wolf, and extract the gene of this alien..."

"Yes." Zhu Yihui nodded at attention, looked at Lin Luo's leaving back, and said in a low voice: "It seems that Master Lin is going to make a big move again."



Yang Jun looked back at the tired and happy soldier, and smiled very happily himself.

This scene is a bit weird...

However, if you see the big and small bags on those soldiers, it will not be weird.

Fighting, they must be tired.

However, moving resources, these fighters seem to have been injected with chicken blood.

Let them rest refused.

So they can

In just two months, the main resources of Butler Star were evacuated.

This is only the main resource. If the entire Barrett is to be emptied, I don't know how long it will take.

However, Lin Luo said, try not to stay too long in Barrett.

The first is that the heavenly soldiers have been in combat for a long time, and they are physically and mentally exhausted.

The second is to prevent accidents from happening.

For the current Blue Star, the resources of Butler Star are enough to allow them to make a qualitative leap. At least they will no longer encounter the embarrassment of working hard and only being able to hit the gate of Zhuxian.

At this moment, Chen An next to him was holding a switch in his hand.

As long as it is pressed, the entire Barrett civilization will be destroyed.

"What number is this?" Chen An said suddenly.

When Yang Jun heard this sentence, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It's the third one."

Chen An let out a sigh of relief, and repeated: "The third one."

Yang Jun looked at Chen An's expression, he understood what the other party meant.

The third.

Still not over.


It's just the beginning.

Maybe there will be a fourth, a fifth...

However, Chen An's eyes did not become confused, but became more determined.

Be soft-hearted and won't let the enemy show mercy to you.

Only being strong can make the enemy fearful.

He pressed the switch, turned his head and said, "Let's go, go home!"

And the moment he turned his head, the interstellar sky behind him was all lit up, and everywhere was covered by huge explosion sparks...

Chen An knew that when this area became peaceful again, it would become a cosmic dust.

Maybe a few years later, people will forget that this area once gave birth to a brilliant sixth-level civilization.


"...The above is the whole report about Barrett's move this time." Yang Jun handed both hands to Lin Luo.

When Lin Luo heard the word moving, he was a little speechless, but he didn't correct him, saying, "Good job."

"Unfortunately, some large equipment cannot be moved back." Yang Jun said.

"It's okay, as long as the technology exists, we can create it." Lin Luo said.

Yang Jun nodded.

At the same time, Lin Luo said to Yang Jun: "For a while, the solar system still needs to be vigilant. You work hard and bring the United Army up to guard, and the heavenly soldiers will rest first. If there is a situation,

Report to me as soon as possible. "

"Yes." Yang Jun nodded, seeing Lin Luo writing something at this moment, and said, "You should also take a rest, this is too tiring."

Lin Luo said with a smile: "It's not a big plan, it's just an intention to further strengthen the Heavenly Soldiers."

"Don't be so anxious." Yang Jun said: "Even if the enemy wants to come, it will take at least a few years, and there is no sign yet."

Lin Luo said, "I plan to explore the cave in the center of the earth again."

Hearing this, Yang Jun was taken aback.

"Since this place is related to ancient civilizations, there must be some records about ancient times..." Lin Luo said:

"In the past, Ye Yi got a trace and created Zhu Xian."

"The ancient ancestors were very powerful, and this is also a shortcut for us to become stronger."

Only then did Yang Jun nodded in understanding.

"However, wait for them to rest and inject the colorful wolf gene before going there." Lin Luo said to Yang Jun: "You too, go back and see your home before going to space."

Yang Jun nodded, saluted and walked outside.

And at the moment in space, Zhang San looked at Barrett's Emperor, and said: "This thing is indeed much faster than our Yinhe."

A correspondent walked by and said, "Commander Zhang, the star gate leading to Dorenna has been opened."

"Yes." Zhang San looked at the document in front of him and said calmly, "Let's go."


The Celestial Soldiers next to them activated the flight mode, while on the other side, Dorenna's Emperor Mark Carey led a group of emperors to guard outside the star gate, and everyone felt uneasy.

Just two days ago, Mark Carey finally made up his mind and transferred a large number of Dorena stars to the depths of the universe.

He knew that Barrett's predecessor was a bloody colonial galaxy. If Dorenna really couldn't get rid of his relationship with Blue Star, he would definitely be threatened.

"The construction of the star gate is so fast, it must be Barrett..." Mark Carey thought of the speed of the construction of the star gate, and the hope in his heart was shattered.

At this moment, above the star gate, a golden battleship slowly sailed in.

Mark Carey and Moronado next to him glanced at each other, then knelt on one knee directly on the galaxy platform.

All the emperors in the rear knelt down neatly.

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