"Eh..." Zhang San sweated and said, "After breaking through the third level, in addition to my mental power amplification, there is also a mental chain communication, and a skill that actively launches a mental attack. You don't need to see things with your eyes, This is pediatrics."

"So hanging?" Lin Luo adored.


"Then you don't want your eyes, you can donate them to others." Lin Luo said.

"?" Zhang San's smile froze, and he shouted: "I can't walk with mental strength all day long, can I, are you tired?"

"Do you know Super Saiyan?" Lin Luo said.

"Dragon Ball, I know." Zhang San sat down.

"In order to fight against Cell, Sun Wukong and his son maintained the Saiyan state for a long time to improve themselves. I think you can do the same." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San was stunned, he became interested, and said: "Have you also maintained the state of turning on the gene energy for a long time?"

He was wondering why Lin Luo could become so strong without exercising all day long. On the contrary, Li Donglai worked hard all day, and his strength couldn't keep up with Lin Luo's toes.

"Of course." Lin Luo said directly and affirmatively.

Dabai who was teasing Xiao Jinlong next to him rolled his eyes when he heard this, then covered Xiao Jinlong's ears and left.

Lin Luo can deceive other people by saying this, but he can't deceive this bear.

But Zhang San said: "Come back to business, when did you take the photo?"

"When you enter the center of the earth, it's normal to check in." Lin Luo didn't continue to say more here, and said, "Tell me, what does this look like? It's like a wordless book."

Zhang San pondered for a moment, then said: "Have you heard of the list of gods?"


"...The list of gods, which was jointly drafted and discussed by the heads of the three religions, Jiang Ziya is in charge of the gods, and is used to divide the 365 righteous gods in the eight divisions of the heaven." Lin Luo muttered on his mobile phone, and said: "Of course I Know."

"Is it really okay for you to search thousands of times in front of me?" Zhang San was speechless, but ignored him, and said, "But how can you be sure it's true?"

"These are just some folklore."

Lin Luo was astonished.

He has also thought about this issue. If all the ancient legends are disrupted, then things like the list of gods are indeed a bit strange.

He still said: "It may not necessarily be the list of gods, or it may be a wordless book, which records Hong

What about Huang Gongfa? "

"No." Zhang San said: "Intuition tells me that it is the list of gods, it is a weapon..."

Lin Luo just smiled when he heard this.

In fact, he also had the same intuition, but his preconceived notions made him feel that the list of gods was not a magic weapon.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get it." Lin Luo said, "It's just one step away."

The corner of Zhang San's mouth twitched, and he said, "It's still far away, well, we can't even get close."

"Isn't it just one step away if you get it or not?" Lin Luo said.

"..." Zhang San got up and went straight away, not wanting to talk to this person any more.

What a greedy human being!

And when Zhang San was leaving, Wu Shan and Xu Han came from behind, Lin Luo asked: "What's the situation?"

"When you launched an attack on the center of the earth, abnormal energy was sensed on the moon above Zhuxian's Gate." Wu Shan said and handed Lin Luo a set of data, saying: "This data has been analyzed by Ye Yi, at least it is It is on the same level as the energy storm above Jupiter."

"Jupiter storm?" Lin Luo was puzzled.

Xu Han quickly explained, Lin Luo was a bit surprised, and asked, "Is that the same for that sunken abyss?"


"Is there a monster?"

"Not currently." Xu Han said.

"That's good." Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to go to the monster den anymore.

"It's not good either, Ye Yi said, this energy storm is too strong, it's hard to get in." Xu Han said.

"It's okay, take your time." Lin Luo said, "It's fine if you don't fight monsters."

Wu Shan and Xu Han were taken aback, wondering what happened to Lin Luo inside?

Lin Luo said: "Looking at it this way, the device on the moon should be related to this thing, and there is a possibility that there is a magical weapon hidden on Jupiter..."


Two weeks later, Blue Star was back to normal again.

Lin Luo is not depressed either. Although the hole in the earth's core has not been dug out, Lin Luo has already seen what he wants.

The aura emanating from that heavenly book is definitely a super weapon.

On the sixteenth day, Mark Carey came and was invited by Lin Luo.

Mark Carey was sweating profusely when he entered the door, and Lin Luo asked: "Is it so hot? I remember that the stars in Dorenna seem to have a higher temperature than the sun.


"Stop talking..." Mark Carey sweated, because when he walked in, he saw a group of heavenly soldiers roasting colorful wolves.

This group of blue star people are simply prodigals.

Tier 6 monsters also eat? !

He straightened his face, handed over a device, and said, "Please inquire about what you asked me to inquire about."

Lin Luo took a look at it, and Mark Carey continued: "This galaxy is called Borg Star."

"Borg?!" Lin Luo was surprised, and said, "This name doesn't look like the name of a galaxy."

"It is the name of a god." Mark Carey said: "The God of Mechanics."

Lin Luo was a little more curious.

"Borg possesses powerful technological evolution capabilities. They have combined human bodies and creatures, and have achieved extremely high-intensity evolution..." Mark Carey's eyes became a little more crazy.

"Isn't that an undead mecha?" Lin Luo said.

"No." Mark Carey shook his head and said, "People on this planet are crazy. The creator of their system is Borg. He dissected his whole body, assembled it with technology, and finally put his brain uploaded to the computer database."

"At the same time, he also obtained powerful power, which is comparable to ordinary legendary power."

"He's a ruthless person." Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh.

"What he has mastered is our seventh interstellar circle, which is the communication system of the fringe circle." Mark Carey said: "This galaxy is called a neutral galaxy, and no one will help it."

"How is the strength?"

"They rely on technology to evolve, and their strength is close to the legendary level." Mark Carey said: "This is a special case, and it is also the capital of its so-called neutral galaxy."

Lin Luo asked: "Do you think he has information?"

"At least you can try it." Mark Carey said: "I bought my instant messaging system from his supplier's supplier."

"...it's complicated."

"As long as you understand that people in this galaxy are very good at making money and have no bad intentions, then that's fine." Mark Carey said.

Lin Luo's eyes lit up when he heard Qian, although it only took a moment.

On the contrary, Mark Carey frowned. Could it be that he misread Lin Luo's flickering light just now?

Lin Luo picked up the information on the Borg galaxy and read out the first line:

"Join the glorious evolution!"

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